HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/30/1983 (Special) TOW N 0 F NEW CAS T L E . General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes of a Special Meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, held on Monday, May 30th 1983, at 7:00 p.m., in Court Room #1, for the purpose of considering Staff Report PD-74-83. May 30th 1983 Roll Call Present Were: Councillor D. Hamre, Chairman Councillor A. Cowman, Member Councillor I. M. Hobbs, Member Councillor M. Hubbard, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Deputy Clerk, Gertrude Gray Absent Were: Councillor K. Barr, due to illness Councillor R. Bruce, Taylor, previous commitment Also Present: Chief Administrative, D. N. Smith Director of Planning, T. T. Edwards Long Term Planner, J. Szwarz Director of Public Works, R. Dupuis Resolution #GPA-474-83 . Delegations Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the delegations listed on the Agenda be heard. "CARRIED" Committee of Clarke Constituents Mrs. Vickery and Ms. Brannan for the Committee of Clarke Constituents were not present at this time. Mr. Norm Groot Mr. Norm Groot, a resident of the 4th Line in former Clarke Township, spoke of the increasing traffic of trucks to the dump site. He expressed concern for future generations if other methods of disposing of wastes were not found. He felt that more waste could be recycled. He objected to the proposed rezoning to permit the expansion of the Regional Reclaimers Landfill Site and said the land should remain agricultural. Resolution #GPA-475-83 . Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Committee continue to hear delegations in the order in which they are listed on the Agenda. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes - 2 - May 30, 1983 Mr. Jack Locke Mr. Jack Locke presented the following petition containing approximately 2,400 signatures. "We the undersigned support Regional Reclaimers Ltd., not to be closed down and support them on all aspects of their landfill and we wish to have it open for our use as the public." He stated that in the present industrialized society, there is a need for facilities such as the landfill site, and supported the proposed zoning amendment. . Mr. Tom Rehder Mr. Tom Rehder, President of the Bowmanville Foundary Co. Ltd., spoke in support of the rezoning. He said that his company had used its own landfill site. They now have 5 tons per day of waste material which is picked up by Regional Reclaimers at half the cost of disposalat the Municipal Site. He felt that the Ministry of the Environment was going overboard relative to government inspections. Mr. Paul Ril ey Mr. Paul Riley, the owner of a 100 acre farm told Committee that he had been dumping his garbage next to a stream on his own property. He now disposes of his garbage at Regional Reclaimers to avoid polluting the stream. He felt that if the site is closed, the average farmer will have a dump on his property. He stated that, after extensive testing, there was no evidence of the landfill site polluting wells in the Newtonville Area. He felt it was a well-run operation. Mr. Brian Beatty, of Morrison Beatty Ltd. Consultants to Regional Reclaimers Ltd., stated that his firm had done preliminary testing in 1975, and had found no impact from the landfill site on Graham Creek or the surrounding water supplies. They had presented annual reports since that time. In 1979, it was indicated that the site was filling up and Major expansion was required. A detailed study of all of the property, 400 acres, was done, to find a site suitable to the Ministry of the Environment. Since 1979, studies have been conducted and there has been ongoing dialogue with the Ministry. In November of 1982, an application was submitted with a report, supporting documents and the area was identified. He had done investigations for up to 200 prior sites and was confident that this site chosen was among the top sites relative to suitability and the impact on the environment. His studies showed that there was no impact on private water supplies, or Graham Creek. On questioning he submitted that he was an expert in the field of hydrogeology and there were 100 acres in the rezoning area. . Mr. Brian Beatty Dr. Bruce Brown Dr. Bruce Brown, Bruce Brown Associates Ltd., an expert in the field of contaminate geochemistry, told Committee that in his opinion, this was a very good site locationally, as it was relatively isolated. He felt the matters within the realm of control of the Town had been handled well in the Staff Report. . G.P.A. Minutes - 3 - May 30, 1983 Dr. Bruce Brown . If the Ministry of the Environment finds the site suitable for a landfill site, the Town must deal with the obvious associated problems. He agreed with the report with the exception of the recommendation that the rezoning and Official Plan Amendment are premature. He said that in the matter of the Consolidated Hearing for the Oxford Landfill Site, he had acted for the Municipality which came to the assistance of local citizens. Mr. John Sikma Mr. John Sikma, representing the East Central Christian Farmers Association, a local association of The Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario, expressed the following concerns relative to the proposed expansion of the landfill site: 1. The use of prime foodland for the site; 2. The appropriateness of the location of the site; 3. The necessity of the expansion; 4. The need to recycle waste materials; 5. Contamination of leachate into Graham Creek. Mrs. Wanda Ball Based on these concerns, the Association considers the By-law and Official Plan Amendments, premature. Mrs. Wanda Ball, for the Newcastle Environment Watchers spoke to the merits of recycling and suggested that Council adopt recycling or other productive rather than destructive form of waste disposal. . Mrs. Sheila Ashton Mrs. Sheila Ashton, Commissioner, on behalf of the Oshawa Division for Girl Guides of Canada, formally protested the proposed rezoning for the expansion of the Landfill Site, for reasons