HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-02-01 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee February 1, 2017, 6:30 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Shea-Lea Latchford André O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed Jacquie Watchorn Sally Barrie Also Present: Jeannette Whynot – Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Councillor Partner Meeting was called to order at 6:21pm. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Jacqui Watchorn seconded by André O’Bumsawin That the minutes of the meeting of December 7, 2016 be approved. Carried 2. Presentation Jeannette Whynot provided the Committee with an overview of the 2016 Annual Status Update. The Committee reviewed each section and had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the Accessibility Coordinator. Moved by André O’Bumsawin and seconded by Maureen Reed That the Accessibility Advisory Committee endorse the 2016 Annual Status Update Carried Clarington Accessibility - 2 - February 1, 2017 Advisory Committee 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Writing an effective business case At the December 2016 AAC meeting, the Committee requested that the Accessibility Coordinator provide them information on how to write an effective business case. In response to that request, the Accessibility Coordinator presented the Committee with an outline of a business case that would be appropriate for what they wanted to do (explaining the economic benefits of capital investments into accessibility). The business case outline had three sections: Key Information, Background and Return on Investment. Shea-Lea Latchford clarified to the Committee that if this is a project the Committee would like to take on, it will not be led by the Accessibility Coordinator, but rather Committee members will need to volunteer and see this project through. The Accessibility Coordinator added that she would be able to provide guidance through editing and reviewing, but wouldn’t be able to conduct research or compile drafts. Jacqui Watchorn addressed the Committee and expressed her desire to provide businesses with information on how they can pay for accessibility upgrades. Stating that businesses already know they should do it (accessibility renovations), she advised the Committee the problem is that businesses want to know where they can get money to do it, whether it’s municipally, provincially or federally. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that there are currently no municipal grants available specific to accessibility, but reminded Committee members there are ongoing discussions related to if such grants can be made available through the CIP. She further advised that there are no provincial grants that are specific to physical accessibility enhancements, but that occasionally grants come up that include an accessibility component. This is because the AODA does not e xplicitly require businesses to retrofit their premises. The AODA does require organizations to identify and remove barriers. The intention of this requirement is that organizations will figure out what they need to do an d save money in order to do it. Federally, there is a grant that is usually available annually but it is subject to Federal funding and has a short window where applications are accepted. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that in 2016 she advised each BIA and the Clarington Board of Trade about the grant but cannot force businesses to apply. The Committee had a discussion about the different options available: a business case that focuses on the benefits of businesses investing money in accessibility or an information piece that highlights grant opportunities. At the suggestion of the Chair, the Committee mutually agreed to include this on the next meeting agenda for further discussion. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - February 1, 2017 Advisory Committee (b) 2017 Accessibility Award Nominees Shea-Lea Latchford reminded the Committee that the Region of Durham will be asking for nominations for the Durham Region Accessibility Award soon and asked the Committee to start thinking of potential nominees. She challenged the Committee to think of businesses that have never been nominated before. She also brought forward a suggestion from Mayor Foster for the Committee to discuss and consider. It was suggested that the Committee could develop its own accessibility award, separate from the Region’s Award. A small ceremony could take place during a regularly scheduled AAC meeting. Members of Council and local media would also be invited. Shea-Lea Latchford also brought forward a second option, to expand on what the Committee did in 2016. In 2016 the Committee nominated a local business for the Region’s Award and provided each nominee a letter and certificate to recognize their work on accessibility. She suggested that we do the same, but invite all of the nominees to one of the AAC’s meetings for a small presentation. Members of Council and local media would be invited. The Committee discussed the two options and mutually agreed to go with the second option. The Committee felt it would be most beneficial to have a recognition program that recognized the work of as many businesses as possible, instead of just one or two winners. The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that she will book Council Chambers for one of their fall meetings so there is enough space for all of their extra guests. (c) Multi-Year Plan Update The Accessibility Coordinator reminded the Committee that 2017 will see the update of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (MYAP). The Coordinator provided the Committee with a copy of the Town of Whitby’s recently updated plan and the Region of York’s updated plan. In reviewing them, the Committee was advised that they are quite different in style and she was seeking the Committee’s input on what style they would like to see. The Committee agreed that the plan should be specific but still general thereby allowing for changes if necessary. The Accessibility Coordinator also asked the Committee what kind of consultation they would like to see as part of the updated MYAP. The Committee supported the Coordinator’s proposal of an online survey and an in -person consultation as part of the AAC’s regular May 2017 meeting. The Committee asked that both be well advertised. In response, the Coordinator requested that the Committee forward her names of organizations that should be directly contacted for the consultation. Clarington Accessibility - 4 - February 1, 2017 Advisory Committee (d) 2017 Community Festivals Shea-Lea Latchford presented to the Committee a list of community events that the Committee could participate in this year. She encouraged the Committee to attend events across Clarington this year, if possible. After a brief discussion on the events available this year, the Committee mutually agreed that Maple Fest, the Orono Fair, the Newcastle Harvest Festival and Apple Fest would be the best events for the Committee to attend in person. The Accessibility Coordinator reminded the Committee that any events they cannot attend, they could make their information available through the Tourism Office. Shea-Lea Latchford reiterated to the Committee that everyone needs to pitch in and attend these events so the work is fairly distributed as much as possible. Maple Fest planning will occur in future meetings and Committee attendance the fall events will be planned later this year. 4. New Business (a) AAC Goals and Priorities Jacqui Watchorn advised the Committee that she requested this as an agenda item, but felt her concern had been addressed during the discussion of a business plan template. She reiterated that she felt reaching out to businesses and helping them with accessibility upgrades should be the Committee’s priority. Shea-Lea Latchford reminded members that the Comm ittee’s main goal is to advise Council and not necessarily take on activist projects. She directed the Committee to the “Making Accessibility Happen: your guide to serving on a Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee” guidebook. She encouraged everyone to review the resource as it provides an excellent explanation of what the Committee’s core purposes are. The Accessibility Coordinator briefly went over the Committee’s approved work plan. Overall, the Committee is meeting or is on-track to meet the majority of their goals. (b) ServiceOntario Bowmanville Update The Accessibility Coordinator provided the Committee with an overview of the issues related to the recently re-located ServiceOntario location in Bowmanville. Sally Barrie expressed her concern about the lack of accessibility with their new location and shared her recent experience there. The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that she is currently pursuing the issue and will be reaching out to the MPP Tracey MacCharles, who is the Minister responsible for Accessibility and the Minister of Government and Consumer Services. Service Ontario falls within the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. The Accessibility Coordinator will report back to the Committee with updates as they are available. Clarington Accessibility - 5 - February 1, 2017 Advisory Committee (c) National Access Awareness Week Shea-Lea Latchford advised the Committee the National Access Awareness week will be the last week of May/first week of June. She provided an overview of what the Committee did to recognize the week last year: a proclamation and delegation to Council. She suggested that as a minimum the Committee continue those things, but also suggested a flag raising as well. Noting that with the Committee’s newly updated logo, the Committee could order a custom flag for approximately $65.00. Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by Sally Barrie That the Accessibility Coordinator be authorised to order a custom flag with the logo of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Carried 5. Regional Update (a) Regional Updates Deferred until next meeting. (b) Regional AAC Minutes A copy of the November 2016 Regional AAC Minutes were distributed to the Committee for review. 6. Other Business No other business discussed. 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday March 1, 2017 at 6:30 PM. 8. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by Sally Barrie That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 7:57pm. _________________________ Clarington Accessibility - 6 - February 1, 2017 Advisory Committee Chair _________________________ Secretary