HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/06/1968 Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 1968 continued: " L. Stanley Clair L. Hil-da H. Bilr Mary Rejected GILBANK Ernest Rejected MORTON Robe~t Rejected RUTHERFORD Jas. Rejected STAPLETON Everett Rejected STAPLETON Charles While Council have rejected all Objections and Requests received they Wish to 'make it perfectly clear that should the Board order a hearing they are of the opinion that some Objections and Requests are based on an'~onest difference of opinion that could be constructively argued before the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried. Reso] ution NQ._ ]] fl.:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by J. W .Stone: Resolve that the following Pay Vouch~rs be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officer~~ this ~ Council: _ Addition to General Voucher #6 for June in the amount of $4926.54 General Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $16683.47 General-Welfare Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $491.99 Road Voucher #6 for June in the amount of #41085.57 Police Village of Orono Voucher #6 for June in the amount of #1521.71. Carried. The foll?wing BYMLaw(being a By~Law of the Corporation of the Townsh~p of Clarke, hereinafter called the "Corporatio~'" to authorize Central Community Telephone Company Linl1ted to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, Wires or other structures or equipment upon the highways lanes and squares in the said Corporation, was given fir~t .' and seco!ld reading only. , Resolution ~. l]~:Moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, Augus~ 6, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Counc~l Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at tne call of the Reeve. Carried. Rejected Rejected Rejected CHAPMAN COATHAM FORREST ~ -=- ;=> ~. . ..- Clerk. =- <=> J >= ~ ~~Z4 Reeve SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL .oF ~HE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, July 22, 1968 at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. W ':':j:,_~;,f '> Present: Reeve Roy A.Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth, Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Orono Police Trustee D. Simpson Orono Police Trustee E. R. Woodyard Orpno Police Trustee F. Nicholson 'Deputy Clerk Jenny V. Norton (Mrs.) This ~pe~ial meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone, Mrs. J. V. Norton was appointed to record the minutes of special meeting of Council on July 22, 1968, and her appointment to be covered by by-law. Carr:ied. ' The Council met with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono upon their request by Resolution No. 68-45, dated July 12, 1968, to propose the deletion of Item 4 of the Agreement made in quadruplicate on the 28th January, A.D. . 1963, between the Police Village of Orono and the Corporat~on of the Township of Clarke. Page 2 Special Meeting of Council July 22, 196$ continued: The following was read out in ~eeting by the Reeve: Trustees of the Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 68~ dated July 12, 1968.-Referred to resolution of Council. The. following resolution was passed: Reso~ution No. ~ZQ:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by H.E.~key: At a special meeting of the Council of the Township of Clarke and the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, held in the Council Chamber at Orono on July 22, 1968, to consider an Orono Police Trustee Resolution No. 68-45 dated July 12, 1968, and whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke and the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono did discuss and review the Township-Village Agreement dated 28th January 1963, be it therefore resolved that boph parties unanimously agree that the said Agreement remain unchanged. Car~ed. ~he following By-Law~s read a first, second and third time and finally passed: . By-Law }fa.. Ji)8Ci A By-Law to appoint a Deputy Clerk for the municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke . Whereas Section 215 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a municipality to appoint a Deputy Clerk, and Whereas this Municipal Council deems it desiraQle to appoint one person to hold this office 'during the special session of. Council on 22 July 196$, - Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That Jenny V. Norton be and is hereby appointed Deputy' Clerk for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke for the.purpose of ~cting in the said office of Deputy Clerk dur~;11g the spec~al session of this Council on 22 July 1968 That the said Jenny V. Norton shall perform..all the · duties to be performed by a Clerk under statutory authority, and sh~l perform such other duties as may be assigned to her ~ur~ng,the said special session of this Council Meet~ng adJourned. . , b(.~,. Deput& Clerk. 1. 2. 