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Special Meeting of Council 26 November 1968 continued:
The ~ollowing By-Laws were given first, second and third
.reading and ~inally passed:
By-Law MOa 1611 ,
A By-Law to appoint an Acting Clerk ~or the municipality
of the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke.
Whereas Section 215 o~ The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960,
Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a municipality to
appoint an Acting Clerk, .
There~ore the Municipal Council o~ the Corporation o~
the Township o~ Clarke enacts as ~ollows:
1. Th~t *". Henry DeWith be and is h.ereby appointed
Acting Clerk ~or the Corporation of the Township o~
Clarke as o~ December 9, 1968. ,.
2. That the said Mr. Henry DeWith shall be paid a sum
per-annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution
o~ the said Council.
3. That By-Law No. 1544 be and the s~e is hereby repealed.
By-Law BOa 1612 ,
A By-Law to appoint an Acting Treasurer ~or the
munieipality of the Corpo~ation of the Township of Clarke.
Whereas Section 218 o~ The Municipal Act, R.S.O. .
1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council o~ a municipalit~
to appoint an Acting Treasurer,
There~ore the Municipal Council o~ the Corporation of
the Township o~ Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That Mr. Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointed
Acting Treasurer for the Corporation o~ the Township
o~ Clarke as o~ December 9,' 1968.
2. That the' said Acting Treasurer shall per~orm the
duties o~ ~ax Collector.
3. That the said Mr. Henry DeV/ith shall be paid a
sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution
o~ the said Council.
4. That By-Law No. 1544 be and the same is hereby repealed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m.
Clerk. .
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Thursday, December 5, 1968, at 8 p.m. _
Present:. Reeve R.oy 'A~ Foster'
Deputy-Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk H. E. Millson
Walter H. Pope, Chartered Accountant
Mr. Henry DeWi1(h-
'Special'meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the business recorded herein.
The ~ollowing correspondence was-read out by Reeve Foster:
1. Walter H. Pop~, CharteDed Accountant, re preliminary
The ~ollowing resolution was passed:
Resolution BOa 168:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by F.A.Gray:
In accordance with Resolution No. 160 dated November 14,
1968, this Council hereby accept and approve o~ a pr'eliminary
audit o~ the accounts o~ this municipality under the control
of Clerk-Treasurer, Mr.H. E. Millson, as presented by Walter
H. Pope, C.A., auddtor o~ the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke, a copy o~ which is hereby attached and ~orms a part o~
this resolution.
Council Chamb~r, Orono.
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Special Meeting o~ Council 5 December 1968 continued:
December 5, 1968,
The Council,
Township of Clarke,
Orono, Ontario.
Gentlemen: ~
Pursuant to the council's request by resolution tQ
conduct a preliminary audit of the accounts of the
municipality under'the control of 'the cierk-~reasurer,
Mr. Ed Millson, we attended at the of~ices of the
township to conduct the required ~udit. '.
Although it is not possible at an interim audit to
pass finally on the ~inancial a~fairs of the ~unicipality
or to accurately determine that ,all cash received by' oz:
on behal~ o~ the municipality have in actual fact been
deposited to the credit o~ the m4Dicipality, wi~h ~he
municipalities bankers we did determine that:-
1. All the transacti~ns coming within oUr notice were
authorized by' the council ot the municipality, and were
properly documented. , .
2.,. All f'~ds received by the municipality directly and
~or which a receipt was issued, ~ere properly deposited
with the municipalities bankers.
All tax payments were made directly to thEt municipaliti:es
bankers, and were not received by the treasure~.
No transaction or activities were determined that
would prevent or delay a temporary clearance of the
clerk-treasurer at the time of his separation pending
f'inal audit of' the accounts and records of' the
municipality at the end o~ the year. . .
It is recommended that bonding o~ municipal employees
be checked and so changed that the new or acting treasurer
be bonded to an amount deemed satis~actory to the council.
Yours truly," -. . .
(Sgnd}Walter H. Pope
Walter H. Pope,
Chartered Accountant.
A certi~ied copy o~ this resolution be ~orwarded to
Mr. H. E. ,Millson. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at ~:3S p.m.
~~-q' dJ1- J
Reeve.4 t9 U.
Friday, December 13, 1968, at 10 a.m.
Councll Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone' .
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
The minutes of' Council meetings held on November 5,
8, 14, 26, and December 5, 1968, were approved as read
on motion_ by F. A. G~ay,sec.D.ded by H. E. ~Ukey. Carried.'
. It was moved by W.'R. Carvet~, seconded by F. A. Gray
that ~elegations'be heard. Carried.
~. 'J.'Stutt, representative for Clarke on the Board
of the Memorial Hospital, presented his report. Further,
he told Council that he would not be eligible for reappoint-
ment to the Board f'or the ensuing year' as he had now completed
the ~ax1mum of 12 years in accordance with the B,-laws of the
said Memorlal 1fospital. He suggested that the 1969 appoint-.
ment be made as' soon' as possible. .