HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1968 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Thursday, November 14, 196$, at 8 p.m. " Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E.Millson _ Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the business herein recorded. Mr. Wm. H. Carman appeared before Council to inform them' of his intention to let his name be nominated and stand ~or election as Trustee of the United Counties .,of Northumberland and Durham Board of Education. In this regard he requested the support of the individual members of:Council. Road Superintendent M. L. Ross appeared at Council: meeting to discuss an appraisal report in respect ,to the property of U1:rich and Ruth Ruegger being part of Lot 9, Range B.. Broken Front Concession. . The following correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Department of Highways re Estimate of Expenditure- , January 1st to December 31st, 196$. -Filed. 2. ~s. Jenny V. Norton re resignation.-Referred to R.esolution. 3. Mr. John Layng re- Cloeing of Road Allowance between Lots 14 and 15, Concesslon 4, Township of Clarke.-Referred to Clerk. 4. John G. Walsh, Barrister &- Solicitor, re Layng Purchase fram Reid, HW-! of Lot '14, Con. 4, Twp. of Clarke, County of Durham.-Filed. The following resolutions were passed: Re$olntion No. l~q:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by J.W.Stone: This CQunc,il hereby endorse the recoDmlendation of the Counties' Court of Revision attached he~eto as Schedule "An and thereby authorize the Treasurer of this Municipality to strike off the said taxes in accordance with the said recommendation with regard to Section 244 of The Assessment Act and to further authorize the said Treasurer to apply the said taxes upon chargeback under Section 207 of the said Act~ Carried. Resolution No. l60:Moved by J.W.Stone, seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council hereby request Walter H. Pope, Auditor for the Township of Clarke, to audit the books and accounts of this municipality in accordance with By-Law No. 160$ and report: the financial position of the Township of Clarke to this Council on or before the 6th of December 196$. Carried. R~solutjon No. 161:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the resignation of Mrs. 'Jenny V. Norton be and is hereby accepted with regret to become effective on the 31st day of December 196$. Carried. Re$olutio~Ho. ]6~:Moved by H.E.Wfl~ey,seconded by F.A.Gray: Resolve that the Acting Treasurer and the Reeve or Deputy Reeve of the Township of Clarke be given the necessary authorization with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to do business in accordance With the said Bank form ' 141-61, a completed copy'of which is hereto attached and forms part of this resolution. 'Carried. Resolut~n No. 16~:Moved by 'F.A. Gray, seconded by W.R. Carveth: This Counci~ hereby accept' and approve of the report of J. L,all Lowery, Tile Drain Inspector for the Township of Clarke, dated 29 October 1968, with regard ~o the application of Mr. Edward Barnoski of part Lot 3, Concession 3, Clarke, and thereby authorize the treasurer to prepare the necessary By-Law, to impose a special drainage rate,.andDebenture and upon final passing of the said By-Law by this Couneil to ~ advance the said loan after deducting Inspector'. fees to the said applicant subject to the approval of the said By-Law and Debenture by the Ontario Depart~ent of Agriculture. Carried. . 'Council Chamber, Orono. '" Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 14 November 1968 continued: R@sa]utjon No_ 16h:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby accept and approve o~ the report o~ J. Lyall Lowery, Tile Drain Inspector ~or the Township o~ Clarke, dated 29 October 1968, with regard to the application o~ Mr. Joseph Barnoski o~ part Lot 4,'Concession 3, Clarke, and thereby authorize the treasurer to prepare the necessary By-Law, to ~pose a special drainage rate,.a~ ~ebenture and upon ~inal passing o~ the said By-Law by this Council to advance the said loan a~ter deducting Inspector's ~ees to the said applicant subject to the approval of the said By-Law and Debenture by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Carried. The ~ollowing By-Laws were re~d a ~irst, second and third t~e and ~inally passed; By-Law No. 160Q' Municipality o~ the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke. To im~qse a special drainage rate upon Part o~ Lot Number 3 in the Third Concession. . Whereas