HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-10 MinutesNewcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2017 (Not yet approved by board members) In Attendance – Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire – Arena Manager Carol Little - Susan White – Shea-Lea Latchford - Jay Summers – Gary Oliver – Peter Kennedy – Regional Councillor Woo Regrets – Councillor Partner 1. Call to Order – 7:07 P.M. The meeting commenced with a presentation from Mr. Fred Horvath and Mr. Rob Groen from the Municipality Operations Department. They attended our meeting to introduce and review the updated Community Hall Board Procedure Manual. The manual outlines responsibilities for the operation and procedures for the Arena Board to follow. The manual provided to the chair covers 14 procedural policies to be followed by our board members and management of the arena. Following the presentation our members had the opportunity to question the presenters and clarify a number of issues, primarily member responsibilities, health and safety issues and member liability concerns. Mr. Horvath will be providing follow-up to a number of these questions and will also be providing a review of our current rental agreement for user groups. Three (3) categories in the manual require motions of approval and signed acceptance by the chair on behalf of all members. 1) Health & Safety Policy Statement – 2) Workplace Violence Policy – 3) Workplace Harassment Policy. These three policy statements will be reviewed again with all members and motions of acceptance brought forward at a future meeting; within two months – by March of 2017. 2. Adoption of Minutes – Motion # 17- 101 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of Tuesday November 8th, 2016 are accepted as presented. Moved by: Shea-Lea Latchford Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED (2) 3. Arena Manager’s Report – Bryan advised that the minor hockey programs have moved towards the playoffs. Sunday Public Skating was increasing in attendance, as well as our Tuesday morning Parent and Tots and Adult programs. The chair advised: portable signage for the Edward Street Corridor will be in place within a few days to promote these activities - low revenue generating programs but, great community activities for our residents. The Parent and Tots Program is a two (2) hour free program from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon and the Adult Skate Program from 12:00 noon until 2:00 p.m. is at a cost of a Toonie or a donation to the Clarington East Food Bank. Both programs well received by our community. Peter Kennedy requested the free skate program on Tuesday mornings include an invitation to people with autism. Peter will follow-up through his volunteer activity with the Durham Region Autism Association and extend an invitation, Jay S ummers requested we need to follow-up on our plan to install a water filling station – motion # 16-118 of September 13, 2016 had approved a budget of $3,000.00 to purchase and install this unit. Bryan offered to locate an alternate location in the building and have our plumbing contractors price it out for our next meeting. The initial chosen location in the front lobby didn’t have convenient water service or hydro hook-up. 4. Financial Report – An unaudited income statement was provided by the chair for year 2016 showing revenue of $301,659.63 - $9,440.00 below our budget forecast. Payroll and general expenses also fell below forecast and provided a year-end profit unaudited, of approximately $32,176.00. Plans for our 2017 budget forecast are underway and will be completed at our February 14th meeting. 5. New Business – The chair again, solicited nominations for a Vice-Chair of our committee. Carol Little was the only nomination brought forward. Carol respectively declined to accept the position. A discussion took place regarding the current hydro costs and how it will affect our 2017 budget forecast. $8 to $1,200.00 monthly hydro costs were now generating $10,000.00 hydro bills. Delivery charges, global equalization charges and H.S.T. on all these items were bringing forward unmanageable charges. Shea –Lea brought forward an opportunity for our chair to go on camera with Global News. This suggestion was declined and Regional Councillor Woo offered to take up our cause with the Municipal H.R. Department – just to get an opinion and/or their position on the current hydro costs. (3) The chair suggested Clarington Council should be making some noise, similar to the City of Oshawa’s mayor and council, whom have been very vocal in the media about outlandish hydro costs in their facilities. Regional Councillor Woo will provide follow-up to our members. Jay summers had also provided our members with a media release from Mayor Scott McFadden of Cavan Monaghan. His published article pertaining to the hydro invoice for Millbrook Arena indicated actual hydro usage was only 7% of an $11,000.00 monthly bill. Mayor McFadden was seeking support from all municipalities to voice their displeasure to our Provincial Minister of Energy. 6. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn # 17-102 Moved by: Susan White Seconded by: Councillor Woo CARRIED Next meeting Tuesday, February 14th, 2017