HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-10MAYOR RIC= AND F113 IGIN OF COUNCIL e artNo g The following recommendations were made at the meeting of the Tarek Force on November 10, 1977. 1. Ground Water Inference That Nrayor Rickard be asked in respect to "Graaind Nater Interference" which is Regional report # 205-.77, be tabled, for a period of two weeps, so elected Offioials and Courtioe .Area u: Citizens Association can have their input. 2. Nem T!©ra That the next meeting of the Task Force be held on Thursday, November 24, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Room No. 2, Rowmanv lIe, and father That Mr. Levine meet with residents of the Cota ce Area 8. Citizens Association prior to the next meeting. 3. Wells Aet That the Secretary be instructed to 7urchase copies of the Wells Act. Res _reotfully submitted, Councillor R. Dykstra, Chairman Task Force. 1'7 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TASK FORCE Minutes of Meeting Thursday, November 10, 1977; 7:30 p.m. Court Room 2, Bowmaawille Present: Charman Member Member Member Town Manager Director of Public Works IBI Group Secretary(Acting) Councillor R. Dykstra Councillor B. Taylor Tfte, A. Cowman Mr. T. E. Bobier Br. A, Guiler Mr, J. Dunham Mr. P. Levine Mrs, M. Best and four Members of the Courtioe Area & Citize a Association. Absent: Member Member (1) Reading of Minutes .1.12-351271-17.71, Moved by Councillor Taylor, (2) Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor E. Woodyard.• seconded by Tars. Cowman. That the minutes of the meeting held on November 3, 1977, be adopted as read. "C A ■Ike sr ROADS Tri. Levine spoke to the matter regarding roads, stating he met with some of the ratepayers of the Courtice area & Citizens Associations during the afternoon of even date, when the Prectonvale and Trull's road could possibly be overloaded resulting from the subdivision. In sign h g up the meeting, they all felt a possible solution or alternate route could be weed. Mrs. Cowman voioed an opinion that there was a need for a District Pian. Mr. Bobier spoke to the matter regarding hie concern over the traffic on Courtice Road, i.e. speeding etc., Wkith the aid of mapping, Mr. Levine spoke of the main spine of the one subdivision would be Sanderingham Drive and keep Prestonval road to serve the present residents. - 2 - Taslb Force Meeting, November 10, 1977, continued - Discussion centred around Bloor Street and the general flow of traffic off Prestonvale Road. Eh% Defoe spoke to the matter and asked the width of Prestonvale Road, and Sanderingham Drive, also regarding a oul-de-sao at the end of Claret Drive. Er. Dunham replied that Sanderirigham Drive ie scheduled to be 32' most others are 28', but major roads are 324. Mr. O'Neill asked the question if Trill's Road would be en Arterial road, if the average daily count would indicate such, and also explore the facts regarding Claret Drive if it could be left as a cul-de-sac permanently. If this could be written into the subdivider'a agreement until satisfactory solution ie found for the moving of traffic as most people built on Prestonvale Road for a quiet life style - It!. Levine to bring back a report. Er. DeCoe expressed a concern regarding Trull's Road from No. 2 High- way to Nash Road, if it oouid be constructed eatiefactory at the present time. Mr. Dunham assured him that a preliminary study arras being carried out at the present time. ResolutionAKai'Lli Moved by Ers. A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor B. Taylor, That Mayor Rickard be asked in respect to "Ground Water Interference" which is Regional report # 205-77, be tabled, for a period of two weeks, so elected Official° and Courtice Area & Citizens Association can have their input. "CARRIED" (3) Next Meetin That the next meeting of the Tank Force be bald on Thuday, November 24, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Room No. 2, Bowman:lie. Resolution r -57-3j Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councilor R. Dykstra, That Sir. Levine meet with residents of the Courtice Area & Citizens Association prior to the next meeting. "C Resolution j/TP SQ T Al' *U9 11 Moved by Nre. A. Cowman, seconded by Er, T.E.Bobier, That the intent of resolution. 1TFe52 ?7, be brought forward at the first meeting; in December, of this Committee as item (1). "CARRICID -.3— Task Force Meeting, November 10, 1977, continued- Reea1ution j'']' '-5 77 Moved by Mr. T. E. Bobier, seconded by Councillor B. Taylor, That we obtain copies of the Wells Aot. Mr. Levine handed out copies from Totten Sims Baited Associates Limited, Re: Hydrological. and IT *drau1io Impact Study of the Courtioe Heights Development on the Downstream Creeks. (It) Adiwent Resolution -4- Moved by Nrs. A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor B. Taylor, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9:45 P.m. "CARRIED" Secretary (Acting) Chairman