HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-14 courtice area citizens-03022017113050TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COUTICE AREA CITIZENS MEETING APRIL 14, 1977 SUMMARY OF QUESTIONS 1.1 Since any area must have 40% industrial assessment and 60% residential assessment where are the industrial jobs to be located in the Courtice area? 2.1 Schools - What'are the possible additional taxes for the extra schools required in the subdivisions? - When are the schools to be required? - What are the capital costs of these schools? - How much of these costs are financed by government grants and what remaining amount is to be paid by taxpayers? 2.2 Existing Roads - What kind of improvements are required to the road as a result of the construction of the subdivision? - How much of these improvements will be paid by provincial grants and what is the balance that will have to be borne by taxpayers? 2.3 Internal Roads - Who bears the cost of maintaining the internal roads in'the subdivision? Will the assessment of the new homes pay these costs seeing as these homes are to be developed on small lots and will be smaller sized homes? - Will the new taxes from the development allow the development to support itself? 2.4 Assessment - Will the assessed value of existing homes go up? - How does equalization work? - How land does equalization apply? - How are existing larger lots affected as a result of the new development? 2.5 Can more questions be asked in two weeks? 3.1 Who will pay for services such as water, sewers and roads for those units in the new subdivision that are built but remain unoccupied (example, unoccupied units in Oshawa)? 4.1 What is the present location of the Barkers Road extention? 5.1 .Will the firehall be built before the subdivision is developed or is it contingent on the development of the subdivision? 2. 6.1 What is the total number of subdivisions involved and what is the overall population when all houses are built? 7.1 Is it the intent of Council to create a new community in Courtice? 7.2 If so, what provisions are made for all social services and facilities? 7.3 What is the total cost for the storm sewers system proposed for Courtice? 7.4 Are storm sewers area rated? If so, what are the possible individual costs to the area residents? 7.5 What is the'cost of all the equipment for road maintenance for the new subdivisions and how is this to be financed? 7.6 Is the fire station's construction contingent upon the development? 7.7 Has Council requested a provincial commission to correct the inequality respecting equalization factors for Courtice? 7.8 How does equalization effect Darlington and what has been done to change it? 7.9 Taxes have increased by 98%. What is wrong with the calculation of taxes? 8.1 Now are the new homes to be assessed and what will their taxes be? 8.2 If the new homes are underassessed will the existing residents have to pay the difference? 8.3 What kind of homes are to be built? 8.4 What services will be provided for the new development? 8.5 Will the development be self sufficient and pay its own way or will my taxes go up? /9.1 Why is the maintenance of Highway 2 in Courtice so poor? ,9.2 If Courtice develops is Courtice going to be looked after and will taxes go up? -°9.3 What form of liaison is there between Council and the Provincial' Highway Department with respect to complaints? g,4 Why are there no street lights in Courtice? 4`9.5 What can we do about speeding on Highway 2? °9.6 If development takes place will service improve for other residents and will existing residents get the same services and if so who pays? 3. 10.1 Who drew up the subdivision (who is the planner)? 10.2 Why does the plan of subdivision seem to delete a public road allowance on which one of my secondary buildings runs? 10.3 Why is my secondary building left off the land use model for the subdivision? 10.3 What will•the smaller lots do to my assessment? 11.1 Will there be a realignment of Prestonville Road? 11.2 If so, when will it be done as the present road alignment is too narrow for construction activity? 12.1 Why do we need the project? 12.2 What are the benefits of this development? 12.3 How will regional police costs affect our taxes in the future? 13.1 What happens to the grant monies from the federal and provincial governments to the Town as a result of these developments? 14.1 Will Adelaide Street be relocated? If so, when and what are the plans? 14.2 Are there any provisions for reducing the $2.80 foot tax on frontage for owners of large lots? 14.3 Would Council object to a referendum on where Courtice should belong - Oshawa or Newcastle? 14.4 Will there be all of the answers in two weeks? 15.1 Have any other such subdivisions been built in other areas similar to Courtice? 15.2 If so, what were the impacts on the water table? 15.3 Who pays if the water table goes down? 16.1 °Why should we not pay taxes on our lots on the basis of 40 foot lots and not the actual foot frontage? 17.1 What is the total number of houses planned? 17.2 What is the total number of subdivisions being considered? 17.3 What total population can be expected in three to five. years? 17.4 Will there still be a rural type atmosphere in five years? 4. 17.5 Why can't our questions be answered immediately? 18.1 Why didn't we get information on this development earlier? 19.1 Interest free loans - Who will pay them back and how will they be paid back after the interest free period expires? 20. 1 Why can't existing people sever their lots to create 40 foot lots? 21.1 Who benefits from this subdivision? 21.2 Will there be sewers into Courtice available at no cost to the existing residents? 21.3 Will there be a continuous supply of water to the existing residents? 22.1 Will the development give enough development for aseparate repres- entative on Council? 22.2 Is it possible to have a representative on the Planning Advisory Committee? 2`3.1 Could the Planning Department come and give a presentation what is going on? 23. 2 Will there be enough money available to build the from the taxes on the lot levies? 24.1 Who wants this development? 24.2 If Federal, Provincial and Regional subsidies are these services who pays for them in the long run? 25.1 Where is the administrative centre of the Town of about tennis court provided for Newcastl e? 25.2 Why is Courtice beind developed when it is at one end of the Municipality while the centre is really Bowmanville? 26.1 If development doesn't go through, when do we get the fire hall and tennis courts? 27.1 Will people with 10 acre lots find it easier to get land severances if not, why not? 28.1 Why is Council working so hard to promote residential development? 28.2 Why not promote industrial development? 28.3 Where is the industry to accompany this residential development? 28.4 How come some industry had to wait 2 hours to speak to someone in the planning department in Hampton? 5. 28.5 What happened to Johnson & Johnson? 29.1 Why did Council feel that it shouldn't object to any environmental hearing on the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station? 30.1 Why has regional government created such a high tax burden on existing residents? 31.1 Has the Town received the OHAP grant money as yet?