HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-20 RecreationDepartment of Recreation May 20th, 1975. Cor oration of the Town of Newcastle Department of Recreation Report to the Community Services Committee, Town Hall Committee Room, 7:00 p. m. - May 20th, 1975. 1. Visual Arts Centre: Mrs. Marie Hubbard co-chairman of the Visual Arts Centre has informed the undersigned that Mr. Neil Newton is no longer the Administrator of the Visual Arts Centre. 2. Darlington Sports Centre: We require a lawn mower for the grass around the building. Same type of mower as the one we use in Bowmanville. They run around $140,00. 3. Programme: Baseball: (a) Tyke Teams Bowmanville 5 boys Orono . . . . . . . 00 . . . 0 . . . 2 boys Newcastle2 boys Kendal........,.....,1 boys Ponty Pool... ...... 1 boys Port Hope2 boys (b) "T" Ball: Bowmanville...... 2 girls Newcastle 1 girls Orono 1 girls Bowmanville 4 boys Orono 1 boys Newcastle 1 boys Ponty Pool 1 boys (c) Pee Wee Baseball: Bowmanville 2 Ponty Pool.. ....... 1 Port Hope 2 Possibility (d) Girls Softball: Pee Wee Series Bowmanville Division "A" 4 Newcastle Village 2 Orono League Orono 4 Hampton 2 (o) Midget Series: Enniskillen 1 Hampton. 1 Tyrone 1 So l ina . e . . . 0-000000000 . . . 1 (f) Softball: Boys Darlington Jr. League Tyrone 1 Hampton...... ....... 1 Enniskillen 1 S0 1 ina ..... e. ....... $1,1.04,0/ (g) Bantam League: Tyrone 1 Hampton 1 Enniskillen.. ....... 1 Solina ..............1 (h) Tennis Clinics: Tennis Clinics for boys and girls 7 years of age and up starts this coming Saturday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 a. m. at Orono Park Tennis Courts and Lions Tennis Courts in Bowmanville. (i) 6occer: 7 - 10 years Teams 11 to 11 years Bowmanville 1 1 Orono 1 1 Newcastle Village 1 1 KendalKendal., . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . 1 (j) Baton, Tap and Ballet Spring Review: Our Annual Baton, Tap and Ballet Spring Review will be held in the Bowmanville Town Hall Auditoruim June 17th at 7:00 p. m. (k) Recreation &ens Fun League: Bowmanville 2 Tyrone 1 Orono 5 Newcastle Village 3 Newtonville 2 13 (1) Swimming Registrations: For Bowmanville June 2nd and 3rd at the Bowmanville Town Hall, Newcastle Village Registrations will be announced later. (m) Bo s and Girls G m Class Kirb School There are boys and girls reg stered in a 14 day gym class at the Kirby School. 4. Park Aaintenance s (a) With Ten men, one truck, one trailor and a tractor, the Parks Division has been spread thin working Courtice, Hamtpon, Tyrone, Orono Park, Orono Scheol Grounds, Enniskillen, Newcastle Village, plus all of Bowmanville. Work Completed: South your tice Park - grass cut, work left to do, paint goal post, mark field. 2. Hampton Park - Clean up. Some playground equipment. 3. Tyrone Park: Cleaned up. Repair playground equipment and paint. 4. Orono School Grounds: Levelled and dragged South Ball Diamonds. 5. Orono Parke Everything done, but bridges across creek and pool to be painted. 6. Newcastle Village Parka Dragged and levelled ball diamond,. Cleaned up park, ditch and washrooms. Filled holes in road. The road requires more gravel and grading. 7. Newcastle School Grounds: Marked out soccer pitch and put in Goal Posts. Dug up ball diamonds and placed loam on diamond. 8. Westview Heights Park: At the present time we are trucking top soil into this It will need levelling later on. 9. Bowmanville Parks: Playgrounds & Play Areass We are well on schedual here and should have all jobs completed within two weeks. 10. Parks Areas Not Started As Yet: We hope to start working in Kendal this week. The hold up at Newtonville School Grounds is the School Board. 5. Teh.nis Courts: Councillor Don xllin,r. Bill were at the Board of Education May 8th, re: Tennis Courts at (b) 1. work left to do re: repairing park. Brunt and the undersigned Meeting in Cobourg on Thursday, the Bowmanville High School. Meeting._aaLalaR An Arena For Orono The Orono Arena Committee have asked the undersigned to prepare a brief of the needs of a new Arena in Orono. To be presented to the Fair Board and Town Council when completed. Respectfully Submitted, T. A. Fanning Director of Recreation. Department of Recreation Corporation of the Town of Newcastle AQUATIC DIVISION Staff Polic and Procedures The following Policy & Procedures are for the benefit of the staff to expediate their duties in an eff'ient manner and to present good public relations to the public involved in our pool activities. On the other hand, the Policy and Procedures should be protecting the participants from any unruly problems that may occur. Every person who enters our facility whether young or old is looked upon as one of our customers. we hope that all staff can promote the general business of the pool and boost the pool and its activities. The only way to do this is for the entire staff to work together as a team. All staff members will wear Department issue while on duty. RULES AND REGULATIONS STAFF 1. Staff taking time off from their classes, guarding or cashing for social enjoyment will be replaced. 