HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-151Y(T? .41-11) ijaf'441; OT,1 ,,•.)(110:NCTI, The followinis recommendatlaris to council -40:(,ct plaite ai mneting of the Tatih libroe held on Deeembez 15v. 1977. -L. Mat t.hth Comitteebc tofe:morl of p-03.1Cq, l'fher utorm cewers axe beino inEytolled. with :eolDecri; -t;o clewatezinc of wells or inte:rfarence to private well, That -the nor mootinr,,: fxr .the Forcx)1eYlead Jonuarj. 5, 19F:it at 71, 30 0o11L-1-; Io Ta :13o. 2$, Bawrienkrilli„ :a.enz?6act:1).:17.1y C Li°419` 1°717 1. ThEllen TOWN OF Mj".40A3TM TASK FORCE anuter.4. of Hoeb_r; Th.uroday„ Deobo.717 155. 19771 7:50 P -M. Colat Room No. 2, Dowmani] Chairme2-1 14embor ifember Membo2 (Alternate) Town T.,ienager Director of Public Woxko IBI Gralar Secrtar7(ae::;iag) Abeent Membsr Member Covaoillor LyluA Councillor BTvlar T. E. nobler Ivir, R. DeCoc Culler N. J. Dunham tr. P. Levine 1.]:. Bent Hayor G. B. Ricara((1ue to illnenu Councillor E. Woodyard(mother meeting. '? o1utLo :1rR Iioved by 1,1r. T. E. nobie7.7, ocoonded by Councillor B. Toylor„ That minuto of the meetim:: held on November 21t 1977, be adol)tea flread. lerbaIly from Kr. DeCroot ?roam...troy, that the copieo of the Ontario 'Te- Reoouroon Act for the me.obno, :)Ti the Govornmxit Boo!: Store, have not arrivea ao yet. 3. Roads ib Luvine ontl.i.aed come of the concorhD of tho Cov,74tioe Area & Aeoolatien Pi.8 he had met t,,.7.ith them. in tho aicon Lnien dato, recIrdinc Truli'o Direo'xr of Alblic Iforka, had for -rLo-thnc..7 the -orelimtnary 0,raw1gn of Trull'o Road. Tie ,It -,ted that Tal'o 66? -wide v,:ad wan bei0„-..:7 c:onel:rracted to an Urban 1.3tandara of ctorm „lowern, curb (.:uttert:-.J and the only lan..'! aequioltion. upWA be p.,t the corner of Tro.11.7 and Hach To LO to LITr7:7707472 elneern wore ey.preerJed 7.eJ:777011.1{.;he cot of no -w ::,!oadi-1, if tra G c ennot t•le ti !dc\ 0 1 LConcido.cable dic.3.oi7te trarfie flow .TLa;171.;'-i of a fooed. road, ex,d future Ten17. Pore Trreetirc, December 15, 1977, continued- Pagr.2 IT. Levine to taj7e9 uralTh flow at tine cornwz o TullPea nI Bloor are, -t for the net h. .01.11Pnciel irspact .7]-r. Levine i7poke to the mattP:,:', as he hal only ono C07 of the brochure being prepared, he would leave with nr. Bobier to perue id -procure roe coJios as coon a they axe Printed dolive:cini" thela or N, rilor for distr.b,ition. Hove b N'a.% T.i Dobior, seconded by Ur. Dero, Th at the next retia o the Task Poroe b* held on Jarraozz.,,,r 50 1978, at 7130 17,.m.„ in Court Room Ho. 2, Bole. "MRTI-Jyri Rea'01-1,7,12ZZI 7Joved by Dr. T, E. 73obie-,r2, seeonaed by 11:17. DeGoe, ougies ofFinancial Impact be obtaind from Hr. Ievine and it be Item (1) on our Agenda for the next meetincs. "CA3IITT.Dn Ttesoluton 7 iioved by Cco„ncillt,sr Taylor, seconded by E.6:!..r DoCoo, Ma:t the timk of the metin,7 be exten. "0.11,73R.Tair Levi �oUag the OntKrrio Municipal :Board .1Tearinz' that toto continuo in Janutrry he ouerTested that the Cot=tice &ea & Cliti2ienJociatonz rFnd the Town negt-tite 4,:ortan of conditions that, could be solvea and settled. J1:-b2a atatcAa that the Force had been Get III) 5n m attempt ro rz,c-r.o in 011 tha covcorna and problems of the rellidants of the Courtice 6. CorresDonaeuos from '1, Lammervi 1r, oirece 4.1ovosmentt Technical ;11:10ort Ninistl-,r of -,P,17.vonnent ..qC12 Potential Water Well Interference. Tnc':: mace Meeting, December 15, 19771 woes,: ued Novea by Councillor' 3. Taylor, seconded by ir.. U. DeOoes, That this item a I' cax-_-ceaponclence be received 'o _i onlat ono 'FOA1I r l'age 3 Moved by 11..r. 7''eCoe, seconded by Ile. Tu 1]a hies' That this Cormitteu be informed of the Town's 7:oli.cy, when storm nev-cro aro installed " ith respect to dewaterinc of wells or ntemTerenoe to id3_vE3 iE wells. :Moved_ by Coulloillor i'aylor, seconded by Fit'. i . DeCoo, That 'GILD 1:leetinal.?; do riow e djoLan. i000rdi. :! ar at '10:00 Secretary otin Chairumn i3C?'rcs?th y D"