HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1968 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CL&~KE Tuesday, November 5, 1968, at 10,a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. \II Present:Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor.F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H~ E. Millson The minutes of Council meetings held on October 1, 14, 211_ and 31, 1968, were approv,ed as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. Mr. James Stutt, representq.tive for Clarke on the Boa,.rd of the }lemorialHospital, Bowmanville, reported on ~he Board's current plans and organization. Further, with regret, he told Council that he would not.be eligible for reappointment to the Board for the ensuing year as he had now qompleted the maximum of,12 years in accordance with the by-laws of the said Memorial Hospital. Certain aspects of his verbal report were discussed in Council. Reeve Foster, on.behalf.of Council, thanked Mr. Stutt for his informative report. It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by F. A. Gray, that delegations be heard. Carried. . Mr. C. T. J. Sheppard representing Cedar Dee Farms appeared at Council meeting in support of corre~pondenGe under Item 1. recorded herein. . , , In accordance with action by Council in Special meeting on October 24, 1968, Mr. Walter H. Pope, C.4., appeared at Council Meeting. Messrs. Colin Strathy and Allan Moore met with Council with regard to the individually deeded lots in part Lot 33, Con. 1, .Clarke. The mattertin.questi<;m 'o/as that Mr. Moor~ is; restricted to the use.of the lands at the time By-Law No. 1592 was passed. CO\:luc:;Ll c?-dvised the del~gation to present their application to the Clarke Planning Board. On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone, that Council recess for.lunch.at 12:10 p.l}l. and resurn.e session at 1:30 p.m. Carried. With reference to action tak~n by Council in meeting on October 24,1968, r'1r. Graeme Goebelle, C.A., appeared at Council meeting. Mr. Arthur Low, Secretary of Clarke Planning Board, presented a recommendation on behalf of the said Board concerning Subsection 5 of S~ction~F$ of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1960. This matter was concluded by resolution. Mrs. Walter S. Dempsey met with Council to ~nquire. what action the Council intend to take concerning her dry well which may have been caused by the excavation of gravel from this Township's gravel pit which abuts th~ Dempsey property. ,Reeve Foster, on behalf of Council, informed Mrs., Dempsey that this matter had been referred to our. Solicitor who, unfortunately, had not as yet advised Council on this matter. , The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Mr. G. C. Gray, Cedar Dee Farms, re maintenance of ~-1unicipal Road, ..running north - south be.tween the VIIth and the VIIIth Concession Roads ann immediately west of Lot 22, Township of Clarke.-Refe~~ed to the 1969 Road and Bridge Committee. . . 2. Copy of letter of M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, to Mr. G. C. Gray, Cedar Dee Fq.rms, r~ Road between Lots 22-23, Con. 7, Township of Clarke.-Filed. 3. lvliss Lallie Stewart r.e grat:i,tude for services rendered with regard to the Stewart Bridge, Lots 6-7, Con. 3.-Filed. 4. Mrs. R. G. Chater, Secretary, Cemetery Board, re account fQr preliminary work on ~e Lawrence Cemetery and request for brush cutting at the said Cemetery.- Referred to Accounts and referred the brush cutting back to the Cemetery Board. ~ ./~- Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 5 November 196$ continued: s. Mrs. Jenny-V. Norton re resignation.-Referred to the Finance Co%~ittee. 6. Department of Highways, Port Hope, OrtRrio, re proposal by the Twp. to assume Kaspar Hollen Road into the Twp. System.-Referred to the Road and Bridge ,Committee. 7. John Layng re closing of road allowance between Lots l!j. and 15, Concession 4, Township of Clarke.-Filed. $. Les Reid re closing of the road allo,^lance between Lots 14 and 15, Concession 4, Township of Clarke...-Filed. 9. Copy letter of E. R. Lovekin to H. E. Millson re W. F. Andrews - Proposed Road Closing.-Filed. 10. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re Resolution No. 6$~70 dated October 31, 1968.-Tabled to January meeting of Council. 11. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re Resolution No. 68-71 dated October 31, 1968.-Tabled to January meeting of Council. 12. The Consumers' Gas Company re Interim Rate Order.-Filed. 13. Department of Highways re 1968 Supplementary Expenditure By-Laws.-Filed. 14. Cosmos Chemlac.Limited, Port Hope, Ontario re sites for relocation of business as business ,brought forward from October 24, 196$.-Tabled. 15. Department of Highways re Township of Clarke By-la"l lIo. 1594.