HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/02/1968 Page 2 Special Meeti~g of Council June 17, 1968, continued: 1. That Merrill Leonard Ross, Brooklin, Ontario, is appointed Road Superintendent in the said town~hi~ t~ act as aforesaid in accordance ~dth the provisions of the said Act from the 1st day of January 1968 and during the pleasure of the said Council. Z. That the Road ~Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $7,500.00 per annum for such time~ as he may be so employed. And in addition mileage allowances for_ the use of his automobile on municipal road operat1on, in accordance with the Ontario Public Service ratea~ _ 3. That it shall be the duty of the superintendent to fay out and supervise all work and e~nditure on roaas within the exclusive jurisdlction of this Townshi~ Council . in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. That all by-laws or Parts thereof and all an~ any resolutions of said Councll contrary herete, or incQnsistent, herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. , 5. That two certified aepies of this by~law be forwarded by t~e clerk witheut delay te the di,strict office of the, Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontarie. 6. Tha.t this by....law shall not t come into force until , approv~d by the 'Minister of Highway!, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. , Meetin~ adjourned at 11:15-p.m. ~~'-4--./ Clerk. hn/~~ g REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, July 2, 1968, at 10 a.m. Counoil ~hamber, Orono. " Present: Reeve Roy 1(. 'Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey. Councillor' Vi. R: Carveth ' CounCillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W: Stone , Clerk H. E. Millson Min~tes of meet~ngs of May 7 and 23 and June 4 and 17, 1968, were approvep as read on motion by F. A. Grar and seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. , Th~following corrrspondence anp r~ports were read out by the Reeve: . 1. : Ontario Departme~t of H~ghw~ys ~e'Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1578, Amount-#108,700.00 -Filed. . , 2. Ontario Department of Highways re Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1582, Amount -#115,500.00.-Filed. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board re ~uieti,ng Order for the Township of Clarke.-Filed. ' 4. Durham County District High ~chool ~ard r~ proposed addition and alteration to Port .Hop'e ~igh School.-Referred to Resolution. i 5. The Ontario Munic~l Board letter dataq Apri~ 17, 1968, re Storm sewers on Main Street etc, and C~~, , Gutter and Pavement on Church Street North etc.-Filed. 6. The Ontario Municipal Board letter dated Jun~ 13, 1968, re Storm Sewers on Main Street, etc. and curb,. gutter and pavement on ~hurch Street North, etc.-Filed. . 7. Copy of a letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission to Mr. S. Rutherford re T~wnship of Clark~- Police Village of Orono, Installation of Storm Sewers.-Filed. 8. Copy of a lette~ from'E. R. Woodyard, Secretary of the Orono Police Trustees to Mr. J. R. Barr, Director, Division of Sanitary Engineering, OntariO Water Resources Commission, re Township of' Clarke & Police Village of Orono Storm Sewer Paving Project.-Filed. Page 2 Regular Meetingo~~ouncil ~ July 1968 continued: 9. Copy of ~~etter f~om Qntari~Water Resources Commission to Mr~. E. ~. Woodyard re Township of Clarke Police Village of Orono Po~lution Survey.-Filed. ' 10. Mrs. John Rickard, Secreta~y, Durham Central Agricultural Society request that Friday afternoo.n, September 6th,c 1968 be declared a Public Scqool hOliday for the children in Clarke Township.-Refer~eq to Resolution. ( 11. Minutes of Committee of Adjust,ment meeting on ~pril 16, 1968. -Fij,ed. -, ~ 12. Committee of Adjustment minutes of meeting on Jun~lO~ ~: 1968. -File~d.', . " 13. Mr . 'A. G. Low re res~ignation as a member of the Clarke Townshi~Planning Board.-Filed. 14. Un~te~Counties of Northumberland and Durham're Bill 44 Section 14 concerning the nUmber of School trust'ees which will comprise the board for the United Coupties of " Northumberland and 'Durham'. -Filed. ' 15. United e~unties of Northumbe~iand~anQ~Durham ~e~1969 Cou~ty Roads'Needs Study.~Referred to the R9ad Board Meeti,ng and Filed: G v G:" :, ~ v - 16. Communityz Telephone Company Limited rea proposed~'by-law to autherize' Central Community Telephon'e gompaiiy Limited to erect and-maintain pol~s, cables,"'ducts, wIres or ' , '.. " ,. '. . L other structures or, equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in this Corporation as'business'brought - forward from 17 April 1~68.