HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1985 TOW N 0 F NEW CAS T L E . General Purpose & Administration Committee Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on March 4th 1985, at 9:30 a.m., in Court Room # 2. March 4, 1985 Roll Call Present Were: Councillor I.M. Hobbs, Chairman Councillor A. Cowman, Member Councillor M. Hubbard, Member Councillor R.B. Taylor, Member Councillor E.R. Woodyard, Member Councillor Hamre, Member Mayor G.B. Rickard, Member Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, D. Johnston Clerk, D.W. Oakes Director of Planning, T. Edwards Director of Public Works, R. Dupuis Director of Community Services, T.A. Fanning Planning Reports Resolution #GPA-136-85 Subdivision Agreement 542985 Ontario Ltd. 60.46.188 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre . THAT the recommendation in Report PD-36-85 be endorsed; and THAT the attached by-law authorizing execution of a Subdivision Agreement between 542985 Ontario Limited and the Town of Newcastle be approved; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Subdivision Agreement between 542985 Ontario Limited and the Town of Newcastle at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning. "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-137-85 Rezoning: Senyk Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre (Nodes & Clusters) 60.35.240 THAT the recommendation in Report PD-37-85 be endorsed; and THAT an application submitted by Mr. Michael Senyk to rezone a parcel of land in Part of Lot 35, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington to permit the development of Node/Cluster, be received and referred to Staff for processing and a subsequent report and public hearing. "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-138-85 . Application for Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre Subdivision Ap- proval Foster Creek THAT the recommendation in Report PD-38-85 be endorsed; and Dev. Ltd. 60.46.100 THAT the attached by-law authorizing execution of a Subdivision . . . - 2 - General Purpose & Administration Committee Minutes Special Meeting G.P.A. Feb. 11/85 Minutes Draft Noise By-law 10.13.3 Meeting with Land Developers and Consu ltants 60.46.99 March 4, 1985 Agreement between Foster Creek Developments Limited and the Town of Newcastle be approved; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Subdivision Agreement between Foster Creek Developments Limited and the Town of Newcastle at such time as said Agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and the Director of Public Works. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-139-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the minutes of the Special Meetin9 of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on February 11th, 1985, be approved as read. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-140-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the minutes of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on February 18th, 1985, be approved as read. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-141-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT report CD-8-85 be referred back to Staff; AND THAT Staff circulate the noise by-law to Industry, B.I.A. IS, Chamber of Commerce, Durham Federation of Agriculture, Newcastle Industrial Development Group for comment; AND FURTHER THAT the text of the draft noise by-law be published in the area newspapers and the public invited to mak2 written submissions on the draft by-law to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-142-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommendation in Report ADMIN. 12-85 be endorsed; and THAT Administrator's report ADMIN. 12-85 be received for information. "CARRIED" . . . G.P.A. Mi.nutes Ministry of Environment Grant Programs Newtonville 35.31.10 35.31.10 10.10.99 1985 Vacation Shutdown Public Works 77 .2.99 - 3 - March 4, 1985 Resolution #GPA-143-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the recommendation in Report ADMfN. 14~85 be endorsed; and THAT a copy of the Minister of Environment's February 1st 1985 letter be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information together with the request that the Region clarify with Minis.try, Officials the Minister's comments with respect to the Design Report and the funding arrangements that are available through the grant program; and THAT the Region of Durham further be requested to advise the Town of Newcastle of the clarification that is received from the Ministry and the status of the Newtonville project within the Regional Municipality of Durham. "CARRIED A.S AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-144-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the previous resolution be amended by the addition of a fourth (4) recommendation: " THAT the Region be requested to arrange a technical meeting between the local and Regional Staff concerned." "CARRI ED" Resolution #GPA-145-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the Administrator's Confidential report ADMIN. 13-85 be moved to the end of the agenda. "CARRIEP" Resolution #GPA-146-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor WOOdyard THAT the recommendation in Report WD-l1~85 be endorsed; and THAT the 1985 Public Works Department, two week Vacation Shutdown be scheduled from Monday, July 29th, 1985 to Monday, August 12th 1985, inclusive; and THAT minimum staff be retained to provide essential services in each Division during the shut down. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . 1985 Road Inspecti on Tour 77 . 2.99 Cl ean Up Week Town of Newcastle 68.21.99 . Owners hi P of Interchanges 35/115 Hwy. Reconstruction Program 18.41.105 . - 4 - March 4, 1985 Resolution #GPA-147-85 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendation in Report WD-12-85 be endorsed; and THAT the 1985 Road Inspection Tour be arranged for Thursday, April 11th and Fri day, Apri 1 12th, 1985, and that a 11 Members of Council, and the Press, be invited to attend; and THAT Members of Council advise the Public Works Department of any areas of concern or particular interest, before April 4, 1985, in order that they may be included in the itinerary of the Tour; and THAT all costs associated with the Tour be taken from the 1985 Public Works Budget. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-148-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the recommendation in Report WD-13-85 be endorsed; and THAT the special spring garbage collection within the garbage service areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle Village, and Orono be scheduled for the week beginning Monday, May 6, 1985; and THAT all special garbage pickup be accommodated on the regular garbage pickup day; and THAT a notice be placed in the local newspapers advising of same. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-149-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendation in Report WD-14-85 be endorsed; and THAT the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, c/o Mr. J.G. Celmins, P.Eng., Area Manager, Planning & Design Section, Central Region, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, M2N 6E9, be advised that the Town of Newcastle is only willing to assume ownership of reconstructed and re-aligned local roads beyond what the Town considers the interchange limits, which are shaded on the attached; and THAT copies of this report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Durham Region Works Department. "CARRIED" . . . G.P.A. Minutes Snow Removal School Crossing Guard Locat ions 77.2.8 Ontario Good Roads Loader/Backhoe Program 35.72.5 - 5 - March 4, 1985 Resolution #GPA-150-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommendation in Report WD-15-85 be endorsed; and THAT under the direction of the By-law Enforcement Officer, snowbanks on the boulevards at school crossing guard locations be removed by individuals employed occasionally by the Department for enforcement of By-law 78-119, the snow removal by-law. THAT the costs for the activity of removal of snowbanks on the boulevards at school crossings be charged to the sidewalk maintenance account 7212-249-402-9, for the remainder of the 1984-85 winter season. THAT the effectiveness of the proposal and associated costs be monitored and appropriate budget allocations be made in 1986. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-151-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommendation in Report WD-16-85 be endorsed; and THAT a Public Works Department employee be authorized to attend the Loader/Backhoe Operating Upgrading Programme; and THAT all tuition fees, reasonable accommodation and travel expenses be charged to Public Works training account No. 7203-0233-2. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-152-85 Report on Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3 THAT Works Department report WD-17-85 be received and kept on Conc. 10, Darling- file for future reference. ton (Murphy Rd.) 77.2.99 "CARRIED AS AMENDED" 77 . 2 . 99 Resolution #GPA-153-85 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the previous resolution be amended by the addition of the word "approved" following the phrase "be received and". "CARRIED" . . . G. P .A. Mi.nute.s Tractor Pull Temporary Exemption from By-law 85-63 J. Coombes R.R.#4 Bowmanville 56.15.111 56.15.111 Tractor Pull June 22 & 23, 1985. J. Coombes 56.15.111 Other Business - 6 - March 4, 1985 Resolution #GPA-154-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the Mayor's Report 2-85 be forwarded to Council for consideration. . "CARRI ED AS A~1ENDED" Resolution #GPA-155-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the previous resolution be amended; AND THAT the Mayor's Report 2-85 be received by the General Purpose and Administration Committee for consideration. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-156-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the request made by Mr. James Coombes, R.R.#4 Bowmanville, Ontario for exemption from the Town of Newcastle's zoning by-law 84-63 be approved; AND THAT Mr. Coombes be granted permission to hold a Tractor Pull" on his property, located in part of Lot 8, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, on June 22nd and June 23rd 1985. AND FURTHER that Mr. James Coombes be advised of this decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-157-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the memorandum from the Director of Community Services dated March 1st, 1985 with respect to "March Break Bonanza" be received for information; AND FURTHER THAT the memorandum from the Director of Community Services dated March 1st, 1985 with respect to "Vandalism in the Bowmanville Cemetery" be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" . . . G. P. A.. Mi nutes - 7 - March 4, 1985 Resolution #GPA-158-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the previous resolution be amended; AND THAT Staff be directed to secure the pieces of the broken tombstones in the cemetery to prevent their disappearance from the site. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-159-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT a reward of $1,000.00 be offered for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the damage to the Tombstones in the Bowmanville Cemetery. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-160-85 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Staff bring forward a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on a general amendment to the Town of Newcastle's Comprehensive zoning by-law 84-63, to consider the locating of Transport Vehicles in rural areas. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-161-85 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting be "In Camera". "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-162-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Staff be directed to enforce the Town's by-laws and have the house that was moved onto the property on Church Street in Bowmanville removed from the site. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-163-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Staff seek legal advice in implementing the intent of the previous motion. "CARRIED" . . . G.P.A. Minutes Adjournment - 8 - March 4, 1985 Resolution #GPA-164-85 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting by open. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-165-85 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:36 a.m. "CARRIED"