HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-04R.R. #3 Bowmanville, Ontario February 4, 1977 Mayor G. B. Rickard and Members of Council The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Gentlemen: RECEIVED FES 8 1977' TO+' y9N OF NE CAST'i.E. Having attended the Council meeting at the Bowmanville Municipal office on Tuesday, February 1st, I would like to confirm certain points that were brought forward at this meeting. Point 1 I asked that the property (I think was shown as Blk E on the plan of subdivision for Lot 31, Con.3) adjoining my east property line, be designated like the other lots abutting my property, as single family dwelling. The Developer who was present at this meeting had no objection to this proposal. As a result I would like the official plan to show this Blk to be designated as single family dwellings. Point 2 I asked if I, as a property owner facing Nash Road, would have to pay or be assessed, either as a local improvement charge or other means, for the underground services (sanitary sewer and watermain) that are to be constructed on Nash Road abutting my property. Mayor Rickard indicated to me that I should not be assessed any monies because of these services either at the time the services are constructed or at a future date when I am forced to connect to these mains. Mayor Rickard made it quite clear that no resident should be burdened with these extra costs. I trust that I am correct in my statements and look forward to receiv- ing your confirmation in writing. I would like to take this opportunity to express my concern about the future development in the Courtice area. As I stated Tuesday evening, I am not against planned development for the Courtice area because as selfish as I may feel about maintaining a country or suburban like atmosphere that I have enjoyed for many years, I realize that there are other people in this world who would be satisfied just to own their own home. To achieve this one must have development. - 2 - Corporation of the Town of Newcastle February 4, 1977 However, gentlemen, I do not think that a resident abutting the proposed services should have to subsidize a Municipality who wants to enhance development. I took the time to check with the Regional Government of Durham who governs sanitary sewers and watermains. I was told that in all likeli- hood the existing residences abutting these underground services would be charged as follows: $1.80 per foot frontage for the sanitary sewer, chargeable for 15 years. $1.00 per foot frontage for the watermain, chargeable for 20 years. I have a 65 foot frontage on Nash Road and the cost to me would be 65 x $1.80 x 15 = $1,755.00 ($117.00 per yr.) 65 x $1.00 x 20 = $1,300.00 ($ 65.00 per yr.) In conjunction with the above costs I would have to pay: a) Sanitary sewer house connection from the main to the property line $ 500.00 b) Water house connection from the main to the property line $ 400.00 c) Storm sewer house connection (if necessary) from the main to the property line, actual costs. Probably a minimum of $500.00 because of the restoration involved with the road and boulevard. These connections, as you may well realize, do not include the cost for extending the services from the property line to the house. If I was to include this cost it would be in the neighborhood of $1,400.00. This does not include internal plumbing costs to connect these services. The total minimum cost (not including plumbing and storm sewer connection) would be $4,855.00. The total maximum cost would probably be $6,000,00 to $6,500.00. Need I say more on the burden that development is costing the existing residents, 3 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle February 4, 1944 I am aware that the Regional Municipality of Durham may not assess the residents until they ask for ,the necessary connections, You know as well as I that this is inevitable due to the development of the area, I feel that if you do accept these subdivisions in our area, the $500,000 unconditional grant from the Ontario Government be used to pay for the underground services within the road allowance abutting the affected residence. I am hopeful that you will give this matter very serious considerations before accepting the plans for our area. Yours truly, Barry Johnson. R.R. #3, Bowmanvi l le Lot 31, Con.3