HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-15 agenda%mt.! L..0 1" u u {c., r' r 9 I •.irw 1111167' MI7) TOWN OF llaiCASTTIE TASK FORCE DATE: December 15, 1977 TIM: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Court: Room Na. 2 AGEN I? A e„rr•er BON 1. Roll Call 2. Reading of Minutes of November 24, 1977 3. Roads 4.. Financial Lwt - riktiN71146, OF 744Ezr >pain curS prove Nor 566V ThrypLerca -Tom SLto&ti 3E rog NE.:T Metre 10 or. 0,4 Ve,1 , Fa ns Ki E Community Centre - HATrte f 'iia ') F€o,r 41 '1»9- 6. Corzespondenoe froth W. Lammers, P.Lng,., Chief, Water Resources Assessment, Technical Support Section, Ministry of the Environment Rte, x=02. INFO to d Rae: Potential Water Well. Int (oopr attaod) 7. 0±/10' :BUS nese 8 Nest Meeting - .1rtti sl/Ts 9. A..ij aur? me. nt. _n 3o P -n . F, gsr Ptd _ E- Present: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TASK FORCE Minutes of Meeting Thursday, November 214, 1977; 7:30 p.m. Court Toom No. 2, Bowmanvil1e. Chairman Member Member Member Member (Alternate) Town. r Secretary Acting) Councillor R. Dykstra Councillor B. Taylor Mayor G. B. Rickaxd Mr. T. E. Babier Et. R. DeCoe Et. A. Gullet Rea. M. Best and about 15 interested members of the Couioe Area & Citizens Association. Absent: Member (1) Rear7as� ofLinuta Councillor E. Woodyard Resolution „�- T...':61. 77 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Et. .R. Defoe, That the minutes of the meeting held. on November 10, 1977, be adopted as read. "CARRIED" (2) Mr. DeCoe spoke regarding the hand-out copy from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited, re: Hydrological and Hydraulic Impact Study of the Courtice Heights Development on the Downstream Creels. Be felt it was not understandable by the ordinary layman and would like an explanation of the specific use of this document. Mx. Dykstra .handed out copies received from Mr. P. Levine of 1. Impact on the Ground Water Regime - Ian Wilson & Associates 2. Traffic Impact Study - IBI Group. Concerns were voiced regarding the closing of Claret Road, and if an alternate :road would be required duriaag construction. A suggestion was put forth of making a road across Pestoirvale Road. Task Force Meeting, November 241 1977, continued- Pate 2 Several residents of the Trull's road were present and asked if 'hull's road would be more than a 2 lane road, they were not against road improvement, but would be in favour of a. road joining onto Bloor Street. It was questioned regarding a Stop light at Trull's Road. and Highway No. 2. Also if the prelimieery drawings for Trull's Road North would be ready for the next meeting, so that the resident's of Trull's road could view the deeign and engineering drawings. It was stated that according to the Road Neede Study, Trull's road needed updating. It was further stated that Trull's road south really needs updating with the present traffic, and if a subdivision were to use it, a traffic jam would be created.. Maybe to solve the problem a entirely new road be built. eolu ion 'F-&2 Moved by Mr. R. DeCoe, seconded by Mayor Rickard, That Mr. Levine and Mr. Dunham le notified to check out possible alternate routes for an Arterial Road either from point of Claret or Phoenix Drive. "CIRRIOD" (3)Ground Watery interference Mayor Rickard spoke to the matter outlining the Region's policy and that the affected party will not be assessed exoept as outlined in clause (o). The Mayor to distribute updated copies to all members of the Task Force, when available. Nr. DeCoe to contact the members of Courtice Area & Citizens Association to have their wells tested for r xaaIity and keep on file for future reoord.. () Other (a) Couxanuu Cen ce ire Co`arti.oe Mayor Rickard spoke to the matter regneeting comments from the residents of Courtioe regarding the possibility of heaving a Community Centre above the Fire -hall, that geants are available up to 29%. Mr. Neill spoke regarding tames in their area, stating that they Mere very high and if the Fire -hall would be debentured for? He personally waa not in favour of a Community Centre. Task Force Meeting, November 2)4, 19i7, continued, - Page 3 Thr. DeCoe spoke on the matter of a Fire -hall and the required time it would require to obtain a Fire track. Mr. Gu ler stated that it would take a possible 6 - 8 months for a Standard Truck. The special options were time consuming factors. Mr. Decree also voiced the concerns of the people "who they would contact if they had a problem". solution LI:Z 6 - Moved by Mayor G. Rickard, seconded by Fir. R. Defoe, That the Courtice Area & Citizens Association identify their items of concern, and list them in order of priority. Resolution 17-64:21 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor3. Taylor, That Mr. Levine and Staff meet with residents of the Courtice Area & Citizens Association, prior to the next meeting. "CARRIED" R solution . 'tTP--65 7 Moved by Mr. R.:DeCoe, seconded by The. T. E. Bobier, That items to be included on the Agenda far the next meeting Rorer, Financial Impact and Community Centres. (5) Next McRting. Resolution j urg- uC s'1 1111111 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by sir. R. Defoe, That the next meeting of the Task Force be held on Thursday-, December 8, 1977, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., in Court Room No, 2, Bcwmanville, "CARRIED" Task Force Meeting, November 24, 1977, continued- Page 4 (6) Ad7our.ent Resolution #1'--67-77 Moved by Mr. T. E. Bobier, seoonded by Couraoillor B. Taylor, That this meeting do novr adjourn. "CARRIND" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:00 p.m. [44,4 (.72-1A,4i) Secretary(Acting) Chairman Ontario Ministry of the Environment December 5, 1977 Mrs. Margery Best, Municipal Office, HAMPTON, Ontario. Dear Mrs. Best: Central Region DEC `J 7 1 1911 TO` N of NEWCASTLE Re: Potential Water Well Interference Suite 700 150 Ferranti Drive Don Mills, Ontario M3C 3C3 (416) 424-3000 This is to confirm our telephone conversation of November 28, 1977 regarding this Ministry's policy on water well interference because of concerns expressed by residents in the Courtice area about potential interference that may be caused by proposed subdivisions. Our Ministry administers The Ontario Water Resources Act which regulates water use and management in Ontario. According to the Act, most water takings in excess of 10,000 gallons per day (about 7 gallons per minute), whether from groundwater or surface water, require Permits To Take Water and the conditions of those permits for groundwater withdrawals are such that prior well water users, if they live in an unserviced area and are affected seriously, are entitled to restoration of their water supplies. It should be stressed that small individual domestic takings (even if they are part of a subdivision) are not subject to water taking permits and thus no protection is provided in case of interference between domestic supplies. In our experience, well interference between private wells outside subdivisions and those within has not been a problem. -2- 1 expect that the above information is sufficient but if questions remain to be answered, you can contact me again. Yours truly, 'W. Lammers, P. Eng., Chief, Water Resources Assessment, Technical Support Section. WL/db 5P