HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/1968 (Special Meeting) Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 1968 continued: \; The following By-Law was given first, second and third reading and finally passed: By-Law N9. lc:;q6 TO declare Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 196~-61 as amended by The Lord's Day (Ontar.b) Amendment Act 1968 (No.2) to be in force in certain parts of the Township of Clarke. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: . 1. (1) Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as amended by The Lord's Day Act '(Ontario) Amendment Act 1968 (No.2) is hereby declared to be in force on August 25, 1968, in the following parts of the Township of Clarke, namely: Area No. 1 - Mosport Park (2) The application of the said section of the said Act shall be limited to the respective public ~ames or sports in the foregoing respective" parts of th'e Township of Clarke as follows: . -,p Area No. 1 - Motor Racing 2. The public games and sports' named in this By-Law shall be subject to the following regulations and control: . , (a) every such game or sport shall be conducted in an orderly and seemly manner; .. (o) . no streh game or sport shall b~ commetrced before half past one o'clock in the afternoon. The following By-Law was.given third reading and finally passed: By-L;:lt{ N~,. 1 c:;q? Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, hereinafter called the "Corporation", to authorize Central Community Telephone Company Limited to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in the said Corporation. .' WHEREAS CENTRAL COMMUNITY TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED hereinafter called the "Telephone Cornpahy" has requested the Council of the Corporation to permit it to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in the said Corporation and it is deemed expedient to grant the request of the said Telephone Company subject to the approval of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission being had thereto. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED' by the Council_ of the Corp'- oration and it is hereby enacted as follows,' that is to say: 1. THAT the T~lephone Company or its successor be anti is hereby authorized and empowered to constr~ct telephone lines and to erect the necessary poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment for the same and to _ maintain and keep up the same upon any or al~ of the highways, lahes and squares or the said Corporation for placing in, upon, over or under the same, the poles, ducts, cables, wires or other structures or equipment necessary for the purpose "of its business. 2. THAT the construction of the said telephone lines, and the placing of the said" poles~' cables, ducts~ wireS or other structures or equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the specific~tions pre~~ribed by the Ontario. Telephone 'Service Commission and unde~ the super- vision o~ the Council of the Corporation or it~ Commissioner appointed for that purpose; - 3: THAT the said telephone lines, 'pole"s, cables, ducts, wires or _pther structures or ~quipment shall be erected so as 'not to "interfere with the Lines, poles 'and wO"rks 'Of any other telephone o'r telegraph company at present constructed upon any 'suc'h ih:ighwa~s, lanes and squares. ,",j .. Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 1968 continued: 4. THAT the said telephone lines, poles, cables, ducts, wires ordher structures or equipment shall be so constructed, erected and maintained as shall not interfere with the public right of travelling on or using said highways, lanes, squares, roads, streets, bridges, waters or water courses. 5. THAT the Telephone Company shall indemnify the Corporation against any actions or claims for damages which may be brought against the said Corporation for or by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of the said works. 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon receiving the approval of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission and upon execution and deliv~ry to the Corporation by the Telephone Company of an agreement under which the Telephone Company undertakes and agrees with the Corporation to abide by the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 hereof. Rp.so]ution No~ 121:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, September 3, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meetihg in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. . ( ~- ..,,~~- / . Clerk. 4tZU Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, August 26, 1968 at 8 p.m. .. ---- ...__0-....= Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: The following correspondence, reports and petitions were read out by the Reeve: 1. E. R. Lovekin re Harry Wade, Sale of Land, Railway Bridge, Newtonville.-Filed. 2. E. Richard Lovekin re Newtonville Bridge, Harry L. Wade, Land and Buildings as business brought forward from 6 August 1968.-Filed. 3. Canadian National Railways, Rideau Area, re Plan SD 7499 dated July 2, 1968, showing protection to be installed at Boundary Road, mileage 278.54 Kingston Sub., Newtonville.- Refe~red to the Road Superintendent for report to Council on September 3, 1968. 4. Copy of letter of Solicitor E. R. Lovekin to Ontario M~nicipal Boara re Police Village of Orono re Twp. of Clarke - Storm Sewers.-Filed. 5. Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of public crossing:in~ Twp. of Clarke, Ont., Kingston Subd. CNR re File 26711.2528 - Samis Rd., mileage 281.13; File 3701.131 Samis Rd. & CPR, mileage 152.45 Belleville Subd.; File 26711.2526 - Elliott Side Rd., mile 279.58; File 26727.1354 - . Elliot,t Side R~. & CPR mileage 150.86 Belleville Subd.; .' File 26711.2527 - Twp. Rd., mileage 280.09; File 3701.L32- Twp. Rd. and CPR, mile 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Filed. 6. Copy letter of Mr. George E. Gemme, The Minister of Highways, d~ted July 16th, 1968, to Mr. M. L. Ross re Road Programming Study and Council's request for development road assistance on the 5th Concession.-Filed. 7. The Ontario Municipal Board re By-law Number 1592.-Filed. Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 26 August 1968 continued: 8. 9. 10. ~ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. :31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-law lS92.-Tabled. R. E. Sims, Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited, Consulting 'Engineers, re Newtonville Road Overpass - C.P.R. - Township ~of Clarke.