4~~~. Reeve. -- REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, '6 Augqst 196$, at 10 a. m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: 'Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey . Councillor W. R. Carveth . Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson The minutes of the regular meeting of 2nd July 196$ and the minutes of a special .meeting of 22nd July 196$ were adopted as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. \, j , It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by H. E. Walkey, that delegations be heard. Carried. . Mr. William Wensvoort, the owner ~f part Lot l8,Concess~on 1 of this municipality, appeared at Council meeting to ~eq~est the installation of a culvert on the municipal ro~d adJacent to his property., His maiR concern was to h~ve thlS work completed as soon as possible due to a pr~v~ou~ arr~ngeme~t of his to ,hire a,bulldozer to work in conJunct~on w~~h thlS project. It was Council's consideration to refer t~lS matter to the ,Road and Bridge Committee and the Road Sup:r~ntendent for investigation and report to Mr. Wensvoort durlng the ,week of August 12th, next. . e. Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 196$ continued: The following correspondence, reports and petitions read out by the Reeve: Ontario Hydro, Bowmanville area office, re Street Lighting - Newtonville as business brought forward from 2 July 1968.-Tabled. Mr. Gordon Millson request for drainage'correction on municipal road allowance as business brought forward from 2 July 1968.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee to setup meeting to inspect the property. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment meeting on July $, 1968.-Filed. Committee of Adjustment minutes of meeting on July 15, 196$.-Filed. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re Trustee and Council Public Works Financial Agreement.-Filed. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re Board of Directors - 196$-69.-Filed. Ontario Department of Trade and'Development, Trade and Industry Division re Manufacturing Opportunities. '-Filed. Mr. Eric 'Whyte, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts re The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts.-Filed. Page and Kamin, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries re the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act and their client Cantrack Motor Racing Corporation Limited.-Piled. Department of Municipal Affairs re Residential Property Tax Reduction Program.-Filed. The Great Pine"Ridge Tourist Council re 1968 Visitors' Guide.-Piled. Department of Municipal Affairs re Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Railway Transport Committee re Order No. R-2583 In the matter of protection at the crossing of the railway of the Canadian National Railways and Boundary Road between the Townships of Hope and Clarke, in the Province of Ontario, at mileage 278.54 Kingston Subdivision: Pile No. 2671l.2523~-Filed. Railway Transport Committee re Order No. R-26l4 In the matter of protection at the crossing of the railway of :tha Canadian Pacific Railway Company and Boundary Road betwan the Townships of Hope and Clarke, in the Province of Ontario, at mileage 149.$3 Belleville Subdivision: Pile No. 26727.l353.-Filed. On" motion by J. W. Stone, seconded by H. E. Walkey, Council recess from 12:20 to 1:30 p.m. for lunch. Carried. Mr~ and Mrs. Laverne Boyd re unopened road allowance at the extreme north end of Church Street in the Village or Orono.-Referred to the Police Trustees. Mr. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties' of Northumberland and Durham re By-Law No'. 1592, A By-Law' to" Regulate the' Use of Land, etc.-Filed. Merrill D. Brown, P. Eng., O.L.S. re proposed Municipal Road - Kaspar Hollen, Lot 3, Concession 1, Township of Clarke as business brought forward from 4 June 1968.- ' Referred to' the Road And Bridge Committee. Department of Highways, Downsview, Ontario, re Township of Clarke By-Law No. 1594.-Filed. Mr. R. L. Bullen, R. R. 1, Kendal re proposed By-Law No. 1"592. -Referred" to the Planning Board. Sunnydene Estates Limited re Application for Approval ~f a Plan of Subdivision --Lots 27 & 28, Concession 5, Township of Clark e.-Referred to 'the Planning Board. E: Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Application of the 'Police Village of Orono for Storm Sewers.-Referred to . the rinanceCommi~tee. E. Richard Lovekin re Presbyterian Church, Newtonville Cemetery as business brought forward from 2 July 1968. -Tabled. E." Richard Lovekin re Newtonville Bridge, Harry L. Wade, Land and Buildings.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. were 1. 2. ~ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. that 15. 16. ;17. ~ "23. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 196$ continued: 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. , 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Mr. Arthur G. Low, Secretary, Clarke Planning Board re appearance of Mr. Allan Moore before the Clarke Planning Board on 25 July 1968 concerning an application to construct a building on part Lot 29, Con. 2.