HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/1968 Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 1 October 1968 continued: Resolutjon No..Jh2:Moved by J.~.~tone,seconded byW.R.Carveth: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: Addition to General Voucher'#9 for September in the amount of $1367.78 General Voucher #10 for October in the amount of $18414.89 General Welfare Voucher #10 for October in the amount of $1243.19 Road Voucher #9 for September in the amount of $11947.88 Police Village Qf Orono Voucher #9 for September in the amount of $4590.3e. Carried. JJ,eRolutionNo. lLJ.1:Moved by W.R.Carveth,s~conded by J.W. Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on November 5, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. .' . ~~~:..~--/ Clerk. Reeve.4-~ ;Ut;- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, October 14, 1968, at 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carvetn Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roy A. Foster to con~ider the busine~s herein recorded. " . Due to the absence of Reeve Foster it was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by F. A. Gray, that Deputy Reeve Walkey assume the chair. Carried. . "T~e,following resolution was passed: Rp.solution No. lhh:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that any interested person desiring to make claim or to oppose the proposed by-law to close or stop-up certain road allowances in the Township of Clarke be heard in person or by proxy at this>time~ Carried~ . The proposed ciosings under Items'l to 8 inclusive of the Notice as advertisea were read out by Deputy Reeve Walkey. Messrs. Frank and Harry Worrall appeared at' Counci'I meet'ing to oppose the closing of the road allowance under Item 1. A letter was received from Mr. Murray Payne who also objected to the closing of this road allowance. Mr. John Kimball as proxy for Messrs. S. Tisnovsky and J. Kordas objected to the closing of the road allowance under Item 2 until such time as the Council may clarify this closing with the absent persons. No objections were received to th~ propo~ed"closing of the road allowances under Items 3 ana 4. '-= ""- A letter was received from Mr. Murr'ay Payne who opposed the proposed closing under Item 5." . No obJe.ctions were received'to the proposed" closing of the road allowances under Items 6 and 7. Council tentatively objected to the proposed'closing under Item 8 and tabled this matter for further considerati'on. It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded byW. R. Carveth, that delegations be heard. Carried. Mrs. Walter Dempsey appeare'd at Council meeting on behalf of herself and Mr. Dempsey concerning a letter under correspond- ence, Item No.2, which was read out by Deputy Reeve Walkey. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Rankin also appeared to object to a shortage of water in their well believed to be caused by the development ,of the Township gravel pit adjacent to the wells in question. It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by F. A. Gray, that this business be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee and the Road Superintendent for investigation and report to Council. Carried. .> lliJ Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 14 October 1968 continued: Mr. and M~s. Rankin asked 'if Council would consider selling them a certain depth of property to bring their property in parall~l to the de~th of the Demp~ey property so as to prevent f~rther devaluation of their property - due to th? ~evelop~ent of the gravel pit. Mrs. Dempsey objected to the devaluation of her property due to the g~avel pit and also' objected to the appearance of the existing bu~ldings owned by this municipality in Lot 16, Concession Two. _ The follO\\Ting correspondence was read out: Mr. Murray C. "Payne re proposed road closings.-Received. Mr. Walter S. Dempsey re complaint of dry well believed to be caused by excavation in the Municipal Gravel Pit located adjacent to his property.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Copy of a letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission to Mr. Peter Caspari re Proposed Sy-nnydene Subdivision Orono.-Filed. Copy of a letter from McGibbon'& Bastedo; on behalf of their client lmion Rod & Gun Club, to The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Ontario Good Roads Association re application for reservations for 1969 Conve~tion at TOronto.-Filed. Copy letter of Department 'of Highways On~ario to Mr. M~ L. Ross, Road Superintendent, re Tenders for 30,000 GVW>Truck.-Filed. Copy letter of Department of Hjghv1ays Ontario to Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, re 1968 G.M.C. S-To~ Truck.-Referred to Road Superintendent. Copy of a letter from Northumberland-Durham Heath Unit to Mr. I. M. Anderson, Subdivjsions Section, Community Planning Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs re File No. T-1921j.4, Police Village of Orono, Owner - Mr. .Jan. S. Ochonski.-Filed. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Deeding of Road, Severance of Lands by Road Allowance.-Tabled. 10. Clarke Planning Board re recommended amendments to By-Law No. 1592.-Referred to By-Law. The following resolutions Were passed: Re~olutjqn No. JhS:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F~nk Gray: Whereas By-Law No. 1604 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke provides for the appointment by resolution of election personnel such as a Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and" Assistants if required by the Returning Officer; Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the To~mship of Clarke resolves as f?llows: . 