HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1968 ~ ~_~'.6~J ' Clerk. Ree-ve.0- /Y ~. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Q.ARKE Friday, December 13, 1968, at 10 a.m. CouncIl Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stene' ' Acting Clerk ~~ DeWith The minutes of Counc11 meetings held on November 5, 8, 14, 26, and December 5, 1968, were approved as read on motion~ by F. A. Gray ,seconded by H. E. :W-Ukey . Carried.' . It was moved by W.'R. Carvet~, seconded by F. A. Gray that gelegations'be heard. Carried. Mr. 'J."Stutt, representative for Clarke on the Board of the Memorial Hospital, presented his report. Further, he told Council that he would not be eligible ~or reappoint- 'ment to the Board for the ensuing year" as he had how completed the ~ax1mum of lZ years in accordance with the B,-laws o~ the said MemorlB.1 liospital. He suggested that the 1969 appoint-" ment be made as' soon as possible. . Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 13 December 1968 continued: .. Mr. Art Low, Secretary of the Clarke Planning Board, presented a recommendation on behalf of the said Board re amendments to Zoning By-Law No. 1592. This matter was concluded by By-Law. Mr. Low suggested a meeting of the' Council with the Clarke Planning ~oard, Ontario Munieipal Board, Committee of Adjustment and the Building Inspector. On motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth Council recessed for lunch at 12:20 and resumed session at 2 p.m. Carried. M. L. Ross appeared at Council meeting to discuss the appraisal report in respect to the property of Ulrich and Ruth Ruegger. Mr. O. Rolph appeared at Council meeting in support of correspondence under Item 4 recorded herein. Messrs. R. Dickson and R. Forrester, representing the Orono Chamber of Commerce, appeared at Council to discuss the purchase of land for industrial use. This business was referred to the January 1969 Council meeting. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin appeared "at Council meeting in regard to the Ruegger property being part of Lot 9, Range B., Broken Front Concesssion. The folloWing correspondence and reports Were read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Mr. J. Stutt re report of Appointee to Memorial HospiUi.- Filed. 2. Mr. A. G. Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, re appointments to said Board.-Referred to resolution at Jan.7/69 meeting. 3. Alex Carruthers, ~.P.P., re erection of an Orono sign at the 115-401 interchange for westbound traffic.-Referred to t"he Reeve. 4. 'Letter:tom Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., to Mr. O. W. Rolph re erection of an Orono sign at the 115-401 interchange. -Fi~ed. ' S. Ontario Department of Highways re Interim statement pf Expenditure as of September 30th, for the year 1968.~Filed. 6. Department of Municipal Affairs re Township of Clarke, Restricted Area, By-law No. 16Q7.-Referrea to By-~aws. 7. Copy letter from E. R. 1.ovekin to Mr. Arthur Low, Planning Co-ordinator, re Lots of Record, Application for Building Permits, Township of Clarke.-Filed. 8. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Closing of Road Allowance Between I:ots 14 &- 15, Concession 4, Townsh'ip of Clarke. 9. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke request for extra payments for'members of the" Committee of- Adjustment.- Referred to Accounts. 10. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Transfer of Lmds Scheibl, Lot 20 Broken Front Conc.-Tabled. 11. Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-Law 1607.-Referred to the' Clerk and Zoning Administrator. ' . . 12. Jan Oudshoorn, C/o John F. DeWith Real Estate Limited re proposed Development Plan part o~ Lots 33 and 34, Concession 3, Township of Clarke.~Referred to the Planning Board. 13. Canadian Transport Commission re Closing of public crossings: File 3701.131 - Sam!s Rd. ,mile 152.45; 3701'.132 - Twp. Rd., mile 151'.43; 26727.1354 - Elliott Side Rd., overhead bridge mile 150.86; all in the Belleville Subdivision. CPR.-Filed. 14. Canadian Transport Commission re Files 26711.2528 & 2701.131 re proposed" closing of Township Roads level crossing at mile 152.45 and 281.13 Kingston Subdivision. CP.-Referred to Cler~ and Road Superintendent to prepare by-law. 15. Canadian Transport Commission re File No. 26711.2523 - Crossing at Mile 278.54 Kingston Subd., CN.-Filed. 16. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed capital expenditure - final approval,-Filed. 17. Department of Highways, Functional Planning Division, re W.P. 62-68-01, Proposed Intersection Improvement, Highways 35 &- 115 and County Road 1, 0.5 miles north of Orono, Our District No.7, Port Hope.-Referred to the Clerk and Road Superintendent to ansWer. . . ~.,j ., Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 13 December 1968 continued: 18. Canadian Mental Health Association request for contribution.-Tabled. '. 19. Mr. H. B. Horstman request for rezbning of his property in Lot 10, Con. i.-Referred to the Pl~ing Board. 20. Ontario Municipal Water AssociatfOn request for names -' ami.addresses of all elected officials who'are responsible for water works system.