2. To arrive at the facility in ample time ( 10 minutes ) to change clothes, put out equipment, etc. 3. To start work promptly as scheduled. LE. No smoking or eating food in head guards office or cashiers booth. 5. Telephone is not to be used for social enjoyment. NOTES 1. NO Pool Staff shall consume alcoholic beverages before or during work. REGULATIONS FOR INSTRUCTORS 1. To keep your introductory activity and tapering off activity to 5 minutes in duration. 2. All instructors should be present during final examinations of their classes. Continued.,,..°° 2 - REGULATIONS FOR LIFE GUARD 1. Use courtesy in speaking to the public, when an adult has broken a pool rule always call them Sir or Ma'am. 2. If children or students break the rules they should be warned; if they persist in breaking the rules they should be asked to leave. If he refuses to leave, call supervisor or police in that order. 3. A guard will take a ring buoy with them as all times in an emergency. COMMANDMENTS OF A LIFEGUARD 1. A Lifeguard will conduct himself so as to bring credit to his organization. 1. He will never abuse any invested authority. 2. He will reflect dignity associated with saving lives. 2. A Lifeguard will be a good subordinate employee. 1e he will work es a member of a teaii and welcome supervision. 3. A Lifeguard will be a good subordinate employee. 1. He will keep his quarters, gear and skills in excellent condition. 4. A Lifeguard is trustworthy. 1. He is prompt in reporti.ng to duty station. 2. He :maintains constant surveillance. 3. He never leaves duty station when hazards exist. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR LIFEGUARDS 1. Shall enforce all rules and regulations and maintain order in his designated area. 2. Shall not leave his assigned post without relief or permission. 3. Shall not smoke, eat or drink ( alcoholic or non- alcoholic beverages ) while on active duty. 4. Shall not use profane, vile or abusive language in the exercise of his duties. 5. Shall check all life saving equipment before opening the facility and immediately report all malfunctions. Continued -3 - CODE OF CONDUCT FOR LIFEGUARDS - Continued 6. Shall be professional, alert, courteous and tactful when dealing with the public. 7. Shall be familiar with all the facilities and shall be able to direct people to specific areas of this facility when asked. 8. Shall depend, where possible, on the Folice to handle all dis ' , 0? ,_Aces or infractions that require more than a courteous but firm warning. 9. Shall maintain an alert, neat and clean appearance and keep his uniform in the best possible condition as it symbolizes the authority placed in him and conveys a feeling of security to the public. 10. Shall, above all, prevent accidents. REGULATIONS FOR CAST TER 1. Keep patrons or friends away from the front of the booth. 2. Make sure daily sheets are made out correctly with all data entered, and then checked by heed guard. 3. Leave enough change in float for the next day. 4. Send all lost items up with the daily receipts in an envelope with data ( What, where, date, description ). 5. Do not admit the public into the change room without paying. RULES AND REGULATIONS PUBLIC 1. NO running on pool deck. 2. NO running dives from the pool deck. 3. NO pushing or horseplay. 4. NO sitting or hanging on float lines. 5. One diver on the board at any time. 6. NO double bouncing. 7. Diving from the end of the board only. 8. NO swimming in area under boards. 9. NO hanging on to boards. Continued......... - 4 - RULES AND REGULATIONS PUBLIC -Continued 10. NO climbing on guard towers. 