1. The Returning Officer shall be H. E. Mlllson, Clerk of the Township of Clarke. The Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the various Polling places shall be appointed as herein named: , A. Polline; Subdivision No. 1 Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk B. Polling Subdivision NO.2. Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk C. FoIling Subdivision No. 3 Deputy Retu.rning Officer Poll Clerk D. PollinO" Subdivision No. 4 Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk E. Pollin,g Su,bdivision No: 5 Deputy Returning Offlcer Poll Clerk F. Polling Subdivision No.6 Deputy ReturniT'T.-g; Officer Poll Clerk w 8. o / . 2. &.A ., 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. James IIUlaCTI-" , Hrs. Leta Samis Ross Adams Mrs. Margaret G. Boyd }frs. Chas. Fisk Mrs. Fred Lowery Mrs. Helen Couroux Mrs. Dorothy Mercer Horace R. Best Hrs. Gordon Power Roy M. Thompson Raymond MacDonald Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 14 October 1968 continued: . G. polling Subdivision No. 7 Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk H. polling Subdivision No.8 Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk' I. Polling Subdivision No.9 Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk J. polling Subdivision No. 10 .Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk The Returning Officer discretion. The Returning Offic6r be and is hereby authorized to pay all reasonable election expenses incurred and to charge back the said expenses in accordance with The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education A~t'and The Separate Schools Act. Carried. Rp~oll1ti()n No. 1 J1.6:Moved byW.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby accept the tender of Bramley Motor Sales Ltd. for the purchase of one all wheel drive truck as per tender subject tej the approval' of the' Department of Highways of Qntario. Carried. }tesol uti on No: lLI.2:Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby object to the proposed reconstruction at the intersection of the Taunton Roadand No. 115-35 !Jueen 1 s Highway and the Sixth Line Road Allowance of Clarke as outlined on the plan presented to this Council by representatives of the Department"of Hi~hways of Ontario on October 1, 196$. It is the unanimous feeling of this Council that the' proposed planning will neither presently nor ultiwately alleviate the e~istinc' hazardous condition at this intersection~ Carried. The follo"ring By-Laws were read a first and second time only: ' A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1592 . Being a By-law to stop-~p certain road allovrances and certain parts of road allow8.-TJ.ces in the Township of Clarke. The following By-Laws were read a first, second and third time and finally passed: By-~!'lW No. 160'1 WHEREAS Kaspar Hollen and'Angela Margareta HolleR have by Indenture dated the 18th day of August, 1966, granted and conveyed to this Municipal Corporation a parcel of land composed of part of Lot No. 3 in the First Concess ion of the_ Township of Clarke for the purposes of a public high'"ay; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the To"mship of Clarke hereby enact s as folloliJs: 1. That that part of Lot }\To. 3 in the First Concession of the Tmllffiship of Clarke dtoscribed in Indenture of conveyance dated the 18th day of Avp;ust, 1966', from Kaspar Hollen and Angela.Margareta Hollen as grantors to the Corporation of the TownshJ.p of Clarke, as grantee, is hereby assumed and dedicated as a public highway. By-L.1)i No. ~ 60L~ Being a by-law to constitute, authorize and establish the necessary organlzation to facilitate the proper and due Election of School Trustees. . Whereas The, Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act R:S.O. 1960 ana amendments thereto provide for the ~;e~~].on o~ :~olSchOOl Tz:.ustees" by the public school Sll:nporto<:>rs ~ e munlcl~a itfes of ..:the Township of Clarke, Townsh1 " of Hope and Vlllage of Newcastle and, also for the elect~on gf.one School Trustee by the se-parate school supnorters ~f the nlte~ Counties of 'Northumberland and Durham to the United . Countles of Northumberland and Durham Board of Education: TrlQ And Wher~as The Se~arate Schools Act R.S.O. 1960 and aL~ndments thereto provJde for the election of One School Trust~e by the sepgrate school supporters of the municiDalities o~ th" Town of Bo"nnanville, Town of Port Hope Vi 11 ...- f' - - lchllbrook, V:illage of Ne~castle, Township of Cartwr~~~t~- Lawrence Harris Mrs. Neta Ransberry Mrs. James Stark Mrs. Ada L. Carson Charles E. Taylor P~s. Ione Forrester . 3. J',1r s. Alma Mit ch ell Mrs. 'Olive Miller shall appoint Assistants at 'his 4. . Pae;e 4 Special ~.1eeting of Council HI- October 196$ cont inued: Township of Cavan, Township of Clarke, To~mship of Darlington, Township of Hope and Township of Manvers to the Northumber1and- Durham, Peterborough and Victoria Counties Roman Catholic Separate School Board; And Whereas moere particularly to name the place and time of meeting for the nomination of Candidates for Two School Trustees to be elected by publi~ s~hool supporters' to the . United C~unties of N~rthumberland and Durham Board of Education; And Whereas more particularly to establish the Polling . Places and pro~e for the appointment by resolution of election personnel such as a Returning Of~icer, -Deputy Returnine Officers, Poll Clerks and Assistants if required by the Returning Officer for the ensuing Elections; . Now There-Pore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That the meeting fo~ the Nomination of Candidates for the Election of Two School Trustees to the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham Board of Education by the public school supporters of the municipalities of the To~mship of Clarke, Township of Hope and Village of Ne,,,,castle shall be held on the second Monday preceding the first Monday in December during the hour between 1 and 2 0' clock in the afternoon (local time) at the To~rnship Hall at Orono. 