-Filed. :21. Miss E. Dorrene Powell re sideroad south of Morgan's Cerner, Twp. of Clarke.-Filed. 22. Department of Highways re Geometric Design Standards for Rural Ontario Roads.-Filed. 23. . The Ontario Municipal Board re Construction and equipment of an addition to Orono Public School.-Filed. 24. Mr. Robert A. Edmunds, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, re By-Law No. 2183, a by-law to adopt a. plan of , County Road Improvement and estabiish a CoUnty Road System in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham under the Highway Improvemen~ Act; -F:1led. 25. Copy of letter of E. Richard Lovekin to Mr. W. R. Walters, Ontario Hydro, re Account 0142702 - Billings Lot 7 re_ Fitzgibbon Subdivision - Client Armand Kratel.':'Filed. 26. National Energy Board re~Crossing of the pipe line of Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limited by-the reconstruction of a highway, known as Morgan's Road, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, as approved by Order No. GP-71-6S.-Ref'rred to the Road Superintendent and original filed. 27. Canadian Mental Health Association request for contribution.-Tabled. 28. The Ontario MuniCipal Association re resolutions presented and action taken at the Seventieth Annual Convention.-Filed. 29. Department of Trade and Development re information relating to industrial development within the province.-Filed. 30. Mr. David Goldstein': Chalet Oil_Limited, re '-size of gasoline tank at Fifth Wheel Restaurant, Lot 29, Con.3:- Referred to Clerk to answer that Council have no objection. 31. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Township of Clarke Police Village of Orono, Water Works (OWRC).-Filed. 32. Mr.M. Wladyka, Chairman, ])1.$llond Triangle' Planning Committee re membership in-said Planning Committee.-Tabled. 33. bepartment of Social and Family Services re Orono Co-operative Kindergarten.-Tabled. J 34. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Minutes dated October 23, 1968.-Filed. 35. Depart~ent of Energy and Res~urces Management, Conservation Authorit1es Branch, re Tne Conservation Authorities Act, 1968, as business bro~ght' forward from 3 September 1968:-Tabled. ~_ . 36. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council News.-Filed. ' 37. Copy letter of E. R. Lovekin to Road Superintendent re Scheibl land transfer.-Filed. 38. Department of Highways re Road Programming Study Agreement. -Filed. ' ' 39. The Muscular Dystrophy Association ~of Canada reqUest for a contribution.-Tabled. 40. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment meetings held October 28, November 4, 25 and December 4, 1968.-Filed. 41. W. Kay Lycett, B.A., re Dikade~ Ponds.-Referred to Planning Board and File Originar. ' 42. Civic Administration request for adver~ising of Township of Clarke.-Filed. . 43. Mr. T. E. Monahan,Cler'k-Treasurer, Corporation of the Town of Matheson, application for Position of Clerk.- Referred to Clerk andjReeve t~ contact Mr. Monahan as soon as possible. The following resolutions were passed: R,solution No. 16q:Moved by F"A.Gra~,seconded by W.R.Carveth: , This Council hereby dec"J:-are Boxi~_g Day, DeceJiber'26, 1968, a legal holiday for ~he To'Wnship of Clarke. - Carr'leci. .~ .. Page 4 Regular Meeting o~ Council 13 December 1968 continued: Resolution No. 170:Moved by J.W.Sto~e,secOB~ed by H.E.Walkey: Resolve that the Current Budget for the year 1968. under, By-Law No. 1587 together with..al~ Res~lutions passed by this Council which correspond to this By-Law be and is hereby adopted. Carried. ' Resolut:ion No. l?l:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that the=~ollowing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby autho~ized for' payment by the Signing O~ficers of. this Council: Addition to General Voucher III ~or November in the amount of $3922.29 ,. , . General Voucher 112 ~or December in the amount o~ $305922.49 Addition to General Wel~are Voucher III for November in the. amount gf $530.50 General Welfare Voucher 112 for December in the amount of $2023.96 .. =' . aoad Voucher III ~or Nove~er in the amount of $44419.15 Police Village of Orono Voucher III ~or November in the amount of $3301.47. Carried. The ~61lowiDg By-Laws were given first, second and thirq reading'and finally passed: ' By-Law No. 1 61 ~ 'A By-Law to amend Zoning B1-Law No. 1592 WHEREAS Zoning By-Law No. 1592 was passed by ~he Municipal Council o~ the Corporation of1the Township o~ Clarke on the 23rd day o~ May 1968; ~ _ . AND WHEREAS the Clarke P~anning Board has made a general review of the provisions of the By-Law and has recommended to the Municipal Council -Chat certain amendments be made to the said By-Law; =' AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council upon the recommendati~n of =the .Clarke Planning Board deems it advisable to amend the said By-Law; NOW TiEREFORE the Municipal Council o~ the Corporation of the Township. of Clarke ERACTS As follows: - ~. That SECTION '2 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by . 'adding the ~ollowing a~ter SECTION 2.13: 2.13 A Public G.~8.