of Health and Safety; wild animals and rats; heavy trucks travelling at high speed; drainage from the site into the creek. The 10 acre camp site is located on the north side of the creek, adjacent to the Landfi 11 Site. Mr. Art Reinstra Mr. Art Reinstra, a businessman, expressed concerns for upwards of 30 employees of Regional Reclaimers. He stated that expansion of the site would probably result in an increase in the number of employees. He supported the applications with the problems of access, environment, etc., addressed. Resolution #GPA-476-83 . Recess Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT there be a 10 minute recess. (Time 8:50 p.m. 1 "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes - 4 - May 30, 1983 . Mr. Roy Williams was not present. Mr. Terry Wheaton Mr. Terry Wheaton, spoke on behalf of approximately 100 truck drivers using the Regional Reclaimers Site. He said that their jobs are on the line, and they support the rezoning. Mr. McLaughlin Mr. McLaughlin asked Mr. Neil Allin to speak on behalf of the Members and Directors of the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture. The Federation had concerns relative to the use of Class I, II and III Agricultural Land being used for landfill which contradicted the Foodland Guidelines endorsed by Town of Newcastle Council on February 1, 1978; the possible devaluation of other agricultural lands in the immediate vicinity; the danger to neighbouring farm operations of truck traffic to the site; additional costs to the Town and the Region for additional construction and maintenance of roads; controls on the dumping of refuse from outside municipalities; the development of alternate waste disposal methods; leaching of ground water into neighbouring water supplies, and the effect on the quality of life of local residents. Resolution #GPA-477-83 . Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Mr. Hassard be the last speaker on the Agenda. "LOST" Mr. Dick Hassard Mr. Dick Hassard, Solicitor for Regional Reclaimers, told Committee that he is acting for them in the matter. He stated that he had no argument with recycling, but there would always be a residue to go to landfill sites. He did not agree that all of the land to be used for expansion was prime agricultural land. He advised that sites could be restored and re-used after they had been filled. He felt the people most affected were not opposed to the rezoning, but mostly to the truck traffic. A revised truck route would provide a minimum impact. Other traffic to the site was caused by trucks owned and operated by the Region of Durham, General Motors, and the Town of Newcastle. Regional studies had shown the site was environmentally sound. . The Ministry of the Environment will not proceed with an application until the Town has indicated what it will do with the site. He suggested that a Joint Board under the Consolidated Hearing Act be undertaken to present all information to one forum. His clients were asking for a decision from Council in this matter. G.P.A. Minutes - 5 - May 30, 1983 . Mrs. Pat Vickery Mrs. Pat Vickery, representing the Committee of Clarke Constituents for the Environment, presented objections to the rezoning for the following reasons; the agricultural zoning of the land; Graham Creek and other streams through the property; the designation of parts of the land as floodplain, and the existance of alternate sites within the Regi on. Mr. John Veldhuis Ms. Gina Brannan, the Solicitor for the Committee of Clarke Constituents Inc., suggested that the property was not an appropriate site for landfill. She asked that if Committee cannot recommend to Council that the rezoning be denied, they table the report until more information is available. The Solicitor for Regional Reclaimers can take the matter before the Ontario Municipal Board. She stated that Metro Toronto had just purchased a 245 acre landfill site in Maple with a life expectancy of 20 years. This would free up sites in Pickering and Ajax. This purchase could affect the need for the expansion of this site. Mr. John Veldhuis, representing S.E.A.P., a group of residents from the area spoke to the preservation of productive farmland. He stated that the Ontario Government had published Foodland Guidelines, which had been endorsed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle. He objected to the use of this land for disposal of nuclear waste or garbage when alternatives such as used-up gravel pits are available. He suggested Council make an effort to protect its heritage. . Resolution #GPA-478-83 Recess Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT there be a 10 minute recess. (Time 10:15 p.m.l "CARRIED" Resolution #GPAc479-83 Report PD-74-83 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Report PD-74-83 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-74-83 be received; and 2. That the applications for Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning submitted by Regional Reclaimers Limited et al for an expanded waste disposal facil ity on Part Lots 11 and 12, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, not be approved at this time as they are considered premature pending: (al an environmental assessment pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act and a detailed public scrutiny in the form of a public hearing; . G. P .A. Mi nutes - 6 - May 30, 1983 . (bl the execution of a satisfactory agreement between Regional Reclaimers Limited and the Regional Municipality of Durham regarding the designation as a Regional Road and construction of alternative truck route 1 as identified in the report "Truck Routing to the Regional Reclaimers Landfill Site in the Town of Newcastle" by H. Mooij & Associates Ltd., 1982, being a route having truck traffic arriving via Highway 401, and exiting by an interchange onto the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Geographic Township of Clarke as well as a portion of the road allowance between Concession 3, and 4, Clarke, east from