HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-21 AgendaTOWN OF NEWCASTLE TASK FORCE MEETING DATE: Thursday, July 21, 1977 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Court Room # 2, 132 Church Street, Bowmanvi3le. AGE ND A 1. Minutes of last meeting on April 25, 1977 2. Correspondence (i) From Mr. Phil. Levine to Mx. R. Dykstra, Re: Caurtice Area Financial Impact Analysis. (ii) From Mr. W. A. Twelvetrees, P.Eng., Commissioner of Works to Homeowners in Courtioe Area. 3. Review of the M. V. Jones Report t,.. Water Table Analysis �� 5• Other Business ( 6. Adjournment port No. I� MAYOR RICKARD AND EWERS OF COUNCIL The following recommendations to Council were made at a meeting of the Task Force Meeting held on Monday, April 25, 1977. 1. FINANCIAL IMPACT STUDY a) That it be recommended to Council that the terms of reference as prepared by the IBI Group, as per their letter under date of April 25, 1977, for a financial impact analysis on existing Courtioe Area residents of a future population of 5,000 persons, be approved. (letter attached) b) That the analysis of the Murray V. Jones study, as outlined in this proposal, will identify the manner in which this study has treated soft services, the provision of Community services and facilities as well as the upgrading and maintenance of roads. o) That the proposed budget for the financial impact study be approved subject to revisions in accordance with services provided by the Region and/or other parties with the exception of the analysis of the Murray V. Jones report. Respectfully submitted, Councillor R. Dykstra, Chairman, Task Force Committee. T 5'EWCA.STLR TASK FORCE Minute of Meeting Monday, April 25, 1977, 7:00 p.m. Court Room # 2, 132 Cinprch Smbreet, Bowmaawille. Present: Cha rmmr Councillor R. Dykstra Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Councillor B. Taylor Member Mrs. A. Cowman Member Mr. T. E. Bobier Secretary H. R. Best Absent: Member Councillor E. Woodyard Also present: Director of Public Works Mr. J. Dunham Planning Consultant Mr. Phil. Levine Financial Analyst(I.B.i.) Mr. R. Leaman Councillor Mr. J. Holliday. (1 ) Mines of Previous meeting Resolution #. V-11-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mrs. A. Cowman, That the minutes of the meeting head on April 7, 1977, be adopted as read. "CARRIED" (2) Financia]. Impact Analysis In accordance with resolution # T7=6.77, )h. Leese Presented correspondence outlining his proposal to carry out an analysis of the possible financial impacts, on existing Cour#.ice Area residents, of a future population of 5,000 persons. N, Levine'e.letter set out information on Bim., Proposed Approach, General. Financial Impact, Regional Servioiug ferns, Problem Resolution, Storm Drainage and Budget. Byway of verbal recap of the information contained in his letter, Mr. Levine stressed the importance of not only identifying the problem areas but as well should prapoea eonorete solutions to any problems identified. Pewee. Neetiag, Abizaz 25, 1977, continued- Page 2 Resolution TP -12-37 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mrs. A. Cowman, That it be recommended to Council that the terms of reference as prepared by the IBI Group, as per their letter under date of April 25, 1977, for a financial impact analysis on exiting Courtioe Area residents of a future population of 5,000 persona, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution # TF -13-72 Moved. by Mrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Mayor Rickard, That the analysis of the M.V.Jones study, as outlined in this proposal will identify the manner in which this study has treated soft services, the provision of Community servioee and facilities as well as the upgrading and maintenance of roads. "CARRIED" Resolution # TP -11i.-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. T. E. Bobier, That the proposed budget for the financial impact study be approved subject to revisions in accordance with services provided by the Region and/or other parties with the exception of the analysis of the Murray V. Jones report. (3) NEXT MEETING Resolution # TF -15-72 "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mrs. A. Cowman, That the next meeting of the Task Force be held at the call of the Chair, subject to information from the consultants relative to the completion date of the study (approximately 3 weeks). "C : ►1' X511 li (I) ADJCIIRNKENT . Resolution # TF -16-77 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seoonded by Councillor Taylor, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9aI15 p.m. "CARRIED" Secretary Chairman July 11, 1977 Mr. Robert Dykstra, Chairman Courtice Area Task Force Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Group 4.0 University Ave. 6th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5J 1T1 (416) 862-0450 Dear Mr. Dykstra: Re: Courtice Area Financial Impact Analysis The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a further update and progress report relating to our anlaysis of financial impacts on existing Courtice area residents; 1. General Financial Impact We have concluded our assessment of the Murray V. Jones financial impact work and are presently writing up our findings in the form of a brief progress report. We would respectfully request that a meeting of the Task Force be set up shortly at which time we will review our findings. 