HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/1968 (Special Meeting)
Pae;e 4
Special ~.1eeting of Council HI- October 196$ cont inued:
Township of Cavan, Township of Clarke, To~mship of Darlington,
Township of Hope and Township of Manvers to the Northumber1and-
Durham, Peterborough and Victoria Counties Roman Catholic
Separate School Board;
And Whereas moere particularly to name the place and time
of meeting for the nomination of Candidates for Two School
Trustees to be elected by publi~ s~hool supporters' to the
. United C~unties of N~rthumberland and Durham Board of Education;
And Whereas more particularly to establish the Polling
. Places and pro~e for the appointment by resolution of election
personnel such as a Returning Of~icer, -Deputy Returnine
Officers, Poll Clerks and Assistants if required by the
Returning Officer for the ensuing Elections; .
Now There-Pore the Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That the meeting fo~ the Nomination of Candidates for
the Election of Two School Trustees to the United Counties
of Northumberland and Durham Board of Education by the
public school supporters of the municipalities of the
To~mship of Clarke, Township of Hope and Village of
Ne,,,,castle shall be held on the second Monday preceding the
first Monday in December during the hour between 1 and 2
0' clock in the afternoon (local time) at the To~rnship Hall
at Orono.
2. That the polling in the respective divisions herein
named for the election of School Trustees shall take place,
if required, in accordance with The Secondary Schools
and Boards of Education Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments
thereto and The Separate Schools Act R.S.O. 1960 and
amendments thereto:
Polling Subdivision No. 1 Community Hall, lJewtonville
Polling Subdivision No.2 Brown's School House in Lot
21, Concession 2, Clarke
Polling Subdivision No.3 Lockhart's School House in
Lot 30, Concession 3, Clarke
Polling Subdivision No. 4 Orange Hall, Kendal
, Polling Subdivision No. 5 Township Hall, -Orono
Polling Subdivision No~' 6, LeskaTd United Church Hall
Polling Subdivision No. 7 Residence of Frank Harris in
Lot 23, Concession 8, Clarke
Polling Subdivision No.' 8' Residence of James Stark in
Lot 8, Concession 5, Clarke
Polling Subdivision No. 9 Township Hall, Orono
Polling Subdivision No.lO To~rnship Hall, Orono
3. This by-law 'shall remain in force until repealed. .
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.
---~;.'("&. ( ~t2.~
Clerk. Reeve.
Thursday, October 24, 1968, at 8 p.m.
Council Chamber, O~no.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor=~. W. Stone
Special meeting of Council was c~lled by Reeve Foster
to consider the business herein recorded.
The following correspondence was read out by Ree~e Foster:
1. Department of Highways re Twp. of Clarke, Co. North. &
Durham, Dist. 7 - Agreement for Programming Study between
Department of Highways~ & Township.-Filed. .
2. Cosmos Chemlac Limjted, Port Hope, Ontario re sites for
relocat ion of business. -The Reeve to ,investigate and
report to Council.
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Sp~cial Meeting of Council 24 October 196$ continued:
The following resolutions were passed:
ResQlution No. lh8:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby accept the proposal being a study of the
development and improvement of the road system of this Municip-
ality as of May 31, 1966, prepared by Totten, Sims and Associates
Limited, Consulting Engineers. Carried.
R~~o~utjo~ No. ]hq:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby request Messrs. W. Pope and G. Goebelle,
Chartered Accountants, Auditors of this Corporation, to appear at .
Council Meeting on November 5, 196$, between the hours of 10 a.m.
and 5 p.m. local time. Carried.
The following By-Law was re.ad a first, seco,nd and third time
and finally passed:
By-Law No. 1601)
Being a by-law to designate the Reeve and Clerk as signing
officials on behalf of this Corporation. .
Whereas the Department of Highways Ontario and the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke desire to enter into an Agreement for
the preparation of a report, being a study of the development and
improvement of the road system of this m;unicipality;
Now Therefore the Municipal Council' of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized by this
Council to sign and seal an Agreement dated tpis 24th day of
October, 1968, between HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of ~he
Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Highways
for Ontario, and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke,
as represented by th~ Re~ve and Clerk.
Reeve Foster declined to sit on Council for the discussion of
the following pusiness due to confli,ct of interest:
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, peconded by J. W. Stone that
Deputy Re~ve Walkey assume the chair in the absence of Reeve Foster.
Carried. ,
The following correspondence was read out by Deputy Reeve
Walkey: .
3 . Ralph A. llallace, \ol. C., rs.. Merr.ill Leonard Ross. -Filed.
4. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., ~L.B.J re Deeding of Road;
Severance of Lands by Road.. Alloy..rance as business brought
f:or~ard from 14 O~tober 1968.-Filed.
Meeting adjourned' at 10: 40c p.m.,
Clerk. . .
Reeve.1- (l~
Thursday, October 31, 196$, at 7 p.m.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Counc.illor W. R. Carv.eth
Councillor F. i. Grai
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meetine; of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the follo~dng business:
The following was read out by, Re,eve Foster:
1. Trustees of the Police Village o~ Orono Resolution No.
6$-72 re Nomination and Elec~ion.-Referred to By-law.
The following By-La~fIT ""as read a fi rst, second and third
time and finally passed:
Ex-Law No. 1606
A ,by-law ,to appoint the :time and place of meeting for the
nomination of Candidates for T;hree Police -Trus.tees fpr the Police
Village of Orono, ,Townshi,p of Clark e, for the ensuing year, al so
the Polling Place, Deput y Returning Officer and Poll Clerk for. .the
next ensuing el ection.
The Municipal Council of the Corporation of t he Township of
Clarke enacts as follm'\Ts:
Council Chamber, Orono.