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Regular ~eeting of Council 3 September 1968 centinued:
Bv-Law No. 1600
Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 1341 which established
the Orona Municipal Building as a Community Rec.reation Centre
in accordance 'with the previsiens of the Community Centres Act
WHEREAS the Police Trustees of the Police Village of
Orono have requested the municipal Corporation of the Township
of Clarke to repeal By-Law No. 1341;
, AND WHEREAS the Minister of Agriculture and Food of'
Ontario in his letter dated August 8, 1968 has given his approval
for release of the Orono Municipal Building from its status under
the Community Centres Act; .
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke:" '
1. That By-Law No. 1341 be and the same is hereby repealed.
By-l.;iw No. ] 601 ,.
- ""'"'
A By-law respecting the adoption of Biennial Elections
in the Township of Clarke
WHEREAS it is deemed expe~ient to change the pre~ent system'
of electing Members of the Trustees oftl1e Police Village of
Orono in each year so that all Members of the said Trustees
will be elected for Two (2) year terms at an election to be held
every second year;
NOW THEREFORE the Counc~ of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. That the present system of yearly elections be phangeq
and that henceforth all the Members of the Trustees of the
Police Village of Oreno shall hold office for a term of Two
(2) years at an election to be held every second year co~encing
with the annual elections in December 1968.
Resolu~on No. 111:}1oved by w.'R. Carveth , seconded by J.W.Stone:
This Council hereby adjourn to. ffieet again on October 1, 196$,
at 10 a.m. in regular meeting -in the Council' Chamber at Orono'
or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
~:~.... /
~~ '
Reeve.. l I -
Wednesday, 18 Se~tember-1968, a~ 9 ~.m.
Council Chamber, Oreno.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
CouncillorW. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A: Gray
Clerk H. E. 'Millson
Special meeting of Councii was called by Reeve Roy A.
Foster to consider the business recorded herein.
The following correspondence was read out by Reeve
Foster: . .
1. The Consumers' Gas Company=re application to the Ontario
Energy Board for an Interim Order approving its rates
for a period of not more than one year from October
1, 196$.-Filed~, - -
2. The Ontario Municipal Board r~~Township of Clarke=-
Restricted Area By-law lS92.-Flled. .
3. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed capital expend-
iture - final approval of Storm sewers and paving ..
Police Village-of Orono.-Filed. .
4. The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke -
Storm sewers and paving" Police Village of Orono.-Filed.
S. Mr. Robert A.Edmunds, P. Eng~, Counties' Engineer and
'Rpad Superintendent, United, Counties of ~orthumberland
and Durham, re Inters,ection of County Road #8 at
Newtonvill~ and Highway #2.-Referred to the Road and
Bridge Committee.
6. Mr. A. G. Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning
Board re amendments to By-law No. lS92.-Filed.
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Special Meeting of Council 18 September 1968 continued:
The following resolutions were passed:
Rp.so]utjon No. ~12:Movea by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign
and seal a lease in pursuance of the Short Forms of Leases
Act dated the first day of June 1968 between the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke and the Durham Central Agricultural
Society. Carried. .
Rp.solution No.~11:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolved that the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
supports the application of Donald J. Deremo to provide a
local bus service between Port Hope and Newcastle on the
township road known as the Lakeshore Road an~ authorize Mr.
Earl Walkey to attend at any hearing of the said ap~lication
on lts behalf. Carried.
The following By-Law was read a first, second an~ thIrd
time and finally passed:
By-Law NOa ]602
A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1592
WHEREAS Zoning By-Law No. 1592 was passed by the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke on the
23rd day of May 1968;
AND WHEREAS the Clarke Planning Board has made a general
review of the provisions of the By-Law and has recommended
to the Municipal Council that certain amendments be made to
the said By-Law;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council upon the recommendation
of the Clarke Planning Board deems it advisable to amend the
said By-Law;
NOW THEREFORE tne Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows:-
1. That Section 3.8 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended
by deleting "defined by the Township of Clarke or" .
by any local Board thereof".
That Section 4.11 of By-Law No.
by adding thereto at the end of
~ add "R:t";= and after z..o..D..e. in
the f'R If .
That Section 5.5 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended
by adding thereto'at the end of the sentence after
dwp.]linf! - "shall b~ erected upon a lot.".
That Section 5.6 6f By-Law No. 1592 is hereby deleted.
That Table I of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
deleting the word "ground" from Minimum floor area in
sq. ft.
That Table II of By-Law No. lS9Z is hereby amended by
adding "Minimum Rear Yard 35 ft."; and deleting the
word "ground" from Minimum floor area.
That Table III of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by
adding "Minimum Side Yards 25 ft." "Minimum Rear Yard
35ft. ". .
That Section 6.2 of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended
by re-wording to read "No Shopping Centre shall be
established except by a re-~oning for this specific
That By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by the addition
6-A.l ijlghway Commp.re~l] Zonp. Permitted Uses:
No person shall u~e land or erect or use a
building or structure in a Highway Commercial
Zone (HC) except for one or more of the following
purposes subject to S~ction 3 - GENERAL
(a) ~estaurants, Retail Outlets, Wholesale Outlets,
Garages, Service' Stations, Hotels, Motels,
(with or without restaurant facilities,)
Car Wasn-'Stations, Commercial Nurseries,
Entertainment and Recreational.
