HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1968 Page 3 Special Me~ting of Council 26 August 1968 continued: 38. The Asaessment Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs of the Province of Ontario re 1908 Assessment Equalization Factors of the Municipalities of the Province of Ontario based on 1967 " ( : . ". .. , Aasessment on which 1968 Taxes were levied. -Filed. The following resolution Jt1as passced: ' Reso]utjon No. l2k:Moved by ~iank Gray,seconded ~y W.R.C~rve~h: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal an nOffer To Sell" between Mr. Harry Lulo Wade and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke dated the i2nd day of August 1968 _ Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ~~.~~-- / Clerk. tir// ~ · Reeve. , . REGULAR MEETING OFTjIE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, September 3, 1968, at lO a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present:. ReevEP Roy A.. FosteIL Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey -. Counc,illor w.-.. R. Carveth Councillor, F.. A. Gray - . Councillor 3=. W. Stone Clerk H. E., Millson , The.minutes of Council meetings held on August 6 and 26, 1968, were adopted on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R- Carvet~., Carried. The fo~lowing correspondence~ reports and petitions were. read out..by the Reeve-: 1. Clarke Planning Board re recommendation to amend Zoning. , By-Law No~ lS92.-Referred to by-laws. Canadian National Railways, Rideau Area, re Plan SD 7499 dated July 2, 1968, showing protection to be installed at Boundary Road, mile~ge 278.54 Kingston Sub., Newtonville as business ~rought. forward from August 26, 1968.-The Clerk to refer all copies of Plan SD 7~99 to the Road Superintendent. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re minutes of meeLing held August 15, 1968.-Filed. Copy of Canadian Transport CommiEsion letter to Canadian National Railways, and Canadian Pacific Railway Company re proposed cloping of public crossings in Twp. of Clarke, Ont... at the foll""Owing locat ions: File 26711.2528 - Samis Rd. and CNR mile 281.13 Kingston Subd. (CN File 36S-12S.zl; File 3701.131 - Samis Rd. and CPR mile 152.45 Belleville Subd. (CP File C-32986); File2p71l.28.z6 - Elliott ~ide Rd. and CNR mile 279.58 Kingston Subd. (~N file 365-1251); . Fr.Le 267~7.13S4~ Elliott Side Rd. and CPR mile 150.86 Belleville Subd.; File 26711.2S~7 - Twp. Rd. and CNR . mB..e 280..09 Kingston Subd.; File 3701.132 - Twp. Rd. and CPR mile 151.43 Belle,ville. Subd. (CP File 365-1251) -Fil.ed. Notice of Application to The Dntario Municipal Boarp by the Corporation ~f the ~owns~ip of Manvers for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed. pu"rsuant to Sect iop 3~.of Th~ Planning Act. - Filed. Department of Energy and Resources Management, Conserva.tion Authorities Branch, re The Cons~rvation. Authorities Act, 1968.-Filed. Central Ontario Joint Plan~ing B~rd report on How Planning Works.-Filed. Canadian Transport Commission re File No.. 9437...8.54 and ( Order No. R-3092 dated August 16, 1968.-Filed. . 9~. Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limited re proposed Trans-Cqnada . Pipe Lines t- 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline loop. in the Township of Clarke.-Filed. 2. 3. 4. s. , 6. 7. 8. . . . Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 3 September 1968 continued: 10. 11. 12. w 13. 14. ' 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Merrill D. Brown, P. Eng., O.L.S. re proposed Municipal Road - Kaspar Hollen, Lot 3, Concession 1, Township of Clarke as business brought forward from 6 August 1968.- Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. ' E. Richard Lovekin ~e Presbyterian Church, Newtonville Cemetery as business brought fo~#ard from 6 August 1968.-Tabled to Dec. Meeting. ' Mr. Gordon Millson ~equest for drainage correction on municipal road allowance as business brought forward from 6 August 1968.- Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee to set up meeting to inspect property. Ontario Hydro, Bowrnanville a~ea office, re Street Lighting - Newtonville as business brought forward from 6 August 1968.-Tabled. . Mr. Arthur G. Low, Secretary, Clarke Planning Board re appearance of Mr. Allan Moore before the Clarke Planning Boa~d'on 25 July 1968 conce~ning an application to construct a building on part Lot 29, Con. 2, as business brought forward from 6 August 1968.-Filed. Copy of letter from Peter Caspari, President, Sunnydene' Estates Limited, to Mr. Arthur Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, re part of Lot 28, Concession 5, Township of Clarke.-Tabled. The Corporation of the Town of Cobourg re Northumberland- Durham, Peterborough and Victoria Counties Roman Catholic Separate School Board.-Referred to the Clerk. Ontario Municipal Board re appeal by The Clarke Planning Board against a decision of the Committee of Adjus~ment of the Township of Clarke re Lot 32, Concession 3.-Filed. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 68-55 dated August 26, 1968.-Referred to the Clerk to prepare the necessary by-law. Cassels, Brock, Barristers and Solicitors, re Ramanauskas Request for change in provisions of By-law lS92.-Filed. Supervisor, Municipal Assessment, Regional Office, Peterborough re twenty-five valuation notices for 1969 taxes in'accordance with The Conservation Authorities Act, '1968. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone, that Council recess for lunch at 12:15 p.m. and resume session at 2 p.m. Carried. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, appeared at Council meeting from 2 to 4:30 p.m. to assist in the discussion of the business pertaining to Public Works. Mr. E. R~ Woodyard appeared on behalf of the Trustees of 'the Pollce Villag~ of O~ono to request-Council to consider passing a by-law to appoint a by-law enforcement officer for the Township of Clarke. The Pollowing resolution was passed: Re~olptjon No. 12C:;:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that tenders as advertised for the proposed purchase of an all wheel drive truck togethe~with snowplow and wing be and the same are hereby opened. Carried. , The Iollowing tende~s regarding th~ proposed purchase of an all wheel drive truck together with a snowplow and wing were received: 1. Thor Motors (Orillia) Ltd., 201 Gill Street, Orillia, Ontario. 2. F. W. D. Corporation (Canada) Ltd., 655 Fairway Road, Kitchener, Ontario. 3. T. Cowan Equipment Ltd., 134 King Street East, ' Bowmanville, Ontario. 4. W. I. Thomas Motors Ltd., 105 University Avenue, Cobourg, Ontario. S. Bramley Motor Sales Ltd., 1271 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. The following persons appeared at Council meeting as spokesman of certain tenders: 1. Mr. H. D. McIntyre representing Frink of Canada. 2. Mr. Bruce Barber representing F.W.D. CorpoFation (Canada)Ltd. 3. ~~. Joe Bulger representing W. I. Thomas M0tors Ltd. .. ;.'i-Itf.' Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 3 September 1968 continued: Copies of the tenders were referred to the Road and Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent for'inspection and report' to Council. , Mr. Burney Kamin, Solicitor for C~ntrack Motor Racing Corporation Limited, together with Dr. Irwin Fineberg, Director of Cantrack, met with Council to discuss an amendment to By-Law No. 1596 under the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act to establish dates for race meets in the year 1969: Specifically; their request was to amend this by-law to allow Sunday racing from May 1 to October 31, 1969. Messrs. Kamin and Fineberg fi~ally informed Council that a formal request would be ~orwarded to them in writing. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone, that this Council prepare and consider an amendment to By-Law No. 1596 to allow for 4 major and 5 minor racing events in the year 1969. Unanimously carried. The following resolutions were passed: ' ReRolutjon ijo. l26:Moved by H.E.Walkey, seconded byW.R.Carveth: This Counci~ hereby resolve to propose closing the following road allowances in the Township of Clarke: 1. That portion of the ABowance for Road between Lot 4 and Lot 5 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, from the northerly boundary of the Canadian National Railway public crossing to Lake Ontario with exception of that portion of the said 'Allowance for Road where it inter- sects with the Lakeshore Road Allowance. The former said ' public crossing to remain as a farm crossing with gates. (Canadian Transport Commission File 'No. 26711.2526 C.N.R. Refers. ) ~. Th~t portion of the Allowance for Road between Lot 6 and Lot.7 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, from the southerly boundary of the Lakeshore Road Allowance to Lake Ontario together with the area in the said ATIowance for Road between the northerly boundary and the southerly,boundary of the Canadian Pacific Railway public Crossing between said Lot 6 and Lot 7 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Clarke. The former said public crossing to remain as a farm crossing with gates. (Canadian Transport Commission File No. 3701.132 C.P.R. Refers.) 3. That portion of the Allowance for Road between Lot 10 and Lot 11 in the. Broken Front Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Dvr~am, from the northerly boundary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing to the nor~herly boundary of the Lakeshore Road Allowance inclusive of the public' crossings at the said Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian National Railway. The,former said public crossings to remain as farm crossings with gates. (Canadian Transport Commission File No. 26711.2528 C.N.R. and File No. 3701.131',C.P.R~ Refers.) 4. That portion of the Allowance for Road between Lot 2:0 and Lot 21'. in the Broken Front Conce ssion of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, from the southerly boundary of the Lakeshore Road Allowance to Lake Ontario inclusive of the Canadian Pacific Railway and' Canadian National Railway- public crossings. The former said public crossings to remain as farm crossings w~th gates. (Canadian Transport Commission File No. 9437.568 C.N.R. and File No. 3701.130 C.P.R. Refers.) 5. Part of the Road Allowance between Lot 6 and Lot 7 in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the existing portherly limit of Queen's Highway No. 2 to the northerly limit of the said Second Concession. 6. Part of the Ro~d Allowance between Lot 3Z and Lot 33 in the First Concession of the TO'll\"Ilship of Clarke", County of Durham, and being that portion.of the said Road Allowance lying south of the southerly edge of an existing Service Road which runs westerly from the ~aid Road Allm~ance southerly of and parallel to the southerly boundary of the Canadian "National Railway; southerly from such a point 'of commencement to Lake Ontario. . 