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Page 14
Special Meeting of Council 23 May 1968 continued:
By-La.w-Np, 1l)q3
A by-law to appoint Ponnd Keepers and Fenee Viewers~
in the Township of Clarke.
The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the'
Townahip of Clarke enacts a.s, follcr.fs: '
The following persons be and are hereby appointed
1. Rosa Brown 2. . Nil -. 3.
4.Wa.rren-Carson 5. Wm. Hale, Sr. 6.'
7. ~wr.nce Harris 8. 'Nil 9.
10. Sam <Powell 11. Nil ( 12.
13 . Char 1.. . Reid =. 14. DonAld Staple s15 .
16. Roy Beuy 17. B.~. Bryson '18~
19. Lawrence Hooey , ~O . Stanle y Ball ~
That the duties of the abovenamed Officers shall-be performed
as provided by statutes in that behalf and the by-laws of this
municipality. -
That the follOWing perSGns be appointed Fence Viewers:
l7~' Harold Dean - ".. Denald Stapleton 3.~ Arthur Thompson
'That the duties of the abovenamed OffIcers shall ~be performed
as_are provi~ed by st!tutes in that behalf and the by-laws'of
this municipality.
That By-law No. 1575 be and is hereby-repealed.
Pound Keepers:
Morley Robinson
Wm. Curtis
aoy Cochrane
Meeting adjourned.
.. ~
- ~~," --I
Clerk. l.,
" t+~ :,;U-
Tuesday, June 4, 1,68, at 10 a.m.
Council Ch~er, Orono.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Co~cillor F. A. G-ray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk H. E.Millson
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded'by H. E._Walkeys
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. F. E. Lycett introduced Mr. R. R. McClellan of the
Frank Cowan Insurance Company to the members of Council.
Mr. McClellan handed out copies'of a prepared insurance
review incorporating recommendations which~was discussed in
Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Secretary of the Orono Police
Trustees met with Council to discuss and consider certain
Police Village resolutions recorded undercorresponc:lence
herein. ~
, On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by.=....f:. A. 'Gray,
, '----
Counci~ recessed for lunbh' at 12135 p'.m. < and resWllecl,session
at Z p.m. Carried. '
. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, appeared at
Counci1 meeting from Z:15 to4i45 p.m~ to discuss certain
aspects~of the Township roads.
_ Mr. and Mrs.~w.m.~Hooey ~equested Council for per.miss!on
to use the~former Rob~rt Glanville feed mill as a residence
and storage ~or their fencing business. This request was.
tabled. ,-. ~
It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by F. A. Gray,
that Council adjou~n to committee of the who~e. Carried.
, On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J. W. Stone,
that committee rise anti Counci1 be and is hereby resumed.
Carried.~ ,
The following correspohdence and reports were read out
by the Reeve:-
1. Minutes of ~ommittee of Adjustment dated May l3,l968.-Filed.
G. The Ontario Municipal Association re proceedings of
SiXty-ninth Annual Convention held AUgust ZO-Z3,
3. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re News
Letter dated May, 1968.-Filed.
4. Police Trustee Board of the Village of Orono re gro~~ -
Community,~e~orial PaTk,~oard.-Filede ' ~
5. Copy letter from OronoCommunity~Me~oria~Par€ te
E.R.~Woodlarg. ~s9.' re~appl~cat!on !or~sueply o~
Municipal Water.-Pilea., "
(>., ,Departmen~ of Highway., vDoWnsi'iew, ~'Ont~rio; re ~dva~ee' -
,~ '~~ ~~ym~nt of subsidy.-riled: ~. ~ -, v ~, ,U ~"j' ,
7. Department-of Trade and Development re Manufacturi~
'-~"V~ OP.Portunities Sh6w.~Filed. , "':~: _ : \~,
8. DePB:rtmen~ of Labour. C;onstruction Safety Braneh, r~
-'-- :.,;~e trench ~~~a!a~or~~ ~rotection Act .-Fil~d." ~ , _ ~
_ ~. _ Mr.~lph S. Je~es, Jone~ and 'Jones, Barrister~, _
Solicitors, Not~rie~. re Pete~ Czmielew~k! r~<ju~.t~
tor"a !ease c~vE:lr:f:.~ 10 acrE!s,ot land with,.the p>~d
of Pf~pertY,owned,by th~,Township eeing, part Lot 16.
