HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-051. Present: Rep No. on Council Agenda, Dated Jam 1978.� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TASK FORCE Minutes of Meeting Thursday, January S, 1978; 7:30 p.m. Court Room No. 2, Bowma:xville Chan Member Member Member Member Member Town Manager 1131 Growl Secretaxy(Acting) 2. Reading• of Minutes Councillor R. Dykstra Councillor E. Woodyard left at 10:30 p.m. Councillor B. Taylor Mayor G. B. Riokard Mrs. A. Cowman Mr. T. E. Bobier Mr. A. Guile= Mr. P. Levine Mrs. M. Best Resolution'' -1 28 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seoonded by Mr. T. Bobier That the minutes of the meeting held on December 15, 1977, be adopted . as read. *CARRIED" In caucus, Chairman Dykstra wished to bring the Couxacil,membera urs to date on meetings he had with Mrs. Cowman, Bobier and Dr. Levine and the preparing of the conditions on Possible Policies for Couartice. 3. Possible.rblicie_,for__Courtice Area (copy attached) The Chairman, stated he wouldtake each item on the 'Possible Policies' and members could ask questions and/or give their comtnente. 1. District Plan A. B. C. A general in depth discussion took place with many views and comments given. The members were in general agreement with these items. s art Trak Force Meeting, January 5, 1978, continued - 2. .'E ctension of Water and Sewer S tem Many conoerns were expressed by the Members and Mr. Levine stated that the responsibility of water and sewer systems rested on the Region. Page 2 Curfew - 9:30 pon.Resolution �� 2-78 Maned by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That the time of the meeting be extended. After considerable dialogue and many suggestions/Councillor Holliday put forth wording to replace item 2, "The Town will support a recommendation whereby the Region develop an Engineering Policy relating to the phasing and methods of payment for the extension of water and sewer services adjoining or passing existing residents such that new development pays for the frontage and conneotion charges to the lot line on public roads and/or public right -of -wave. All would be included in the Regional Subdivision Agreement." Resolution STP -3_ Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That the intent of Mr. Holliday's wording, in place of item 2, be endorsed and a legal opinion be obtained from the Solicitor. Amendment to Resolution F-3-78 Moved by Mrs. Cowman, seconded by T1r. Bobier, Pursuant to section 16.10.6 in the Regional Official Pion. "CAR! 11 Question was then put that Resolution ? TF -3.73, as amended be approved. "CARrRICD" 3. Street Fights It was stated that this iters should be written into the Subdivision Agreement. .. Water.Well Damagea This item should also be written into the Subdivision Agreement. Talc Force Meeting, January 5, 197G, continued - 5. stWILIK This item was acceptable to all concerned. 6. Zhu .tciT,a1 Storm Sewaze Work This item was also acceptable to all concerned. Resolution ii -TF -44778 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by lair. Bobier, Page 3 That we recommend .to Council the intent of these palioiess and that we seek legal opinion on the wording, and of endorsing these into a. By-law. 4. lext 11e Resolution 'Y'i 7 Roved by Mayor Rio kaard, seconded by Mr. T. Bobier, That the next meeting be at the call of the Chair or at the request of the members. "CARRIED" S F 5.. Aajouent. Resolution jTP-6„2S Moved by Mayor Rioi:ard, seconded by Mr. T. Bobier, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11:10 p.m. Secretary ting '' CAitRIlDD" Chairmen POSSIBLE POLICIES 1. DISTRICT PLAN A. No Town approval of any additional subdivisions prior to the preparation and approval of a District Plan. B. District Plan will be prepared in close consultation with the residents of Courtice. C. District plan will contain policies relating to the phasing and/or staging density and housing types of all additional development in the Courtice area. 2. EXTENSION OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM A. District Plan will include an Engineering Plan which will define policies relating to the phasing and methods of payment for the extension of water and sewer services to existing residents such that new development pays for the costs on public roads and/or public rights of way. 3. STREET LIGHTS A. District Plan will include a Street Lighting Plan which will define policies relating to the phasing and method of payment for the provision of street lighting on existing public roads adjacent to or abutting lands to be developed such that new development pays these costs. 4. WATER WELL DAMAGES A. Town will incorporate provisions in all subdivision agreements such that if any of the Works defined in the Subdivision Agreement cause damage to adjacent property owners' wells, the subdivider will assume 2. full responsibility to correct the damage or to pay the costs to hook the affected party up to a municipal water supply system. 5. STAGING A. Town will incorporate policies relating to the staging of the construction of all Work in the Subdivision Agreement pertaining to subdivision Application 18T-76027. 6. MUNICIPAL. STORM SEWAGE WORKS A. If any Storm Drainage Works constructed by the Municipality cause damage to adjacent property owners` wells, the municipality will assume full responsibility to correct the damage or to pay the costs to hook the affected party up to a municipal water supply system.