1592 is hereby amended
the first line after
the second-line delete
Page 3
Special Meeting of Council 1$ September 1968 continued:
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions of this
By-Law to the contrary, the owner of a
Commercial operation in the HC Zone may
erect a caretakers residence in the same
lot, which shall conform to Table II or
an apartment above the first floor to a
minimum of 600 sq. ft. exclusive of halls
and stairways.
10. That Section 8.1 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is amended by
adding "conservation areas".
11. That Section 10 (a)(i) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby
atnended by adding "subject to'Tables II and III.".
12. That Section 10 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended
by altering "(a)" before zone to "(A)".
13. That Schedule "A" of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended
by adding IIOS" symbol to the Department of Lands and
Forests, and adding United Counties' Durham Reforestation
and the "OS" symbol to the Ganaraska Conservation
14. This By-Law'shall take effect from the date of passage
by Council and shall come into force upon approval by
the Ontario'Municipal Board.
That By-Law No. 1598 be and the same is hereby repealed.
The following By-Law was read a third time only .'and p~ssed:
Bv-Law No. 11)71.1.
Being a By-Law to authorize the construction, recon-
struction, extension' of certain capital works in the Police'
Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke as a Local
Improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement
Act. .
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Clarke proposes
to either construct, reconstruct, extend or improve the
following capital works in the Police Village of Orono in the
Township of Clarke in accordance with Section 7, Subsection
(1) (d), Section 8 and Section 67, Subsections (1), (3), and
(4) of the Local Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960 and amendments
AND WHEREAS for that purpbse the Corporatj.on proposes
to make application for assistance in accordance with The
Highway Improvement Act;
AND WHEREAS the projects are in the opinion of the Council
of the Corporation municipal projects qualified for assistance
under The Highway Improvement Act;
AND WHEREAS the Trustees of the said Police Village of
Orono have made application to the Council of this Corporation
for the passing of this By-Law and for the levying by an
annual special rate upon the rateable property in the said
Police Village of Orono for the sums required for the payment
of the debt incurred for such construction, reconstruction,
extension or improvement of certain public works;
as a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke by
the Council thereof as follows:-
1. The Police Village of Orono as described in By-law No.
60 of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland
_ and Durham is hereby defined as a local improvement area for
purposes of constructing the said works.
2. The following storm sewers and roads shall be constructed,
reconstructed, extended or improved in the following locations
in the Police Village of Orono as local improvements under
the provisions of the Local Improvement Act and qualified
assistance under The Highway Improvement Act in accordance
with the plans prepared by Totten, Sims Hubicki & Associates
Limited, Whitby, OntariO at a total estimated cost of
Page 4'
Special Meeting of Council 18 September 1968 ?o~tinued:
Storm $Awer-s
Main Street
Centre Street
Park Street
Main Street
Church Street
Centre St'reet
Church Street
Church Street
Approx. 190 ft~
North of Dickson
\ ;
Curh. GuttAr. PRvAmen~
Church-Street North Churchill Avenue
Centre Street
Main Street
Park Street
Main Street
Duchess Street
Dickson Street
Main Street
Mill Street
Approx. 370 ft. South
of Park Street
Approx. 570 ft. East
of Church Street
\ Approx. 620 ft. East
of Church Street
Headwall, Approx.
,3?0 ft. South of
Park Street
150 ft.. SOlith of
Allin's Lane
800 ft. east of Church
550 ft. East of Church
Church Street
Church Street .
3. The Engineering Consultant for the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke in this matter shall be Totten Sims Hubicki
& Associates Limited, Whitby, Ontario, and t~ey shall forth-
with make such plans, profiles,and specifications and
furnish such information as shall be necessary for the
making of a contract for the execution of the work. Such
plans and specifications to clarify in detail the works
already outlined in their preliminary report referred to
under item 2.(above.
4. The wbrk shall be carried on and executed under the
superintendence and accoraing to the direction and orders
of such Engineering Consultants.
s. The Reeve and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract
for the construction of each and every work or any combination
therepf to be made and entered into with some person or
persons, firm or corporation, subject to the approval of
this Council to be declared by resolution. -
6. For the purposes aforesaid the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke shall borrow upon the general credit of the
Corporation a sum sufficient to fiDance their portion of the
said works which sum shall not exceed $38,080.00 and may issue
debentures, therefore, when duly authorized and approved.
7. The treasurer may (subject to the approval of the Council)
agree with any bank or person for temporary advances of money
to meet the cost of the work pending the completion of it at a
rate of inter'est not to exceed six percent' (6%) per a,pnum.
8. Any debentures to be iss~ed for the loan to be effected to
pay for the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest
at a rate not to exceed six percent (6%) per annum and be made
payable within 5 years on the instalment plan. '
9. The principal of the said debt repayable in annual instal-
ments during the period of five years after the date of the
completion of the said work shall be in such amounts respectively
so that with the interest in respect of the debt the aggregate
amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall
be as nearly as possible the same.
10. In each year of the currency of the debt there shall be
levied and raised by special rate sufficient therefore, over
and above all other rates, on all the taxable property of the
ratepayers of the Police Village of Orono at the same time and
in the same manner as other rates, the sum shown in item 6,
and referred to in item 9, aforementioned, but it shall not be
necessary to levy in any year a greater amount than is required
to pay the instalment after taking into account receipts under
The Highway Improvement Act or from any other source in
~~mn.ection with the proposed work.
~~. That the first and second readings of By-law No. 1564 be
and are hereby repealed.
= l{"eting. adjourned.
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