2. Water Table Impact - We have had discussions with the Works Department• of the Region in an effort to co-ordinate activities respecting the water table impact of both the trunk services and other services such as local sewer and water mains and the storm drainage works. To this end, the Town of Newcastle wrote the Works Department on June 6., 1977 requesting their assistance and co-operation. As a result of this communication, the Regional Municipality has co-ordinated its endeavors respecting water table impact with those of the Town and has introduced us to Mr. Ian Wilson, the Region's consultant, who will be requested to provide the Town with a cost estimate for carrying out additional water table,impact studies. Mr. Wilson's work would be undertaken in parallel with his assignment for the Region which is outlined in a letter to hotheov'rners dated June 30, 1977. (copy attached) With your permission, we would request Mr. Wilson and Regional officials to attend the next Task Force meeting in order to provide additional details concerninq the mature of the water table impact analysis. Would you please therefore informs me of the next Task force meeting date as soon as is possible. Yours truly IBJ GROUP Z Philip J. L vine Associate cc: Courtice Area Task Force Members IBI i; a group nt cornpau ., practrctng pro essiona consul Members and is affiliated with Beir.haKer/Irwin F.ssuciatu, Architects, Engineers and Planners THE REGI•QNAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT W.A.TWELVETREES, P.Eng. / Commissioner of Works 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, P.O. BOX 623, WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN 1C4 TELEPHONE: (416) 668.7721 June 30, 1977 Dear Homeowner: This letter is to advise you that the Regional Municipality of Durham is proposing to construct trunk sanitary sewer and watermains to service the Courtice area. Approval for the projec has been received from the appropriate Provincial agencies and Regional Council has passed the construction by-law. The propo3ed routes are in the vicinity of your home. There has been concern expressed by some residents, of the Courtice area that such construction, and the cof'tstructi:on of local sanitary sewers,'';watermains and storm sewers in conjunction with development, . could have an adverse affect on private wells in the area . The Regionwill takespecial precautions during construction minimize these effects and to prevent. the interruption of water supplies to private homes. In order to select the best method of construction, background data on groundwater donditions in the area must be obtained. The Region: will be conducting a surrey. of wells and a representative of the Region will be contacting You shortly in this regard. Re will hopefully obtain detailP On Your, water supply system and will ask for -Your help::. in observing water, levels in yourwell on a regular basis.' :for the duration . of ,th project. Region representatives will also visit you during thea summer and during construction to check the water level in syour wall .' !While the Region's survey will:be limited to the area adjacent to trunk sanitary sewer and trunle watermain const:ruct:ien, it ! rs the ]{( .1.cin' s understanding t:hr.t t the 'town of Newccl t.le is Considering the possible effect.s that storm sc:t.Lrs, .local. sanitary sewer and local wat.ermains (that would he necessary to servico. development in the Courtice area) could have on. private wells and may be conducting a similar survey over a wider area. Should Regional construction works adversely affect any private wells, the following Regional Council policy an groundwater. interference .would apply: - L-- TUAT the following .policy be adopted in cases where groundwater. interference has resulted from dewat°er.ing and excavation operations on Regional Works Projects;.. Where, the interference to a well is;:of 'short term . duration (i.e., during the.course of dewaterieg.and excavation and within one month of the complet,ipfl of the dewatering), the Region will make available to.. .' the affected party a temporary .supply of water at no Cost to the affected party. That where the interference to a well is of lone. term or permanent duration and where the interference takes place in a water serviced area, the affected.. 'party will be. required, unless .otherwise determined by the Works Committee, to connect to the water supply' system at his cost, in accordance with the standard . fee charged for such connections. That where the interference to a well is of. long term or permanent duration and where ,the interference takes .place outside a water serviced area, the Works Commissioner report to the Committee. $i conducting the .well survey, the : Region. will: be able :ter monitor ..,the .effects of ,the work over a period of time and, should. a:long- ,term interference result as set out in c), be in a position to.,.., . Make appropriate: remedial actions as deterui2ned..by Works Committee. and Regional Council. 'Your. co --operation. in the well monitoring program.i ;respecCf, requested. , For further information, p3 ease contaet Mir.. R :Britton; or Mr. W. Price.`'a.t the Regional Works Department„ in Whitby a:.t 668-7721. };ours .trely;. W. A. Tweivetreea,. P. Eng Commissioner of Works.