HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-25TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TASK FORCE Minutes of Meeting Monday, July 25, 1977; low p.m. Court Room # 2, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville Presents Chairman Councillor R, Dykstra Member Councillor E. Woodyard Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Councillor B. Taylor Member Mrs. A. Cowman Member Mr. T. E. Bobier Secretary H. R. Best Also present: Mr. J. W. (1) Read3 g of minutes Page, Townline Road. Resolution # TF -25-77 Moved by Mra. A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That the minutes of the last meeting held on July 21, 1977, be adopted as read. "CARRIED)" (2) Courtice Area Water Table Analysis Mr. Wilson's letter of July 19, 1977, was brought forward from the meeting of July 21, 1977. Resolution # TF -26-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard, That Mr. Wilson's proposal on a groundwater analysis of stages A and B of the proposed Courtice Community development, as outlined in Mr. Wilson's letter of July 19, 1977 to Mr. P. J. Levine, be accepted at an upset figure of $3,400.00 and further that all recommendations for construction procedure in potential problem areas be undertaken in conjunction with the Town's Public Works Department. "CARRIED" Task Force Meeting, July 25, 19T7, continued - Page 2 (3) Regional Policy, re: Groundwater interference Resolution # TF -27-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. T. E. Bobier, That resolution # TF -2L-77 be lifted from the table and discussed in conjunction with the suggested revisions to the Regionts policy outlined in Mr. Twelvetreests letter to Homeowners. "CARRIED" Resolution # TF -28-77 Moved by Mrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That the suggested revisions be further revised by adding the following 'words at the end of paragraph one "or other projects approved by Regional Council". "CARRIED" Resolution # TF -29-77 Moved by Mrs, A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That section a (2) be revised by deleting the words "wells prior to new development taking place on full services" and substituting therefore the words "water supply" "CARRIED" Resolution # TF -30-77 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Mrs. A. Cowman, That all of section "b" be deleted and the following substituted - "Where the interference to a well or private water supply is of short term duration (i.e. during the course of dewatering, excavation and/or contamination and within one month of the completion of the interference), the Region will make available to the affected party, a temporary supply of water at no cost to the affected party". "CARRIED" Resolutions TF -31-77 Moved by Mts. A. Courier, seconded by Mayor G. Rickard, That item "c" be tabled. "CARR" Task Force Meeting, July 25, 1977, continued - Page 3 Resolution # TF -32-77 Moved by Mrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That item "d" be revised by adding the words "or private water supply" immediately after the word well as it appears in the first line and by deleting the words "with respect to frontage and connection oharges" as they appear in the last line. "CARRT7}" Resolution # TF -33-77 Moved by Mrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor,. That all of item "e" be deleted and the following substituted; "That where development causes an area to become a water serviced area the dwellings existing at the time of the appropriate by-laws or agreements within the said water serviced area, shall be subject to the provisions of item "d" "CARRIED" Resolution # TF -34-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. T. E, Bobier, That all of item "f" be deleted and the following subaitiuted; "That where dewatering or contamination is caused by Regional Works or other projects approved by Regional Council, the Region shall act as the agent to restore water to the affected residents and the Region shall recover the costs of same from the party or parties responsible for the dewatering anal/or contamination". "CA'RRTRD Resolution # _TF -3S -1L Moved by Mrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Mr. T. E. Bobier, That the following be added as item "g" "In the event the Region install a lateral pipe to correct a de- watering situation, no dwelling units as described in item "d" wxl.l be required to pay frontage and connection charges". "CARRIED" Task Force Meeting, July 25, 19779 continued - Resolution j TF -36-77 Moved by Mrs. A. Cowman., seconded by Mayor G. Rickard, Page L. That the suggested revisions, as further revised by resolutions TF -28-77 to TF -35-770 be recommended by Council to the Regional Commissioner of Works. (4) absations Resolution # TF -37-77 "C R " Moved by Mrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Mr. T. E. nobler, That Mr. Page be heard at this time. TTCARRim" Mr. John Page, 37 Townline Road, South, advised the Committee of the problems associated with the dewatering of his well resulting from construction of a sewer main on the Townline Road. He stated that the temporary supply of water, made available, by the contractors, was delivered in rusty steel containers. The water was covered with an oily film and was unfit for drinking purposes. Be also referred to difficulties in communications due to the excessive number of persons involved in the temporary supply and quality of water. Resolution # TP38-77 Moved by Mr. T. E. Bobier, seconded by Mrs. A. Cowman, That the Region designate one person to be responsible to Mr. and Mrs. Page relative to the dewatering of their well. "CARRIED" Resolution # T239.77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mt. T. E. Bobier, That this matter be referred to the Mayor for discussion at Regional Public Works Committee. "CARRIED" Taak Force Meeting, July 25, 1977, continued- Page 5 (5) Next Meeting Resolution # TF -40-77 Moves. by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Tars. A. Cowman, That the next meeting of this Committee be held at the can of the Chair. "CAMILL tI (6) Adjournment Resolution- TF -41-77. Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. T. E. Bobier9 That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 6445 p.m. Secretary Chairman