HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-20TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Community Services Committee October 20, 1975. Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Committee held in the Bowmanville Committee Room on October 20, 1975, at 7 p.m. Roll Present were: Mayor G. B. Rickard, Acting Chairman Call Con. K. E. Lyall, Member Town Clerk J. Mcylroy, Secretary Absent: Con. D. W. Allin, Chairman Con. A. Cowman, Member Resolution #CS -268-75 Adoption Moved by Con. Lyall of Minutes THAT the minutes of meeting held on October 6, 1975, be adopted. "CARRIED": Delegation A delegation of residents of the Waverly Hills Sub Division Waverly Hills appeared before the Committee with a petition signed by Subdivision 280 residents petitioning for a neighbourhood park in the area, as the land on which the children fornmerly played is now being 'iuilt upon with townhouses. One Sugg stion was for the To' to stop the building, purchase the land and redevelop it as park land. Mayor Rickard and Councillor Lyall said that they would address themselves to the problem as soon as possible to try to come up with a solution. Hayden Mr. Blackburn and Mrs. Potts appeared before • the Committee Community relative to a fence at the Community Hall at Haydoa which Hall Board needs to be replaced. It appears that cattle are getting out of the neighbouring field. Mr. Dunham undertook to have a look at the situation and report. Warble Resolution #CS -269-75 Fly Program Moved by Con. Lyall THAT the submission of a financial statement by Mr. Pethick be referred to next meeting. (Res. #CS -251-75) "CARRIED" cOmmottntY SerViceS Committee 2 - October 20, 1975. Resolution #CS -270-75 :Eire Moved by Con. Lyall Services Committee THAT the report of the meeting between the Community Osha a Services Committee and the Fire Protection and General Purpose Committee of the City of Oshawa be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS -271-75 Bowmanville Moved by Con. Lyall 41-00 ,N040 As,at on THAT the request of the Bowmanville Minor Hockey 440044404 re Hockey for Council assistance in providing gifts to a Swedf,eh Juveiile Gabe Hockey team playing in Bowmanville on January 4, 1976, be approved in principle up to a maximum amount of $206; and that Mr. Shackelton be requested to subml.t sttggestiOns a$ to what the gift might be. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS -272-75 Moved by Con. Lyall Drainage THAT drainage work at the Darlington Sports Centre parking Darlington lot be carried out in accordance with the memo of the Sports Director of Public Works dated October 20, 1975, at Centre an estimated cost of $1,795.80. "CARRIED' Resolution #CS -273-75 Moved by Con Lyall Snow Clearing THAT the snow clearing at the Darlington Sports Centre Darlington be carried out by the Public Works Department as and when Sports Centre priorities allow. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS -274-75 Roved by Con. Lyall Fence at THAT the quotation of Frost Fence be accepted in ah amount Newcastle of $800. provided that it is of the same strength and material Swimming as the other quotations. Pool "CARRIED" Community Services Committee Cover for Newcastle Lions Swimming Pool: Girls Hockey Tot's Skating Bowmanville Swimming Pool Bleachers Solina School - 3 - October 20, 1975. Resolution #CS -275-75 Moved by Con. Lyall THAT a Daycran cover be purchased for the Newcastle Swimming Pool at a total cost of $870.32. "CARRIED'' Resolution #CS -276-75 Moved by Con. Lyall THAT the fee for Girls Hockey be set at $20. per person as recommended by the Director of Recreation. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS -277-75 Moved by Con. Lyall THAT the fee for Tot's Skating be .50per person. "CARRIED" Resolution #CS -278-75 Moved by Con. Lyall THAT the Bowmanville Pool be not assumed by the Town until all deficiencies are rectified. 'CARRIED" Resolution #CS -279-75 Moved by Con. Lyall TRAT the Solina School be granted the use bleachers. A delegation of the appeared before the of the cost of work submitted showing a They indicated that $4,523. to complete "CARRIED" of the portable Orono Amateur Athletic Association committee relative to the financing done at the Arena. A statement was total estimated cost of $13,569.24. they required an estimated sun of the work as follows Electrician for refrigeration Hook up for refrigeration Plywood The matter was referred to the $1500. 2500. 523. .§.L2.112. Finance Committee Community Services Committee -- 4 - October 20, 1975 Resolution #CS -r280-- 75 Moved by Con. Lyall Animal THAT the McDonald Ford tender for a 1975: truck be Control accepted in an amount of $4,581:15 and that the old Truck truck be not traded at this time. "CARRIED" Adjournment Resolution #CS -281-75 Moved by Con. Lyall, THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:40 p.m. "CARRIED"