HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-25TOWN OF M-4CASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Special Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, March 25, 1974. 7:30 p.m. Presents Chairman Member, Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member 11. D. C. Bd. of Ed. Planning Director Secretary Also Present: Pits & Quarries Inspector (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting (2) Resolution No. P-54-74 Councillor - K. En-Wisle Councillor - K. Lyall Councillor - A. D. Wearn Councillor - l•1. D. Allan mayor - G. B. Rickard Mr. R. Hetherington P=ar. H. Hammond 15w. H. Balson Mr. S. J. Lancaster P•1r. D. Moffatt Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. H. C. Dkir Mr. S. Worden 1Rr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best S. Thatcher Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington That the minutes of the regular meeting og March 11, 19749 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" (i) Group Home Operation, Pine Ridge School Mrs. B. A. Field, Assistant Superintendent, Pine Ridge School, addressed the Committee in respect to an application for a zoning by-law amendment which would permit a group home occupation by 10 unrelated persons (i.e. two house parents and eight boys) in an existing dwelling, formerly owned by the Ministry of Government Services and occupied by the Super- intendent. The subject property is now owned by Ontario Housing Corpor- ation and it is proposed to lease same to Viking Group Homes Limited who would operate, on a contractual basis, a Group Home for boys under the supervision of the Ministry of Correctional Services. Mrs. Field's address was supported by a written submission under the heading "Group Home Operation". Special Meeting, March 25, 1974, continued Page 2 lh7 - Geo- Howden, Planning Director, briefly reported on a recent inspection of the subject premises and in summary recommended that the said property be rezoned to permit occupancy by not more than ten un- related persons for as long as the property is used in conjunction with the Ministry of Correctional Services. Resolution No. P-55-74 Moved by D. Noffatt, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee recommend to Council that the application for rezoni- ng, as presentift by Mre. Field, be approved, subject however to final approval by all related agencies. 01CARI= (ii) Licences and Permits to operate Pits and Ouarries „'r. S. Thatcher, Inspector of Pits and Quarries, at the request of Mr. Howden, appeared before the Committee to define the role of the munici- pality in respect of licences to operate pits and quarries as issued by the Minister under the authority of the Pits and Quarries Control Act. Report No. 2, prepared and submitted by Mr. Howden pertaining to the regulations of Pits and Quarries was reviewed by the Committee. Resolution No. P-56-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Hearn, That this Committee recommend that Council concur with the request of the 17 (more or less) operators who have applied to the Minister for a licence to operate a pit or quarry and whose site plans are currently before Council and this Committee. "CARRIED" (iii) Belfran Realty Limited. Pt, lots 13 & 14Concession 2.. Bowmanville Mr. Norman S. Glicksman addressed the Committee regarding a proposed subdivision lying to the south of Jackman's Road and adjoining the flood plain on the east side of Bormanville Creek. His address was accompanied by a written presentation. The proposed subdivision covered a total of 16 acres and comprised some 264 toim houses both single and stacked, on lots with a 30 to 40 foot frontage, swimming pool, community centre etc. Mr. Glicksman stated that his company were prepared to contribute to- wards the capital cost of storm and sanitary sewer installation. Special Meeting, March 25, 19749 continued Page 3 Resolution No. P-57-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by D. Moffatt That this application be held in abeyance until such time as the applicant has obtained approval of his proposed development by Ontario Water Resources Commis - ion, the appropriate Conservation Authorities, I•Zinistry of The Environment and all other concerned Government agencies. Resolution 11o. P-58-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by R. Hetherington That the application, as submitted by 1,1r. Glicksman, be tabled. "CARRIED" (iv) Charter Acres - Lot 29, Concession 4, Clarke Referred to this Committee by Council, Resolution No. C-74-361. Mr. Joseph Stipanik, representing L. J. DeCarlo Eng. Ltd., presented a plan of subdivision covering 100.56 acres in the south half of lot 299 concession 4, Clarke. The plan provided for 39 rural estate lots of 2-a acres in area, serviced by drilled wells, septic tanks , paved roads, storm drainage and street lighting. Engineering tests on soil capability would be made available when required. Resolution No. P-59-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. i+tuir That this proposal bereferred to a planning consultant for a report. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-60-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by R. Hetherington, That the rules of procedure of this Committee be suspended to permit a fifth delegation to be heard. "CARRIED" (v) Bowtoim Court. Pt. of Block 3 on the north side of Kinr, Street, Bowmanville Mr. Freiberg appeared before the Committee with respect to a previously Special Weeting, March 25. 1974. continued Page 4 registered plan of subdivision, No. 701 pertaining to the aforenoted property. He requested the Committee's approval of a revised site plan permitting town houses and a condominium development.. Resolution No. P­61-7LL Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Belson That this Committee recommend that Council approve of the revised site plan and further that Council undertake appropriate action to rescind the previous plan of subdivision. Resolution No. P-62-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by R. Hetherington That Resolution No. P-61-74 be tabled pending an investigation report by a Planning Consultant. Resolution No. P -63-71L Noved by Mayor Riel:ard, seconded by Dr. Roweell That this matter be referred to Municipal Planning Consultants for a comprehensive report. "CARRIED" (3) ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Preservation Sanctuary Club - Pt.. Lot 5, Concession 10, Darlington Brought forward by Resolution No. P-40-74;, to receive and consider report No.l as prepared and submitted by Pir. Howden. Resolution No. P-64-74 Moved by H. Ballon, seconded by H. Hammond That Mr. Howden's recommendation as setforth in item 10 of Report No. 1 be accepted in its entirety. "CARRIED" Jeffrey Construction Ltd.,. pt. Lot 18, Concession 7, Darlington, Hamlet of Enniskillen. Brought forward by Resolution No. P-44-74, to receive and consider report No. 3 as prepared and submitted by Mr. Howden.. Special Meeting, March 25, 1974. continued Page 5 Resolution No. P -65 -Ila Moved by H. Belson, seconded by Dr. Rowsell That this application be tabled pending a report from Regional Authorities relating to their policy in respect to municipal services and whether or not they would be prepared to accept the communal water system as proposed for this subdivision. "CARRIED" I Resolution No. P-66-71. Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by R. Hetherington, That all applications for large scale development in hamlets, relative to the size of the hamlet, be deferred until a definite policy has been established by this committee, "CARRIED" (4) OTHER BUSINESS (i) Rules of Procedure Resolution No. P-67-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor ldearn, (a) That all future meetings of this Committee be held in Hampton Municipal Office. (b) Regular Meetings to be held on the second Monday of each month, commencing at 7030 p.m. A maximum of 4 delegations will be received and will be heard in the same order as their applications are received. (c) Special meetings to be held on the fourth IIonday of each month, commencing at 7030 p.m. Only those persons speaking to items on the agenda will be heard at Special Meetings. (5) A"CARRIED" Dao�m1ENT Meolution No. P-68-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Hammond, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Fleeting adjourned Accordingly at 10040 p.m. Secretary V Chairman