2. That the polling in the respective divisions herein named for the election of School Trustees shall take place, if required, in accordance with The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments thereto and The Separate Schools Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments thereto: Polling Subdivision No. 1 Community Hall, lJewtonville Polling Subdivision No.2 Brown's School House in Lot 21, Concession 2, Clarke Polling Subdivision No.3 Lockhart's School House in Lot 30, Concession 3, Clarke Polling Subdivision No. 4 Orange Hall, Kendal , Polling Subdivision No. 5 Township Hall, -Orono Polling Subdivision No~' 6, LeskaTd United Church Hall Polling Subdivision No. 7 Residence of Frank Harris in Lot 23, Concession 8, Clarke Polling Subdivision No.' 8' Residence of James Stark in Lot 8, Concession 5, Clarke Polling Subdivision No. 9 Township Hall, Orono Polling Subdivision No.lO To~rnship Hall, Orono 3. This by-law 'shall remain in force until repealed. . Meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m. ---~;.'("&. ( ~t2.~ Clerk. Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLaRKE, Thursday, October 24, 1968, at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, O~no. c Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor=~. W. Stone Special meeting of Council was c~lled by Reeve Foster to consider the business herein recorded. The following correspondence was read out by Ree~e Foster: 1. Department of Highways re Twp. of Clarke, Co. North. & Durham, Dist. 7 - Agreement for Programming Study between Department of Highways~ & Township.-Filed. . 2. Cosmos Chemlac Limjted, Port Hope, Ontario re sites for relocat ion of business. -The Reeve to ,investigate and report to Council. Page 2 Sp~cial Meeting of Council 24 October 196$ continued: The following resolutions were passed: ResQlution No. lh8:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby accept the proposal being a study of the development and improvement of the road system of this Municip- ality as of May 31, 1966, prepared by Totten, Sims and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers. Carried. R~~o~utjo~ No. ]hq:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby request Messrs. W. Pope and G. Goebelle, Chartered Accountants, Auditors of this Corporation, to appear at . Council Meeting on November 5, 196$, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. local time. Carried. The following By-Law was re.ad a first, seco,nd and third time and finally passed: By-Law No. 1601) Being a by-law to designate the Reeve and Clerk as signing officials on behalf of this Corporation. . Whereas the Department of Highways Ontario and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke desire to enter into an Agreement for the preparation of a report, being a study of the development and improvement of the road system of this m;unicipality; Now Therefore the Municipal Council' of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized by this Council to sign and seal an Agreement dated tpis 24th day of October, 1968, between HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of ~he Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Highways for Ontario, and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, as represented by th~ Re~ve and Clerk. Reeve Foster declined to sit on Council for the discussion of the following pusiness due to confli,ct of interest: It was moved by W. R. Carveth, peconded by J. W. Stone that Deputy Re~ve Walkey assume the chair in the absence of Reeve Foster. Carried. , The following correspondence was read out by Deputy Reeve Walkey: . 3 . Ralph A. llallace, \ol. C., rs.. Merr.ill Leonard Ross. -Filed. 4. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., ~L.B.J re Deeding of Road; Severance of Lands by Road.. Alloy..rance as business brought f:or~ard from 14 O~tober 1968.-Filed. Meeting adjourned' at 10: 40c p.m., , -~_:.u~1 Clerk. . . Reeve.1- (l~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Thursday, October 31, 196$, at 7 p.m. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Counc.illor W. R. Carv.eth Councillor F. i. Grai Clerk H. E. Millson Special meetine; of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the follo~dng business: The following was read out by, Re,eve Foster: 1. Trustees of the Police Village o~ Orono Resolution No. 6$-72 re Nomination and Elec~ion.-Referred to By-law. The following By-La~fIT ""as read a fi rst, second and third time and finally passed: Ex-Law No. 1606 A ,by-law ,to appoint the :time and place of meeting for the nomination of Candidates for T;hree Police -Trus.tees fpr the Police Village of Orono, ,Townshi,p of Clark e, for the ensuing year, al so the Polling Place, Deput y Returning Officer and Poll Clerk for. .the next ensuing el ection. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of t he Township of Clarke enacts as follm'\Ts: Council Chamber, Orono. .