-Filed. 16. Alex Carruthers, H.P.P., Durham, re proposed reconstruction at the intersection of the Taunton Road and No. 115-35 Queen's Highway.~Filed. , 17. Ontario Good Roads Association request for vesolutions & proposal of names for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads.-Filed. 18. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Gordon F. Baker.-Filed. 19. Copy letter of Alex Carruthers, H.P.P., Dur'ham, to the Honourable John P. Robarts, P.C., ~.C., 1'e proposed raceway at the Canadian National Exhibition.-Referred to the Clerk and Reeve to forward a letter to the Honourable John P..Robarts, P.C., ~.C.~ and request the municipalities of Darlington and Manvers to register their endorsement to this letter. 20. Department of High't'lays, Port T{ope, Ontario, re resolution passed by the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono requesting signs on Highway No. 40l.-Filed. 21. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re brochure for the 1969 tourist season.-Filed. 22. Northumberland - Durham Health Unit Report for September 196$.-Filed. 23. Mr. Fred Hunter, Leader Wholesale Distributors, Toronto" request for Opening and Closing Hours of Business.-Referred to the Clerk. 21./-.' Page and Kamin, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar:Les, re By-Law No. 1596 - The Lord's Day Act as business brought forward from 1 October 1968.-Filed. 25. Copy of letter from Peter Caspari, President, SunnydBne Estates Limited, to Mr. Arthur Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, re part of Lot 2$, Concession 5, Township of Clarke as business brought forward fr~m 1 October 196$.-~eferred to Resolution. 26. Ontario Hydro, BO\^l!nanville area office, re Street Lighting - lie'ltltonvD.:le as business brought forward from 1 October 1963. -Tabled. . 27. Lake Ontario Regional Development COl.'.ncil re LODA News for October 1968. -Fi-led. 28. Committee of Adjustment minutes dated September 23, 26 and 30 and October 2 and 5.-Filed. 29. Sunnydene Estates Limited re application to the Depart"'1ent of Municipal Affairs for permission to subdiVide part of Lots 27 and 2S, Concession 5, To~mship of Clarke for re~idential purposes.-Referred to Resolution. . . Pace 3 ReGular Meeting of Council 5 November 196$ continued: 30. Clarke Planning Board recorrL.'11endation re Sunnydene Estates Limited proposed subdivision in Parts Lots 27 and 28, Concession 5, in accordance with sub-section 5 of Section 2$ of the Planning Act.-Referred to resolution. 31. Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts request for financial support as business brought forward from 1 October 19&$.-Filed. 32. Durham Central Agricultural Society re offer to purchase Land as business brought forward from 23 May 1968.- Referred to the Clerk to reply-no action. 33. Copy letter of Canadian Pacific to Railway Transport COrrL.~ittee ~e File 3701.131 - Samis Rd. and CPR mile 152.1+5 Bel12v:t11e Subd. ""Piled. The follm'11 nc: resolut ions were passed: ReRohit,jon No. }SO:l,loved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to forward a letter to the Honourable John p. Robarts,P.C., ~.C.., to inforT'1 the Ontario Provincial Government of this Council's opposition to the ,proposed raceway at the Canadian National Exhibition and, further, to request the Councils off the I.lLmi_c i[Jalities of Darlington and Manvers to endorse the action of this Council by corresponding with the said Honourable John p. Robarits, P.C., Q.C. A copy of the said letter to be forwarded to Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham. Carried. Reso]11tion No. 11)1:Hoved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: Whereas report and recommendation was received on this date fro~ the Clarke Planning Board concerning the proposed conveyance of lands to this Municipality by Sunnydene Estates Limited, the o\~crs o~ parts Lots 27 and 2$, Concession 5; And Whereas this Council request the ,Minister of Hunicipal Affairs to impose certain conditions in accordance with subsection 5 of Section 28 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1960 and anendments thereto; Now Therefo~e this Council hereby request the Minister of }hlnicipal Affairs to impose such conditions to the approval- of the Sunnydcne Estates Limit.ed proposed plan of subdivision in parts Lots 27 and 28, Concession 5, Township of Glarke, so that the followinc lots May be conveyed to t.his Municipality for public pu~poses other than highways: Lot No. 53 ll,250.sq. ft. Lots Nos. 117 & 49 21,000 sq. ft. Lots Nos. 31, 3$ & 61- 24,750 sq. ft. Lot No. 69 8,175 sq. ft. Lot No. 81 9,000 sq. ft. Total 74,175 sq. ft. 4J The ClerK is hereby instructed to for"lIjard h c8rtified copies of this resolution to Mr. Arthur 1"0"', Secretary, C14rke