~e: means and includes a building ~r _, ~lace where motor'~ehicles are hired or kept or 'used~or hire, or where such vehicles or gasoline or oils are stored or kept ~or sale, 'or 'a buiiding or place used as a motor vehicle repair shop (but does not include an auto body repair shop) or ~or washing or cleaning motor vehicles, but does not include any business use ~therwise . defined or crassi~ied in this By-Law. 2. That SECTION 2.15 o~ By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding at the end of the third line and after described :in 8. the ~ollowing: ttdeed or shown on a'~. ' 3. That _SICTION 3.1 of By-Law No. 1592 'is hereby amended by inser~ing between Commercial nC" and Industrial "MItt under ~ and Zone $ymbol "HighlfAy.CoDimercialtt and "HC" respectively. 4. That SECTION 3 of By-1.aw No: 1592 is hereby amended by adding the following after SECTION 3.7: ' 3.7 A Greater ~.8tr:ictions: This By-Law shall not be ettective to reduce or mitigate any restrictions laWfully imposed by a gQ.vernmental authority but in' such cases the ' gre~er restriction shall apply. S. That SECTION 3:8 o~ By-Law No. 159'2 'is -hereby amend'ed by deleting "de~ined by the Township o~ Clarke or by any local Board thereo:f". _' , 6. That SECTION 4.11 of By-Law No. lS9Z is hereby amended by ..adding thereto at t'he end of the f1"rst line 'aft'er th& add "Rltt, and after .Aone in the second line delete the "R". 7. That SECTION 5.5 o~ By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended..by adding thereto at the end of the sentence after dw.l1:in~ - "shall be erect'ed upon a lot. n 8. That SEC:TION 5.6 o~ By-Law'No. 1592 is hereby deleted. 9. That Table II o:f By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by 'adding "Minimum Rear Yard 35 ~t n, and deleting the word "ground" from Minimum ~loor area. 10. That Table III of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding UMinimum Side Yards 25 ~t." "Minimum Rear Yard 35 :ft." . . Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 13 December 1968 continued: 11. That SECTION 6.2 of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by re-wording to read "No Shopping Centre shall be established except by a re-zoning for this specific use." 12. That By-Law No. 1592 ~s hereby amended by inserting ~ediately after Section 6, the following: - SECTION 6 A - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL "HC": 6 A.l Hj~hway CQmmArcial Zone Permitted Uses: No person shall use land or erect or use a building or structure in a Highway Commercial Zone (HC) except for one or more of the folloWing purposes subject to SECTION 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS: (a) Restaurants, Sporting Goods Service Centre, Public Garages, Service Stations, Hotels, Motels, (with or without restaurant facilities), Car Wash Stations, Commercial Nurseries; (b) Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-law to the contrary, the owner of a Commercial operation in the HC Zone may erect a caretakers residence in the same lot, which shall conform to Table II of By-Law No. 1592 or an apartment above the first floor to a min~um of 600 sq. ft. exclusive of halls and stairways. 6 A.2 Lot ReQuirementA: In accordance with Table II. 13. That SECTION 8.1 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is amended by adding "conservation areas". 14. That SECTION 10 (a) (i) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding "subject to Table II." 15. That SECTION 10 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by altering D(a)" before zone to "(A)". 16. That Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by addiq "OS" symbol to the Department of Lands and Forests, and adding United Counties' Durham Reforestation and the "OS" symbol to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority as shown on Schedule "AU attached hereto. 17. That Schedule ItAn of By...Law No. 1592 shall be amended by changing from Development Zone nD" to a Highway Commercial Zone "HCD the area as shown on Schedule "AU attached hereto and more particularly shown in the plan of survey attached hereto as Schedule "Bit 18. This By-Law shall take effect from the date of passage 'by Council and shall come into force upon approval by the Ontario Municipal Board. " That By-Law No. 1607 be and the same is hereby repealed. By-Law No. 16JL. Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 1585 Being a By-Law to appoint an Assistant to the Treasurer for the municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, after due deliberation, have deemed it expedient to rel'eal By-Law No.- 1585; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke:- That By-Law No. 1585 be and the same is hereby repealed as of December 31, 1968. ~solution No. '2F:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council adjourn to meet again at call of the Reeve. Ci~)d}~/ , .~ Acting Cle~ ./ c; ~tl U-. Reeve. REFERENCE - By-Law No. 1613 as recorded in the foregoing minutes. Schedules "A" and "B" to the said By-Law are hereby recorded on the following two pages of this record. Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 13 December 1968 continued: (;lLARKE 'll"OllYJIr. 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