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Sp~cial Meeting of Council 24 October 196$ continued:
The following resolutions were passed:
ResQlutjon No. lh8:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby accept the proposal being a study of the
development and improvement of the road system of this Municip-
ality as of May 31, 1966, prepared by Totten, Sims and Associates
Limited, Consulting Engineers. Carried.
R~~Q~~tjon No. J49:Moved by J. W. Stone,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby request Messrs. W. Pope and G. Goebelle,
Chartered Accountants, Auditors of this Corporation, to appear at .
Council Meeting on November 5, 1968, between the hours of 10 a.m.
and 5 p.m. local time. Carried.
The following By-Law was read a first, seco,nd and third time
and finally passed:
By-Lflw No. 160')
Being a by-law to designate the Reeve and Clerk as signing
officials on behalf of this Corporation. .
Whereas the Department of Highways Ontario and the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke desire to enter into an Agreement for
the preparation of a report, being a study of the development and
improvement of the road system of this mp.nicipali ty;
Now Therefore the Municipal Council' of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized by this
Council to sign and seal an Agreement dated tpis 2hth day of
October, 1968, between HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of :the
Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Hjghways
for Ontario, and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke,
as represented by th~ Re~ve and Clerk.
Reeve Foster declined to sit on Council for the discussion of
the following business due to conflict of interest:
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, ~econded by J. W. Stone that
Deputy Re~ve Walkey assume the chair' in the absence of Reeve Foster.
Carried. .
The following correspondence was read out by Deputy Reeve
Walkey: .
3. Ralph A. ~allace, ~.C., rE>-Merr.ill Leonard Ross.-Filed.
4. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., ~L.B.~ re Deeding of Road;
Severance of Lands by Road.. Alloyvance as business brought
for~ard from Hl- OGtober 1968. -Filed.
Meeting adjourned at 10: Ll-~ p.m.,
Clerk. . .
Reeve.~ (l~
Thursday, October 31, 1968, at 7 p.m.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Counc~llor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. i. Grai
Clerk H. E~ Millson
Special meetine of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the follo,^,Ting business:
The following was read out by. R~eve Foster:
1. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono Resolution No.
68-72 re Nomination and Elpction.-Referred to By-law.
The following By-Law,^,Tas read a first, second and third
time and finally passed:
By-Law No. 1606
A ,by-law ,to appoint the :time and place of meeting for the
nomination of Candidates for Three Police -Trustees fpr the Police
Village of Orono, .Townshi,p of Clark e, for the ensuing year, a1 so
the Polling Place, De put y Returning Officer and Poll Clerk for the
next ensuing el ection.
The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the TO'I.'mship of
Clarke enacts as follows:
Council Chamber, Orono.
That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of th8
Village of Orono for the Romination of Candidates for Three
Police Trustees for the ensuing year shall be held in the
Orono Municipal Buildjn~~ on the Twenty-Fifth day of November,
1968, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon.
That the f)olling, if required, for the Municipal EJection
shall take place on the Fourth day of Decemhler, 1968, and the
Deputy Returning Officer, Poll Clerk and Polling Place shall
be and are hereby ~ppointed as follows: Poll shall ~pen at
10 a.m. and close at 7 o'clock p.m. -
Orono Municipal Building
Deputy Returning Officer - Mrs. Margaret Mercer
Poll Clerk - Mrs. Olga Beauchamp
And at the said Nomination Meeting and Election (if
required) H. E. Millson shall be Chairman and Returning Officer.
That By-Law No. 1599 be and the same is hereby repealed.
The following By-Law was read a third time only and
finally passed:
By-Law No. ] 607
A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1592
WHEREAS Zoning By-Law No. 1592 was passed by the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke on the 23rd
day of May 196$;
AND WHEREAS the Clarke, Planning Board has made a general
review of the provisions of the-By-Law and has recommended to
the Municipal Council that certain amendment s be made to the
said By-Law;
AND WHEREAS the Mun~cipal Council.upon,the recommendation
of the Clarke Planning Board deems it advisable to amend the
said By-Law; )
NOw THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of
the Tovmship of Clarke ENACTS as follows:~
1. That SECTION 2'of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding the following after SECTION 2.13:
2.13 A Publjc Ga:('a~e: means and includes a building or
place where motor vehicles are hired or kept or
used for hire, or where such v=hicles or
gasoline or ~ils are stared or kept for sale,.
or a building or place used as a motor vehicle
repair shop (but does not include an auto body
repair shop) or for washing or cleaning motor
vehicles, but does not include any business use
othe~lise defined or classified in this By-Law.