7. The unopened Road Allowance between Lot 31} and Lot 35 in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extBnding from the northerly limit of Queen's Highway No.2 to ~h~ ~ortherly limit of the $aid Second Concession. . . ~--:;i .. Acct. No. 49 ~ Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 3 September 1968 continued: 8. . Part of the Road ~llow~nce be~ween Lot 34 and Lot 35 in the First Concession in the ~ownship of Clarke, County of. Durham, and being that portion of the road allowance between the said lots lying south of the Canadian National ,Railway Right-of-Way and south of an e~isting Service Road Allowance, running parallel and sout~erly of the s~id Canadian National Railway so that the .description of the said portion to be closed is: Commencing at the southerly limit of a Service Road located southerly of the Canadian National Railway and continuing southerly to Lake Ontario. The said descriptions ~o be subject t~ the approval for deeding by the Registrar of Deeds before incorporation 4n the enabling by-law. Carried. Resolution No: l2?:Moved by J.W.Stone,secon~ed by Frank Gray:. This Council hereby instruct the Treasurer .to write off the following 1965 Orono M~nicipal Wa~~r Service accpunts in accordance with Police Trustee Resolu~ion 68-56: . Penalties to Statutory ~amp. Princ~a~ Sept.10/68 ~ Penalty ~ Wilkins, Carl E. 14.47 2.61 17.08 .87 1965 Carried. ~eso]utjon No. l28:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: : The Council of the Township of Clarke hereby petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for interim payment on \ . Statutory Grant under the Highways Improvement Act for expenditures made during' the year 196$. Carried. Rp.so]ution No. l29:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by J.W.Stone: With regard to th~ proposed Trans-Canada Pipe Lines' 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline loop in the Township of Clarke this Council hereby authorize the Reeve and the Clerk to sign and seal the following: 1. Letter of Consent 2. Township Map and Drawings ASK-18-130, ASK-18-131 and ASK-18-134 ' Carried. Rp.solution ~o. lJP:Moved.by Frank Gray~seco~ded by J.W.StODe~ Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby ~uthorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: _ Addition to General Voucher #8 for August in the amount of .$1012'.67 General Voucher #9 fo~ ~eptember in the am?unt of $6513.14 General Welfare Voucher #9 for September in the amount of $744.64 Road 90ucher #8 for August in the amount of $55766.02 Police Village of Orono Voucher #8 for August in the amount of $4548.19. Carried. The follOWing By-Laws were read a first, second and third time and finally passed: By~Law No. ]C:;Q8 - A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1592 WHEREAS Zoning By-Law No. 1592 was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke on the 23rd day of May 1968; . ANDNHEREAS the Clarke Planning Board has made a general _review of the provisions of the By-law and has recommended to the Municipal Council that certain amendments be made to the said By-Law'; AND wHEREAS the Municipal Council upon the recommendation of the Clarke Planning Board deems it advisable to amend the said By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows:- , 1. That Section 3.8 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by del.et ing "defined by the Tpwnship of Clarke or by any local Board thereof". That Section 4.11 of By~Law No. 1592 is hereby by adding thereto at the ~nd of the first line "the" add "RIff, and after "zone" in the second delete the "Rtf. That Section 5.5 of By':Law No. 1592 is hereby ame~ctect b~ " additng th~reto~t the end of the sentence after dwelllng - "shall be erected upon a lot.". 2. amended after line 3. ... Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 3 September 1968 continued: 4. That Section 5.6 of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby deleted. S. That Table I of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by deleting the word "ground" from Minimum floor area in sq. ft. 6. That Table II of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding "Minimum Rear Yard 35 ft.", and deleting the word "ground" from Minimum floor area. 7. That Table III of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding "Minimum Side Yards 25 ft." "Minimum Rear Yard 35ft. tt . 8. That Section 6.2 of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by re-wording to read "No Shopping Centre shall be established except by a re-zoning for this 5pecific u5e.". 9. That By-Law No. 1592 is heTeby amended by th'e addition of SECTION 6-A - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL "HC": 6-A.l CQ'lU.]:TIl::~l"'cj ;:lll,?ope Perrnit;.t-ed Uses: No person shall use land or erect or U'se a building or structure in a Highway Commercial Zone (HC) except ~or one or more of the ~ollowing purposes: (a) Restaurants, Retail Outlets, Wholesale Outlets, Garages, Service Stations, Hotels, Motels, (with or without restaurant facilities,) Car Wash Stations and Commercial Nurseries. ib) Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-Law.to the contrary, the owner of a Comm~ial operation in the HC Zone may erect a caretakers residence in the same lot, which shall conform to Table II or an apartment above the first floor to a minimum of 600 sq. ft. exclusive of halls' and stairways. 