-Referred to the Planning Board for clarification. Letter of Mr. James Major dated July 31st, 196$ re proposed storm sewers & roads projec~ Orono Police Village. -Filed. Letter of Mr. G. L. McGee, P. Eng., dated July 26th, 196$, re Proposed Road & Drainage Project, Orono Police Village.-Filed. ' Letter of Mr. Wffi. A. Grady dated July 30th, 196$, re Township of Clarke & Police Village of Orono Storm Sewer Paving Project.-Filed. Petition of Mr. Alex Watson, the first name; together with 313 signed petitioners objecting to the proposed public works construction of storm drains, gutters, and pavements in the Police Village of Orono.-Filed. Petition of Donald C. Evans dated July 12, 196$ giving · notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. 'Petition of Grace Hoad and Edward Hoad dated July 13, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to'By-Law No. l592.-Filed. ' Petition of Bud Elliott and Mrs. Stella Elliott dated July 13, 196$'giving'notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Ulrich Ruegger and Ruth Ruegger dated July 9, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. ' Petition of Wm: H. McIlroy and Mrs. W. H. McIlroy dated July 12, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to' By-Law No. l592.-Filed. ' Petition of IvisDn J. Tamblyn dat~d July 9 giving notice of objection in respect to'By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Adele McGill dated July 5, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of T. King dated July 6, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of K. Rolf Miehe dated July 9, 1968 giving , notice of objection in respect"to By-taw No. 1592: -Filed. Petition of Horace Pitt and June Pitt dated July 9, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Russell Powell dated July $, 196$ giving notice of, obJection' in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Robert J. Golder dated" July 9, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Mrs. Tina Vanderstoop dated July 9, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-File~. " Petition of G. Riegger dated July 9, 196$ givihg notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Dick Vanderstoop dated July 9, 1968 giving notice of objection" in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. ?etition of Victor ~chneider dated July 7, 1968 giving notice of objectionNrespect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Allan H~ Clark dated July 6, 1968 giving notice of objection^respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of F. Rypstra dat'ed JulY 4 giving not ice of objection in respect to By'-Law No. 1592. -Filed". Petition of Henry DeVries dated July 4 givi'ng not"ice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. ~etition of Percy W. Allin dated July 4, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition o~ A. Speziale dated 'July 4 giving notice of " objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Wellington Farrow "dated July 4 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of Douglas Rahme dated July 4, 196$ giving nQtice of objection in respect to By-Law No. l592.-Filed. Petition of T. Wilson dated July 4 giving notice of ' objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-~iled. . . . 51. 52. Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 196~ continued: 53. 54. 55. W 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 6$. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. Petition of Constance Hooey and William A. Hooey dated July 24, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Edgar Middleton and Wilda Middleton, not dated, giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of W. Cooper dated July 23, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Lorne Hardy dated July 24, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed, Petition of A. S. Gerrow dated July 24, 1968 giving notice of objection in res'lect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Mr, and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery dated July 20, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Bird of Paradise Estates Ltd dated July 16, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of J. K. Glover dated July 1$, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Mrs. H. Sinclair dated July 15, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Doris Hartwick dated July 15, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of H. Sinclair dated July 15 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Edward R. Martin dated July 15, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of C. G. Cooper dated July 14, 1968 giving notice of objection in resoect to By-Law No. 1592. -Filed. Petition of M. C. Brown dated July 17, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Wm. F, Hale dated July 16, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Mrs. M. Langler dated 17 July giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of L. P. Pugh dated 17 July 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Stanley Way dated July 17, 196$ giving notice of objecti:)n in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Mrs. Norman (Aileen) Bairstow dated July 18, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Harry Kuehn dated July 20, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of U. G. Romanauskas dated July 20, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Vernon J. Stacey dated July 19, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Petition of Walter J. Hale dated 19 July 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 1968 continued: 76. Petition of Lallie Stewart and Harold Stewart dated July 19, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. 77. Petition of Jozef Francek dated July 19, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. 78. Petition of Mrs. Gladys D. Hale dated July 19, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. 79. Petition of Lorne Paeden dated July 20, 1968 giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592. -Filed. 80. Petition of T. Ronald Powell dated July 16, 196$ giving notice of objection in respect to By-Law No. 1592.-Filed. Mr. Harry Wade appeared to discuss the acquisition of land and buildings with regard to the proposed Newton- ville Grade Separation C.P.R. Mr. Burney Kamin, Solicitor for Cantrack Motor Racing Corporation Limited, together with Dr. Irwin Fineberg, Director of Cantrack Motor Racing Corporation Limited, met with Council to discuss the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act in accordance with a letter from the firm of Page and Kamin, Solicitors, to Council under date of July 23, 196$. This subject was referred to by-law. Messrs. R. R. Maddocks & A. G. Thomson representing Lake Ontario Regional Development Association met with Council concerning a special pr~ject to do with eight Counties relative to development, projects, relationship to other municipalities and the Province of Ontario. The report is eventually to be prepared by a Geographer of Trent University for study by Lake Ontario Regional Development Association ?:one meetings and finally to be forwarded to the Regional Development Branch of the Treasury Department of Ontario. Copies of the 1968 Lake Ontario Region Economic Survey were handed out to each member of Council and two additional copies were given to the Clerk to be forwarded to the Orono Police Trustees and Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent. The following resolutions were passed: Resolution ijp. 121 :Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby accept the tender of Ganaraska Bridge Co. Ltd. to build "Laing Bridge" Lot 30-31, Con. 4 at a contract price of $19p5$0.00, subject to the approval of Department of Highways ~ Carried. Resolut~on No. ~2:Moved by J.W.Stone, seconded by H.E.Walkey: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: Addition to General Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $55,401.40 General Voucher #$ for August in the amount of $3,305.60 Addition to General Welfare Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $160.00 General Welfare Voucher #8 for August in the, amount of $1,161.81 Road Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $8,262.22 Police Village of Orono Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $4,243.78. Carried. The following By-Law being a By-Law to appoint a By-Law Enforcement Officer for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke was given first and second reading only. The following By-Law being a By-Law to appoint a By-Law Enforcement Officer for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke was given first and second reading only. . . Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 1968 continued: w The following By-Law was given first, second and third reading and finally passed: By-Law N9- lc:;q6 TO declare Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 196~-6l as amended by The Lord's Day (Ontar.b) Amendment Act 196$ (No.2) to be in force in certain parts of the Township of Clarke. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. (1) Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as amended by The Lord's Day Act '(Ontario) Amendment Act 1968 (No.2) is hereby declared to be in force on August 25, 196$, in the following parts of the Township of Clarke, namely: Area No. 1 - Mosport Park (2) The application of the said section of the said Act shall be limited to the respective public ~ames or sports in the foregoing respective' parts of the Township of Clarke a's "follows: ' ...... ,- Area No. 1 - Motor Racing 2. The public games and sports" named in this By-Law shall be subject to the following regulations and control: . , - (a) every such game or sport shall be conducted in an orderly and seemly manner; (D) no s-uch game or sport shall b~ commenced before half past one o'clock in the afternoon. The following By-Law was.given third reading and finally passed: By-L~X NQ,. 