HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-13Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 13, 2017 - 1 - Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, March 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, , Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo Regrets: Councillor S. Cooke Staff Present: C. Clifford, D. Crome, C. Pellarin, K. Richardson, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers 1 Call to Order Councillor Woo called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business – Introduction There were no new business items added to the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD-042-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of March 13, 2017 be adopted as presented. Carried 4 Declarations of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD-043-17 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on February 21, 2017, be approved. Carried Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 13, 2017 - 2 - 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Modo Bowmanville Towns Limited, Fifty Five Clarington Limited and Devon Daniell (Kaitlin Corporation) Report: PSD-015-17 Anne Taylor Scott, Senior Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. Henry Wildeboer, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. He advised the Committee that he is concerned that this development will have a negative impact on the community. Mr. Wildeboer noted that this development will cause overcrowding, increased traffic, and parking issues in the area. He continued by explaining that he is concerned for the community and the area residents. Mr. Wildeboer asked the Committee to consider what they have learned from the previous similar development on McBride Avenue and asked if any changes have been made for this proposed development. He added that he is concerned that this area will become an undesirable area in the future. Mr. Wildeboer noted that he is concerned with transportation and asked if the extension of Clarington Boulevard will connect to Boswell Drive and continue to Highway 2. He concluded by advising the Committee that he is concerned for the community and the residents and does not want this area of Bowmanville to become “run down”. Enzo Bertucci, Director of Planning, Kaitlin Corporation, spoke to the application. He thanked Staff for the report and organizing the public meetings. He noted that they are in support of the recommendations. Mr. Bertucci noted that the previous delegation was referring to a previous project on McBride Avenue and he explained that this is in a residential roadway. He added that the minimum requirement is for two parking spots which includes one in the garage and a single car driveway. Mr. Bertucci explained that the current application is for a common element condominium and they will have two parking sports per home, with designated visitor parking, and parking will not be permitted on the street. He concluded by explaining that they have been developing in Bowmanville for many years and these developments require architectural and design guideline approvals. Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 13, 2017 - 3 - 8 Delegations 8.1 Patsy Thomas, LCJ Thomas Estates Inc., Regarding Report PSD-017-17, Application by Nathan Thomas to amend the Zoning By law to Facilitate the Creation of Two Additional Single Detached Lots at 6 Mann Street, Bowmanville Patsy Thomas, LCJ Thomas Estates Inc., was present regarding Report PSD 017-17, Application by Nathan Thomas to amend the Zoning By law to Facilitate the Creation of Two Additional Single Detached Lots at 6 Mann Street, Bowmanville. She advised the Committee that many reports and assessments have been submitted and that they support the application. Ms. Thomas explained that they are requesting for the zoning to be changed from agricultural to urban residential. She concluded by offering to answer any questions from the Committee. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There are no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications – Direction 10.1 Scott & Karen Muir – Regarding Report PSD-015-17, Applications by Modo Bowmanville Towns Ltd., Fifty Five Clarington Ltd. and Devon Daniell for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to permit Medium Density (Townhouse) development in the Bowmanville West Town Centre, Bowmanville Resolution #PD-044-17 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Correspondence Item 10.1 from Scott & Karen Muir, regarding Report PSD-015-17, Applications by Modo Bowmanville Towns Ltd., Fifty Five Clarington Ltd. and Devon Daniell for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to permit Medium Density (Townhouse) development in the Bowmanville West Town Centre, Bowmanville , be received; and That Mr. & Mrs. Muir be advised of actions taken. Carried 11 Presentations No Presentations Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 13, 2017 - 4 - 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD-015-17 Applications by Modo Bowmanville Towns Ltd., Fifty Five Clarington Ltd. and Devon Daniell for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to permit Medium Density (Townhouse) development in the Bowmanville West Town Centre, Bowmanville Resolution #PD-045-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report PSD-015-17 be received; That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-C-2016-0001) submitted by Modo Bowmanville Towns Ltd., Fifty Five Clarington Ltd. and Devon Daniell be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-015-17; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application (ZBA 2016-0010) submitted by Modo Bowmanville Towns Ltd., Fifty Five Clarington Ltd., and Devon Daniell for Block 1 lands be approved as contained in Attachment 2 to Report PSD-015-17; That once Blocks 1 and 4 are consolidated into one parcel and all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That should Blocks 1 to 4 be subject to future applications for Common Elements Condominium, no further public meeting be required; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-015-17 and Council’s decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-015-17 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 12.2 PSD-016-17 Renaming Regional Road 57 in Clarington Resolution #PD-046-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD-016-17 be received; That the Region of Durham be requested to rename portions of Regional Road 57 from its southern terminus to the north limit of Clarington as “Bowmanville Boulevard”; Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 13, 2017 - 5 - That should the Region of Durham approve the renaming of Regional Road 57, that the addresses for the properties south of Highway 2/King Street West be renumbered in accordance with Municipal street-numbering policy; and That Council’s resolution and a copy of Report PSD-016-17 be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department. Carried 12.3 PSD-017-17 Application by Nathan Thomas to amend the Zoning By law to Facilitate the Creation of Two Additional Single Detached Lots at 6 Mann Street, Bowmanville Resolution #PD-047-17 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PSD-017-17 be received; That the application for rezoning ZBA2016-0027, submitted by Nathan Thomas be approved and that the Zoning By-law Amendment contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-017-17 be passed; That a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council once all the requirements of the Adopted Clarington Official Plan are satisfied; That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -017-17 and Council’s decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-017-17 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 12.4 PSD-018-17 An Application by 2084165 Ontario Limited and Akero Development Inc. for Low and Medium Density Development 3222 and 3350 Middle Road, Bowmanville Resolution #PD-048-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report PSD-018-17 be received; That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by 2084165 Ontario Limited and Akero Development Inc. to permit a total of six single detached lots on one parcel of land and three single detached lots and one block for a future medium density development on a second parcel of land be supported sub ject to conditions as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD-018-17; Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 13, 2017 - 6 - That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 2084165 Ontario Limited and Akero Development Inc. be approved as contained in Attachment 3 of Report PSD-018-17; That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That should Block 10 of S-C-2016-0003 together with Block 46 of Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-2578 be proposed in the future for a Common Elements Condominium, that no further public meeting be required; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-018-17 and Council’s decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-018-17 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12.5 PSD-020-17 Regulations Regarding Designated Heritage Properties, Property Standards By-law Amendment Resolution #PD-049-17 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report PSD-020-17 be received; That the Property Standards By-law, By-law 2007-070 be amended as outlined in Attachment 1 of Report PSD-020-17; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-020-17 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 13 New Business – Consideration There were no New Business Item to be considered under this Section of the Agenda. 14 Unfinished Business None