-Filed. Central Community Telephone Company Limited 're Agreement to change equipment to lAl key phones; dial intercom.-Filed. Department of Highways, Port Hope, Ontario, re Township of Clarke Contract - No. W-27S, Laing Bridge - Construction of a 20' X 7' X 68' concrete rigid frame box culvert, located between lots 30 and 31, Concession 4.-Filed. Minister of Agriculture and Food re approval for release of the municipal building from its status under the Community Centres Act.-Filed. Corporation ~f the Village of Newcastle request for road closing by Mr. Hugh F. Allen as business brought forward from 7 November 1967.-Clerk to refer this matter to the Council of the Village of Newcastle with a letter of explanation. ' Petition of Phil Dost dated 24 July 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of Jacob Dost dated July 24, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No." lS92.-Filed. Petition of Gerald M. Lukow dated July 15, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to. 'By~Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of R. G. Gibson dated July 27, 1968 giving notice of objection in'respect to- By~Law No. lS92.~Filed. Petition of G. Johnston dated July 24" 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of Lloyd Lowery. dated July 24, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law. No. lS92.~Filed.' Petition of Jacqueline E. Cooper dated July 29, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of Albert Knapp dated July 29, 1968 giving net ice of objection in respect to By-Law No.. lS92.-Filed. Petition of James V. Lowery dated July 29, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition o~ W. G. Adam~Dot dated, giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of Aleck R. Moffat dated August 6, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of James Major dated August 8, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect. to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of Nelson G. Hennessy dated August 10, 1968 giv~ng notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of Irene Hicks dated July 29, 1968 giving notice of. objection in respect to By-Law No. lS9Z-.-Filed. Petition of Wilda Middleton and Edgar Middleton dated August 6, ~968 giving notice- of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-F~led. Petition of W. S. Moffat dated August 6, 1968 giving notice of objection- in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition ~f Edward H. Coatham dated August 6, 1968 giving notic~ of objection in respect to By-Law No.- lS92.-Filed. Petition of Kathleen ~ooey, Mrs. Margar&t Allen and Harold W. Hooey dated August 1, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. lS92.-Filed. Petition of U. M. Bullock dated August 6, 1968 giving notice of objection in respec~ to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re LODA News for July 1968.-Filed. Department of Trade & Development re Manufacturing Opportunities Show.-Filed. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment meet~ng on August 12, 1968. -File d.' Department of'~ighways Ontario re Municipal ~ontracts, Claims for increased taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel.~Filed. Department of Highways, Ontario re Rental-Purdase o~ Equipment.-Filed. Page 3 Special Me~ting of Council 26 August 1968 ~ontinued: 38. The Asaessment Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs o~ the Province of Ontario re 1908 Assessment Equalization Factors . of the Municipalities of the (Province of Ontario ~a~ed o~ 1967 , A~essment on which 1968 Taxes were levied.-Filed. The following resoJ.ytion ~as paf;s'ed: ~ . . . ~ Resolut10n No. 124:Moved by ~rank Gray,seconded ~y W.R.Carve~h: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal an nOffer To Sell" between Mr. Harry Lulo Wade and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke dated the Z2nd day of August 1968 _ Carried. ~eeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ~: ~~A_ / Clerk. ti,./J ~ · Reeve. . A REGULAR MEETING OFTJIE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, September 3, 1968, at lO a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present:. Reeve.- Roy A.. FosteIL Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey .~, Counc.illor w... R. Carveth Councillor,~. A. Gray -. .Councillor 3-. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson . The.minut~s of Council meetings held on August 6 and 26, 1968, were adopted on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R~ CarvetfF.. Carried. The fo~lawing correspondence~ reports and ~etitions were. r~ad out. .by the Reev~ 1. Clarke Planning Board re recommendation to amend Zoning. , By-Law No" lS92.-Referred to by-laws. Canadian N~ional Railways, Rideau Area, re Plan SD 7499 dated July 2, 1968, showing protection to be installed at Boundary Road, mile~ge 278.54 Kingston Sub., Newtonville as business ~rought, forward from August 26, 1968.-The Clerk to refer all copies of Plan SD 7~99 to the Road Superintendent. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re minutes of meeLing held August 15, 1968.-Filed. Copy of Canadian Transport CommiEsion letter to Canadian National Railways and Canadian Pacific Railway Company re proposed cloping of public crossings in Twp. of Clarke, Ont... at the foll"Owing locations: File 26711.2528 - Samis Rd. and CNR mile 281.13 Kingston Subd. (CN File 365-125,2).; File 3701.131 - Samis Rd. and CPR mile 152.45 Belleville Subd. (CP File C-32986); File2p711.25~6 - Elliott ~ide Rd. and CNR mile 279.58 Kingston Subd. (~N file 365-1251); . Fr.Le 267a7.13S4~ Elliott Side Rd. and CPR mile 150.86 Belleville Subd.; File 26711.252,7 .. Twp. Rd. and CNR . mi-l.e 280..09 Kingston Subd.; File 3701.132 - Twp. Rd. and CPR mile 151.43 Belle.ville. Subd. (CP File 365-1251) -Filed. Notice of Application to The Ontario Municipal Boarp by the Corporation ~f the ~owns~ip of Manvers for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passe~ p~rsuant to Secti~n 3~.of Th~ Plann~g Act. - Filed. Department of Energy and Resources Management, Conserv~tion Authorities Branch, re The Cons~rvati~ Authorities Act, 1968.-Filed. Central Ontario Joint Pla~ing B~rd report on How Planning Works.-Filed. Canadian Transport Commission re File No.o 9437.-8.54 and Order No. R-3092 dated August 16, 1968.-Filed. , 9~. Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limited re proposed Trans-Cqnada Pipe Lines~ 24-inch diameter natural gas pipeline loop, in the Township of Clarke.-Filed. 2. 3. 4. s. . 6. 7. 8. . . .