-Rererred to By~laws. 17. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent , re Road Department , HOlidays.-Filed. 18. Ganaraska Region ~onservation Authority Financial Statements at December 31, 1967.-Filed. ~ 19. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Boyd re unopened road allowance at the extreme north end of Church Street in the Village of Orono.-Filed. 20. Department o~ ~he Attor~ey General re ,absorption of municipal costs of administration of justice.-Filed. On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone that Council recess for lunch at 12:10 p.m. and resume .session at 1 z30 p.m. Carried. .' The Road Superintendent, Mr. M. ~. ~oss, appeared at Council from lz30 p.m. to 4z30 p.m. in o~der to disc~ss proposed road closings under Railway Transport Committee Files 26711.2528 re Samis Rd. and the CNR, mileage 281.13 Kingston Subdivision; 3701.131 re Samis Rd. and ~ CPR, mile~ge 152.45 Be~leyille Subdivision; 26711.2526 re Elliott Side Rd. & the CNR, mileage. 279.5~ Kingston ~ubd;' 26727.1354 re E+liott Side Rd. & the CPR, mileage 150.$6 Bellevllle Subd; File 26711.2527 re Twp. Rd. and the CNR mileage 280.09, Kingston Subdivision; 3701.132 re Twp. Rd. and the CPR, , mileage 151.4' Belleville Subdivislon; 3701.130 mileage 155.08 Belleville Subd. CP; 9437.568 mileage 28~76 Kingston Subd.CN and other matters pertaining to the roads. .' 21. Department of Trade and-Development te proposed Manufacturing Opportunities Show for 1969.-Filed: ", 22. Ont-ario Hydro, Bowmanville=area office, re Street ' Lighting - Newtonville as business brought forward from June 17, 1968.-Tabled. .,' 23. Mrs. E. M. Fmrirother request for a donation to the Orono Junior Gardeners' Club as business brought forward f~om May 7, 1968.-Filed. 24. Mr. Gordon Millson request for dra~nage correction on muni~ipal road allowance as business brought forward ,from Ma~7, 1968.-Referred to Road Board Meeting. 25.~Copy let~er o~ Mr. Arthur G. Low, Zoning Administrator, to-Mr. George Mercer re accessory building being erec~ed. -Filed. Zoo Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for May 1968.-Filed. 27. Community Planning Associatlon of Canada rELNatio~lanning Conference October 6th to 9th, 196$.-Filed. . '. 28. Department of Highways, Ontario Circular No. 6$-056 re Inspection of' Bitumin~ Pressure Distributors Surface Treatment, Specification,., -"'Piled. . . I.,:' ., ... 35. 36. 37. 38~ 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 1968 continued: 29. Department of Municipal Affairs re Police Village of . Opono..Pt. lot 29, Con.V-(Twp. of Clarke)..Our File No. T-19244. and Twp. of Clarke..Pt. lot 27 & 28 Con.V. Our File No. 19245.-Filed. Copy of a Letter from Northumberland-Durham,Health Unit to Mr. I. M. Anderson, Subdivisions Section, Community Planning Branch, Department of. Municipal Affairs, re File No. T-19245,Pt. Lot 27 & 28 Con.5, Township of Clark~, Sunnydene Estates, Limited.-Filed. Department of Municipal Affairs re Amendments to the PlaDning Act, Bill 89.-Filed. Mr. Harpy KueHn re proposed-road closing.-Referred to Road Closing By-law. Letters from Railway Transport Committee dated May 14 and June 19, 1968 re Proposed closing of public crossings in th~ Twp. ~Qf Clarke at the following locations: File : 26711.2528 re S~is Rd. and the CNR, mileage Z8l;13 . Kingston Subd; File 3701.131 re Samis Rd. and the CPR mileage 152.45 Belleville Subd; File 26711.2526 re Elliott Side Rd. & the CNR, mileage 279.58 Kingston Subd; File 26727.1354 re Elliott Side Rd. & the CPR, mileage 150.86 Belleville Subd; File 267ll~2527 re Twp. Rd. and the CNR mileage 280.09 Ki~gston Subd;, 'File 3701.132 re Twp. Rd. and the CPR mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Referred to the Clerk and Road Superintendent. ' -, Railway Transport Comm~ttea.re proposed closing o~ puolic crossings in the Twp. of Clarke at the fol1~wing locations: File No. 26711.2528 re Samis Rd. and the CNR mileage 2al.13 Kingston Subdivisiop; Fil~. No. 3701.131 re Samis Rd. and the CPR milea~e l52.4? Bell&Ville Subdivision; File No. 26711.2526 re Elliott Side Rd. and the CNR mileage 279.58 Kingston Subdivision; File No. 26727.1354 re Elliott Side Rd. and the CPR mileage l50.86.Belleville Subdivision; File No. 26711.2527 re Twp. Rd. and the CNR mileage 280.09 Kingston Subdivision; File No. 3701.132 re Twp. Rd. and the Cf3R at mileage 151.43 Belleville Subdivision as business brou~ht forward from 2 April 1968.