HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/1984 . General Purpose & Roll Call: . Public Meeting . TOWN OF NEW CAS T L E Administration Committee February 20, 1984 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, held on Monday, February 20, 1984, at 9:30 a.m., in Court Room #2. Present Were: Councillor D. Hamre, Chairman Councillor A. Cowman, Member Councillor I. M. Hobbs, Member Councillor M. Hubbard, Member Councillor R. B. Taylor, Member Councillor E. R. Woodyard, Member, until 12:15 p.m. Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. Johnston Town Clerk, David W. Oakes, until 9:45 a.m. Deputy Clerk, G. Gray Treasurer, K. Campbell, 11:20 a.m. Director of Planning, T.T. Edwards, until 11:20 a.m. Deputy Director of Public Works, D. Gray, until 10:00 a.m. The Director of Planning told Committee, that Mr. Walker advised by telephone, that application for rezoning, Part Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke, was being withdrawn. Re: Zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke (Walker) The Chairman announced the purpose of the Public Meeting: As required under the new Planning Act, Section 34 Council is holding a Public Meeting on the proposed rezoning for Parts of Lot 15, Concession 3 in the former Township of Clarke before either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law Amendment. She asked if there was any person present who wished to speak to this by-law. Before hearing from anyone wishing to speak to this matter, she asked the Clerk to advise on the manner of Notice. The Clerk advised that the notice was sent by prepaid mail on January 9, 1984, to all owners and tenants, according to the last assessment roll, within 120 metres of the property and the necessary procedures had been followed. G.P.A. Minutes - 2 - February 20, 1984 . Public Meeting (Walker) The Chairman advised any person wishing further notice of the passage of the by-law, if it is passed, to please leave his name, address and telephone number with the Clerk before leaving. The Director of Planning described briefly the purpose and effect of the by-law, which was to change the zoni ng category of the subject 1 ands from "An - Agri culture to "Special Provision By-law to permit a campsite and recreational park." Mr. Ray Stapleton, Lot 13, Concession 3, east of the proposed rezoning, spoke in opposition. He said there is no access road. He mentioned the possibility of 1,000 people on 45 acres. He felt there would be trespassing on his property and of the proximity of agricultural operations. He said that he had submitted a letter to the Planning Department outlining his obj ect ions. Mr. Elgin Heard, Lot 16, Concession 3, also spoke in opposition and said that he had submitted a letter, setting out his objections; road widening and interruption of his peace and quiet. He said he had purchased the property on a dead-end road, purposely. . Katherine Munckton, who lives on Morgan Road, had also submitted a letter with her objections, which were similar to Mr. Heard's; road widening, excess traffic, fear of trespassers and the danger of fire. No person spoke in support of the application. The Chairman declared this portion of the Public Meeting closed. Public Meeting Zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lot 7, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington (Sri Inai International) The Chairman announced the purpose of the Public Meeting: As required under the new Planning Act, Section 34, Council is holding a Public Meeting on the proposed rezoning for Parts of Lots 7, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, before either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment. She asked if there was any person present who wished to speak to this by-law. No person indicated a desire to speak to this matter. . Before hearing from anyone wishing to speak to this matter, she asked the Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. G.P.A. Minutes - 3 - February 20, 1984 . Public Meeting (Sri Inai) The Clerk advised that the Notice was sent by prepaid mail on January 9, 1984, to all owners and tenants, according to the last assessment roll, within 120 metres of the property and the necessary procedures had been foll owed. The Chairman advised that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-law. All questions must be addressed through the Chair. · Delegations The Chairman advised any person wishing further notice of the passage of the by-law if it is passed, to please leave his name, address and telephone number with the Clerk before leaving. The Director of Planning described briefly the purpose and effect of the by-law which was to change the zoning category of a 44.0 hectare parcel of land located in Part of Lot 6 and 7, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, from "A" - Agriculture" to a Special Provision By-law to permit the subject lands to be used for a private school and dormitory facilities. No person spoke in objection to or in support of the application. The Chairman declared this portion of the Public Meeting closed. Mrs. Heather Brown, Box 5, Hampton, Ontario, appeared before Committee. She said that she was a Law Clerk with the firm, Michaels & Michaels, representing her and her husband. She wished to speak about Hancock Road extension, south of Taunton Road. She said that, before purchasing property on the road, she had done a thorough search and was satisfied that the road would be maintained as a passable road, by the Town. . The road is now in a deplorable and dangerous condition. It was completely washed-out by the storm on February 14, 1984, and pitted and destroyed. It was not passable. She said, as there was no ditch or culvert, the drainage from a neighbouring farm had flooded the road. She suggested that the Town install a culvert under the road to take the drainage. She also spoke of the 45aangle where the road accesses onto Taunton Road. She said there is a steep incline on the east side which is treacherous at any time and especially when the roads are covered with snow or ice. She suggested a cable wire and a sand box on the incline. She had contacted the Region to determine their area of responsibility relative to Taunton Road, which is a Regi ona 1 Road. G. P .A. Mi nutes Delegations . Rezoning - D. Walker . Correspondence from Foundation for Aggregate Studies O.P.A. Amendment - Parking Control (Markham) Ltd. . - 4 - February 20, 1984 Mr. E. Tichlas spoke to the rezoning, Part Lot 8, Block 2, former Town of Bowmanville, for a restaurant and pizzaria. He spoke of the matters in the By-law, of the number of seats and the number of parking spaces required. There is some urgency, as his lease is expiring. Mayor Rickard suggested that the scheduled meeting for 7:30 to-night, be moved to the Bowmanville High School Auditorium. The Mayor left the meeting to make the appropriate arrangements. Resolution #GPA-170-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report PD-42-84,be received and the application for Rezoning, D. Walker, Part Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke, DEV 83-39, be denied, "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-171-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report PD-43-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-43-84 be received; and 2. That the Foundation for Aggregate Studies be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the "Mineral Aggregate Resource Pl anni ng Pol icy", as proposed by the Mi ni stry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; and 3. That a copy of Council's decision and staff Report PD-18-84 be forwarded to the Foundation for Aggregate Studies. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-172-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report PD-44-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-44-84 be received; and 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends that Official Plan Amendment Application 82-32/D, submitted by Parking Control (Markham) Ltd., be denied. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . Rezoning - Dennis Anderson Rezoning - Bondhead . Monthly Building Report Committee of Adjustment Applications . for January 25, 1984 - 5 - February 20, 1984 Resolution #GPA-173-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the recommendations in Report PD-45-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-45-84 be received; and 2. That the application submitted by Dennis Anderson, to rezone a 0.8 hectare parcel in Part Lot 25, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, to permit residential infilling be referred to staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. "CARRIED" Mayor Rickard returned to the meeting at 10:10 a.m. Resolution #GPA-174-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Report PD-46-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-46-84 be recieved; and 2. That the attached bY71aw amending by-law 83-95 as amended, be approved and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board; and 3. That a copy of the attached by-law be forwarded to Mr. R. B. LeGresley for his information; and 4. That By-law 83-120 be circulated in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Municipal Board. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-175-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Report PD-48-84, Monthly Building Report, January 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-176-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report PD-49-84, Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for Meeting of January 25, 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . An Act to Amend The Building Code Act Court Injunction for the Removal of Residential Addition Committee of Adjustment Application - Jean Margaret Brookings . Rezoning Sri Inai . - 6 - February 20, 1984 Resolution #GPA-177-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report PD-50-84, An Act to Amend the Building Code Act, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-178-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Confidential Report PD-51-84, Court Injunction for the Removal of Residential Addition be endorsed. "CARRIED" Mayor Rickard declared a Conflict of Interest in Report PD-52-84 because the proponent has a trucking contract with the Fertilizer Resolution #GPA-179-84 Company of which he is an owner. Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report PD-52-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-52-84 be received; and 2. That the appropriate Town Staff and/or Solicitor be authorized to represent the Municipality at such hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board on March 30, 1984. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-180-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Recommendation #2 of the previous resolution be deleted. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-181-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the recommendations in Report PD-53-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-53-84 be received; and 2. That the attached by-law to amend Zoning By-law 2111, as amended, be forwarded to Council at such time as the applicant has satisfied the Town of Newcastle Works Department respecting the future dedication of the appropriate road widenings and site triangle on the subject property. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . Rezoning E. Tsichlas and S. Psoras Recess . Parking Enforcement Report Animal Control Report . - 7 - February 20, 1984 Resolution #GPA-182-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendations in Report PD-47-84 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-47-84 be received; and 2. That the attached By-law to amend By-law 1587, as amended, be amended and forwarded to Council. Resolution #GPA-183-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the Report be referred back to the Director of Planning to present a solution to the problems identified at the Meeting, at the February 27th Council Meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-184-84 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT there be a 10 minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-185-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Minutes of the Meeting of February 6, 1984, be approved as read. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-186-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Report CD-15-84, Parking Enforcement Report for January 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-187-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT Report CD-16-84, Animal Control Report for January 1984, be received for information. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . Sale of Approximately 4.99 Acres of Land Courtice Highway Schoo 1 . Bicentennial Run Activities of the Bicentennial Committee . - 8 - February 20, 1984 Resolution #GPA-188-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Confidential Report Admin 17-84 be deferred to the end of the Agenda. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-189-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Confidential Report Admin 21-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received "in camera"; 2. That the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education be advised that the Town of Newcastle is not interested in acquiring the Courtice Highway School at this point in time. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-190-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendati.ons in Report Admi n 22-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; 2. That the matter of the Village of Colborne's Bicentennial Run be referred to the Bicentennial Committee with authorization to take appropriate action with respect to suitably acknowledging participants in the Run; 3. That the Village of Colborne be notified that the matter has been referred to the Bicentennial Committee and requesting the Village to contact this Committee through the Chief Administrative Officer's Office, once further details of the Run become available. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-191-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendations in Report Admin 23-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; G.P.A. Minutes Bicentennial Committee . Mayor's New Year Speech Minting of Bi centenni a 1 Coi ns . 1984 Budget . - 9 - February 20, 1984 2. That Council accept the terms of reference for the operation of the Bicentennial Committee as attached on Schedule "A"; and 3. That the Bicentennial Committee be advised of Council's acceptance of these terms of reference. