HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1968 (Special Meeting) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, June 17, 1968, at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. VI. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson Clarke Plann1ng'Board:Members: Mr. R. C. Simpson Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. W. Bailey Mr. A. G. L~, Zoning Administrator Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey Special meeting of the Council together with representation from the Clarke Planning Board, the Zoning Administrator and Buildi~~spector was called by Reeve Foster to discuss and consider a request to:Counc~l'on June 4~:1968, by Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey to use the' former-Robert GlanVille feed mill as a residence and storage for fencing business. Upon request of the Reeve the following persons gave verbal reports to the meeting: - ' 1. Mr. A. G. Low, Zoning Administrator 2. Mr. H. R. Be at, Building Inspector 3. Mr. R. C. Simpson, Chairman of the Clarke-Planning Board This business was concluded by resolution. The following correspondence and reports were read out by the Reeve: 1.' Ontario Hydro, Bawmanville area office, re Street Lighting - Newtonville.-Tabled. Z. Petition of Mrs. A. E. Morton and 27 other signed petitioners opposing the proposed building of two triplex apartments on the corner of Church, .and' Princess Streets in the Police Village of Orono as business b~ought forward from 19 March 1968.-Filed. 3~ ~he Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-law No. 1517 as business brought forward from 19 March 1968.-Filed. 4. E. R. Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., Barrister and Solicitor, Neweastle, Ontario, re,proposed Curvply Addition as business brought forward from 19 March 1968.-Filed. The following resolutions were passed: R.~Q]utiQn NQ.-I0~IMovid by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W~R.Carveth: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal an option "Offer to Sell'. between Mr. Paul F. Grant and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke dated the 13th day of June 1968.-Carried. Re.Ql~~ion No. 106:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray: Whereas the request of Mr., and Mrs. William Hooey to change the use of the former Robert Glanville feed mill in Lot 28, Concession 5, Clarke, contravenes By-Law No. 1592; Now Therefore this Council unanimously resolve, that no action be taken in the matter of the r~quest of Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey to use the former Rebert Glanville feed mill as a combined residence and business.-Carried. . The following By-law vas read a first, second and third time and finally passed: By-Law No. 1.59a. A By-Law to appoint a Road Superintendent in the Township . of Clarke in the County of Durham. Whereas it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the ~upervision of a Road Superintendent~ acting under its direction. Ana Whereas it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. Be It Therefore Enacted by the Council of the municipal ...rperation of the sa.id township and it is hereby enacted. Present: . w Page 2 Special Meeti~g of Council June 17, 1968, ,continued: 1. That Merrill Leonard Ross, Brooklin, Ontario, is appointed Road Superintendent in the said town~hi~ t~ act as aforesaid in accordance ~dth the provisions of the said Act from the 1st day of January 196$ and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road4Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $7,500.00 per annum. for such time~ as he may be so employed. And in addition mileage allowances for_ the use of his automobile on municipal road operat~on, in accordance with the Ontario Public Service rates~ _ 3. That it shall be the duty of the superintendent to .lay out and, supervise all' work and eXj>enditure on roaas ' within the exclusive jurisdIction of this Townshi~ Council . in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. That all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto- or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. . 5. That two certified copies of this by~law be forwarded by tge clerk without delay to the di~trict office of the, Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. 6. That this by'Wlaw shall not come into force until approved by the 'Minister of Highway!, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. , Meetin~ adjourned at 11:15-p.m. ~,~ Clerk. I~~~ Reev~ . , REGULAR MEET ING OF THE CO UNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, July 2, 196$, at 10 a.m. Counoil ~hamber, Orono. -., Present: Reeve Roy A. 'Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey. Councillor' W. R: Carveth ' Councillor F. A. Gray , Councillor J. W: Stone , Clerk H. E. Millson Min,ut es of meet.ings of May 7 and 23 and June 4 and 17, 196$, were approvep as read on motion by F. A. Gray and seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. , The follOWing corr~spondence anp r~ports were read out by the Reeve: . . 1. ; Ontario Departme~t of H~ghw~ys re,Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1578, Amount-$108,700.00 - Fil ed . . , , 2. Ontario Department of Highways re Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1582, Amount -$115,500.00.-Filed. , 3. The Ontario Municipal Board re ~uiet~ng Order for the Township of Clarke.-Filed. ' 4. Durham County District High ~chool ~ard r~ proposed addition and alteration to Port .HoEe ijigh School.-Referred to Resolution. i 5. The Ontario Munic~l Board letter dat~ Apri~ 17, 1968, re Storm sewers on Main Street etc, and C~9, . Gutter and Pavement on Church Street North etc.-Filed. 6. The Ontario Municipal Board letter dated Jun~ 13, 1968, ~e Storm Sewers on Main Street, etc. and curb" gutter and pavement on Church Street North, etc.-Filed. , 7. Copy of a letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission to Mr. S. Rutherford re T~wnship of Clark~- Police Village of Orono, Installation of Storm Sewers.-Filed. . 8. Copy of a lette~ from' E. R. WOOdyard, Secretary of the Orono Police Trustees to Mr. J. R. Barr, Director, Division of Sanitary Engineering, OntariO Water Resources Commission, re Township of Clarke & Police Village of Orono Storm Sewer Paving Project.-Filed.