HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-17 Briefubm:i ttc) to 1J 1-lMMt,INZ Tl ,. E tV e .. `CRYO AT:LON O[,, Ts, 't. I VISUAL - RTS--,OVISOi-2.Y March 1 '1975 R L., A.M l_ TIl naugural meet4.ng of•the 41 ac;;:i Arts t::> _ d 7--! (11 .. "ion way., held on January 21, 197 :, she ',a • r or `f- ;��._.�,_ Off' `l^rbr ' ,�•l � to 1 l N Newton b r � tho Corporation. of. .the.Town- o' Newcastle --...that the Cream -of Barley- I. i.11 o ,y b .available. for use a. m ViF rt :.L C. that 1-2.Onc11-- had approvad, 1n -principle, *grant o ^rr!n Centre in 1975, The composition of the. Advisory.•Comrri t_ ec' d ofT.ry'reset he d are as follows': IV(7.r e ?iubb:;trei-Cx;<l.Irrrltin • Tony Brand-- ! e -'e;szirr Pro-•S muel arn:i. `r/orboy Jane ' Cc7_e:, r}on '.-S tap.l eS Kingsley. VanNes Ross iVietcalf e e Newton -Acting "l.umr''.1Str t0r 'Evelyn McTavish -Special F:v=a'! L .. Susan ,Tames -Secretary. • Thi_s Committe p has resolved to nr� c j J J I✓ - . �'l i, �' '1 !'�. �1 ' /', I t Yy r Tf purpose of initiating a. pre�ra.mmc ar.l �: ..off c^1t7 , c•<-=�r�r�,-;ti•,-;, .r oa Visual Arts Centre r�nti1_ October• 1 r?7 t, v i,•on:, meetin Will be held to. adon1; a formal. mPr;:}-;=arc;hi ,'fir )t? ay, erect a Cemrnittee and offices for -thc ers i.nt � 1E- r. c? �� • -1 eantimrd, • the Advisory Committee'have .oL.c Y, 1?1 t t i;ed t i� �,rtc_,�V� � .trt. thefoilowi.n aims and ob c � �Gt1.YIC .� .for f;he V1 s i.la1_ 1 Y'ts (1) . to establish a central and permanent location part ri.patiors• in the. Vist.�a.l Art=. „r _;; 1 n h: Town. (� r -Newcastle; to encourage active participation throw in the visual arts; i _ ; i , (..:.t 14) , to promote ..the.Visual Arts for. the enj' enr chment of the peop] e in t V l 1 �'fI i :iC' It -was • f urtl•>,er. r eso ved•that theabove mea•at or"ped ,a. irr.s be -. pursi?.ed with the ultimate objective -..of -the creation of. an.—.Arty;., Com- oi.l for -the-munlc^ipa.iity capa_b e of ^ur r— he entire region, in fi thranoe of these Objectives t e AC ;r Irl •e.dopted '? fine programme for s i.x: rnont;h- throu:� rY, to Ju?Y � r r (�'1lp? 3 S I Y 1 5 "t'1 ar'i'1to ( 1 ee: A p o lr e ! n. tir S ;;:1"� �. Y ! +:' i :.: 1 f l cyi -- o not require the provision o.f capi.tol equi omenta v on :, i" !a.'' F;•I'',0(Zt`1 t E ' ` ) r L.o t (1,6 -ti. Self -f .I nanC111rri.>l pending. receipt 0t 1'10 •01 the. -Town ot'.•1Newc . ~tIo and 1 n1�!rf 1> r! Or t,ario Arts" Count;.ijl, when the courses subject matter- and -scope. A programme brochure (copy attached has C,eer• _ ep r ;* circulated by- the Advisory Committee and thiS. pro ramc r i lncorpbrated in the Community 'Service Comr^, i -t e i .