-Referred to the Clerk and Road Superintendent. Copy of letter 'from Totte~, .Sims, Hubicki &'Associates Limited to Railway Transport Committee re File'No. 26727.11'89, Newtonvill.e Road Overpass,t File :No.66W278.-Filed. Railway Transport Comm1ttee re File no. 26727.1189 re Newtonville Road overpass, mileage 151.92 Belle~ille Subd. CP.-Filed. Railway Transport Committee re proposed Closing of crossings, Twp. Clarke, Ont. File No. 3701.130 - Mileage 155.08 Belleville Subd. CP anti FileNo. 9437.568 - mileage 285.76 Kingston Subd. eN.-Referred to the Clerk and Road Superinten~ent. Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of crossings, Twp. Clarke, Ont.~ - File No. 370l.130-mileage 155.08 Belleville Subd. CP and File No. 9437.568- mileage 283.76 Kingston Subd. CN.as business brought forward from May 7, 1968.-Referred to the Clerk and Road Superintendent. Railway Transport Committee re File No. 26727.1016 re Town Line Road level crossing btwn. Twps. Clarke & Dariington, Ont., mileage 160.65, Belleville Subd.CP.-Filed. W. Kay Lycett, B.A. re Jack Williams proposed purchase of part of Lot 26, Concession 5,Clarke, from Pam-Reg Holdings Limited.-Filed. Railway Transport Committee Order No. R-2349 in the matter of the application o~ the Township of Clarke, hereinafter called the "Applicant", for an Order authorizing the construction of a diversion road in lots 34 and 35, Concession 3, Township of Clarke, County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, which will eliminate the existing level crossing at mileage 160.46 Belleville Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway Compapy, as shown on Drawing No. W-40l-l dated March 8; 1968, on file with the Commission under file No. 26727.703;.-Referred to Resolution and Filed. E. Richard Lovekin re Presbyterian Church, Newtonville Cemetery as business brought forward from April 17, 1968.- Tabled. Department of Highways of Ontario re Circular 68-27- Consultant Agreement Forms.-Filed. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Page 4 d Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 1968 continue : 44. Ontario Association of HoUSingHAuthioritciefs, Ontar~o Housing Co~porat~on re Anhual ous ng , on erence 1968.-Filed. , . . '-, , . 45.' Mr. Eric T. Searle, Senior Planner, Off1c1al Plans Section, CommuRity Planning Branch, Department of MunicJp~l Affairs re Township,of Clarke. Restr!cted Area By-law No. l583.~Piled. _ 4~. G. "R.' Hartmann re proposed construction' of a summer camp on Lot 12, Co~cession 4.as business brought forward from 19 March 1968.-Filed. 47. The Corporation of the. United. Counties ,of North- umberland-and Durham By-Law No. 2180 - A By-law . of the Corporation of the United.Counties of Northumberland and Durham to equalize the assess. ments of the various municipalities witkin the said United Counties for the year 1969.-Filed. 48. Dr; P. E. WillsQn,,,Oshawa Ski Club, re proposed road construction.-Referred to Road and Bridge 'Committee. - 49. Township 'of Hope re,The Municipal Corporations ~uieting Orde~s Act and the Corporation of The Township of Hope. -Filed.. ' 50~ Mr. Ken~. Morris Ltd., Lakefield, Ontario, re dpportu~ty 'to serve Clarke.with liquid calcium chloride :-Filed. . 51. E. Richard ,Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., 're Zoning By-Law No. l592.-Filed. 52. 1968 Budget Comparison on General Municipal Rates Only as at Augus~ 6, 1$68.-Filed. Clerk's Report re Zoning By-Law No. ~592..Filed. Mr. Arth~r Low, Zoning Administrator discussed proposed subdivisions with Council which are now under study"by the Clarke Planning Board. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin advisecl the Council with regard to fheir.position inrelation.to the objections and requests received in respect to Zoning'By-Law No. 1592. The following resolutions we~e passed: Resolutjon ~o. l07:Moved,by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray: Th~s Council hereby declare Friday afternoon, Sept,ember qth, 1968" Orono Fair Day, a Civic Hdliday to provide a le~a1 public school hOliday in the Township of Clarke. _ , _ , The Clerk is hereby instructed to re~er cert1fiea copies of this resolution to the Durham Central Agricult~ Society and the Inspector of Sbhools and finally ~o puplicize CounCil's de~ision once only in the Orono Weekly Times.