1 c:;q? Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, hereinafter called the ttCorporation", to authorize Central Community Telephone Company Limited to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in the said Corporation. ". WHEREAS CENTRAL COMMUNITY TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED hereinafter called the "Telephone Coinpahy" has requested the Council of the Corporation to permit it to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in the said Corporation and it is deemed expedient to grant the request of the said Telephone Company subject to the approval of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission being had thereto. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED' by the Council_ of the Corp'- . oration and it is hereby enacted as fbllows,' that is to say: 1. THAT the Telephone Company or its successor be anti is ' hereby authorized and empowered to constr~ct telephone lines and to erect the necessary poles, cables, ducts, wires or other structures or equipment for the same and to _ maintain and keep up the same upon any or al.l of the highways, lanes and squares or the said Corporation for placing in, upon, over or under the same, the poles, ducts, cables, wires or other structures or equipment necessary for the purpose 'of it s business. 2. THAT the construction of the said telephone lines, and the placing of the said' poles~ cables, ducts, wireS or other structures or equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications prescribed by the Ohtario, Telephone .Service Commission and unde~ the super- vision ot the Council of the Corporation or it~ Commissioner appointed for th'at purpose; - 3: THAT the said telephone lines, 'pole'S, cables, ducts, wires or .pther structures or equipment shalr be erected so as 'not to 'interfere with the 1.ines, poles ~and warks 'Of any other telephone o'r telegraph company at present constructed upon any 'suc"h ,liighways:, lanes and squares. '-' Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council 6 August 1968 continued: 4. THAT the said telephone lines, poles, cables, ducts, wires ordher structures or equipment shall be so constructed, erected and maintained as shall not interfere with the public right of travelling on or using said highways, lanes, squares, roads, streets, bridges, waters or water courses. 5. THAT the Telephone Company shall indemnify the Corporation against any actions or claims for damages which may be brought against the said Corporation for or by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of the said works. 6. THAT this by-law shall come into force upon receiving the approval of the Ontario Telephone Service Commission and upon execution and deliv~ry to the Corporation by the Telephone Company of an agreement under which the Telephone Company undertakes and agrees with the Corporation to abide by the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 hereof. Resolution No~ 121:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, September 3, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meetihg in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. . ( ~__""6~- / . Clerk. /~I/~ Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, August 26, 1968 at 8 p.m. "'---... ........... '---"-'> Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: The following correspondence, reports and petitions were read out by the Reeve: 'I. B. R. Lovekin re Harry Wade, Sale of Land, Railway Bridge, Newtonville.-Filed. 2. E. Richard Lovekin re Newtonville Bridge, Harry L. Wade, Land and Buildings as business brought forward from ' 6 August 1968.-Filed. 3. Canadian National Railways, Rideau Area, re Plan SD 7499 dated July 2, 1968, showing protection to be installed at Boundary Road, mileage 278.54 Kingston Sub., Newtonville.- Refe~red to the Road Superintendent for report to Council on September 3, 1968. 4. Copy of letter of Solicitor E. R. Lovekin to Ontario M~nicipal Boara re Police Village of Orono re Twp. of Clarke - Storm Sewers.-Filed. 5. Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of public crossing :inthe Twp. of Clarke, Ont., Kingston Subd. CNR re File 26711.2528 - Samis Rd., mileage 281.13; File 3701.131 -- Samis Rd. & CPR, mileage 152.45 Belleville Subd.; File 26711.2526 - Elliott Side Rd., mile 279.58; File 26727.1354 - e' . Elliot~ Side R~. & CPR mileage 150.86 Belleville Subd.; File 26711.2527 - Twp. Rd., mileage 280.09; File 370l.L32- Twp. Rd. and CPR, mile 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Filed. 6. Copy letter of Mr. George E. Gemme, The Minister of Highways, d~ted July 16th, 1968, to Mr. M. L. Ross re Road Programming Study and Council's request for development road assistance on the 5th Concession.-Filed. 7. The Ontario Municipal Board re By-law Number 1592.-Filed.