HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/22/1968 (Special Meeting) Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 1968 continued: a-J ., L. Stanle-y Clair L. Hil.da H. Bill: Ma.ry Rejected GILBANK Ernest Rejected MORTON Robe~t Rejected RUTHERFORD Jas. Rejected STAPLETON Everett Rejected STAPLETON Charles While Council have rejected all Objections and Requests received they Wish to 'make it perfectly clear that should the Board order a hearing they are of the opinion that some Objections and Requests are based on an'~onest difference of opinion that could be constructively argued before the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried. Resolution N:Q.- ]] a:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by J. W .Stone: Resolve that the following Pay Vouch~rs be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officer~qf this - Council: _ Addition to General Voucher 16 for June in the amount of $4926.54 General Voucher 117 for July in the amount of $16683.47 General-Welfare Voucher 117 for July in the amount of $491.99 Road Voucher 116 for June in the amount of $41085.57 Police Village of Orono Voucher 16 for June in the amount of $1521.71. Carried. The following By-Law,ba1ng a By~Law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, hereinafter called the "Corporatiox;", to authorize Central Community Telephone C~mpany Limth1ted to erect and maintain pOles, cables, ducts, W1res or 0 er structures or equipment upon the highways lanes and squares in the said Corporation, was given fir~t .' and seco~dreading only. . Resolutjon ijp. ]l~:Moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, Augus~ 6, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Counc11 Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at tne call of the Reeve. Carried. Rejected Rejected Rejected CHAPMAN COATHAM FORREST ~ <=' -= ~. . ..,~ Clerk. ~../ ;=> ='> <=> ~ Reev~ tP;U;- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL DF ~HE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, July 22, 1968 at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A.Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth. CounCillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Orono Police Trustee D. Simpson Orono Police Trustee E. R. Woodyard Orono Police Trustee F. Nicholson 'Deputy Clerk Jenny V. Norton (Mrs.) This ~pe~ial meeting of Council Was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone, Mrs. J. V. Norton was appointed to record the minutes of special meeting of Council on July 22, 1968, and her appointment to be covered by by-law. Carr1ed.. The Council met with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono upon their request by Resolution No. 68-45, dated July 12, 1968, to propose the deletion of Item 4 of the Agreement made in quadruplicate on the 28th January, A.D. . 1963, between the Police Village of Orono and the Corporat10n of the Township of Clarke. Page 2 Special Meeting of Council July 22, 1968 continued: The following was read out in ~eeting by the Reeve: Trustees of the Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 68~ dated July 12, 1968.-Referred to resolution of Council. The. following resolution was passed: Res~]ut10q No..lZO:Moved by J. W. Stone,seconded by H.E.~key: At a spec~al meeting of the Council of the Township of ~larke and t~e Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, held ~n the Counc:-l Chamber at Orono on July 22, 1968, to consider an Orono Pol~ce Trustee Resolution No. 68-45 dated July 12, 1968, and whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke and the,Trustees of the Police Village of Orono did discuss and rev:-ew the Township-Village Agreement dated 28th January 1963, be ~t therefore resolved that bo~h parties unanimously agree that the said A~reement remain unchanged. Car~ed. . ~ne f~llow~ng By-Law~s read a first, second and third t~me and f~nally passed: \ ' By-Law Na.. J..L)gL) of thA CBY-Law to appoint a Deputy Clerk for the municipality e orporation of the Township of Clarke . Whereas Section 215 of The Municipal Act R S 0 1960 Chap~er 249, authorizes the Council of a muni~ip~lit; to ' appo~nt a Deputy Clerk, and i~ereas this Municipal Council deems it desiraQle to :~~~i~n ~f.ec~~~~r ~~ ~zl~uf~ii96~fice~during the special Therefore the Mu . , al C ' the Township of Cl kn~c~p ouncil of the Corporation of 1 Th t J ar e enacts as follows: · f~:rk ;~~Yt~~ ~~~~~~a~io~~fi~h~e~~~Shi~o~~tcfa~~PU;Y' dU~i~urr~:esOf ~cting in the said office of DeputyeCl~~k That' the saiae~~al s;ss~on of th~s Council on 22 July 196$. duties to be pe~~~~ed orton shall perfoz,n --all the and shall perform such ~rh:rC~e~~ under statutory authority, her during the said special ~ 7es afs may' be assigned to Meeting adjourned. se s~on 0 th~s Council. ." he. ~ D t/J Cl 1.L1. epuv erk. 1. . 2. R 4~~... eeve. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, '6 August 196$, at 10 a. m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: : Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey . Councillor W. R. Carveth , Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. w. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson The minutes of the regular meeting of 2nd July 196$ and the minutes of a special .meeting of 22nd July 1968 were adopted as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. \ . I It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by H. E. Walkey, that delegations be heard. Carried. ~. William Wensvoort, the owner ef part Lot 18, ,Concession 1 of this municipality, appeared at Council meeting to request the installation of a c~lvert on the municipal road adjacent to his property.. His maiR concern was to have this work . completed as soon as possible due to a previous arrangement .' of his to ,hire a.bulldozer to work in conjunction with this project. It was Council's consideration to refer this matter to the ,Road and Bridge Committee and the Road Superintendent for investigation and report to Mr. Wensvoort during the :week of August 12th, next.