HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/1968 i i t. ,~~~~?8~~'7~"'. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, April 2, 196$, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey Councillor W. R.o Carveth Councillor P. A., Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E~ Millson Present: 'IJ1E!~irUltes of the, last: regular me~ing March 5th and one special meeting on March 19th, 196$, were adopted as read o~ ) motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded byW. R. Carveth, that delegations be heard by Council. Carried. , Mr. Warren Armstrong appeared before Council on behalf ,o~ hi~self and other land owners, to object to the intended us~ of the lands composed of the south half of Lot 24, Conc~ssion $, where a motorized sled sales and rental business has now, been established. Mr., Armstrong stated that the owner of the lands in question is now considering the establishment of a motorcycle race track. Lt was in this respect that Mr. Armstrong and the owners of lands in tne vicinity of this area objected to the use of lands for this purpose. Aft&.r discussion this subject was referred to By-laws. Mr. E. A. Samuel of C~rvply Wood Products presented a letter requesting Council to register this municipality as an area in which new or eXRanded industry may be considep€d for financial assistance under The Eq~alization OJ Industrial Opportunity Program. The Clerk was instructed to prepare the required Industrial Survey and application fqrm to be forwarded to the Department of Economics and Development. ' On motion by F. A. Gray, second~d by H. E. Walkey, Council recessed at 12:15 for lunch. Carried. Meeting resumed at 2 p.m. Mr. J. J. Dravis appeared at Council meeting to request the clo~ing,of that pqrtiqn of the rr:uni~ipal road allowance south o~ th~ railway tracks between.Lot~ ,32 and 33 in Concession 1. Also Mr: Dravis agreed to pay the costs involved in the closing of the said road allowance. The Clerk was instructed to inclqde ~~is road qllowance in tge p~eparation of a road closing by-law to contain at least 5 proposed closings. Mr: M...bL. RossapPe&-~ed at Couric il "meeting from 2: 30 to 4:45 p.m. to consider tenders and other business pertaining \ to roads with Council. In accordancewith Resolution No. 71, herein recorded, the following tenders were received: 1. One 32000 G.V.W. Truck complete with dump body, snow plow and wing -- a. T. Cowan Equipment Ltd., Bowmanville b. Bramley Motor Sales Ltd., Oshawa c. Cy Wilson Ford Sales, R. R. 4, Port Perry d. .W. I. Thomas Motors Ltd., Cobourg Crushing and delivering gravel and supply of sand and delivering of pit run gravel -- a. Ha~nden and King Construction Ltd., Cobourg b. Frank S. Coyle Limited, Lakefield c.' --Fred Nelson & Sons Ltd., Keene Supply and application of D.H.O. primer a. Royel Paving Limited, Lindsay b. Harnden and King Construction Ltd., Cobourg Supply of Gasoline, Diesel fuel, and Furnace Oil a. Texaco Canada Limited, Belleville b. Murphy Oil Company Ltd., Oshawa Supply of 1000 feet of snowfence -- a. Westeel-Rosco Limited, Toronto b. Westeel Rosco Limited, Toronto c. Durham Farmers' County Co-operative, Orono d. Bathe & McClellan Building Materials Limited, Oshawa Supply of Salt -- a. Domtar Chemicals Limited, Toronto b. Canadian Salt Company Limited, Clarkson 3. . 2. 4. . 5. 6. Cd W Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 2 April 196$ continued: 7. S~pplyof Calcium Chloride -- a. Allied Chemical Canada'Ltd., Toronto' b. Bathe & McClellan Building Materials Limited Oshawa c. Lafferty-Smith Express Lines Ltd., Bellevill~ $. Supply of Weed and Brush Control Chemicals -- a. Pfizer Company Ltd., Toronto b. Durham Farmers' County Co-operative, Orono c. Chipman Chemicals Limited, Hamilton d. Gibson Orchards Ltd., Bowmanville e. Niagara Brand Chemicals, Burlington ~r. A. A..Low, Secretary of the C~arke Planning Board, met wl~h,Councll to consider a land use by-law. It was mov~d by F. A. Gray, seconded'by"J. W. Stone; that Council adjourn to committee of the whole. Carried. It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by'J. W. Stone, that committee" rise a~~ ~ouncil be and,is hereby resUmed. Carried. The following correspondence, reports and petition were read out by Reeve Foster: 1. E. H. Samuel, Curvply Wood Products re Ontario Develop-' m~n~ Corporation~ - The C+e~k was inst~uct~p to apply to the Department of Economics and Development for registration of this municipality as an area in which new: or expanded industry ~ay be considered for financial assistance under The Equalization of Industrial Oppor- tunity Program. 2. Petition of Mr. Clinton Farrow and 13 other property ,owners in the hamlet of Newtonville requesting the construction of three street lights. -'Referred to the Clerk for investigation and report. ' _ 3. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re Counties levy for the year 190$.'- Filed. 4. Mr~ A. Low, Secrethry, Clarke Planning Board, re minutes of meeting of the said, Board held March 2$, 196$. - Filed. 5. Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of , " publ ic crossings in'the TWp. bf Clarke at the follOwing locations:: . . , File No.' 267'11.252$ re Sainis' Rd'. and' the CNR mileage 281.13 Kingston Subdivisioh. ' File No. 3701.131 re'Samis Rd. and the CPR'mileage 152.45 Belleville Subdivision. File No. 26711.2526 re Elliott Side Rd.' anq the CNR mileage 279.5$ Kingston Subdivision. File No. 26727.1354 re Elliott Side Rd. and the CPR mileage 150.