HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-17 ReportJuly 17th, 1975 Department of Recreation Cor oration of the Town of Newcastle Recreation Report to the Community Services Committee, Town Hall Committee Room, 7:00 p.m., July 17th, 1975 1. D:rlington Sports Centre: (a) Locks on Players Benches. (b) Tyrone Ice Tiine, (c) Sound Booth. (d) Roadway back of Arena soft. (e) That the Tennis Club communicate with the Arena Manager. (f) Well Drilling. 2. Aemorial ark Swimming Poole (a) Adult Swimming on Wednesday & Saturday Nights. ijoor Attendence (b) Official Opening Ceremonies. (c) Swimming Pool Committee; re. season Pass for Deboo F•.-mily re: using their electricity. 3. Broom Ball: Status of Brooinball on both ice rinks. 4. Pine Ridge School; The Department of :Recreation and the Pine Ridge School Recreation Department to work hand in hand re; Recreation for the Community. 5. Summer rrograin_ne Crests: Crests for B:seball, Soccer, Girls Softball. 6. Boxing Day: ( Arena's ) The Bowmanville & Dflrlington Sports Centre were clsoed on Boxing Day in 1974. Recommend the following: Darlington S ?orts Centre - Pleasure Skating 2 - 4 p. m, Bowmanville Arena - Pleasure Skating 8 - 10 p. m. 7. Newcastle Day in "rono (a Country Ausic (b) Two "T" B1-11 games. 8. Newcastle Village Tractor: Any information on the whereabouts of the Arena Tractor & mower. 9. Bowmanville Arena; Kinsman club bign that hangs aver the Centre ice area is falling a part. Mr. Heads is having it taken down. 10. Playgroun Rcgistrstion as of Zio:^_ _ay, July 14th, 1975. 11. Damage at Lion Centre P •r%. Respectfully submitted, T. A. F; ._ Lin_ Director of R•:creation CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TELEPHONE 623-3379 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 Playground Registrations WFard 1 South Cour Lice 32 North Courtice 31 Maple Grove 16 Solina 11 ham -;)ton . 65 Zion 51 Enniskillen 42 Tyrone 47 295 Ward 2 Vincent Massey 65 Memorial Park. 42 West Beach 23 ;as t Beach :32 Lion's Centre 69 Lord Elgin Park 77 Waverley Gardens 33 Soper Creek 63 Knox School 15 Ontario Street 3 997 Ward 3 Orono Park '+3 Kendal - Jackson ?ark 9 . Newtonville 22 - Brownsdale 21 Newcastle i.loor.ial Pat•k 3 Newcastle Public School 13 121 Total 2_1 4r7 15T i -l-6" 0.17 5 - . o 95 6-A 32 - .i'.- a CEO 4o 60)I•!'m 20 616."- 41S -EA -200 !IS et 56-e 100 24 1)0/-/x0.20 • L -.i L) 1 L -n .. L-' ' /Le - 6,- q /Ze.v.-v c 7 r Blue •Background - whits letuering 3 inch Round res L. like'a Baseball - Newcas ale :Jedar t_ae Kinsman T Ball 1975. },ed Background - white lettering; 3 incl round res like a Softball - Newcastle Recreation Softball League. White Background with Red Lettering 4 inch round crest. like a Softball - Newcastle Recreation ie .:;a: .:_;;.lv Leazua Cna_nps 1 97 5. - Blue Background -. with white lettering 4 incia rouna crest. . like a Softball - Newcastle Recreation ;Je,art:;,e t Regi iai -chaps 1975. ` White Bakground with Red lettering '+ i.:ch like a Baseball 7. Newcastle Recreation Jep f t.;l ;:t L .LE: w • .Champs 1975 Tyke. .- Red Background with white lettering 4 inch rounci cre:, I:. like a Baseball Newcastle Recre 1.i. in Jeoartnt Reginal Chup a.s 1)75 Tyke. : -- Blue Background - with white lettel2ih 3 iris : round crest. 1)'/5. /5. like a Baseball Newcastle Recreation Base - White Background with white lettering 4 inc st. lige a Soccer Ball, Newcastle Re raat io .;ar t;ien ..oc.!er League. - Red Background with red letteL'ing + _ncn round crest. lire a 6occer Ball, Newcastle Recreation Japar tilent Soccer Cha::nps. A g f2:2 g Li Sr- CRESTEX LIMITED 68 BROADVIEW AVE. - TORONTO, ONT. M4M 2E6 • MESSAGE J • USE LOWER PORTION FOR REPLY L13-4TM-83'Z GRANb 8 'TOY LIMITED .. TO ORIGINATE 11, 4.4c1./776 - 'Re -7h Hand or type write mageago, remove yellow (follow-up copy) , and forward balance or set. 'Save envelope typing. Fold form at arrows: For use It # 9 or # 10 window envelope, 5-5—re, / o 0 g 7 ,3s- / 7 2 7 c0 / 7.2 REPLY FROM, ROUND TRIP MEMO t.ta.rtTN.ey, * ERpn+a ]br DATE TO REPLY Write rnpty—Aataln whits original grid ream pink cony