HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-10-10Repairs to THAT the matter be referred to the Director of Community Soper Creek Services to bring back to the Committee an estimate of the Park. cost of the improvements suggested at Soper Creek Park. "CARRIED" Courtice The following representatives of the Northumberland and Tennis Newcastle School Board were present to discuss the Courts. proposed construction of tennis courts at the Courtice High School: Mr. Sid Worden and Mr. Emmett Creighton, Trustees, Mr.. A. Thompson, Vice -Chairman, Glen Holmes, Superintendent of Plant, Sohn Gowi.ng, Area Superintendent. TOWN OF NEWCAS'11 ------r Community Services Committee October 1.0, 1978 Minutes of a meeting of the Cditmrtunity Services Committee held on Tuesday, October 10, 1978,.at 1:15 p.m, in the Bell Building Cormui.ttee Room. Roll Call Present were: Councillor lf�Yed Gray, Chairman Councillor. D. 1411Q Allin, Member. Councillor 2t. Dykstra, Member Mayor G. B. ]Rickard, Member from 1:40 p.m. to 2 p.m. Deputy Clerk,jC. Gray, Colmnittee. Secretary Absent: Councillor `�. 1. Holliday, Member Also Present: I. A. Panning, Director of Community Services ,�°,•• A.C.W. Guiter', Town Manager, from .1:30 p.m, Resolution #CS -244-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconclq "by Con. Dykstra doptionTHA'1 the minutes of the meetin4 of September 25, 1978 f Minutes be adopted as read, ai 1 "CARRIED" Bowmanvill.e Mr. E. V. Dadson, Mr. D. Colcgeland Mr. G. Brooks were Baseball l� present representing the Bowmanvi�. lle Baseball Association, Association regarding repairs to Soper Creek Park, as outlined in their letter to the Committee dateAketober 2, 1978. Resolution TICS -245-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Dykstra Repairs to THAT the matter be referred to the Director of Community Soper Creek Services to bring back to the Committee an estimate of the Park. cost of the improvements suggested at Soper Creek Park. "CARRIED" Courtice The following representatives of the Northumberland and Tennis Newcastle School Board were present to discuss the Courts. proposed construction of tennis courts at the Courtice High School: Mr. Sid Worden and Mr. Emmett Creighton, Trustees, Mr.. A. Thompson, Vice -Chairman, Glen Holmes, Superintendent of Plant, Sohn Gowi.ng, Area Superintendent. Community Services Committee - 2 - October 10, 1978 I Resolution TICS -246-78 r Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con.. Allin. , THAT it be recommended to Codicil that the necessary agreement between the Schoof�Bda_r.d and the Town be drawn up regarding construction of Tennis Court;; at the Courtice High School. "CARRIED" Resolution CICS -247-.78 � C Moved by Con. A.11in, secondee} by Con. Dykstra THAT the following names ds submitted by Mayor Rickard be recommended to Council As'aiBoar.d for the Orono Town Hall and that they be �Avi,ted to the next meeting of the Community Services Co#imi�ttee to discuss fee structuress r a Orono Ron Hadle}�,. (CiAspien Town Hall Mrs.Ron Hadley; �Kirynettes Board Larry Pooler, layress Sterling MatheAdabber of Commerce Carlos Tambiyn:,Senior Citizens. Q "CARRIED" Resolution CICS -248-78 Mbved by Con. Dykstra, selonc$e-d''by Con. Alli.n Penalties THAT the recommendation c.ont6iWed in the Director's recreation report dated October 3r_d, 19,78 that Resolution registrations TICS -224-18 be taken off the �,ommun.ity Services Agenda for 1978 and dealt with in '1979' under the new Budget br,endorsed. (Penalties A Recreation Registrations). : 4 "CARRIED" Re -solution TICS -249-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconde', by Con. Dykstra Clourtice THAT the minutes of the Site, eeting regarding Courtice j�Fire Hall F>'�re Hall, October 4, 1978, e received for information. V;ite Meeting , . "CARRIED" n , Community Services Committee - 3 - October. 10, 1978 k Resolution TICS -250-78 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded jfy Con. Allin Chimney THAT the Tyrone Orange Lodge Hall Board be advised Tryone that the Municipality must apply for Community Centres Orange Grants before a project is commenced and therefore Lodge Hall no grant is available on the $600, spent by the Board on a new Chimney. P }a, i i Adjournment "CARRIED" Resolution TICS -251-78 Moved by Con. Dykstra, seconded by Con. Alli.n THAT the meeting adjourn at 2:35 p.m. "CARRIED"