HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1984 . ~. General Roll Call . '- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE purpose and Administration Committee December 17, 1984. Minutes of a Meeting of the General Purpose & Administration Committee, held on December 17, 1984, at 9:30 a.m., in courtRoom #2. Present Were: Counci !lor D. Hamre, Chairman.- Councillor A. Cowman, Member Councillor I. M. Hobbs, Member Councillor M. Hubbard, Member Councillor R. B. Taylor, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Absent: Councillor E.R. Woodyard due to illness Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. Johnston Town Clerk, D. W. Oakes Director of Planning, T. T. Edwards Director of Public Works, R. Dupuis Treasurer, K. Campbell at 1:30 p.m. Director of Community Services, T. A. Fanning Fire Chief, J. Aldridge Zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lot 32, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington (Veltri & Son) The Chairman announced the purpose of the Public Meeting: As required under Section 34 of The Planning Act 1983, Council is holding a Public Meeting on the proposed rezoning for Part of Lot 32, Concession 2, in the former Township of Darlington, before either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment appl ication. He then asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak to the application. Before hearing from anyone wishing to speak to the' application, he asked the Clerk to advise on the manner in which notice was given. The Clerk advised, that notice was sent by prepaid mail on the 16th day of November 1984, to all owners of lands within 12D metres of the subject property; that the names had been obtained from the last assessment roll; and that a sign had also been posted on the property. Finally, he indicated that all of the necessary procedures had been followed. G.P.A. Minutes - 2 - December 17, 1984 Public Meeting (Veltri & Son) The Director of Planning described briefly the Purpose and Effect of the proposed by-law. The by-law, if approved, would change the zone category of a D.13 hectare (0.32 acres) parcel of land located in Part of Lot 32, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington from "R1-4-Urban Residential Type One" to "EP_Environmental Protection", which would provide restrictions/controls as to any development within the valley lands of the tributary of the Farewell Creek. The Chairman advised, that should any person wish to address the Committee respecting the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the proposed by-law, they direct their comments through the Chair. . Further, the Chairman directed that persons wishing notice of the passage of the by-law, leave their name and address with the Clerk. Delegations No one being present to speak to the application, this portion of the meeting was declared closed. Mr. Rick Clow and Mr. Steve Laforest of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority presented the DRAFT of the Long Sault Conservation Area Master Plan Report to Members of the Commi ttee. . They advised the Committee and the members of the public present, that the document was a first public draft and would be subjected to review by a number of reporting agencies and municipal bodies. As well, they would encourage the public to review the document and provide written comments on the draft plan to the Authority. At the conclusion of the presentation, a number of persons indicated that they wished to address the Committee with respect to the draft plan proposal. The following persons addressed the Committee: 1. Mrs. Judy Metcalfe, R. R. 5. Bowmanville. She asked why the Authority would not permit horses to be ridden in the Conservation Area. Mr. Clow replied that Authority regulations prohibited the riding of horses in the area except by special permission. He said that horses were found to be detrimental in an environmentally sensitive area. However, residents might ask that horseback riding be considered as a new/permitted use. Mrs. Metcalfe then asked the Committee to recommend that horseback riding be made a permitted use during summer months only. . G.P.A. Minutes - 3 - December 17, 1984 Delegations 2. Mr. Peter Craig, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. He asked the CommIttee why the ConservatIon Authority was proceeding with this plan, when they had not yet completed the Hampton project. As well, he asked that hunting be discontinued in the Conservation Area, as it was dangerous to residents, their families and animals who lived on the properties bordering the area. 3. Mr. Mike Haskins, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. He advised_ the Committee, that he had just lived on his property since July of 1984, that he was happy with the area, but that C.L.O.C.A. ought to discontinue their hunting program. He also indicated that hunters disregarded the boundary fences and when he complained to the Authority he was unable to obtain a satisfactory resolution of the problem. . . 4. Kav Butterv. R. R. 1. Bowmanville. She noted, that the Authority proposed to establish a sawing operation and presumably to use the mill on her property. Mrs. Buttery advised, that if that was the case, the Authority was too late as the mill had been sold to the Jamacian Government. Mrs. Buttery also indicated, that the Authority had not contacted her about the property, she wasn't interested in selling and wanted to be left alone. 5. Mr. Douolas Farr. Toronto. He advised that he owned property south of Buttery's. He wanted to know the Authority's long term plan for the area, as he wanted to build a retirement home on the land. 6. Mrs. Betty Roth. Her concern was with respect to the condition of the lands under the control of the Authority. Hiking she said had become impossible as the paths were overgrown with poison ivy and hunters made the area extremely dangerous to hikers. 