HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-05June 5, 1985 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING BOARD Minutes of a regular meeting of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board, held on June 5, 1985 at Solina. Chairman Milt Dakin called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Roll Call Milt Dakin Gail Degroot Brian Ferguson Bernie Heming William Humber Lorraine Lover Noel Rivers Andy Tielemans Bill Tomlinson Francine Newton Frank Stapleton Also Present David S. Johnston, Chief Admin. Officer Joseph Caruana, Deputy Director, Community Services Jan Devantier, Director, Community Services Councillor Bruce Taylor Members of the Solina Hall and Park Boards Janet Mayer, Recording Secretary Resolution CSB -239-85 Moved by B. Tomlinson, seconded by N. Rivers THAT the NCSPB minutes of the May 1, 1985 meeting be accepted with one correction: Francine Newton was absent from that meeting. CARRIED Resolution CSB -240-85 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT the communications be received for information. CARRIED 1 page 2 of 6 June 5, 1985 Resolution CSB -241-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by B. Ferguson Re: Recommendations #4.3, #4.6, #5.3, #5.4, #5.5 THAT 1) the Planning Department be asked through the C.A.O. to provide this Board in writing with all relevant information at the September meeting. The purpose of this request is that this Board cannot fulfill its obligation without the above information 2) the Planning Department update this Board through the C.A.O. on all relevant information on a regular and timely basis in the future. VOTE CALLED CARRIED Resolution CSB -242-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by G. Degroot Re: Recommendation #6 THAT 1) this Board be advised in writing by the C.A.O., of the proposed rotation sequence at its July meeting 2) this Board comply in future with specifics as set out in Paragraph 3 of Recommendation #6; namely that minutes be forwarded to the Clerk's office for inclusion as a report in the subsequent Council meeting. VOTE HELD FOR AMENDMENT CARRIED AS AMENDED Resolution CSB -243-85 - Amendment to Motion Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by L. Lover THAT part 1) of Resolution CSB -242-85 be amended by adding the following "and that the Striking Committee of Newcastle Council be notified of the concerns of the NCSPB regarding the fact that the Board has been one member short since October, 1984". CARRIED Resolution CSB -244-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by A. Tielemans Re: Recommendation #9 THAT minutes of the NCSPB meetings be readily available to the general public and prominently displayed at Town Hall and the Recreation Department. CARRIED I page 3 of 6 June 5, 1985 Resolution CSB -245-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by N. Rivers Re: Recommendations #11. #12. #13 THAT 1) this Board request a status report pertaining to the above to be submitted in writing at our September meeting 2) steps to be taken in the interim in the event that any requirements of the above have not been fulfilled so far. CARRIED Resolution CSB -246-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by B. Tomlinson Re: Recommendations #17, #18, #19 THAT 1) this board request through the Chairman, a five year budget as detailed in Recommendation #17 to be presented at our September meeting 2) the Arena Boards be advised through the Chairman of the reasons for this request; namely those stated in Recommendations #17 and #19. VOTE CALLED CARRIED Resolution CSB -247-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by G. Degroot Re: Recommendations #26 and #27 THAT the Community Services Department through the C.A.O. submit to this Board at its September meeting, written reports as detailed in Recommendations #26 and #27. CARRIED Resolution CSB -248-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by B. Tomlinson Re: Recommendation #51 THAT this Board discuss and modify Recommendation #51 at this meeting to reflect past and future grant policy. VOTE HELD AS PER MOTION TO TABLE TABLED 3 page 4 of 6 June 5, 1985 Resolution CSB -249-85 - Motion to Table Moved by B. Heming, seconded by G. Degroot THAT Resolution CSB -248-85 be tabled until grant policy has been discussed. CARRIED Resolution CSB -250-85 Move y L. Lover, seconded by B. Tomlinson THAT a sub -committee be