HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-24 ReportReport No. 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following is a report of a meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Wednesday, May 24th, 1978 at 7 p.m. in Court Room # 1. The meeting convened at 7 p.m. with the following present: Councillor D. W. Allin, Vice -Chairman, Councillor Robert Dykstra, Member Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Committee Secretary. Also Present, Fire Chief, J. Hayman, Director of Community Services, T.A.Fanning. As there was no quorum present, the members had been authorized by Council to continue with the meeting and make recommendations to Council. The following are the recommendations to Council: 1. That the minutes of flee meeting of May 8, 1978 be approved as read. 2. That the letter from the Social Planning Council re "Information Centre" be received for information and the Director of Community Services investigate the possibility of a trial period using the Community Services Offices and report back. 3. That Ken Gilmer be authorized to cut the grass at the Newtonville Cenotaph and the adjoining piece of property at $6.00 per cut. 4. That Decoration Day be June 25, 1978 at Bowmanville Cemetery and at Bond Head Cemetery in the Village of Newcastle. 5. The Director of Community Services was .authorized to purchase 4 super commercial Lawnboy Mowers at the lowest quoted price, after checking with Brock's in Por^4nviile for a price on the same machine. 6. The matter of Marine Rescue was referred to the Finance and Administration Committee. 7. The following names are recommended to Council as replacements to the Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Station dig, Village of Newcastle, subject to a medical fitness certificate and a 6 months probation period: Ted Brady, Donald Oke, Gary Woodcock, Roger E. Peel. 8. It was recommended to Council that the resignation of Dick Biersteker as Captain of the Fire Station dd2, be accepted with regret and he be thanked for his 101 years of service and an appropriate recognition be presented to him. 9. It was recommended to Council that the resignation of. Everett Jenkins from the Newcastle Fire Hall dd2, be accepted with regret and he be thanked for his past service. 10. That it be recommended to Council that Eric Paterson be a replacement at Fire Hall d13, Orono, subject to a medical certificate and a 6 months probation period. - 2 - 11. The matter of the installation of a cable to Hall #2, Village of Newcastle by Bell Canada for the Fire Alarm Panels, was referred to the Town Manager to contact Bell Canada and report back. 12. That The Fire Chief be authorized to have Pine Ridge Towers & Communications Ltd, instal a new transmission line on the water tower in Bowmanville for the Fire Department, at a cost of $785.00. The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. Respectfully submitted D. W. Allin, Vice -Chairman