-Car~ed.. . ResoJution No. 108:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by J.W.Stone: Whereas the Durham County District'High School Board . has applied ~o the,Municipa! C0uncils hav~ng jurisdiction in the sa~d District for the issue ~f debentures in a firm amount of $995,000 repaya~le @ver a period of twenty years to provide for the cost of building and 'equipping an addition and alterations to Port Hope High School which is to increase the pupil ra~ing from 1160 to 1640 pupils. . Be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the ~wn~hip of Clarke being 'a municipality in the said District, hereby approves the said applrc~tion and agrees to assume i~ proper proportion of the amoun~s required to payoff the debentures and interest the~eon and expenses connected therewi tlr. ' Be it further resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby re'quests the Council pf the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham to ra~se the entire sum of #995,000'required for the purposes aforesaid by the issue of debentures of the Corporation of-the United Counties of,Northumberland and Durham.-Carried. . . Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 196$ con~inued: .r.'-;., Rejected ALLDRED, Chas. T. Rejected BOYD, R. R. Rejected CASPARI, Peter (Pres.Sunnydene Estates Limited) Rejected COPPING, E. C. Rejected DRUMMOND, A. Reso~utionNo. 109:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby authorize'the Reeve and ~lerk to sign and seal an option "Offer To Sell"'between Mr. Frank Zarowny aRd th~ Corporation of the Township of Clarke dated the 30th day of June 1968. Carried. Resolution No. ]lO:Moved by Frank Gray,sec0nded by Earl Walkey: This Council hereby authorize- the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal an Agreement, made in duplicate, on the 2nd day of J~ly 196$ between Central Community Telephone .Company Limited and this Municipality to request a change of equipment to lAl key phones, dial intercom for which this Municipality agrees to reimburse the said Telephone Company within 15 days from date of thQ completion of the work on the basis cf full time and material and further that this M~nicipality pay the said Telephone Company the required deposit, if any, to be applied against the final bill rendered for the work performed under the terms of this Agreement. "' Carried. "ResolutiQP"No. 1]] :Moved by W.R.Carveth~seconded byJ.W.Stone: This Council hereby authorize the Road Superintendent to prepare plans and acquire the necessary lands for the construction of a diversion road in Lots 34 and 35, Concession 3, which will eliminate the,extsting level crossing at mileage 160.46 Belleville Subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, as shown on Drawing No. W-401-1 dated March'$, 196$, in accordance ~ith Canadian Transport Commission Order No,. R-2349.-Carried. Reso]uti~n No. ]]~:Moved by W.R.Carvetq,s~co~ded by H.E.Walkey: This Council hereby authorize the Road Superintendent ~o advertise for tenders for the proposed construction of the La~ng Bridge between Lots 30 and 31, c.oncession4, Township of Clarke.-Carried. Resolution No. 111:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: In accordance with Section 207 of the ~s~ssment Act this Council hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer of this municipality to reduce the 196$ taxatio~ of the Community Telephone Company Limited and by the. limitation of taxation of a Telephone Company under Section 13 of the said ACt authorizes the said Clerk-Treasurer to chargeback a proportionate share to every body for which it is required by law to levy rates or raise money.-Carried. ~esolution No. llh:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council declare Civic Holiday, August 5, 196$, as a legal hOliday in the Township of Clarke.-Carried. Resolutio~ No. 11~:Moved by H.E.Walkey,~ec9nded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that the Durham County Ce~tr~l Agricultural Society be granted $200.00 for the ye~r 1968.-Carried. ' Resoluti9n No. ~16:Moved by W.R.Carveth~se~onded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to acknowledge all objections and requests received ~y the Clerk during the period of June 8 to June 22, 19.6$, inclusive with regard to Zoning By-Law No. l592.