Pl~nnjng Board. Carried. ReRolut;on No. ]t:;2:Hoved by F.A.Gray,seconded by H.E.WalkGY This Council hereby authorize tfie Treasurer to apply to The Ontario Eunici pal Board, if required; :i.n accordance with Section 329 of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments thereto. Carried. - .' Resolut;on No. lS1:Hoved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby.authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal an "Offer To Sell" between the Corporation of the Township of Clarke and "Rudolpn Scheibl dated the 29th 'day of' October 196~. Carri~d. Resollitfon 'f\Jo. 1 Sh::Moved by F;A;Gray, seconded By J .W.Stone: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sisn a deed in duplicate dated the 25th day of October 1968 . , be~ween'tnis Corporation and WiIlia~ Searl Jaynes. Resolution No. lSS:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by J.W.Stone: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for pa}~erit by the Signing Officers of this Council: Addit ion to General Voucher #10 for October in the aTYlount of $1320.62 General Voucher #11 for }!ovember in the amount of $39L;-Og.66 Gene~al Welfare Voucher #11 for November in the amount of .~l030. 63 Road Voucher #10 for October'in the amount of $31188.05 Police Village of Orono Voucher #10 for October in the amount of ~~1699. 71. Carried. Page 4- Regular Meeting of Council 5 November 196$ continued: The '_fQllo~ling.By-Law ',v,as given first; second and third re,ad- ing and finally passed: By-Lrn., No. 1608 Being-a By-Law to appoint a Municipal Auditor. WHEREAS Section 22$(1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 requires that every municipality shall by-by-Iaw appoint one or more auditors who shall be persons licensed by the Depar.t- ment of , Municipal Affairs as municipal auditors, AND WHEREAS council have decided to appoint such an auditor. AND WHEREAS council have been assured that their nominee is a fully qualified Charter.ed AccQuntant who holds the necessary licence fI:'om the Department of }1unicipalAffairs within,tne meaning and requirements of the ,said.statutory authority and that he does not fall within any of the statutory prohibitions found in the said Act, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the ~ifuni cipal Corporation of ,the Township of Clarke as follows:- 1. That Walter H. Pope, Chartered Accountant, of the Town of Georgeto'/ffi in the Province of Ontario, is hereby appointed ]vfunicipal Auditor for the Township of Clarke. 2. That the said auditQr.shall.p2r.form th~ ,corporation audit and the audit of all local boards and hodies where fu_nctions fall under .the lee:al.authority. of ,the Township of.Clarke and other statutor.y duties rcquir.e.d of a Township auditor and any and all other specific matters of a fj_scal natu_re properly placed before him by the COllncil or the Clerk and ancillary to his statutory function at a fee of One Thousand Dollars (~n, 000.00) annually be.:;inninc in the year 1968. 3. That ,vhile this appointment is for a definite term, notl1ine:.in,this by-Jaw shall prevent removal for cause of the said auditor within the meaning and by the means outlined in Section 228(1) of the Municipal Act. L~. That By-Law No. 1549 be and is hereby repealed. Resolution No. It:;6:~.10ved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council hereby ,adjourn to meet again on Friday, December 13, 1968, at 10 a.m. in the Covncil Chamber at Orono in regular meeting or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. . -,.~:,,~_.J Clerk. 41l~ Reeve. , SPECIAL MEET.ING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Friday, November 8, 1968, at 8 p.m. - Council Chamber, Orono. Present:Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. 'Stone Special Meeting o~ Council was called by 'Reeve Foster to consider the business herein recorded. The following correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster: ~ B. E. Millson re resignation.-Filed. . The ~ollowing resolutions were passed: ~.so]utiQI MP- 1~':Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded'by H.E.Walkey: , This'CducU hereby acceptiwith regret; theore;fJignation o~ H. E. Killaon as Clerk-Treasurer of this municipality. Carried. R..Q]utio~ '9- l~B:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by F.A.Gray: ,Thi. Coudcil hereby instruct the Clerk to advertise ~or applications ~or the position 'o~ Clerk o~ this municipality to be received on or be~ore 12th December 1968. Succeaa~ul applicant to commence duties on or before January 2, 1969. The said advertisement to be advertised twice, i~ possible, in The Municipal World, Orono Weekly T~es, Canadian'Statesman, Oshawa Times and Peterborough Examiner. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. . ~~'~I~.-J Clerk. Ree-ve./1;t? ~