11. Each person must take a shower before using the pool. 12. NO cut-offs or jeans permitted in pool. 13. NO participant may take swimming accessories into the pool. ( Lifejackets, beach balls, mask or snorkel, etc. ) 14. Smoking, glass, papers, food, gum, drinks, etc., shall not be permitted in the pool area, 15. Spitting, spouting of water, blowing the nose and so on are not permitted in the pool area. 16. NO street clothes are allowed in the pool area. HEAD GUARD PROCEDURE HEAD GUARD SHOUIT' 1. Ensure the public are ha2py and protected at the same time. Good judgement should be used in enforcing rules. 2. Accept responsiblity for staff and patrons and make reports to the full time Aquatic Staff concerning problems with staff dicipline, theft or accidents, etc. (Fill out theft and accident forms and put in with cash) 3. At the end of shift the Head Guard remains until every patron has left. He will lock up the money and lock doors. 4. Make sure saunas are checked frequently or have patrons report abuses to the facility by underage children. 5. See that diving boards are closed according to schedule. Head Guard decision. 0Ph KING: 1. Guards are in uniform 10 minutes before opening. CLOSING: 1. Make reports on persons or inclidents and submit. 2. Everyone must be out of changerooms before departure. 3. All evening and weekend public swim periods you are to verify the money taken in by the cashier on your shift. Continued -5 - EMERGENCY 5 - EMERGENCY P7OCEDURE 1. The guard notiving situation blows his whistle, pauses, then proceeds to execute rescue if the victim(s) is in his immediate area. 2. If visti,n is in another guards area, the guard detecting the emergency indicates location of victim to the guard in whose area the emergency is. 3. In otherwords the nearest guard to victim should make rescue whether or not he spots the trouble. 1-. If the rescue is made from a tower, T,he guard must take a ring buoy, unless the victim is on the bottom, then a dive straight to the victim is necessary. 5. The head guard or person in charge assesses the situation, assisting if necessary, then notifies Supervisor if present. Decision to call in ambtlance or medical aid to be made by Supervisor, or by head guard in absence of Supervisor. 6. Head Guard then calls ambulance 623-3321 gives their name, directions to come to pool and bring a rescucitator, If a diving injury, a spinal board is to be brought. 7. The off-duty guard who has been directing patrons over the P. A. System will, if head guard calls for ambulance, take the key from the first aid box and open the pa.tc gate, then remain to assure access for the ambulance attendants. 8. One tower guard will remain at his post until all swimmers are safely out of water and than go to assist rescuer. 9. Remainder of guards will station themselves at doors to shower area to control patrons. SITUATION: DROWN NG 1. Remove victim from water. 2. Commence A. R. 3. Elevate feet. li-. Maintain body temperature. 5. Continue until medical assistance arrives. DIVING INJURY 1. Immobilize victim in water in shallow end of pool. 2. Give A. R. if necessary. 3. Do not remove from w4ter. Continued..,.... SUPPLEMENT 1. Patrons who are asked to leave the swimming pool. The following information must be noted in the boos., Date, Name, Telephone number, age, reasons how long and guard name who ejected them. 2.ROTATION: Guard will rotate every 15 minutes. Guard G Steps on laduer notifies other guards. Guards 1-2-3 stand on towers and blow whistles together. Guards 1-2-3 stay at station until everyone is out of water. Guards 1-2-3-G will then rotate at the same time. If five guards are working the Head Guard or guard on break will make P. A. Announcement while guards are rotating. If four or less are working, guard G. will make the P. A. announcements while guards 1-2-3 are rotating. Guard 3 will assume guard G's position until all P. A. announcements are made and guard G. assumes station. HEAD GUARD EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1. Guard making the rescue will be assisted by the head guard or off duty guard only. All other guards will stay at their stations. 2. If the head guard is on duty, the guard on break will assist in the rescue, after the victim has been assisted, the off duty guard will assume the head guard station. The head guard will then complete the necessary form. 3. Guards not involved in rescue will stay at their stations and assume walking position after everyone is out is out of the water. 4. There shall be two guards involved in a minor rescue: All other guards will be located as mentioned above. There shall be three guards involved in a major rescue: All other guards will be located as said above. NRD/sd April /75