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-192-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report Admin 24-84, Mayor's New Year Speech "As One Year Passes Into History", be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-193-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report Admin 24(a)-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; 2. That Council authorize the expenditure of $6,000 from the Bicentennial Account #7712-209-X-2 to front-end the cost of having a Tenth Anniversary and Bicentennial coin minted. The receipts from the sale of such coins being returned to the Bicentennial Account; 3. That Council authorize staff to apply for fi.nancial assistance from senior government sources if possible; and 4. That the Bicentennial Committee be advised of Council's actions. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-194-84 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Report TR-II-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the 1984 current & capital budgets for local municipal services be considered (Attachment 1); and 3. That the request of the Newcastle Public Library for a 1984 capital allocation be considered (Attachment 2); and 4. That the resolution approving of the Public Works Budget be considered (Attachment 3). "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes - 10 - February 20, 1984 . Resolution #GPA-195~B4 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT any discussion be postponed to a convenient time later this week, because of the Public Meeting being held this evening. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-196-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the previous resolution be amended to 1:30 p.m. to-day. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-197-B4 Disposal of Surplus Zamboni Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the recommendations in Report TR-12-B4 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the Town of Newcastle accept the offer, in the amount of $IBOO.OO from Municipal & Industrial Maintenance, Scarborough, for the sale of one only 1969 HDB Zamboni Ice Resurfacing Unit; and . 3. That the funds received be credited to account number 2900-X-13-4, Parks & Recreation Equipment Reserve. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-19B-B4 Town Purchase - Robert and Helen MacDonald Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendations in Report WD-22-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the Town purchase the property described as Part 2, Plan 10R-1711, Lot 3, Concession 5, former Clarke Township; and . 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to complete the transaction on behalf of the Town; and 4. That the subject property be dedicated as Public Road Allowance. "CARRI ED" G.P.A. Minutes . Tree Planting Policy and Quality Standard For Town Roadways . Delegations . - 11 - February 20, 1984 Resolution #GPA-199-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report WD-23-84 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council adopt the attached Quality Standard for the Planting of Trees on Town of Newcastle Roadways; and 3. That the Director of Public Works be authorized to arrange for the planting of trees on Town Roads in accordance with the Quality Standard; and 4. That all tree planting expenditures be in accordance with the approved Public Works Department Budget. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-200-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Sugar Maples be included in the Policy where appropriate. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-201-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the Quality Standard be amended by deleting, in paragraph 4 (Level of Service) all words following "where requested by the home owner" and substituting "at the di screti on of the Di rector of Pub 1 i c Works." "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-202-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the previous amendment be amended further by adding "providing it enhances the boulevard." "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-203-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the delegations be acknowledged and advised of Committee's decision, and Mrs. Brown's request be referred to Department of Public Works for a report to Committee. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes - 12 - February 20, 1984 . Resolution #GPA-204-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the Meeting be "In Camera." "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA~205-84 Sale of Land Darlington Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT Confidential Report Admin 17-84 be deferred until the value of trees on property has been determined. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" . Resolution #GPA-206-84 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the previous resolution be amended, and the feasibility of the municipality developing the site be investigated, and reported on before a decision is made. "CARRIED" . Resolution #GPA-207-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting be open. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-208-84 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the action taken "In Camera" be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-209-84 Recess Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Committee recess for lunch until 1:30 p.m. (12:15 p.m.) "CARRIED" . The meeting reconvened at 1:30 p.m., with all Members of Council present, except Councillor Woodyard. Also present was the Chief Administrative Officer, Treasurer, Director of Community Services, Fire Chief, Deputy Director of Public Works, Clerk, and Director of Planning. G.P.A. Minutes Discussion of Budget ~ Current & Capital Public Works Budget . . Adjournment - 13 - February 20, 1984 Resolution #GPA-210-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Calculation #2, in the Treasurer's Memo, dated February 15, 1984, which provides for a 2.68% increase in mill rate, be accepted and thE Current & Capital Budgets for municipal services be approved as presented. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-211-84 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the request of the Newcastle Public Library for a 1984 Capital Allocation be deferred until 1985. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-212-84 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hobbs WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Newcastle wishes to continue to upgrade the Town's road system and provide the necessary works to maintain the existing road system within the Town; NOW THEREFORE, the CounOil of the Town of Newcastle approves the 1984 Public Works Budget in the amount of $4,121,065, which is supported in part, by the 1984 Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy allocation of $1,630,000; AND FURTHER, the Council of the Town of Newcastle approves the submission of a request for a 1984 supplementary allocation of subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in the amount of $50,000 to meet construqtion costs of $100,000 for the reconstruction of the Mill Lane in Bowmanville. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-213-84 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Mayor contact the local M.P., relative to the Canada Works Progra~ which was not approved by Employment & Immigration Canada. "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-214-84 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the meeting adjourn at 2:15 p.m. "CARRIED"