-Carried. Reso}PkiOn No. 11?:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council hereby resolve in accordance with Section 10: of The Ontario Municipal Board Rules of Procedure (The Planning Act, Section 30) dated November 3q, 1965, as follows: QPjections and ReQuests to Zonin~ By-Law No. ISQ2 of th~ Cq~~oration of' the Townshi p 9f Cl ar$e Accepted or Rejected bv this Council Part "At! IPdividua] Objectors Capsule Comment Qr Classification. ~ General - Retirement Land C.of A. Application Pending Special Case. Developer-Request for R 1 rather than later amendment. Alleged conflict Reeve Firm had listing Valid N C use, No problem Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 1968 continued: Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rejected Rogers**See Rogers Alleges Zoning destroys farm General obj. Assessment & conflict of interest, land severance conflict. Objection--to 120 foot front. Severance problem, Retreat property Conflict of interest Infilling lots, objectio~ to zoning Objects as zoning splits land into two types. Gene~Y o~jection Objects to 720 sq. ft. cottage. Farmer objects to ~2 zone next door. **HIiL, KTI.GOUR et ale Solicitors J.S.MacKay-**see MacK** Chas. W. P~ul , (Pres. Union Rod & Gun Club) LOWERY James * *Mac KAY See **Hill Kilgour etal* McISAAC James Aw **MARKS & McNEELY, Solicitors Kenneth & Elinor W. J. HUTTON, HYCHA, MAXWELL MOFFAT, MORTON, Aleck R. R. D. SlUANTRILL, C.G.Francis. RUDDY, RUTHERFORD, **ROGERS,. SISSONS, Mrs. Adele S. B. Kenneth & Elinor See Marks & McNeely. H. J. .S~EPHENSON, J. G. WOOD, Ronald & Hella YEO, A. Bruce Estate Dwelling cat. second set buildings Gen. Obj. No con. prop. No reasons- Agric.. zoning requested Agric.zoning recommended Agric.zoning recommended Objects to ttOSUcat. . Strong General . Worde~ objection Fear that. FarmlandS Will become illegal in Industrial zone or that Industry will increase Farm Taxes (T~e reverse ) (of course is the) (case. ) Alternative suggestions made. '. Objection on basis of conflict of int erest on the part of the Reeve Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council 2 July 1968 continued: &"'.......i,>a ., L. Stanle'y Clair L. Hil..da H. Bil! Mary Rejected GILBANK Ernest Rejected MORTON Robe~t Rejected RUTHERFORD Jas. Rejected ST~PLETON Everett Rejected STAPLETON Charles While Council have rejected all Objections and Requests received they Wish to.make it perfectly clear that should the Board order a hearing they are of the opinion that some Objections and Requests are based on an'~onest difference of opinion that could be constructively argued before the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried. Resolution N~. Jla:Moved by Frank Gray~seconded by J.W.Stone: Resolve that the following Pay Vouch~rs be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officer~ g;I this ~ Council: _ Addition to General Voucher #6 for June in the amount of $4926.54 General Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $16683.47 General-Welfare Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $491.99 Road Voucher #6 for June in the amount of $41085.57 Police Village of Orono Voucher 16 for June in the amount of #1521.71. Carried. The following By-LaW,betng a By-Law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, hereinafter called the "Corporat~o:r:", to authorize Central Community Telephone C~mpany Ll.rnt.hl.ted to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, Wl.res or 0 er structures or equipment upon the highways lanes and squares in the said Corporation, was given fir~t .. and secoJld reading only. . Resolution ~. l]~:Moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 6, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Coun~il Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at tne call of the Reeve. Carried. Rejected Rejected Rejected CHAPMAN COATHAM FORREST ~ <= -== ~. ..- Clerk. = ==- -=--- J ~ Iliha. ~~U: Reeve SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL DF ~HE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, July 22, 1968 at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth, Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Orono Police Trustee D. Simpson Orono Police Trustee E. R. Woodyard Orono Police Trustee F. Nicholson 'Deputy Clerk Jenny V. Norton (Mrs.) This ~pecial meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone, Mrs. J. V. Norton was appointed to record the minutes of special meeting of Council on July 22, 1968, and her appointment to be covered by by-law. Carr1f!d. . The Council met with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono upon their request by Resolution No. 68-45, dated July 12, 1968, to propose the deletion of Item 4 of the Agreement made in quadruplicate on the 28th January, A.D. . 1963, between the Police Village of Orono and the Corporatl.on of the Township of Clarke.