$6'Belleville Subdivi~ion. File No. 26711.2527 re Twp. Rd. and the CNR mi~eage Z$b.b9 Kingston Subdivision File No. 3701.132 reTwp. Rd. and the CPR at mileage 151.43 Bellevill'e Subdivision. - Tabled to May 7, 196$. 6'. Report of 'the Clerk con'ce"rn'ing a draft by'""law.to establish rental prices and to regulate such rentals for the auditorium of the Township Hall. - Referred to the Property and Finance Gommittee for consideration and report. ' The following resolutions were passed: ResoJution No. 71:Moved by J.W~Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: ( Resolve that tenders for the following be and are her~by ~pened: ' 1. One 32000 G.V.W. Truck complete with Dump body, sn0W plow and wing 2. Weedaml :br'ush control chemicals 3.1000 ft. of snow fence 4. Gasol~ne, Diesel fuel and furnace oil 5. Supply of D. H. O. prime 6. Salt and calcium chloride. Carried. R~~olution No. 72:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by'W. R. Carveth: This Council hereby accept the tender of W. I. Thomas' Motors Limited for the purchase of one 32000 G.V.W. truck co~p1ete .yith dump body, snow plow and wing as per tender subject ~ the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways.-Carried. Q Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 2 April 196$ continued: Resoluti~n No. 71:Moved by W:R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Ston~: Resolve that the tender of Harnden and King Construction Limited for the crushing and'delivering of gravel, supply of ~and, and delivering of pit run gravel be and is hereby accepted as per tender; subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. Carried." ' Resolution No....1.lf:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W.R~Carveth: This Council hereby accept the tender of Harnden and King Construction Limited for the supply and application of'D.H.O. primer as per tender su)zlject to the approval.of the Ontario Department of Highways' Carried.' .. Resolution No.'7~:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by W.R.Carveth: This' Council hereby accept the tender of Mnrphy Oil Company Ltd. for the supply of gasoline, diesel fuel, and furnace oil as per tender. "Carried. Resolutio~ No. 76:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby accept the tender of Durham Farmers' County Co-operative for the supply of 1000 ft. of snowfence as per tender. Carried. Resolution No. 77:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby accept the tender of Canadian Salt Company Limited for the supply of salt as per tender. Carried. Resolution No. 7$:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council hereby accept the tender of Allied Chemical Canada Limited for the supply of Calcium Chloride as per tender. Carried. R~solution No. .'Z,Sl:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby accept the tender of Durham Farmers' County Co-operative for the supply of weed and brush control chemicals as per tender. Carried. Resolution No. $O:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:; Resolve that the Property and' Finance Committee of Council be requested to investigate the disposition or the Township road garage and property situated in the Po.lice'Village of Orono and report t6 thi~ Cbun6il. Carried. . ~epplution No. $l:Moved by W:R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: Resolve that Messrs. F. A.,Nicholson, B. R. Woodyard,D. M. Simpson, J. W. Stone and' F. A. Gray be ana are hereby appointed members of the Township of Clarke Fire Protection Cbmmittee for the year 196$ or until' their predecessors shall have been so appointed by an orde~-in-Council.' A certified copy of this resolution be referred to Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Secretary, Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. Resolution No. 5 dated January 2, 196$, be and is hereby rescinded. CArried'- . '. Resolution No. ~2:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolye that the Township of Clarke change to Daylight Saving Time to be effective' on 'April 27, 1'96$. Carried. , R'esol ut'i on No. $1 :Moved by" J. W.Stone, seconde.)iby Frahk Gray: Whereas the Council deems it desirable to appoint an officer thereof as an Account~nt: Therefor~ the Municlpal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby resolves: 1. That Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointe~ Accountant for the Corporation of'the Township of Clarke as of August 1, 1967. 2. That 'the said Henry' DeWitb 'shall be paid a: sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. 3. He shall perform the duties of Accountant for both the General and Road'Departments. '" 4. Resolve that the said Henry DeWith, accountant for the Road Department and the General Department shall be allowed to work in the Road Department office and the General 'Department 'office of this Corporation at his own discretion as ,to hours of work in either of the said Departments providing his duties are kept up to date. ' 5. He shall be given'the opportunity to perf6rm-any emergency duty in respect to his duties as Welfare Administrator and School Attendance Officer at his 'own discretion. Carried. l . . " Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 2 April 1968 continued: Resolution NQ_ 84:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded byW.R.Carveth: Resolv:- that the following Pay Vouchers be and are her~by authorlzed for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council- Addition to General Voucher #3 for March in the amount . of $2799.36 General Voucher #4 for April in the amount of $4419.86 General Welfare Voucher #4 for April in the amount of $lL~23 .12 Road Voucher #3 for March in the amount of $16501.74 Police Village of Orono Voucher #3 for March in the amount of $27 J+B . 