Concession 2.-Referred to the Clerk to answer.
10. COPI_L~t~er from Depart~en~ ~f ~i~~ways Ont~rio d~ted _
~ May 24. 19~8,re Township of C1arke - Stewart's Bridge --
, ~ot~ 6~7, Con~ ~I~~-Refer,c~pr to_t~e Ro~d~~uperi~tendent.
lJ.. _ C~p.Y Letter from Department of ,~Hig1'Jwals Ont~rio. dated
May 31. 1968 re Township of Clarke - Stewart's Bridge -
Lots 6-7, Con. III.-Refer copy to ~oa.d Superintendent:
12. Central Lake' ontario Conservation Authority'-'minutes of
meeting held May 2, 1968.-Filed.
13. Mrs. R. Chater. Secretary, Clarke Township Cemetery
Board re Cemet,ery Account for work on the Bethel
Cemetery.-Referred to the Clerk.
1*. Copy Letter from Department of Highways Ontario re
proposed purchase of Four Wheel Drive Truck.-Filed.
15. Copy of a lett,r from Ontario W~ter Resources Commission
to Mr. E. R. Woodyar~, Secretary, Board of Trustees,
Police Vi~lage of Or?no, r~ Townshfp of Clarke -
Police Village of Orono Water Pollution Survey.-Filed.
~6. Tru~tees, of the Po~ice Village of Orono Resolution
No. 68-35 dated May 27, 1968, request to relaase the
Orono Municipal building from the Community Centres Act
under By-Law No. l34l.-Referred to'Resolution. . ,
17. Trustees of the Police Vi1lage,of.Oro~0 R~sol~tion
No. 68-34 dated May 27, 196$. ~e ~rop~sedcpubliC works
of storm sewers, curb, gutter and pavement.-Referred to
Resolution. ' .' v ~ '-
l8~ Horth~be~land-Dur~ H~th Un~t ~eport for April
1968.-Filed. -
19. De partmentcof Tra~e and Devel~pment, Field Services
Sect!on~ Industrial Development Branch; re'notice of
InduStri~l Development Forum.-Filed. ~ ~ v'_
20. Mr.: R. Chater, Secretary, Clarke, Township Cemetery~
,-. ....... .- ... "- ,1...._ _ ...... "- G,,-
Board request for cutting the grass in the improved
ce:ID.~te~ie~ ;being the Lawrence Back Church and Bethel'~
Cemete!"ies by ~!te road department .:-Ref~rrea to the
R~d ang Bridge Committee. , '
- ~ 0~ ~
21. Peter Caspari, President, Sunnydene Estates Limited,
r~ By-L~w No. l599.-~ferred to t~e ~lannin~,Board~
22(J Merrill D. Brown,.P. Eng~, O.L.S. re proposed)(unieipal
Road - Kaspar HOllen, Lot 3, Concession l,'~ownship ~ ,,-
of Clarke.-Referred to the Road and Bridge COlmnittee'-
23. Mr. Ropert ~. BYron, ~lerk:Control;LeF;Corporationo'f
the Town of Bowmanville re Area Ambulance Service.-Flled~
'-.4. lake Ontario ~egional Development Council re notice of ~,
I ,annual gel\eral meeting on Wednesday., June 12th, 1968 .-Filed.
25. Lake Ontario, Devel?pment Association re Directors'
Meeting on May 9th, 1968.-Filed~ '
a6~1968. Bu~get Compar~ison on General, Municipal Rates Unly ,
as at ~une 4, 1968.-Filed.
the fol,low;ing resolutions were 'Passed: '
:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone:
Resolve that Resolution No. '90 dated May 7, 1968, be
is hereby rescinded.-Ca~ried.
Page 2
Regular Meet;~of Ce~cil J~e ~~ 19~e. ~~nt~nued:.
