HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/1985 . Roll Call . Public Meetings . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Minutes of a Meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, held on Tuesday, May 21, 1985, at 9:30 a.m., in the Bowmanville Library Auditorium. Present Were: Councillor M. Hubbard, Chairman Councillor A. Cowman, at 9:36 a.m. Councillor D. Hamre, at 9:35 a.m. Councillor I. M. Hobbs Councillor R. B. Taylor Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor E. R. Woodyard, Due to Illness Absent: Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. Johnston Town Clerk. D. W. Oakes, until 11:00 a.m. Director of Planning, T.T. Edwards Director of Community Services, J. Devantier Treasurer, K. Campbell Director of Public Works, R. Dupuis Deputy Clerk,R. Rutledge Deputy Clerk, G. Gray Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lot 35, Concession 4, former Townmship of Darlington (M. Senyk) The Chairman announced the purpose of the public meeting. As required under the new Planning Act, Section 34(12), Council is holding a public meeting on the proposed rezoning for Part of Lot 35, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington, before either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment. She asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. No person indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with this matter, she asked the Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Clerk advised that the public notice was mailed to property owners within 120 metres of the property being rezoned, on April 18, 1985, and the notice complied with the regulations under the new Planning Act. The Chairman called on the Planner to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-law, and how the by-law accomplishes the stated purpose. The Planner advised that the purpose of the proposed by-law amendment would be to change the zone category of a 4.01 ha (9.82 acre) parcel of land located in Part of Lot 35, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington, from "Agricultural (A)" to "Residential Cluster (RC)" to permit the development of a Node Cluster. The Chairman declared the public meeting closed. G.P.A. Minutes Public Meetings . . . - 2 - May 21, 1985 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington (464367 Onto Ltd.) The Chairman announced the purpose of the public meeting. As required under the new Planning Act, Section 34(12), Council is holding a public meeting on the proposed rezoning for Part of Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, before either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment. She asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. No person indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with this matter, she asked the Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Clerk advised that the public notice was mailed to property owners within 120 metres of the property being rezoned, on April 18, 1985, and the notice complied with the regulations under the new Planning Act. The Chairman called on the Planner to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-law, and how the by~law accomplishes the stated purpose. The Planner advised that the purpose of the proposed by-law amendment would be to change the zone category of a 10.3 ha (25.5 acre) of land located in Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, from "Agricultural (A)" to "Estate Residential Special Exception", to permit the development of a 17 lot residential estate subdivision. The Chairman declared the public meeting closed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Part Lots 31 & 32, Concession 7, former Township of Clarke (Pisani) The Chairman announced the purpose of the public meeting. As required under the new Planning Act, Section 34(12), Council is holding a public meeting on the proposed rezoning for Part of Lots 31 & 32, Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, before either adopting or rejecting the proposed zoning by-law amendment. She asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. The applicant indicated a desire to speak. Before proceeding with this matter, she asked the Clerk to advise on the manner of notice. The Clerk advised, that the public notice was mailed to property owners within 120 metres of the property being rezoned, on April 18, 1985, and the notice complied with the regulations under the new Planning Act. G;P.A. Minutes . Pub Ii c Meeti ngs (Pisani Cont'd) . Delegations Reports - 3 - May 21, 1985 The Chairman advised any person wishing further notice of the passage of the by-law, if it is passed, to please leave his name, address and telephone number with the Clerk before leaving. The Chairman called on the Planner to briefly describe the purpose and effect of the by-law, and how the by-law accomplishes the stated purpose. The Planner advised that. the purpose of the proposed by-law amendment would be to change the zone category of a 1.17 ha parcel of land located in Part Lots 31 & 32, Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, from "Environmental Protection EP" to a "Special Exception" zone, to permit the demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a new single family dwelling with flood proofi ng. The Chairman advised that questions may be asked concerning the manner of notice or the purpose and effect of the by-law. All questions must be asked through the Chair. The Chairman advised that Committee would now hear from objectors, first explaining that Council wishes input prior to a final decision. No person spoke in objection to the app li cat i on. The applicant, PHilip Pisani, spoke in support of the application. The Chairman declared the public meeting closed. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. W. Hengstberger spoke to Committee relative to access to his property, Lots 8 & 9, Concession 9, Darlington. He stated that it would be necessary to have access to the road allowance to installa hydro line. He said that he was prepared to buy the road allowance and would release the Town from liability. He said that he had been to several meetings and had been turned down each time. Resolution #GPA-317-85 Extension of Draft Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman Plan Approval Courtice Heights THAT the recommendations in Report PD-74-85 be endorsed; and Development Limited 60.46.110. (#10) 1. That Report PD-74-85 be received; and 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: "That the correspondence from Ronald K. Webb, Q.C., dated April 17, 1985, be received and the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the extensions to the draft plan approval of Plans 18T-76048 and 18T-76027 to June 12, 1986"; and . . . . G.P.A. Minutes - 4 - May 21, 1985 3. That the request in 2 above, be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board, and that Courtice Heights Developments Ltd. be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-318-85 Commi ttee of Adjustment Applica- tions for Apri 1 17, 1985 60.81.2. Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT Report PD-79-85, Summary of Committee of Adjustment Applications for April 17, 1985, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-319-85 Rezoning Application Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor 464367 Ontario Limited THAT the recommendations in Report PD-80-85 be endorsed; and 60.35.244. 1. That Report PD-80-85 be received; and 2. That application for rezoning DEV 85-6 in respect of Lot 15, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, be approved, and that the attached by-law to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, be forwarded to Council. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-320-85 Rezoning Application Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard P. Pisani 60.35.245. THAT the recommendations in Report PD-81-85 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-81-85 be received; and 2. That the application submitted by Mr. P. Pisani (File DEV 85-7) to rezone a 1.17 ha parcel of land in Part of Lots 31 & 32, Concession 7, Clarke, to permit the construction of a single family dwelling be approved; and 3. That the by-law attached to this report be forwarded to Council for approval. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-321-85 Rezoning Application Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre M. Senyk 60.35.243. THAT the recommendations in Report PD-82-85 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-82-85 be received; and . . . G.P.A. Minutes Town of Newcastle Official Plans 60.30.1. Minutes - 5 - May 21, 1985 2. That application for rezoning DEV 85-3 be tabled pending receipt of the Ontario Municipal Board decision in respect of By-law 84-156; and 3. That the Region of Durham be advised of Council's actions regarding the subject application. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-322-85 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommendations in Report PD-83-85 be endorsed; and 1. That Report PD-83-85 be received; and 2. That a notice of the proposed amendments to the Official Plans for the former Township of Darlington, the Bowmanville Urban Area and the Newcastle Village Urban Area (Attachments 1 to 3 inclusive) be advertised and public comments invited; and 3. A public meeting be held on July 2, 1985. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-323-85 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the Minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1985, be approved as read. IICARRIED" Resolution #GPA-324-85 Parking Enforcement Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre Report for April 1985 77.39.3. THAT Report CD-20-85, Parking Enforcement Report for the month of April 1985, be received for information. Animal Control Report for April 1985 68.29.5. IICARRIED" Resolution #GPA-325-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Report CD-22-85, Animal Control Monthly Report for April 1985, be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . G.P.A. Minutes By-law to Regulate and Govern the Sale and Display of Certain Books, etc. 10.13.3. Noise By-law 10.13.3. Recess Cash Activity Report-April 1985 10.57.9. - 6 - May 21, 1985 Resolution #GPA-326-85 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report CD-19-85, Report on the Enactment of a by-law to regulate and govern the sale and display of certain books, magazines, and adult videotapes in retail stores, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-327-85 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendations in Report CD-21-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be approved; and 3. That a certified copy of the approved by-law be forwarded to the Durham Regional Police Department for their information. Resolution #GPA-328-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the matter be tabled pending a response from the organizations to whom the by-law was circulated, and an opportunity to discuss its implementation with the Regional Police. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-329-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT there be a 10 minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-330-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report TR-33-85 be endorsed; and 1. That in accordance with provision of Chapter 302, Section 81(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, the Treasurer reports to Committee that the cash position of the Town of Newcastle for the month ended April is as shown on the attached schedule; and 2. That the expenditures for the month of April 1985 be confirmed. "CARRIED" . . . G.P.A. Minutes Streetlight Maintenance 77.2.4. 1985 Budget Review as of May 2, 1985 10.57.5. Snow Removal Public Works - 7 - May 21, 1985 Resolution #GPA-331-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report TR-32-85 be endorsed; and 1. That the recommended changes in the servicing of street lighting in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville as outlined in a letter dated April 18, 1985, from the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission be approved; and 2. That the effect of such changes in the servicing of the street lighting on the overall cost and efficiency of the system be reviewed in conjunction with the Commission prior to the presentation of the 1986 budget; and 3. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission; and 4. That the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission be advised of Council's action. "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-332-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report TR-35-85, 1985 Budget Review as of May 2nd 1985, be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-333-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the previous resolution be amended and a report for re-allocation relative to the budget for By-law Enforcement and the Planning & Development Departments, be forwarded to the Council Meeting of May 27, 1985. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-334-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Resolution #GPA-332-85 be amended further, and the Director of Public Works bring forward a recommendation dealing with excessive snow removal costs. "CARRIED" . . . G.P.A. Mintues Tender T85-8 Backhoe Loader 10.2.8. Martin Road Park Agreement 68.31. 101. Bowmanville Arena Feasibility Study Update 16.6.9. - 8 - May 21, 1985 Resolution #GPA-335-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Resolution #GPA-332-85 be amended further, and the other items in Report TR-35-85 be recognized and accounted for, within the overall budget. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-336-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report TR-36-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Trotter Equipment Ltd.. Peterborough, Ontario, with a net bid of $82,500.00 being the lowest responsible bidder, meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender No. T85-8 be awarded the contract to supply and deliver one only John Deere Model 710B Backhoe Loader to the Town of Newcastle as required by the Department of Public Works; and 3. That the funds be drawn from the 1985 approved Public Works Capital equipment budget. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-337-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommendations in Report CS-09-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council authorize the Community Services Department to maintain the park as a passive park. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-338-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report CS-11-85, Bowmanville Arena Feasibility Study Update, be received for information. "CARRIED" G.f>.A. Minutes . Reconstruction King Street Connecting Link Newcastle Village 18.2.101. - 9 - May 21, 1985 Resolution #GPA-339-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report WD-32-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That an invoice to the Newcastle B.I.A. in the amount of $2,010.43 be forgiven and charged to Account NO. 1170-X-1-9 General Accounts Receivable - allowance for bad debts., 3. That an invoice to the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission in the amount of $2,151.70 be forgiven and charged to Account No. 1170-X-1-9, General Accounts Receivable - allowance for bad debts. 4. That both of these groups be so advised. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-340-85 Dedication of One Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre Foot Reserves Plan 705, BowmanvilleTHAT the recommendations in Report WD-33-85 be endorsed; and 77.2.15. . 1. That this report be received; and 2. That one foot reserves across Rosalynne Crescent and Rhonda Boulevard, shown as Block 5 and Block 6 on Plan 705, Bowmanville, be dedicated as public road allowance. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-341-85 Supplementary SubsidyMoved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Allocation M.T.C. 18.2.2. THAT the recommendations in Report WD-35-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That a project in the amount of $200,000 be undertaken for the reconstruction of Baseline Road in Bowmanville, from Liberty Street easterly. . Works Department Five Year Capital Budget to Durham Region Works Department 10.57.18. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-342-85 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommendations in Report WD-36-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and . . . G.P.A. Minutes Word Processing and Computer Equipment - Works & Planning Depts. 10.2.7. - 10 - May 21, 1985 2. That a copy of the Town's Five Year Capital Budget for Works Department Projects be forwarded to the Durham Region Works Department for information and Reference. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-343-85 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendations in Report WD-34-85 be endorsed; and 1. That this report be received; and 2. That staff be authorized to arrange for the lease of a second word processor to be used in the Planning Department; 3. That funds required for the 1985 component of such lease be drawn from savings in the administration budgets of both the Works and Planning Departments, and in subsequent years the lease costs be budgeted in the Planning Administration Budget. Resolution #GPA-344-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the matter be referred back for further report. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-345-85 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Mr. Hengstberger's delegation be acknowledged, and his presentation be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Hamre declared a Conflict of Interest in the correspondence from the Regional Municipality of Peel, as her husband is employed by Bell Canada. Resolution #GPA-346-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Council support the application of the Regional Municipality of Peel to the C.R.T.C., requesting approval to allow the cost of 911 Emergency Telephone Transmission lines to be incorporated in the approved tariff paid by telephone subscribers to Bell Canada, and the C.R.T.C., and Regional Municipality of Peel be so advised. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes ~ Adjournment . . - 11 - May 21, 1985 Resolution #GPA-347-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:20 p.m. "CARRIED"