the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, to the entrance of the site; (c) the execution of a satisfactory agreement between Regional Reclaimers Limited et al and the Town of Newcastle regarding the development of the expanded sanitary landfill site; . (d) the passing of a by-law by the Council of the Town of Newcastle restricting heavy truck traffic on Town roads in the vicinity of the Regional Reclaimers Limited landfill site; and (e) the receipt of satisfactory assurances from the Ministry of the Environment that the Ministry will enforce the conditions of a Provisional Certificate or Certificate of Approval issued to Regi ona 1 Rec 1 a i mers Li mited; 3. That Council strongly recommend to the appropriate authorities that a Consolidated Hearing, pursuant to the Consolidated Hearings Act, be convened in respect of the applications submitted by Regional Reclaimers Limited et al for a Certificate of approval, official plan amendment, and rezoning; 4. That the Town of Newcastle staff and the Town Solicitor be instructed to represent the Town of Newcastle at any Hearing held with respect to the subject applications; and 5. That Town of Newcastle staff be authorized to submit this report and the attached by-law and agreement to the Board presiding over the Hearing as the Town's recommended position. Chairman Hamre asked Councillor Hobbs to Chair the meeting so that she might speak to the Report. After speaking, she resumed the Chair. . On being put to a vote, Resolution #GPA-479-83 was "CARRIED" ~ G.P.A. Minutes - 7 - May 30, 1983 Resolution #GPA-480-83 . Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the delegations be acknowledged and the various questions and comments brought before Committee by other than retained professionals be addressed and responded to where possible. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-481-83 Adjournment Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:20 p.m. "CARRIED . . '.' TOW N 0 F NEW CAS T L E !2,p<d * I I - . General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes of a Special meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Friday, April 29 1983 at 9:30 a.m. in Court Room #2 April 29, 1983 Ro 11 Ca 11 Present were: Councillor D. Hamre, Chairman Councillor K. Barr, Member Councillor I. M. Hobbs, Member Councillor Marie Hubbard, Member Councillor R. Bruce Taylor, Member Mayor G.B. Rickard, Member, at 9:40 a.m. Deputy Clerk, G. Gray Absent: Councillor Ann Cowman, Member Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. Smith Town Clerk, D.W. Oakes Treasurer, K. Campbell Director of Community Services, T.A. Fanning Deputy Di rector of Communi ty Servi ces, J. Caruana Fire Chief, J. Hayman Director of Public Works, R. Dupuis . Resolution #GPA-373-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor 0) THAT the five (5) year Capital Budget be approved. LUU~ cD _.~ "CARRIED AS AMfNDE~:"",,'J07\;t; " Resolution #GPA-374-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs l u) THAT the Public Works 1984 Capital Forecast be amended by adding: "Signing of Cobbledick Road Railway Crossing - Gross Expenditure $135,000. - Financing "Other"" "CARRIED" Mayor Rickard declared a Conflict of Interest in the previous resolution because of servicing which will pass property in which he has an interest, and refrained from discussion and voting. . . . . G:P.A. Minutes ~ - 2 - April 29, 1983 Resolution #GPA-375-83 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the Fire Department 1984 Capital Forecast be amended as follows: Project #1 - Land for proposed Fire Station - "Enniski11en" be changed to "Northern area of Ward 1" "LOST" Resolution #GPA-376-83 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Community Services 1984 Capital Forecast be amended (.b) by changing the financing of Bowmanville Memorial Arena from "Debentures" to "Other" - $2,625,000. ( i) ( d) (.J) "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-377-83 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT moneys for preliminary engineering be kept in the 1984 Capital Forecast and the balance of the cost of construction of Bowmanville Memorial Arena be deferred to 1 985 . "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-378-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the Capital Budget for cemeteries be amended and a cairn be established and provision made for the care and maintenance of Burk Cemetery presently located at the Darlington Hydro site and funds be requisitioned from Ontari,o itiydrq. . "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-379-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the replacement of the roof of the Police and Fire Building - $25,000. - be added to the 1984 Capital -Budget. "CARRIED" . . . G.P .A. Mi nutes (1) l)) - 3 - Apri 1 29, 1983 Resolution #GPA-380-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor ./ THAT there be a ten mi nute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-381-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT $20,000. be added to the 1984 Capital Forecast for Engineering studies for the servicing of industrial 1 ands on Ceme te ry Road. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-382-83 vi Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT Council draw down $5,000. in 1983 from the Industrial Reserve to initiate engineering costs for the servicing of industrial lands on Cemetery Road. "LOST" Resolution #GPA-383-83 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT a vote of appreciation be given to the staff for the manner in which the Capital Forecast was brought forward for discussion purposes. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-384-83 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the matter of an advertisement in the Canadian (.;ci Statesman be left to Mayor Rickard and Councillor ~:~ Hubbard regarding the 125th Anniversary of Bowmanville. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-385-83 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:15 p.m. "CARRIED"