HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-12Committee of the Whole TOWN OF NEWCASTLE April 12th, 1976 Minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Whole held in the Bowmanville Town Hall Committee Room at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, April 12th, 1976. Roll Present were: Councillor Donald W. Allin, Chairman Call Councillor Ann Cowman, Member Councillor Kirk Entwisle, Rember Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs, Member Councillor Kenneth E. Lyall, Member Councillor H. Bruce Tink, Member Mayor Garnet B. Rickard, Member Town Clerk J.M. McIlroy, Secretary Resolution #CW -137-76 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Cowman. Adoption of THAT the minutes of meeting held on March 22nd, 1976 Minutes be adopted. "CARRIEVI Salvage Yard Operators and/or the representatives of the various Salvage By -Law Yards in the municipality1were present to discuss the proposed Salvage Yard By-law. The consensus of the8r objections to the proposed By-law was that the various regulations for fences, set -backs, tree planting, etc., could be a hardship on the operators who had been in business for some time. There was a suggestion that the By-law could provide for a Site Plan Agreement for each Salvage Yard. Resolution #CW -138-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall. THAT the Committee concur with the Operatorst requests and that a Subcommittee of the Chairman, Clerk, By -Law Enforcement Officer and Planner meet and redraft the By -Law for resubmission to the Committee. °CARRIED11 Mr.E.R. Lovekin Mr. Lovekin did not appear with regard to his letter of re Coolahan April 5th, 1976 regarding Coolahan and the matter was deferred to a future meeting. Committee of the Whole - 2 - April 12th, 1976 M. Carcone Mr. D. Biddle appeared before the Committee representing and Prestonvale Mr. Carcone. Road Resolution #CW -139-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the designation of the road be changed to "improved" and that the necessary By-law be submitted to Council by the Planner, subject to Mr. Carcone giving the municipality the option to purchase enough land, if and when necessary to bring the width of the road up to 66 ft., such option to be for seven years. "CARRIED" Resolution #CW -140-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT the matter be submitted to the Town Solicitor and that he be asked to consider the placing of a one foot reserve on the opposite side, that is East side, of the road. "CARRIED" Councillor Tink left to attend a funeral at this point 3:00 p.m. Westbury Mr. Glen Elliott, Solicitor for Westbury Investments presented Investments a revised Site Plan in connection with a Site Plan Agreement Site Plan between the Town and the Company. Agreement — Resolution #CW -441-76 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Entwisle. THAT Council concur with the changes to the Site Plan provided the Planner submits no objection to Council. "CARRIED" Councillor Lyall stated that he was unwell and left the meeting at this point. 3:15 p.m. Committee of the Whole - 3 - April 12th, 1976 By -Law Mr. Kelter appeared before the Committee relative to Infractions alleged By-law infractions near Kirby Ski Hill. Near Kirby Ski Hill Resolution #CW -142-76 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Cowman. THAT the letter dated March 22nd, 1976 from Mr. McNeely to Mr. Best be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #CW -143-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Mayor Rickard. THAT the foregoing Resolution be amended to provide that a copy of Mr. Best's report and correspondence be given to Mr. Kelter. "CARRIED" Resolution PCW -144-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman. Camera THAT the meeting go into camera to discuss a property matter. "CARRIED" Resolution PCW -145-76 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Cowman. Purchase of THAT Resolution #C-76-368 referred by Council on April 5th, Land for Tyrone 1976 be approved subject to legal requirements being in Community order and subject to the sum of $8,500 being turned over Centre to the Town by the Community Centre Board as the estimated cost of the land and expenses. The said Resolution QFC -76-368 reading as follows: - "THAT the municipality purchase four acres of land to be joined to the Community Park at Tyrone to be funded by the Tyrone Community Board, including expenses connected with the purchase." "CARRIED" Councillor Tink returned to the meeting at this point. Resolution #CW -146-76 Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Adjournment THAT when the meeting is adjourned, it be reconvened at the call of the Chair. ,fCARRIED" Committee of the Whole - 4 - April 12th, 1976 Resolution IPCW-147-76 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Site Plan THAT the letter dated April 6th, 1976 from Mr. McNeely be Agreement received and the Site Plan Agrooment be forwarded _to the Hobbs Drive next meeting of Council with an approving By-law subject to Mr. McNeely's further approval. "CARRIED'? Resolution #CW -148-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Cowman. O.M.B. Hearing THAT no report from the Planner being available, the matter re Walter of Mr. Fraczls appeal from a Decision of the Land Division Fracz Committee be referred to the next meeting. Resolution #CW -149-76 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle., Sign THAT Council concur with the location of a 100 ft, sign as By -Law requested by the Flying Dutchman Inn and that the provision for this be made in the sign By-law. Recorded Vote Councillor Tink..............Nay Mayor Rickard................Nay Councillor Entwisle.......... Yea Councillor Hobbs, ... ...... Yea Councillor Cowman ............ Nay Councillor Allin.............Nay 'MOTION LOST" Resolution IACW-150-76 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Tink. THAT it be recommended to Council that Resolution #CW -111-76 be rescinded. Recorded Vote Councillor Tink...............yea Mayor Rickard.................Yea Councillor Entwisle........... Nay Councillor Hobbs ..............Nay Councillor Cowman .............Yea Councillor Allin..............Yea "CARRIED'? Committee of the Whole - 5 - April 12th, 1976 Resolution #Ctd-151-76 11oved by mayor Rickard, seconded by Cone Cowman. THAT it be recommended to Council that provision be made outside the By-law to accommodate the proposed sign for the Flying Dutchman Inn. "CARRIED" Resolution #CW -152-76 Moved by Cone Entwisle, seconded by Cone Cowman. Strike, Strike THAT the letter dated April 12th, 1976 from Strike, Strike & Van Nest re and Van Nest relative to Courtice Heights Developments Courtice Heights be received for information and that the Ministry of Housing Development be advised that Subdivision applications ora imminent in the Courtice Area and that the Developer be advised to submit his proposal forthwith for urgent consideration of Council and Staff. "CARRIED" Resolution #CW -153-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Fire Hall THAT it be suggested to the Volunteer Firemen at Hall No. 2 No. 2 that they remove fence and clean up rubbish, etc., at the Fire Hall and the Public Works Department level the ground for parking lot. "CARRIED" Resolution #CW -154-76 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Taxi THAT the Deputy Clerkrs report regarding Taxi Driver's Driver+s Licences be approved and licences issued to Gary A. Clarke Licences and Kenneth J. King. "CARRIED" Resolution #CI -7-155-76 Moved by Con. Cowman, seconded by Con. Tink. Objection to THAT the following report and recommendation from the City of Oshawass Finance Committee be adopted. Official Plan Amendment re "At a meeting of the Finance Committee on April 12, 1976 Shopping Centre the following recommendation was made: - at Town Line Continued..... Committee of the Whole - 6 - April 12th, 1976 THAT the matter of the Town1s objection to Oshawa Official Plan Amendment to provide for a shopping centre at Town Line Road, Courtice, be referred to the Committee of the Whole with the recommendation that Greenspan and Vaughan be retained as the Towns legal representatives." Recorded Vote Councillor Tink..............Yea Mayor Rickard................Yea Councillor Entwisle.......... Yaa Councillor Hobbs.............Yea Councillor Cowman ............ Yea Councillor Allin....... ...... Yea "CARRIED" Resolution #CW -156-76 Moved by Con. E=wisle, seconded by Mcyo r Rickard. Adjournment TIU T the meeting be adjourned at 5:00 p.m. "CARRIED'T