formed to address Recommendation #54. CARRIED RECORDED NOTE - Sub -committee will consist of Milt Dakin, Chairman and appointees, F. Newton, N. Rivers and F. Stapleton. Resolution CSB -251-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by G. Degroot Re: Recommendation #67 THAT this Board be provided through the C.A.O. with all relevant information re: C.L.O.C.A. plans as outlined in the above recommendation. CARRIED Resolution CSB -252-85 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by F. Newton Re: Recommendations #68 and #69 THAT 1) this Board request all information as detailed in Recommendations #68 and #69 through the C.A.O. to be presented at our September meeting 2) this Board review the financial summaries at the October meeting. CARRIED Resolution CSB -253-85 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by G. Degroot THAT the Chairman write to the Newcastle Village Lions Club re: Recommendation #58. CARRIED Resolution CSB -254-85 Moved by B. Humber, seconded by L. Lover THAT after obtaining the Treasurer's approval of Item 2, the proposed grant application be drawn up in final form for approval by Council. CARRIED 4 page 5 of 6 June 5, 1985 Resolution CSB -255-85 Moved by B. Tomlinson, seconded by B. Humber THAT the update on the Bowmanville Arena Feasibility Study (dated May 31/85 from the Director of Community Services) be received for information. CARRIED Resolution CSB -256-85 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by B. Stapleton THAT the NCSPB Museum Study Update (June 5, 1985) be received for information. CARRIED Resolution CSB -257-85 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT the Soccer Sub -committee Report (dated June 5, 1985) be received for information. 14.1v s RECORDED NOTE - Chairman accepted voluntary resignation (June 5/85) of L. Lover from the Soccer Sub -Committee and appointed A. Tielemans as replacement. Resolution CSB -258-85 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by G. Degroot THAT the meeting be extended until completion of the business at hand. CARRIED Resolution CSB -259-85 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by F. Newton THAT the Town Planner be requested to attend our July 3, 1985 meeting to explain on-going development within the Town of Newcastle as it relates to Recommendation #43. VOTE CALLED CARRIED Resolution CSB -260-85 moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT G. Degroot be appointed as a representative of this Board to the Visual Arts Centre Feasibility Study. CARRIED t page 6 of 6 June 5, 1985 RECORDED NOTE: Verbal request made by Visual Arts Centre - to G. Degroot for representation from this Board, written request from them to follow. Resolution CSB -261-85 Moved by B. Tomlinson, seconded by G. Degroot THAT the August NCSPB meeting be cancelled and the Haydon Hall Board so notified. CARRIED Resolution CSB -262-85 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by F. Newton THAT a letter of thanks be sent the Solina Hall Board for their hospitality, support, and excellent turn -out. CARRIED Resolution CSB -263-85 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Tomlinson THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:40 p.m. CARRIED NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD JULY 3RD, 1985 AT BROWNSDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE, NEWCASTLE ADDITIONAL RECORDED NOTES: 1. Bill Tomlinson addressed the concerns of the Orono Pool. 2. Noel Rivers addressed his concerns regarding Recommendation #43. COURSE/jm BRING FORWARD - NOTES September 1985 Planning Dept. to provide NCSPB with all relevant information as regards Recommendations #4.3, #4.6, #5.3, #5.4 and #5.5. (Res. CSB -241-85) Status Re ort due re: Recommendations #11, #12 and #13. (Res. CSB -245-85 5 -Year Budget - Orono and Newcastle Arena Boards as per Recommendation #17 (& #18?). (Res. CSB -246-85) Report from Community Services re: Recommendations #26 and 27 - Costs/Feasibility - New Programming Ventures. (Res. CSB -247-85) Financial summaries and tables due for Town of Newcastle 5 -Year Forecast as per Recommendations #68 & #69. (Res. CSB -252-85). October 1985 Review updated Financial summaries and tables - Town of Newcastle 5 -Year Capital Forecast Unspecified deadlines Sub -committee report on Recommendation #54 (Res. CSB -250-85) Relevant info - CLOCA as regards Recommendation 67 (Res. CSB -251-85)