-, Recreation Department's News Letter. It wilL be obser,r_.d .tU ��- r �.:`. ('fel. �.,r c7 r'•-• aimed at all levels of the community incl_u'' j yor,-1 orale - a.n d. Senior.: Citizens. }flour of the courses have been completed. to date wir'. the. follo'r.ng attendances; 6•at 7". 16 a.t erad, d. Onopr. int Workshop 1.7 attended Photographic Lighting ' Ir • 16 t-,tenr}c • Watercolour 'Workshop 1" attended Treasurer's Report presented to .they est r ,- Vi.sua.l Arts Committee held on. ii.arCh 11. I' y 1 be observed that -the Ontario Al. is n approved a TMlatchin� grant of <<' (� ';r has-.. u gL a t t.J2 50 against _ fees received to date to help 1•d r ay thr cbS of th.c. courses.. Request for payment .of .this Erin; was n cie • February 21k., 1975. - 1tm�.U''r. The rt.- }'or?Ri,z�a dviaOrY not a r t e rogrr�mme "F' ,11 V t� of corp f'C.i }?lr l 4 1 .year to D e half c t ..17.1 }� e i 1 9 '"y r� . - �, It i s .antirip .:eq. that • the r1r n -.!.:2500 n , h•Oorpor3tiorof the -ooh of ! sti( '7d .:..i:00 '-Arts.Ciu7tll will' r4 • enable. the9Co M1tt" 1re xe; d a t r• nCotlha_✓ j7xsq . ]oorLoo li r rtePhC:J1T• £ am} t5 i r the X�if'f E?;ti�r3.1:'y f'(�l.l:�_17ri1;?�1t :l' Y. a}'l the r.;nr x :1 tt :_(.� t[J•�li�r ni�.ci�'r irrri dates.0.. (if'}7 t �7'.t .., •t {1 hook i , , r Llr r ., t,' �- �l �'c;mc; i � � h ..1 O C1.N . ri�rTrlr F `yT,. t7- r - i. t.' GQIT?17?l,?1'1 ,uri.T A?' is Adv; r�1 �} �t r', -,;:. 1 �;�,, :1. .1 v(l .�.vt.'171 :?,1 f; I 1 r�1 t`r�f i '•N r' .t11I(��Sr{�� •I21 t}"1 ;:1i� i)l,l` "}, f i'�, ';, f 7.11 t, w e ne:tit - stage o f 14 , ,;1 �! , :rati_r�11 � the Corpo That- Caurlcil. 4pr ov l re and.'lrlp ,�- - ;.� scat forth in th is z �' " o t. r _,• °z a TISual. Arts ....Centre in t'}�l r.,;1, , i (2) That f � 7..:1_� �,:: ounc 1 approve i • a base men of t s, = ;� J, , ; ream .of 6arl •4venun by the LTi- Lia]- Arts gr.Tr� ',,I...'11 pta�'posf,� set -�c o 5 '��n r 1r;.-�*-` �' ,"� L�-,w, r 1, 1�, 7 n _� h Y't 1'� e i cs r 7 - y Services `omniitteP p - �� .71(-:?n(�aitQ CO�,.i<'lc .Z .;- nr r� ��-{- �.. that•f.r? �,1 rw requesteC} �r• t� �: 1 Ali' i;''z t, tr r e• _Tubb,}rd - _Visual .['...'t.`:., try.n,.,;r VISUAL ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Treasurer's Report - March 4, 1975 Income Donations Curvply Wood Products, Orono Mrs. Marie -Hubbard, Bowmanville Mr. S. McTavish, Blackstock Rickaby's Ltd. Bowmanville Grant • Ontario. Arts Council Expenses Lectures "6 at 7" Less Receipts Monoprint Workshop Less Receipts Photographic Lighting Less Receipts Printing Brochure Post Office.Box Rent Travel Expenses - on account Surplus on hand Balance Sheet March 1, 1975 Cash at Bank Receivable -- Grant $240.19 $250.00. $490.19 $388.41 203.00 $185.41 $50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 $160.00 250.00 $410.00 271.00 272.00 ( 1.00) 223.69 240.00 ( 16.31) 168.10 60.00 9.00 20.00 $257.10 $152.90 Accounts Payable Surplus on hand