. ~
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council June. 4, 1968, continued:
Resolut:{,on }lo'. Q7:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
Whereas the Council shall appoint a Zoning Administrator
in accordance with By-Law No. 1592, being a by-law to
regulate the use of land and the character, location and
use of buildings and structures in the Township of Clarke
who shall have the authority of administering the said '
By-La.w; "
. Therefore the Council of the' Township of Clarke
Resolves as follows: - ". ,
1. That Mr. Ar-phur Low, R. R. 1,kendal,On,tario, be
and he is hereby apPointedZo~in~ A~inistrator of By-Law
No. 1592 of the Corporation.
2. That the said Mr. Arthur Low'shilll hold office during
the period ending on 7th October' 1968.
3. ~hat the sa~ary of the sai~~Mr. Art~ur:Low as Zoning
Administrator of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke shall be $75.00 per month,'payable monthly.
4. . That, in addition to his: mo~thly salary he shall, be
~eimbursed for travelling efpenses at .10~ per ~ile on
dutie~ relating to the said Zoning Administ~ator.-Carried.
Resol}Jtion !{p. Q8:~oved by J.W.~tone,seconded by Frank Gray:
With regard to By-Law Ho. 1341 of this Municipality
this ~ouncil herebl.~endorse Resolution No. 68-35 dated
May 27, 1968, of the Trustees of the Police Village.-Carried.
ResolutiQp No. qq:Moved by Wl'R.Carveth,seconded by H..E.Walkey:
This Council hereby endorse ResotutiO~ N9. ~8-34 ,
dated May 27, 1968, of the Trustees t of th!t P9lige VilJ.age
of Orono. -Carried. ' .
Res9;tution No."100:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby authorize the Road Superintendent
to advertise for tenders for the proposed purchase- of a
four wheel drive truck with snowplow and wingl'-Carried.
Resolution No. l~J:Moved, '!:>y W.R.Carveth,s,conded by J.W.Stone:
This Council hereby ~ppo1nt-~ouncillor Frank A. Gray
to investigate the possibilities 9f ~ proposed housing .
project with a member of the Trustees of the Police Village
of Orono. '
, ~ certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to
the Trustees of the-Police Village of Orono.-Carried.
Resolution No: l02:Movedby H. E. Walkey,seconded by W.R!Carveth;
This Cou~~il hereby petit~on the Minister of~Highways
to designate as a Dev~lopmeR~ Road the Fifth Concession
Roa~ 1n ~hevTown~hip gf C~arf' ~omm,ncing<at it~ i~ter~e~tion
withvC;:oupty Road No. 76. atL 9l"9no" th?~oe.. east,rl;.y~~fprox-
imat~ly 5 lR.~les to;..C~unty Rgad 150" 8uat St~kviJ.J.e. <...
A certified c9PY:.. gf tb-i~ r~s@luti9!1 be fo~arged to
Ale:J: Carruth!9rs,,~~f.P' for ~ham.~C~rr~ed..,y " ",-, v~.,
Resolution No. 101:~ov~d bYLJ.~.Stone,se~onde~ by~H~.E.Walkey:
ResQl,ve that ~}1e folJ.o.w1PgvPay, Vouehe~s b~ and ,ar~
hereby authorized fo~ ~yment b~ t~e s~~ pfficers of
this Council: " '- - , '"
Additi on to ,Gen,~!"aJ.~ Vouc;heJ', lIS for May :t~ 1?h!:c aino~nt'
of $1420-..30 "c. ., ' '-
General V.c:>ucher #6 for JU!1~in the~ amount -9fc J94Z2.4~
~neralLW.lf8:!'e V.ouche,rI6L :for Ju.neL if! t~ .a!!lo~,- ~ .::.
o-f $1061.63-" ~ .~, ~ L c ,~ v
Road Voucher 15_for May in the amount of $14337.51 G
Police Village of ~ono VQJl.cher fo!, ~y il\.~he ,amol1nt
of $1853.55.-Ca-rr~d. L ,,;.. c . "v~ L.
Resol ut.ion Bo. 10~ :~ove(t by,_.w .l\~,Carveth, seeon4~,a, by J. W . Stone :
This Council hereby adjourn to: meet again on 'Tuesday
July,2, 1968, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting'in 't!teCol11U:il
Chamber at Oron~ or otherwise _~n speci~l mee~in~'~ tne'
call of the Reeve.-Carri~d~ VL ~
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