HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-11Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Date: March 11, 1974 Time: 7:30 P.M. Place: Village of Newcastle, Community Hall AGENDA 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting - February 25th, 1974 Item 1 2.. Submissions and Delegations 3. Items Previously Tabled or Not Disposed Of a) Planning Advisory Committee Resolutions P-10-74 Newcastle 6horeline Developments P-11-74 Courtice Dairy Barn P-12-74 Square 100 Developments P-15-74 Vierhout Subdivision P-25-74 Mosport Sunday Racing P-30-74 Preservation Sanctuary Club b) Council Resolutions C-74-130 Milani Subdivision Agreement C-74-201 Licenses for St. Marys Cement and JC Cook: C-74-202 Jeffrey Const. Subdivision C-74-209 Water Lots for Hydto Station C-74-250 Rezoning Application by B & V Greco C-74-251 Deeding of Road Allowance Con. 11,Clarke C-74-253 Construction of Side Rd.. 5,Clsrke C-74-256 Rezoning Application by Milinel Investments C-74-259 Village of Newcastle By-law 73-15 C-74-262 Site for Oshawa Fair C-74-271 Rezoning Application for Hockaday Farm C-74-273 Toronto Street C.N.R. Crossing Letter re Bowmanville Sewage Plant Item 2 Purchase of Land on Coleman Street, Bowmanville Item 3 Rezoning of Newcastle. Golf Course Lands Item 4 Proposed Subdivision - J. Ochonski Item 5 Association of Ontario Housing Authorities Item 6 Viking Houses Proposed Group Home Item 7 Proposed Quary Licenses Tripp Construction & Beatty haulage Item 8 Jeffrey Const. Subdivision - further Reference Item 9 City of Oshawa Zoning_Amendment ..Item 10 4. Other Business a) Mapping and Aerial Photography b) New Official Plan for City of Oshawa c) New By-law for.former Town of Bowmanvilie d) Lot Levies 5. Adjournment Present: Chairman Nember Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.D.C. Bd. of Ed. Planning Director Secretary Absent: Member member (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting TOkAl OF IWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular^ Meeting Community Hall, Newcastle Monday, March 11, 1974, 7:30 P. M. Councillor - K. Entwisle Councillor - K. Lyall Councillor - A. D. I7earn Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Balson Mr. H. C. Muir Dr. H. R. Roweell Mr. S. Worden P,Ir. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor - D. W. Allin Resolution tion Nom P_ _74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Nuir That the minutes of the meeting on February 25, 1974 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" (2) CHAIR101S Report (1) Hr. John L2M had been retained by Council to assist Mr. Hoorden,when necessary, in such matters as studies, reports, recommendations to the Committee etc. (ii) Uznicipal Planning Consultants Ltd. of 400 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto h—aU bedn engage y COM—CIT—to prepare a District Plan for the Town of Newcastle and to assist when necessary in planning matters before Council and this Committee. (iii) i4r. H. R. Best had been assigned by Council as Secretary to the Planning Advisory Committee. Rogmitar Meeting, March 11, 1974, continued (3) Stems D,?oauht Forward Page 2 (i) Iewca�tle Shcreline Developments - Pt. Lot 2$, B.F. Cottcesoion, Newcastle. V:c. Howden reviewed his written report (f 2) wherein the following recommenda- tion was noted.- " S recommend that Council should ask the Minister to further defer action on this arw any other estate residential subdivision which may come forward,until this rrinicina:Uty has had an opportunity to work out an uniform policy on estate _esidential development in consultation with the regional planning authorities". Resolixtion No. P-IAE7k f,:oved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Hammond ^hat thio Committee concurs, with the aforenoted recommendation as set forth in report No. 2 as submitted by Mr. Howden. Highway No. 2 and Varcoe Road, Darlington. rT . Howder_ reviewed his written report No. 1. Cacr.cillor Wearn presented a brief outline of the history pertaining to this application. Dir; D. 2arber, Agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee in sup?ott of this application. Revolution No. P -_3L-74 Moved by Councillor. Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond That this Committee recommend to Council that an appropriate by-law be enacted to implement the application of Mr. R. Stevens. CAP .A TED by a 9 to 0 vote. (iii) Sq»axe 700 Deve?.opment Mr. Howden submitted a verbal report stating that the proposed sub- division had been turned down by the Province as being premature. (1v) V'i_erhout Subdivision Resolution No._PP-38- Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall Regular Meeting, March 11, 197.4, continued Page 3 TFIAT Mr. John Layng consult with our Planning Director, our Town Engineer, the Regional Authorities, Ontario Hydro and the Village of Newcastle P. U: G. to review the capacities of ele:ctri'cal.,, sewage and water services in the former Village of Newcastle, and report to this Committee on s- a) the