HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1968 SPECIAL MEETING OP THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday, April 17, 1968, at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Poster Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor p. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeye Poster tp consider the following business: . The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Poster: ' 1. Lake Ontario Development Association re Minutes of the Board of Directors' Meeting held March 14, 1968.-Piled. 2. Copy of letter from Totten~ Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited to Railway Transport Committee re Township of Clarke-Newtonville Road C.F,R., proposed grade separati?n, Pile 26727 1189, Committee Order R-I046.-Piled. 3. The Corporation of the Town of Cobourg re proposed major study to be carried out to determine the overall harbour requirements in the Lake Ontario area.-Tabled. . 4. The Ontario Municipal Board re application for levying.- of $5,902.52 in 1968 for publ ic school purposes'. -Piled. 5. The Ontario Municipal Board re Construction of an addition to ~rono School.-Piled. 6. Police Village of Orono resolution No. 68-18 re Budget for the year 1968.-Referred to Budget By-law. 7. Honourable William G. Davis, Minister of Education Por Ontario re larger units of school administration.-Piled. 8. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for February 1968. -Piled. 9. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment meeting h~ld.March 13, 1968.-Filed. 10. Mrs. Olive V. Henderson, Secretary of the W.I., Newton~ ville, Ontario, request concerning the condition of a property in the haml~t of Newtonville as business brought forward' from March 19, 1968.-Piled. 11. W. K. Lycet~, B.A., re vacant one acre parcel of land composed of part of Lot 3, ConcessionS, Clarke, located at the south-east corner of said Lot, as business brought forward from March 19, 1968. -Piled. 12. E. R. Lovekin re Lot 29, Concession 2, Temporary Building re Thomas Martin-Agreement as business brought forward from March 19, 1968.-Piled. ' 13. Village of Orono Police Trustees re Resolution No. 68-12 r~~uesting monthly statements from the Clerk's Offi~e and the Road Department as business brought forward from March 19, 1968.-Referred to the Clerk. ' 14. Railway Transport Committee re Pile No. 26727.1353- Level crossing Boundary Rd., mileage 149.83 Belleville Subd. CPR and Pile No. 26711.2523 - Level crossing Boundary Rd., mileage 278.54 Kingston Subd., CNR between the ~ownships of Hope and Clarke, Ontario.- Refer~ed to Resolution. . 15. Community Telephone Company Limited re' a proposed by-law to authorize Central Community Telephone Company Limited to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires, or other structures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squares in this Corporation as business brought forward from 19 March 1968.-Referred to the Road arid Bridge Committee. 16. E. Richard Lovekin re Presbyterian Church, Newtonvil1e , .Ce?Jletery. -Tabled. 17. Durham County District High School Board re coples of the 1968 requisition for distribution to Councillors. -Filed. . &.A .. Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 17 April 1968 continued: 18. Ontario Department of Education re Notice of the First reading,of Bill 44, an Act to amend The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act concerning the reorganization of school jurisdictions in the Province of Ontario.-Filed. 19. The Ontari~ Munic~pal Board re Quieting Order for the Township of Clarke.-Filed. 20. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited to Canadian Transport Commission re File No. 26727.703, proposed diversion road to close Third Concession Road level crossing, Township of Clarke; Ontario, mileage 160.46 Belleville Subdivision, C.P. -Filed. 21. Department of Highways re purchase of Sandspreader.-Filed. 22. Durham County District High School Board re Auditor's Statement for 1967.-Filed. 23. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of meeting held March 20, 1968.-Filed. 24. Ontario Good Roads Association re Directory of Company Members.-Filed. 25. Ontario Good Roads Association re registration of - Mr. M. L. Ross in the Weed and Brush Control Course.-Filed. 26. Department of Municipal Affairs re Tax Arrears Procedu~e- The Department of Municipal Affairs Act.-Filed. 27. Northumberland-Durham Board of Health re annual report for 1967.-Filed. l 28. D~partment of Highways re purchase of one~32,OOO G.V.W. Truck.-Filed. 29. Department of Hig~ways re contract for crushing, delivering, and stockpiling gravel, and screening sand.-Filed. 30. Department of Highways re contract for priming at various locations.-Filed. 31. Mr. Bruce Taylor, Member from Zone 5 to OFA Board of Govenors, re meeting to discuss pollution of air, water, and soil.-The Reeve was delegated to attend. 32. Canaqian Pacific re proposed installation of automatic protection, ,crossing of CPR and East Town, Line Road, Mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. 33. R~ilway Transport Gommittee re Order NQ. 4-1345 in the matter of, improvements ~o the ,crossing of East Town Line Road where it crosses at grade the ,track of ,the Canadian Pacific Railway Company at mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision, between,Lot 35, Concession 3, Township of Clarke, Province of Ontario, and Lot 1, . Concession 1, Township of Darlington, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, by: (a) widening the road at the said crossing; and (b) installing automatic protection at the said crossing, File No. 26727.1016 as business brought forward from March 5, .1968.-Filed. 31+. Department of Economics and Development re regi.!?tration of our municipality as an area in which new or expanded industry may be considered for financial assistance ,under the Equalization of Industrial Opportunity Program.-Filed. , 35. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests re proposed green belt on either side:~f Wilmot Creek and the headwaters of the Ganaraska.-Filed. 36. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for March 1968.-Filed. ' 37. Coromunity Planning Association of Canada, Ontario Division re A Conference for elected and appointed officials.-Referred to the Planning Board. The following resolutions were passed: Resolution No. 86:Moved byW.