Edward Barnoski the owner of Part of Lot 3 in the Third Concession o~ the Township o~ Clarke applied to the Council o~ the Townshipuncler The Tile Drainag~ Act ~ora loan for the purpose otdraining such land. And Whereas the Council has, up()n his application, lent Edward Barnoski the sUm o~ Six Hundred Dollars to be repaid with interest by means o~ the rate hereina~ter imposed: Be It There~ore Enact-.ci by the Council that an annual rate of Seventy-three' Dollars. and Ninety-seven Cen~s per annum is hereby imposed upon such land ~or a period of ten years, such rate to be levied and collected at. the fame time and manner as 0rdinary taxes' are levied and collected. Bv-Law It{p. 16]0 Municipality o~ the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. To impose a special drainage rate upon Part of Lot Number 4 in the Third Concession. Whereas Joseph Barnoski the owner o~ Part of Lot 4 in the Third Concession of the Township of Clarke applied to the ~ouncil of the Township under The Tile Drainage Act ~qr a loan for the purpose of draining such land. . And ~e:r:eas the Council has, .upon his applicatfon, lent Joseph Barnoski the sum.of Four Thousand One Hundred Dollars to be repaid with interest by means of the rate hereinafter imposed: Be ,It Therefore Enacted by the Council that an annual rate of Five Hundred and ,Five Dollars and Forty-nine Cents per annum is hereby imposed upon such land for a period of ten years, such rate to be levied and collected at the same time and manner as ordinary taxes are leVied and collected. ~etil1i "djourned at 11 p.m. . ~':'IA_I ~~ zL- Clerk. Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHrp OF CLARKE , T.uesday, Novemb'er 26', 1.968, at a p.m. Counc~l Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster De put y Reeve .H. E. Walkey COtUleillor W.R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W..Stone Clerk H. E. Mill.on Special aeeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the affairs recorded herein. ~s.,Hartley Barlow, Chairman of the Township School Ar.ea of tClarke~ accompanied by Mr. H.R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer of lie Scnoo~ Area, appeared at Council meeting to present and discuss certain revisions to the proposed capital construction to Orono Public School which is recorded under Item 1. of correspondence. . w Page 2 Specia~ Meeting of Council 26 November 196$ continued: Messrs. D. M. S~pBon, E. R. Woodyard and F. Nicholson, Trustees of the Police Village ef;Orono, together with Mr. A. Morrison, p. Eng., representing Totten" Sims, HubickL&- Associates Limited, Cons~lting Engineers, met with"Council to consider the tenders received by the Trustees concerning the proposed public works project in the Police Village of Orono being' the construction of storm sewers, curb, gutter and pavement. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road $uper;intendent, also met with the Council and Trustees to assist in the discussion of the said tenders. It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by.F. A. Gray; that Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried. On Motion by J. W. Stone, .seconded by W. R. Carveth, it was resolved that Committee rise and Council be resumed. Carried. This business was concluded by resolution. ' The Road Superintendent presen~ed an Apprai~al Report _ .prepared by Bowes &- Cocks concerning the 'pro~sed Ru~chas~ of lands for road purposes in part Lot 25, Concession 3 with regard to the project, namely, The !hird Line DiverSbn. The~following correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster:. . . 1. Board of Trustees of the Township School 'Area of Clarke re proposed capital construction being the addition of one general purpose room 'to Orono Publ:2"c School.-Referred to resolution. 2. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono resolution No. 6$-80 dated November 26,1968, concerning the proposed public works project of atora sewer., curb, gutter and. pavement in the Police Village of Orono.-Referred to resolution. - 3. Mr. Graeme Goebelle, Chartered Accountant, re acknowledgement of his meeting with this Council on November 5, 1968, together with'an account for . professional services rendered to the Police Trustees.