HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-23THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM CLERK'S DEPARTMENT C.W. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. REGIONAL CLERK March 23, 1977 Mr. E. Bobier Pres' ent Courti e & Area Citizens Association R.R. #3 Bowmanvi le, Ontario Gr..22, x 17 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E. P.O.Bax 623, WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN 6A3 (416) 668-7711. RECEIVED MAR 24 1977 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IN COURTICE "Mr. Bobier, the Public Works Committee of Regional Council considered your letter of February )4, 1977 and at a meeting held on March 9, 1977 Council adopted the following recommendation of the Committee: "THAT a copy of Report #72-77 and Supplement be forwarded to the executive of the Courtice and Area Citizens Association and the Town of Newcastle." Enclosed, as directed by Council, is a copy of Report #72-77 of W. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk /pm Encl. cc; W,A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works J.M. Mcllroy, Clerk, Town of Newcastle ✓ OA, teo Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Commissioner's Report to Works Committee Item 72-77 Date '-March'1, 1977 874. Subject Correspondence Item WC -33-77, T. E. Bobier, President, Courtice and Area Citizens, expressing some concerns that the specific application of frontage and connection charges policies in those areas of Courtice scheduled for residential development will be financially burdensome. (Council Correspondence #108) Recommendation THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the executive of the Courtice and -Area Citizens Association and the Town of Newcastle. Report, _ The attached letter from the Courtice and Area Citizens Association expressed the fear that a number of their group will be burdened by the cost of the proposed servicing of their area. The services which are proposed to be extended to the Courtice area are being done so as a result of the agreement between the Region and the Ministry of Housing respecting the provision of Ontario Housing Action Program interest free loans. Essentially these services are for new development in the area. However, under certain circumstances existing residences may be permitted to connect to same. Maps showing the services to be provided at this time are attached: The concern of the Courtice and Area Citizens Association appear to be related to the imposition of frontage charges for the sanitary sewers and watermains and the Regional charges for connections to the services. Frontage Charges The points regarding the application of frontage charges as understood by the association are correct. Under normal circumstances a local watermain or sewer would be assessed in the manner described. Item Date -- Page 72-77 March .1, 1977 2 e. /77. 875. Report (Continued) Frontage Charges (Continued) . As the services being proposed at this time are described as trunk watermains and sewers, there willbe no attempt to require the residents to connec,t to•same and frontage charges will not be imposed until such connection is made. . It is Regional practice that no local connections are permitted to watermains in excess of 16 inches in diameter. Those mains 16 inches in diameter or under are available for connection. Local connections would be permitted to any size sanitary sewer being constructed at this time. You will note from the attached maps that a large percentage of the watermains proposed are not available for connection•by the residents. Should=th-e'need for such service develop in the•future, additional local mains would be required to be constructed. • In the event an existing resident of the area would' -require or desire to connect to.a sanitary sewer or watermain which is available for such need, the Region would require the 'applicant for_ the service to enter into an agreement with the Region for the payment of frontage charges over the prescribed period of time in addition to the connection charges in effect at the time. -- One of the major concerns expressed is related to the abnormally large frontages of properties in the area. It is anticipated by the association that the Regional frontage charges will impose a hardship on the owners of these properties. Presently no Regional policy exists which would provide financial assistance for this situation. While one can sympathize with anyone faced with these costs, it -would not be equitable to assist the residents of the Courtice area in isolation. There are numerous areas in each municipality where large frontage lots exist. Should relief be deemed desirable, a policy which could be applied Region wide would be required. It must be remembered that the installation of services enhances property value. Connection Charges The connection charges quoted in the letter are recognized as those presently in effect within the' Region. These charges are subject to review and revision on an annual basis to reflect the actual construction cost. It must be pointed out that the charges outlined are for the portion of the connection on the street only. The cost of the connection on the resident's property in addition to the cost of plumbing alterations within the house is most difficult to determine due to the varying setbacks of the houses and many peculiarities inherent in each installation. Item 72-77 Date March 1, 1977 Page 3 876 J Report (Continued) Connection Charges (Continued) The recomendation that a task force be formed to investigate numerous points made would not appear necessary at this time for the following reasons: - 1 Frontage charges will not be assessed at this time for the services scheduled to be constructed. Frontage charges will only be assessed should an owner be desirous of obtaining service in the future, if tie service is available. 2. At the present time, the Works Department Capital Budget contains no provision for local services within the Courtice area. Items td provide such services will only arise when and if a need is expressed by residents of the area and the Region is petitioned to provide service. 3. The existing Regional Road System within the area is sufficiently adequate to provide for the development proposed at the present time. Aside from the inconvenience which could be experienced during future road reconstruction, no direct cost would be applicable to the residents of the Courtice area or the Town of Newcastle. All Regional road costs are apportioned on a Region wide basis through the Regional Tax Levy. However, the Regional Road System is not static and revisions or additionscould occur as the need arises. 4. As partially covered above, from a Regional Works Department point of view, no exceptional increase in the Regional Tax Levy requirement is foreseen as a result of the servicing of the Courtice area. Any cost resulting from the installation of sanitary sewers and watermains would be borne only by those obtaining such service through the respective Regional rate.