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby assume their share of the cost of installation, annual maintenance and operation of the automatic protection at the C.N.R. and C.P.R. crossings on the Hope Clarke Townships boundary road allowance as outlined in the Canadian Transport Commission letter dated January 19, 1967, and the Railway Transport Committee's joint letter dated January 19, 1968, under their files No. 26711-2523 and No. 26727-1353. It is understood that the Township of Hope will construct the said project.-Carried. '-' Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 17 April 196$ continued: Resolution No. $7:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to mail the following Notice to each ratepayer with the 196$ Tax Demand: The Corporation of the Township of Clarke Notice to be inc]~ded with lQ6S TAX Demands During recent years, there has been.a trend towards central- ization of many services formerly adrninisteredby local councils, boards and commissions. The combining of several smaller and separate units into larger administrations will hopefally result in greater uniformity ,of service, efficiency and expend- iture plauning. This trend has served.to focus attention on public services which will remain under the control Gf your Township,Council among which is the local road system. The provisi6n of road service to-day, represents the largest single municipal activity over which council has direct control. In the 'pre war and post war years, the demand for all weather, well maintained ,Township roads was comparatively low and as a consequence, annual expenditures in this field ""ere relatively small. The past ten years have witnessed dramatic changes in public demand, traffic volumes, traffic speeds, etc. Unfortunately, past and present councils of Clarke Town- shrp have not only had to cope with these increased demands but also with the prograssi vely rising costs of maintaining and improving the road system. Approximately eighteen months ago, the,Councll, with the assistanae and ,co-operation of the Department of Highways, undertook a study of the road system related subjects.such as probable population and assessment growth, staff, the desirable fleet of road machinery, ,administrative policies,. etc. The purposes of the study were to estimate-the p~esent and future costs of operating the road system including needed improvements, to estimate our ability within a reasonable tax rate to provide for these roads, and to develop a logical-basis for the annual allocation of funds to individual projects over a ten year period. The study has shown that our 190 mile road system, including 130 bridges and large culverts, has 125 miles of deficient or sub-standard road. Insufficient gpavel, narrow surfaces, steep hills, restricted visihility are among the contributipg factors. The estimated cost of upgrading the system to meet minimum desirable Township standards is over 2~ million. When to this amount are added the unavoidable costs such as maintenance, machinery, overhead, wages, the funds required over the next 10 years would be nearly 4~ million. Even with provincial road subsicfus in excess of" 60%, t'he taxation required to meet all our road needs would be prohibitive. However, through the study we can now identify the areas of greatest need and with'intelligent programmes of work and financing, it is your Coancil's belief that steady progress can be achieved. The purpose of this notice is to acquaint Township residents with the investigation of the road system that has been carried out. Copies of the report will be available for your examination in the offices of the Road Superintendent ana the Clerk. Reeve Roy A. Foster.-Carried. given first, second and third The following By-law was reading and finally passed: By-L,tIw No. lS87 Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums-required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1968. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation oftlie Township of Clarke has in accordance with the Municipal Act considered the estimates of the municipality'and of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality and it is necessary that the following estimates be raised by means of taxation for the year 1968: .. '~"~'<1'f.;_'_,'r':7' :-.J . . \I ~ to \D (j\ rl rl 'r! ~ P. c:t: r-- rl rl 'r! C) s:: ;:S o o 4i o QD s:: 'r! +-' (J) (J) ~ rl ...::ttU 'r! (J) C) QD(J) tU P. 0..U) U)~ ,~ 0~ 0000000000 o 0090900 0 ~ 3,0 0 b :. b b"o 0 g ~ ~ : ~C) 00~OOOl.I'\6~OI (J)'r! ~O l.I'\rl 0 0 0 l.I'\r--o 0 S::rl "'.."'"'.."' ..,,", (J)..o C"l...::tC"ll.I'\rlN ...::t\Drl t!J;:S N 0.. 00 '001 J . . 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There shall be imposed a penalt,Y ~or. n,o~-:pa~e:r:t of taxes on due date or any installl1lertIt thereof, the amount of ~% of the amount due and unpaid arid on the first day of defau,lt,.and.a:Q. ",dditional penalty'of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month there- after in 1~hich default continues, but ~ot. after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied. There shall be allowed a discount of 2~% on the second instalment only if pqid on or before J~ne 3, 196$. The Collector is herdby authorizeJ to mail 9r cause to be mailed the hotice of taxes due tOL~he address of the residence 9r place of business o~' the person to whom such'notice is' required,to be,gjV:,en. ~ All current taxes shall be paid int~ the branch offices of the Canadian Imperial Ban1< of Commerce at Newcastle and Orono. (All tax arrears shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer at Orono.) Where a tenant of lands, owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of any wages, salaries, or other remuneration due to such employee, the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount paid. The collector and treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part pa~nents from time to time on account of any taxes due. This by-law shall date of the final Meeting adjourned 3. ""'''cY'cm''i>':-0\' . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. come into force and effect upon the reading thereof. at 10:30 p.m. c::,~ Clerk. '.I~-~/ fir/}~ Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, May 2, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. 1P'1 Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider and discuss a draft zoning by-law with Messrs. R. C. Simpson, A. A. Low, and G. L. McGee, members of the Clarke Planning Board. Police Trustees D. M. Simpson, E. R. Woodyard, and F. A. Nicholson met with Council at [8:30 p.m. to consider the said draft by-law. The Reeve, on behalf of Council, thanked the members of the Planning Board for their recommendation and discus'sion with them. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. ~.~t~J' Clerk. ...., v'" /,vu. Reeve. . . -I