7. Mrs. Helen Shankland. She indicated, that her family was opposed to the use of the area for hunting, that members of her family had been forced to take cover on a number of occasions. Mrs. Shankland had asked that C.L.O.C.A. do something, but had not had any success. 8. Helen Terry. As of this date, she advised that there had been no conversation by C.L.O.C.A. with any of the affected property owners. The Authority proposal was new to them and there ought to have been contact. Also, she indicated that hunters were causing problems and had become increasingly irresponsible in their use/abuse of the area. . -~ G.P.A. Minutes Delegations . . Access over Road Allowance Long Sault Master Plan Presentation 60.87.104. . - 4 - December 17, 1984 9. Emerson Salter, Jasmine Street, Oshawa. He advised the CommIttee that he was ChaIrman of a cross-country ski club and that his club worked with the Authority in preparing trails. He also stated, that his club would continue to work with the Authority so that the cost of operation could be kept down and hopefully more areas could be opened up for recreation purposes. His club was opposed to hunting and had submitted briefs to the Authority stating their position. 10. Mr. Sid Greenslade, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. He advised, that full use is not made of the area by the public. Mr. Greenslade indicated, that he was opposed to hunting in the area and recounted his experience with hunters which resulted in a pheasant being shot about three feet from where his children were playing. 11. Mrs. Elizabeth Craig, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. She advised the Committee that her family had owned the land for 29 years and that in recent years, two meetings with C.L.O.C.A. had not resulted in the resolution of any problems. She asked Committee to request the Authority to stop the hunting as they were creating serious problems for area residents. It was her opinion that the Authority should not be thinking of acquiring more land as they weren't able to look after what they had. Mr. Walter Hengstberger, P.O. Box 545, Oshawa, Ontario, addressed the Committee and requested, that the matter of his delegation and the Public Works Department Report WD-86-84 dealing with the issue be tabled until the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of January 7th 1985. Resolution #GPA-1080-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Agenda be altered and the presentation respecting the Long Sault Conservation Area and the comments made by other delegations be dealt with at this time. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1081-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Draft Long Sault Conservation Area Master Plan presented by C.L.O.C.A. representatives, and the comments made by persons appearing as delegations be referred to staff for review; AND THAT a report with recommendations be prepared for consideration by the General Purpose and Administration Committee in the new year. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" G.P.A. Minutes . Recess Planning Reports Extension of Draft . Approval Oakland Developments Limi ted 60.46.119. . - 5 - December 17, 1984 Resolution #GPA-1082-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the previous resolution be amended; AND THAT special consideration be given to the request that hunting be discontinued within the conservation area; AND THAT staff also look at the possibility of having horseback riding as a permitted use in specific areas of the conservation area. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l083-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting recess until 1:00 p.m. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 1:DO p.m. Resolution #GPA-l084-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report PD-194-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-194-84 be received; and 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-24D02 for a further one (1) year period to January 26, 1986"; and 3. That the request in Recommendation No.2 above, be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that Mr. Jeffrey of Oakland Developments be so advised. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . Extension of Draft Approval - Burketon Hi lIs 60.46.107. Extension of Draft Approval- Penwest Developments Ltd. .60.46.109. Extension of Draft Approval - Remlark Holdings Limited 60.46.179. . - 6 - December 17, 1984 Resolution #GPA-l085-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the recommendations in Report PD-195-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-195-84 be received; and 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: "The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-75362 for a further one (1) year period to Janua ry 23, 1986"; and 3. That the request in Recommendation No. 2 above, be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that the applicants be so advised. "CARR I ED" Resolution #GPA-l086-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the recommendations in Report PD-196-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-196-84 be received; and 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: "The Counci 1 of the Town dif Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-76011 for a further one (1) year period to January 29, 1986"; and 3. That the request in Recommendation No. 2 above, be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that Penwest Developments be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1087-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the