That SECTION 2.15 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding at the end of tne third line and after descrjbp.d i~ a
the following: "deed or shown on aU.
3.- That SECTION 3.1 of By-Law No. 1592 is. hereby amended by
inserting between Commercial "c" and Industrial "Ml"
under ~ and Zone Symbol "Highway Commercial" and "HC"
That SECTION 3 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding the following after SECTION 3.7:
3.7 A Greater ~es~rictions:
This By-Law shall not be effective
mitigate any restrictions lawfully
governmental authority but in such
greater restriction shall apply.
That SECTION 3.$ of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby a~ended by
deleting "defined by the Township of Clarke or by any
local Board thereof".
That SECTION 4.11 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding thereto at the end of the first line after ~
add "Rl", and after ~ in the second line delete the "R".
That SECTION 5.5 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding thereto at the end of the sentence after dwel1jn~ -
"shall be erected upon a lot. If.
That SECTION 5.6 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby deleted.
Page 2
Sr-8cial Eectin!~ of Council.1l October }Q6o co t' d
_ _ _ _ . / 0 n J. n U.:J ,:
to reduce or
imposed by a
cases the
Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 31 October 1968 continued:
9. That Table II of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding IlMinimum Rear Yard 35 ft.", and deleting the word
"ground" from Minimum floor area.
10. That Table III of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding "Minimum Side Yards 25 ft." tlMinimum Rear Yard
35 ft.".
11. That SECTION 6.2 of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by
re-wording to read uNo ShoppiItlg Centre shall be established
except by a re-zoning for this specific use.tI.
12. That !?y-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by inserting
immea.:tately after SECTION 6 A - H:)::GHWAY COMMERCIAL IIHC":
6 A.l Hi~hway CQmmprcial Zone Pprmjtted Uses:
No person shal::t- \l.se land or erect or use a, ,
bu.ilding or structure in a Highway Commercial
J Zon~ (H,C.} e:r-c~pt' for one or more of the following
purposes.^subject to SECTION 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS:
(a) Restaurants, Sporting Goods Service Centre,
Public Garages, Service StatioD-s, .Hotels,
Motels, (with or without testaurant facilities),
Car wash Stations, Commercial Nurseries.
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-Law
to the contrary, the owner of a Com~ercial~
operation in the HC Zone may erect a care-
takers residencp' in the same lot, which shil
conform to Table II of By-Law No. 1592 or
an apartment above the first floor to a
minimum of 600 sq. ft. exclusive of halls
and st airways.
6 A.2 Lot RequiremAnts:
In accordance with Table II.
13. That SECTION 8.1 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is amended by
adding IIconservat ion areas II.
14. That SECTION 10 (a)(i) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby
amended by adding tlsubject to'Table II.".
15. That SECTION 10 (~)of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended
by altering II (a) It before z;one to n (A) It.
16. That Schedule Itfi~1 of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by
adding "OS" symbol to the Department of Lands and. Forests,
and adding United Counties' Durham Reforestation and';~
the "OS" symbol to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority.
17. That Schedule "Au of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended
by changing from :Bevelopment Zone nD" to a Highway
Commercial Zone "HCIt the area as shown on Schedule 111\."
attached hereto and more particularly shown in the plan
of survey attached hereto as Schedule "Bit.
18. This By-Law shall take effect fronl the date of passage
by Council and shall c9me intG force upon approval
by the Ontario Municipal Board.
That By-Law No. 1602 be, and the same i? hereby repealed.,
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.rr..
Reeve~ t9-;Uu-
REFERENCE - By-Law No. 1607 as T'2cord0d in the foregoin,'" minutes.
Schedules "A" and "B" to the sai? Py-Lm.T are
hereby recorded on the follov1in7 two pag(~s of
thjs record.