HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-04j- -/ September 4/85 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING BOARD Minutes of a regular meeting of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board, held on September 4/85 at Newcastle Community Hall, Newcastle. Chairman Milt Dakin called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.m. Roll Call Milt Dakin Gail Degroot Brian Ferguson Bernie Heming William Humber Lorraine Lover Noel Rivers Andy Tielemans Bill Tomlinson Francine Newton Frank Stapleton Absent: Gordon Robinson Also Present Jan Devantier, Director, Com. Svs. Janet Mayer, Recording Secretary Con. D. Hamre Con. B. Taylor Mayor Rickard J. Winters P. Parrot, Bowmanville Statesman Resolution CSB -276-85 Moved by Frank Stapleton, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT the minutes of the July 3/85 NCSPB meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED Resolution -CSB -277-85 Moved by Gail Degroot, seconded by Lorraine Lover THAT we receive for information, correspondence dated June 30/85 (including financial statement for 1984/85) from the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association - House League Division. CARRIED page 2 of 3 1 September 4/85 Resolution CSB -278-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Frank Stapleton THAT we accept Gail Degroot's resignation, effective December 31/85, with regret. CARRIED Resolution CSB -279-8 Moved by Francine Newton, seconded by Noel Rivers THAT we receive for information CS -15-85 - Status of C.L.O.C.A. plans as relates to the Town of Newcastle. CARRIED Resolution CSB -280-85 Moved by Frank Stapleton, seconded by William Humber THAT we receive for information CS -17-85 - Status Report on Master Plan Recommendations #11, #12 and #13. CARRIED Resolution CSB -281-8 Moved by Gail Degroot, seconded by Brian Ferguson THAT we receive for information CS -18-85 - Status Report on Master Plan Recommendations #26 and #27. CARRIED Resolution CSB -282-85 Moved by Noel Rivers, seconded by Brian Ferguson THAT we receive for information - Five-year Budget - Orono & Newcastle Arena Boards and the Five-year Capital forecast. CARRIED Resolution CSB -283-85 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Bill Tomlinson THAT the Darlington Soccer Field Proposal be received, approved and forwarded to the Hydro Liaison Committee. CARRIED Resolution CSB -284-85 Moved by Bernhard Heming, seconded by Andy Tielemans THAT we approve the Grant Application Workshop arrangements. CARRIED page 3 of 3 September 4/85 Resolution CSB -285-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Gail Degroot THAT a letter of thanks be addressed to the Newcastle Community Hall Board for the use of their facility this evening. CARRIED 1vV u1 V1 14V 41V31 on, seconded by Brian Ferguson THAT we form a standing committee - 3 members, one from each ward - to investigate available grants from other than municipal sources. CARRIED Resolution CSB -287-85 Moved by Lorraine Lover, seconded by Bernhard Heming THAT this meeting be adjourned at 10:15 p.m. CARRIED NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, October 2, 1985 Hampton Hall, Hampton Note - this meeting will start at 7:45 p.m.