number of additional lots which 'Could safely be developed under the present systems b) the number of lots likely to be developed on an in -filling basis C) the number and best location of any new subdivision lots which could be released for development at this time. "CARRIED° (v) Mc- I)O,rt Sunday_ Racing Mr. B. Kamm and Mr. fl. Nudes Agents for Mosport Park Ltd. appeared in support of this application. Mr. Kami� addressed the Committee with respect to general activities at Mosport Park and more specifically Sunday racing. Resolution No. P-39-74 Moved by H. Ralson, seconded by Councillor Wearn That item (a) be deleted from resolution No. p-25-74 and Ibbe following inserted in lieu thereof " that the proprietors of Mosport Park Ltd. continue to work with and co-operate with the Durham Region Health Unit to insure that adequate sanitary facilities are provided and maintained at all times within Mosport Park; "CARRIED,! (vi) Preservation Sanetuasy CLUb Resolution No. P-40-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond That this matter be tabled pending submission of a report by Mr. Howden. "CARRIED" (4) CO;iLTCK, US0LuT10NS (i) C -%L-130 Milani Subdivision Aeement Resolution No. P -4i-74 regulax Meeting, March 11,1974, continued Page 4 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor H. Lyall TELT Mr. John Layng consiftlt with our Planning Director, our Town Engineer, the Regional Authorities, Ontario Hydro and the Village of Newcastle P.U.C. to review the capacities of electrical, sewage and water services in the former Village of Newcastle, and report to this Committee on a) the number of additional lots which could safely be developed under the present systems b) the number of lots likely to be developed on an in -filling basis c) the number_ and best location of any new subdivision lots which could be released for development at this time. (I i) C:71i--201 Licences for St.Mary's Cement and J. C. Cook. Rem,olution No. P1;2 -lit Ha od by Councillor [learn, seconded by Dr. Rowsell this Committee concur with the request of St. Mary's Cement Co, in :'eopeot of licencing under the Pits and Quarries Act. Ite.nlu i on No. P-43-74 by H. °alson, seconded by R. Hetherington P-42-74 be tabled pending an comprehensive report by Mr. Y,owden pertaining to the operations of St. Mary's Cement plant and other similar applications. "CARRIED" z ;,__ 7i}- 2rI2 ,7e£frev Construction Subdivision 1•I0ved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Lyall That this 1.iem be tabled. "CARRIED" (iv) C -7L -2a _Nater Lots for Hydro Station Resolution No. P -its -74 m move', by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall 1'':a` 11;:. John Layng study the implications of Ontario Hydro's letter of Rogalar Meeting, March 11,:1974, continued Page 5 January loth 1974 regarding a proposed purchase by Ontario Hydro of a water- front lot in the former Township of Darlington and report his opinions and recommendations to this Committee. "C'MIED° (v):C-7lG-2O R.ezonin Application by B. d V. Greco Resolution No. P -L6 -% Moved by Councillor (-`earn, seconded by H. Muir That this item be tabled. (vi) C-7lis-251yDeeding of road allowance betwoon Concessions one and two, -Dot 8, Clarke, (P. Gilmer property, Hewttonville. Resolution No. P-47-74 Hoved by R. Hetherington, seconded by D. Moffatt That this Committee recommend that Council give a quit -claim deed to IIr. Philip Ullme_^ in respect to the subject road allowance. "CARRIED" (vii ) C0i]TII'DANCE OF HEFTING Resolution Ho. 2-48-74 Noved by H. Hammond, seconded by D. Moffatt That this meeting continue until 10:30 P.M. WIM-71U (viii) Q,-71-253, Construction of sideroad. 5. Clarke Resolution No. P-U-7Lt Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by D. Hoffatt That this item be tabled. '°CARRIED'° (ix) C-114-256 sRezoninp Application by Plilinel Investments Resolution No. P -50-7L: Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Hu r That this item be tabled. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, I;arch 11. 1974, continued Page v (x) C-74-259. Village of Newcastle, By -Lars i1Qp. 73-15 Resolution No. P -51-7h Moved by D. H'offatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall That IFunicipal Planning Consultants Ltd. undertake a review of By-laol No.73- 15 of the Village of 1ewcastle, Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the forme:: Tormship of Darlington and Amendment ITo. 1 to the adopted draft Official Plan of the former Tocroship of Clarce and present their opinions and recommendations for endorsement, amendment or revocation. (5) ImmPiE�TI1TC Resolution 11o. P-52-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Dr. Rousell That the next meeting of this Committee be held in Hampton Municipal Offices at 700 P.H. on Nonday, I'larch 25, 1974. "CARP.II D" (5) ADiOUBIDMET Resolution 116. P-53-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by D. Moffatt That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 1000 P -11 - Secretary Chairman