10. That Section 8.1 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is amendea by adding "conservation areas". 11. That Section 9.1, (a) of By~Law No. 1592 i~ hereby amended by adding after the word permitted "and no building can be altered or enlarged and no use of land changed". 12. That Section 10 (a)(i) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by adding "subject to Tables II and III..". 13. That Section 10 (b) of By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by'altering U(a)" before zone to "(A)". 14. That Schedule "At! of By-Law No. 1592 shall be amended by adding "OS" symbol to the Department of Lands and Forests~ and adding United Counties' Durham Reforest- ation and the "OS" symbol to the Ganaraska Conservation Authority. 15. That By-Law No. 1592 is hereby amended by rezoning the north half of Lot 28, Concession 4, to Agricultural "A". 16. This By-Law shall take effect from the date of passage by Council and shall come into for~e upon approval by the Ontario Municipal Board.' Bv-;c,.,R1tl &0. ]c:;qq A by-law to appoint the time and place of meeting for the nomination of C~ndidates for Three Police Trustees for the Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke, for the ensuing year, also the Polling Place, De2uty Returning Officer and Poll Clerk for the next ensuing election. The Municipal Council of ~he Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Village of Orono for the nomination of Candidates for Three Police Trustees for the ensuing year shall be held in the Orono Municipal Building on t.he Twenty-second day of November., 1968, at the hour of Seven o'clock in the afternoon. That the polling, if requiretl, for the Municipal Election shall take place on the Sec'ond day of December, 1968, and the, Deputy Returning Officer, Poll Clerk and Polling Place shall be and are hereby appointed as follows: Poll shall open at 10 a.m. and close at 7 o'clock p.m. Orono Municipa~ Building Deputy Returning Officer - Mrs. Joyce Simpson Poll Clerk .- Mrs. Margaret ~ercer And at the said Nomination Meeting and Election (if required) H. E. Millson shall be Chairman and Returning Officer. . . w Page 6 Regular ~eeting of Council 3 September 1968 continued: By-Law No. 1600 Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 1341 which established the Orono Municipal Building as a Community Rec.reation Centre in accordance 'with the provisions of the Community Centres Act WHEREAS the Police Trustees of the Police Village of Orono have requested the municipal Corporation of the Township of Clarke to repeal By-Law No. 1341; . AND WHEREAS the Minister of Agriculture and Food or Ontario in his letter dated August 8, 1968 has given his approval for release of the Orono Municipal Building from its status under the Community Centres Act; . NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke: - ' 1. That By-Law No. 1341 be and the same is hereby repealed. BY-haw No A ] 601 .. - A By-law respecting the adoption of Biennial Elections in the Township of Clarke WHEREAS it is deemed expe~ient to change the pre~ent system of electing Members of the Trustees oft~e Police Village of Orono in each year so that all Members of the said Trustees will be elected for Two (2) year terms at an election to be held every second year; NOW THEREFORE the Counc~ of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the present system of yearly elections be ~hangeq and that henceforth all the Members of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono shall hold office for a term of Two (2) years at an election to be held every second year coffimencing with the annual elections in December 1968. Rp.sol ut.;j.on No .111 :}1oved by W."R. Carveth, seconded by J. W .Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to ~eet again on October 1, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting 'in the Council' Chamber at Orono' or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ~:6A.....1 Clerk. , '4~ Reeve.~ -'f. - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COuNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE = wednesday, 18 Se~tember~968, a~ 9 ~.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A; Gray. Clerk H. E. 'Millson Special meeting of Councii was called by Reeve Roy A. Foster to consider the business recorded herein. The following correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster: . . 1. The Consumers' Gas Company=re application to the Ontario Energy Board for an Interim Order approving its rates for a period of not more than one year from October 1, 196$.-Filed. ", 2. The Ontario Municipal' Board r~~Township of Clarke=- Restricted Area By-law lS92.-Flled. . , 3. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed capital expend- iture - final approval of Storm sewers and paving - Police Village-of Orono.-Filed.' . 4. The Ontario ~1unicipal Board re Township of Clarke - Storm sewers and paving - Police Village of Orono.-Filed. S. Mr. Robert A.Edmunds, P. Eng~, Counties' Engineer and 'Road Superintendent, United Counties of Northumberland a~d Durham, re Intersection' of County Road #8 at Newtonvill~ and Highway #2.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 6. Mr. A. G. Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board re amendments to By-law No. lS92.-Filed.