recommendations in Report PD-197-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-197-84 be received; and G.P.A. Minutes - 7 - December 17, 1984 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: . "The Counci I of the TOlin of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to extend the draft plan approval for Subdivision 18T-79038, for a further one (1) year period to January 29, 1986"; and 3. That the request in Recommendation No. 2 above, be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and that Remlark Holdings Limited be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l088-84 Rezoning Application - Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs Veltri & Son Limited 60.35.238. THAT the recommendations in Report PD-199-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-199-84 be received; and 2. That application for rezoning in respect of Part of Lot 32, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, be approved; and 3. That the attached By-law to amend By-law 84-63 be forwarded to Council for approval. . "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1089-84 Agreement Between Dietrich DaRUDann & the Town of Bowmanville Planning Board and the Corporation of the Town 2. of Bowmanville-Request for Release of Agreement 60.46.2. Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Report PD-2DO-84 be received; and That the attached authorizing by-law permitting the release of an agreement between Dietrich Dammann, and the Town of Bowmanville Planning Board and the Town of Bowmanville, dated September 14, 1957, being registered as Instrument No. 4578, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l090-84 LD71/84 & LD 72/84 Pt. Lot 29. Conc. 4, Darlington, O.M.B. Hearing 60.84.8. Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the recommendations in Report PD-201-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-201-84 be received; and . 2. That staff take no further action relative to decisions LD 71/84 and LD 72/84. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . Rezoning - Jeffron Investments Limited 60.35.239. - 8 - December 17, 1984 Resolution #GPA-l091-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Report PD-202-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-202-84 be received; and 2. That the application submitted by Mr. Thomas Greer on behalf of Jeffron Investments Ltd., to rezone a parcel of land in Part of lot 9, Block 19, John Grant's Plan, former Town of Bowmanville, to permit the creation of two (2) residential lots, be received, and referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l092-84 LD 195/84 - Ralph KNapp Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman O.M.B. Hearing 60.84.8. THAT the recommendations in Report PD-203-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-203-84 be received; and 2. That staff take no further action relative to decision of LD 195/84. . Proposed Amendment to Durham REgional Official Plan to permit the detailing of uses and boundaries within local Official Plans andlor District Plans 60.30.2. . "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l093-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the recommendations in Report PD-204-84 be endorsed; 1. That Report PD-204-84 be received; and 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the proposed Official Plan Amendment 84-17/D regarding the detailing of uses and boundaries for hamlets within local plans; and and 3. That a copy of Staff Report PD-204-84 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes .MonthlY Building Report, November 1984 56.49.3. Minutes Animal Control Monthly Report for November 1984 68.29.5. · Parking Enforcement Report for November 1984 77.39.3. Improvement to Private Water Systems in the Hamlet of Newtonville 35.23.102. . - 9 - December 17, 1984 Resolution #GPA-1094-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Report PD-205-84, Monthly Building Report - November 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1095-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, December 3, 1984, be approved as corrected. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1096-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT Report CD-66-84, Animal Control Monthly Report for November 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l097-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT Report CD-67-84, Parking Enforcement Report for the month of November 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1098-84 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendations in Report Admin 91-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Administrator's Report 91-84 be received; 2. That the Town of Newcastle forward the consultant's report together with this staff report to the Region of Durham with a request that the Region undertake the necessary process and construction of a communal water system in the hamlet of Newtonville to serve the long term needs for a reliable water supply; 3. That the Region of Durham be requested to work closely with citizens of the area in developing the communal water system ensuring ample public input; G.P.A. Minutes - 10 - December 17, 1984 . 4. That the Ministry of Environment be requested to support the installation of a communal water system in the hamlet of Newtonville by providing maximum available funding to the project; 5. That a copy of the consultant's report and this report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication with a request that the Ministry review the report and advise Council on any means that might be employed by the Ministry to reduce the amount of salt used on Highway #2; 6. That notice of Council's decision be given to residents of the study area and; 7. That the technical parties who contributed to the study be advised of Council's actions. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-l099-84 . Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the previous resolution be amended; And that Recommendation No.2 in Report Admin 91-84 be amended to read as follows: "2. That the Town of Newcastle forward the consultant's report together with the staff report to the Region of Durham with a request that the Region initiate the necessary process to undertake the construction of a communal water system in the Hamlet of Newtonville to serve the long term needs for a reliable water supply." "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-ll00-84 Trust Fund For Ontario Home Renewal Program 60.79.99. Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendations in Report TR-104-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. Tnat the attached by-law to establish a trust fund for the purposes of the Ontario Home Renewal Program be approved. "CARRIED" . G.P.A. Minutes . Monthly Fire Report November 1984 68.13.2. 1985 Aquatic Program Proposed Rates 68.31.4. . Permission to Construct Access over the Road Allowance (Hengstberger) 77 .2.1. School Bus Loading Zone St. Stephen's School 35.60.21. . - 11 - December 17,1984 Resolution #GPA-l101-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report FD-33-84, Monthly Fire Report for November 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l102-84 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendations in Report CS-l0-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council approve the attached proposed 1985 rates for the Aquatic Programs. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-ll03-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbardseconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the staff of the Works Department be sent a letter of appreciation for the manner in which they resolved the problems related to the opening of one of the Town's newest businesses; "Brendas Interiors" King Street, Bowmanville. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1104-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Report WD-86-84 be tabled to the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of Janaury 7, 1985; And that Mr. Hengstberger's delegation be acknowledged and he be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-l105-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Report WD-87-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and G.P.A. Minutes . Assessment Appeals 10.57.2. . Ethiopian Famine Relief Fund 10.2.11. Other Business The Association of Kinsmen Clubs 10.2.11. . - 12 - December 17, 1984 2. That a school bus loading zone be established for St. Stephen's Elementary Separate School on the west side of Rhonda Blvd., in Bowmanville; and 3. That the attached amendment to By-law 76-34 be approved by Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-ll06-84 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the Mayor's Report No. 7-84 relating to Assessment Appeals be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-1107-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the Regional Assessment Commissioner be invited to attend a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee and explain to members of the Committee their reasons for appealing the Assessment Review Board decisions to the Ontario Municipal Board. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1108-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the Mayor's Report No. 8-84 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-ll09-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the correspondence dated November 28, 1984, from the Association of Kinsmen Clubs, 1920 Hal Rogers Drive, P.O. Box KIN, Cambridge, Ontario, N3H 5C6, requesting that the Town of Newcastle purchase an ad in their KIN Magazine be received for information. "LOST" G. P .A. Minutes . . Petition re Snow Removal on Sidewalks in Bowmanvi lle 77.2.8. . - 13 - December 17, 1984 Resolution #GPA-1110-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Town of Newcastle purchase 1/6th of a page of advertising at a cost of $185.DO in the KIN Magazine referred to in the previous resolution. "RESOLUTION AS AMENDED LOST" Resolution #GPA-1111-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the previous resolution be amended, and the advertisement include the listing of the names of all Members of Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1112-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the correspondence from the Kinsmen Club referred to in the previous resolutions be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1113-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the correspondence addressed to Councillor Hobbs, from Mr. Joseph Bosco, Manager, W. Frank Real Estate Limited, dated December 11, 1984, dealing with the issuing of invitations to Members of Council to attend a Christmas Wine and Cheese Party on December 7, 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-1114-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the Mayor's Memorandum dated December 17, 1984, detailing the names of groups petitioning Council for the establishment of a sidewalk snow removal program be rece i ved; G.P.A. Minutes - 14 - December 17, 1984 . AND that Reverend Thomas Smith be sent a copy of the Town's policy respecting the removal of snow from sidewalks as well as a copy of the recent resolution of Council relating to the subject matter. "CARRIED" Adjournment Resolution #GPA-1115-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting adjourn at 2:37 p.m. "CARRIED" . .