62. Carri ed . The following By-laws were given first, second and third reading and finally passed: By-~aw No -,_J SB::3 :A By-law to regulate the use of land and the erection and use of buildings and structures in the Township of Clarke. WHEREAS it is considered desirable for the adequate control of development with'in the defined area of the municipality of the Township of Clarke, to regulate the use of land and the character, use and location of all buildings and structures thereon; AND WHEREAS there is presently a need for certain land use control in the interim until a comprehensive zoning by-law i's prepared and adopted; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE, pursuant to its powers under section 30 of The Planning Act, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all the lands within the municipality of the Township of Clarke. 2. No land or buildings or structures shall be used for any purpose other than the use e~isting for such land, building or structure on the date of the passing of this By-law. 3. No bmlding or structure shall hereafter be erected or altered and no change of use in any building, structure, lot, or premises, shall be made except in conformity with the provision of this By-law, unless the plans for such erection, alteration or change in use have, prior to the day of the passing of this By-law, been approved by the Building Inspector, but no further erection or alteration or change of use shall be permitted. 4. Nothing in this By-law shall apply to prevent the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged by causes beyond the control of the owner subsequent to ~he date of the passing of this By-law, provided the reconstruction of such building or structure will not increase 'the height, Size, or volume~ or change the use of such building or structure. 5. Nothing in this By-law shall -apply to prevent the strengthening or restoration to a safe 'condition of any building or structure of part of any such building or structure or alteration or repair of an existing' building or structure, provided such alteration or repair will not increase the height, size, or volume, or change the use of suoh building or structure. 6. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions df this By-law shall forfeit and pay, in the discretion of the Convicting Magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of Three hundr'sdDollars ($30G.OO), exclusive of costs, for each offence. Every such penalty shall be recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act. 7. The provisions of Section 6 shall be in addition to any other remedy which the Corporation of the Township of Clarke or a ratepayer thereof may have to restrain by action a contravention of this By-law. B. This By-law shall take effect on the day it is passed by the Council, subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board, and shall continue in force for a period of 30 days from and after the date of the formal Order of The Ontario Municipal Board granting approval, and for such further period. or periods as may be requested from time to time by Resolution of the Council as The Ontario Municipal Board may approve. I Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 2 April 1968 continued: By-Law No. iC:;84 A By-law to re-divide the polling subdivisions of the Town- ship of Clarke. WHEREAS THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE deemp it expedient to,re-divide the polling subdivisions for the conven- ience of the electors of this municipality;, "NOW THEREfORE, pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter~249, Section 5$, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby enacts: , ' 1. The polling subdivisions for the Township of Clarke, and the polling place for each, shall be as follows: POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.1, comprising Lots one to tw~lve inclusive in the Broken Front, First and Second Concessions, the polling place being at the Community Hall at Newtonville. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.2, comprising Lots thirteen to twenty- six inclusive in the Broken Front, First and Second Concessions, and Lots seventeen to twenty-six inclusive in the South Half of the Third Concession, the polling place being at Browns Public School POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.3, comprising Lots thirty-one to thirty-i'ive inclusive from the front of the Township to the middle of the Second Concession, and Lots twenty-seven to thirty-five inclusive in the North Half of the Second Concession and the South Half of the Third Concession, and Lots seventeen to thirty-five inclusive in the North Half of the Third Concession and the South Half of the Fourth Concession, the polling place being at Lockharts Public School~ ' POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.4, comprising Lots one to sixteen inclusive in the Sixth Concession, and Lots one to fourteen inclusiye in the Seventh and Eighth Concessions, and Lots one to twelve inclusive in the Ninth and Tenth Concessions, the ppllin~ place being at the Orange Hall at Kendal. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.5, comprising Lots seventeen to thirty- f~ve inclusive in t~e North Half of the Fourth Concession, the Fifth Concession exclusive of the' Police Village of Orono as described under By-law No. 60 of the C9rporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, and the South Half of the Sixth Concession, and Lots seventeen ~o thirty inclusive in the North Half of the Sixth Concession, the polling place being at the Township Hall at Orono. . POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 6, comprising Lots thirty-one to thirty-five inclusive in the North Half of the Sixth Concession, and Lots twenty-five to thirty-five inclusive in the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth.and Tenth Concessions, the polling place being at Leskard United Church Hall. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO.7, compri9ing Lots fifteen to twenty- four inclusive in the Seventh and Eighth Concessions, and Lots thirteen to twenty-four inclusive in the Ninth and Tenth Concessions, the polling place being at the residence of Fra:a.k Harr is. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. $, comp~ising 'Lots one to sixteen inclusive in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Concessions, the polling place being at the residence of Mrs. Gertrude Etweli. POLLING SUBDruTSION NO.9, comprising th~ Police Village of Orono as described under By-law No. 60 of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northurnberiand and Durham South of the cen~ line of Centre Street in the said Police Village of Orono, the polling place being at the "Township Hall at Orono. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 10, comprising the Police Village of Orono as described under By-law,No. 60 of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumbe~land and Durham North of the center line of Centre Street in the said Police Village of Orono, the polling place being at the Township Hall at Orono. 2. This By-law shall come into force on the Firsttday of October 196$. 3. From and after the effective date of this By-law, all other By-laws at variances to this By-law are hereby repealed. . . c.........~. W Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 2 April 1968 continued: By-J...aw No. ]')8S A By-Law to appoint an Assistant to the Treasurer for the municipal~~y of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Whereas Section Z18 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of. a municipality to appoint a Treasurer, and Whereas this Municipal Council' deems it desirable to appoint an Assistant to the Tr-easuTer', Therefore the Municipal Council of the' Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That Mrs. Jenny V. Norton be and 'is hereby appointed Assistant to the Treasurer for' the Corporatiun of the Township of Clarke as of March 19, 1968. 2. That the said Mrs. Jenny V. Norton shall pe~orm all the duties to be performed under the direction' of the Treasurer of this municipality. . - I 3.' That the said Mrs. Jenny V. Norton shall be bonded under excess indemnity endorsement for a similar amount comparable to the bonding of the Treasurer of this municipality. 4. That the said Mrs. Jenny V.'~orton shall be paid a sum per annum,' payable monthly, expressed by resolu~ion of the said Council. 5. The provisions of this By-Law shall be read mutatis mutandis with the terms and conditions of By-Law No. 1544. By-LRw No. lS$6 A By-law to authorize the payment of an annual allowance, and an allowance for expenses, for members of Council. WHEREAS it is necessary to provide by By-law authority to pay an annual allowance for all members of Council NOW THEREFOR!:, pursuant to .the prorlsibns of The Municipal Act RSO 1960, Chapter 249, the Municipal Council of the Township' of Clarke hereby enacts as follows: 1. In accordance with the provisions of ~ection 212 of The Municipal Act, the Reeve shall be paid an annual stipend of $1,000.00. 2. In accordance with the provisions of Section" 406 subsection (11 subsection ngll the Deputy Reeve and each:- Councillor sha:ll be paid an annual stipend of $350.00. 3. These stipends shall be paid annually. 4. Any deductions ~rom theBe stipends shall be governed by the provisions of subsection 4 of Sectiorr 406. 5. In addition to' the stipends; set~out above, the f~llowing additional annual payments shall be made to the following chairmen of standing committ~es under the provisions of Section 406 sub section (3): ' ' a. To the Chairman d'the Road and Bridge Committee $100.00 b. To the Chairman of the Property and Finance Committee $100 .pO. c. To the Chairman of the Planning Committee $150.00 d. To the Chairman of the Fire Protection Committee $100.00. 6. In paying these sums it has been assumed that for the' purpose of all-ocatihg the total amount rec'ei'ved for t-ax purposes be-tween salary and alloWances:that the" members of Council intend to claim one third of the total" consid~ration received as an expense allowahce in accordanc~with the pravisions of Section 408 of The Munic~pal Act. 7. That By-law No. 1543 be and is hereby repealed. Rr-solution No. 8S:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank G~: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May 7, 196&, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. " ~'61~_/ Clerk /Jy l~- ;;;:L . Reeve '