- The letter was ordered-filed and the account to be referred to the Police Trustees. The following resolutions were passed: a.solution llCL ]61i:Meved by F. A. Gray,aeconded by W.R.Carveth: This' Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk eo sign a deed in duplicate dated the 14th day of November, 196$, between the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, as Grantor and Terrence Rooney, of the Borough of' Scarborough, in the County of' York, Esquire, and Norah Rooney, his wife, of' the same place, as to an undiVided one-half interest, as Joint Tenants-and-Stephen Rooney, of' the 'City of Toronto, in the County of York, as to the remaining one-half interest. Carried. R.solution ~o_ 166:Moved by W.R.Carveth,s~conded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby endorse Resolution No. 68-$0 dated November 26, 1968, ot the Trustees of the Police Village of' Orono and thereby authorize the said Trustees to enter into a contract with the lowest'tender being Dagma~ Construction Company Limited subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways and the'Ontario Municipal Board. Carried. _ R~&olution No. 16?:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by'J.W.Stone: . Resolve that the request of' the Board of Trustees of the Township School Area,of' Clarke to construct 1 general purpose room of 1990 sq. ft. of net functional f'loor area plus the necessary ancillary area (corridor) as an addition to Orono Public School No. 12 at Orono in Lo~ 28, Concession 5, of the Township of Clarke at an est~ted cost of $84,575.00 to be repaid ~n an ~o.unt of $4,575.00 from current ~unds raised in the year 1968 and the remainder of $80,000.00, plus interest, to be repaid upon debenture over a proposed 4 year term be and is hereby approved by this Council subject to the approvals 0' tpe pntario Department of Education and the Ontario Municipal Board. '. Resolution No. 58 dated March 5, 196$, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Carried. " Page .3 Speeial Meeting of Council 26 November 1968 eontinued: , The ~ollowing By-Laws were given first, second and third ,reading and ~ina11y passed: By-LawrNo. 1611 ~ A By-Law to appoint an Aeting Clerk ~or the munieipality of the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke. Whereas Section 215 o~ The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a municipality to appoint an Acting Clerk, . . There~ore the Municipal Council o~ the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke enaets as ~ollows: ' 1. Th~t!:fr. Henry DeWith be and is l\ereby appointed Acting Clerk ~or the Corporation o~ the Township of Clarke as of December 9, 1968. .. 2. That the said Mr. Henry DeWith shall be paid a sum per 'annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. .3. That By-Law No. 1544 be and the s~e is hereby repealed. By-Law No. ] 612 A By-Law to appoint an Aeting Treasurer for the municipality of the Corpo~ation o~ the Township o~ Clarke. Whereas Section 218 o~ The Municipal Act, R.S.O. . 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a municipalit~ to apPoint an Acting Treasurer, There~ore the Municipal Council of the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke enacts as ~ollows: 1. That Mr. Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointed Acting Treasurer ~or the Corporation of the Township of Clarke as of December 9,~ 1968. 2. That the' said Acting Treasurer shall perform the duties of ~ax Collector. 3. That the said Mr. Henry DeWith shall be paid a sum per annum, payable monthly,' expressed by resolution of ,the said Council. 4. That By-Law No. 1544 be and the same is hereby repealed. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m. . ~.~.I-4../; Clerk. . , /J;;/J ;t& Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Thursday, December 5, 1968, at 8 p.m. _ Present:. Reeve RoyA~ Foster Deputy,Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson Walter H. Pope, Chartered Accountant Mr. Henry DeWi~h 'Special'meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the business recorded herein. The following correspondence was.read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Walter H. Pop~, Charte~ed Accountant, re preliminary autiit . -Filed. The following resolution was passed: Reso1utjon No. 16~:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by F.A.Gray: In accordance with Resolution No. 160 dated November 14, 1968, this Council hereby accept and approve of a pr'elinlinary audit of the accounts of this municipality under the control of Clerk-Treasurer, Mr.H. E. Millson, as presented by Walter H. Pope, C.A., auddtor of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, a copy of wh~ch is hereby attached and forma a part of this resolution. Council Chamber, Orono. . .