HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1968 (Special Meeting) " 16. 17. 18. 19. Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 196$ continued: 12. Every animal, caught by the Dogcatcher under the provisions of this By-Law and delivered to the Poundkeeper shall be confined by the latter in the Pound for seventy-two (72) hours and at the end of such period may, if not redeemed ,as hereinafter provided, be destroyed by the Poundkeeper, and the carcass shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Medical Office of Health for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Where an animal bearing a tag issued as hereinbefore provided in this By-Law, has been impounded, the Poundkeeper shall, within Twelve (12) hours deliver to the Clerk's Department, in writing, particulars of the registration number on the said tag. The Clerk 'os Department, upon receipt of the particulars of registration number on the said tag, as hereinbefore provided, shall, within Twelve (12) hours of receipt of such notice, notify the owner of the animal as it may appear from the records of that Department. The Owner of any animal impounded under the provisions of this By-Law may redeem ,the" s,ame within qeventy-two (72) hours after its delive~y ~o the Pound~eeper by paying to the Poundkeeper the sum of not less than Two ($2.00) Dollars for each day or .part thereof that the said animal has been impounded; provided further, that if the said animal is a dog for which a licence fee has not be~n paid as provided in this By-Law, the Owner shall in addition to the payment hereinbe~ore provided, pay to the Clerk's Department the amount required for such licence and thereupon shall be issued with a tag by the Clerk'~ Department. Any person may purchase any animal impounded under the provisions of this By-Law by paying to the Poundkeeper for the use of the municipality, the sum of n~t ~ess than Two Dollars ($2.0.0) for- .each day or part thereof that the said animal has been impounded prqvided furth.er, that. if the. said animal is a dog for which a licence fee ha? n?t peen paid as provided in this Bx-Law, the perspn purchasing the said dog shall, in additio~ to the payment hereinbefore provided pay to the Cl~rk's bep~rtment the " amount: required for such licen.ce and thereupon shall be issued a tag by the Clerk's Department provided, and , notwithstanding any other provisions pf thia. paragraph a s(;l,le hereunder shal]'" not be fin.al and the ani]IlB.l , shall not be delivered to the purchaser until after the expiration of Seventy-two (72') hours from the date of impoundmen t . . " _ Council shall be resolution provide for the appo~ntmen~ of a Dogcatcher and a Poundkeeper ,<prov~~d however, that such offices, may be he).d py pne pers.on ,if .Council. deems it advisable and shall provide for the terms of such appointme~t}. - Council shall by resol~tion approve the locat~o~ and construction of the Pound to be used for the detention of animals as provided by this By-Law, and as to the" means of disposal, of sU€p. animals, and, witho.ut .limiting in PPy ~ay the discretion of Council h~rein, the Poun~ and the method of disposal of the animals shall be such . as are approved by the Ontario Society for prevention of Cruelty to. Animals. From and a~er the effective date of this By-Law, By-' . Law No. 1400 and all other By-La~s ,at variance,S t.o th.is By-Law are hereby repealed, but the provisions of this By-La~ shall -b,e read mutatis mutandis ..with the terms and condit~ons of any By-Law, Resolution, or Agreeme~t on the keeping of pounds and the appointment of a Pound.l<eeper- ,and a Dogcatcher. . , Any person who contravenes the pr?vis:i.on,S of t.his. By-.Law shall upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, exclusive of co~ts, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the provision of the S~ary Conyiction Act. 13. 14. 15. 20. Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 1968 continued: 21. This By-Law shall become effective as of the 1st day of January 196$. Resolution No. 6k:Moved by J. W. Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 2, 196$, at 10 a.m. in regular me~ting in the Council Chamber at Orono or in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Poster to cons~der- the business recorded herein. Mr. Graeme Goebelle of Pope & Goebelle, Chartered Accountants, Auditors for the! Township of Clarke, presented the Auditors' Report for ~he year 1968. This matter was concl uded bY" resolution. The following correspondence and reports were read ou~ by the Reeve: 1. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, re budget for Road Program for year 196$.-Filed. . Durham County Distri'ctHigh School Board re requisition for funds for Secondary School purposes.-Piled. Letter of 'Canadian National Railways to Mr. C. W. Rump, Secretary, Railway Transport Committee, re Pile No. 26711.2523 r'e Crossing - Boundary Road, Twps. of Hope and Clarke, Mile 27$.54 Kingston Subdivision.-Piled. , The; Ontario Municipal Board re Addition to Orono Public School.-Piled. Mrs. Angela Dobos, Secretary-Treasurer, Roman Catholic Separate School Board, re requisition for funds for school purposes.-Filed. i Ganaraska Region Conservation AuthoritY" re196$ Levy.-Piled. F. Hryniuka request to repair fences on the road allowance.-Piled. Mrs. B. L. Wilson, R. R. 2, Orono, re parking of garbage disposal truck.-Referred to the Clerk. Ontario Good Roads Association r~ Announcing the 196$ "C. S. Anderson" Road School.-Referred to the Road Superintendent. 10. Ontario Good RoadS Association re Announcing the 196$ fiT. J. Mahony" Road School.-Piled. 11. Mrs. Ol~ve V. Henderson, Secretary of the W. I., Newtonville, Ontario, request concerning the condition of a property in the hamlet of Newtonvilleas business brought forward from 15 Pebru-ary 196$.-Referred to the Clerk to reply to the Newtonville Women's Institute. . 12. W. K. Lycett, B.A., re vacant one acre parce~ of land composed of part of Lot 3, Concession 5, Clarke ,- located at the south-east corner of said Lot.-Tabled. 13. Police Vil~age of Orono reResolution No. 68-11 dated Pebruary 26, 196$, concerning the appointment of Fire Protection Committee f~r the year 196$.-Piled. 14. w. W. Lord, Clerk, The Township of Hope, re Notice o~ Application to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township o~ Hope for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act.-Piled. 3. $. 9. ~__ ...-1-./ . Clerk 4r1J U .Reeve . SPECIAL MEETING OP THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, March 19, 196$, at $p.~. CounciQ Chamber, Orono. Present: . Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. . .,. Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 19 March 1968 continued: 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ?-7. 2$. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3$. 39. . Mr. Peter Caspari, Sunnydene Estates Limited, ~e part of Lots 4 & 5, Concession $ & 9 and part of Lot 1$, Conces&ion 5, ,Township of Clarke .-Filed. E. R. Lovekin, B.A., LL.B.,: Barrister and Solicitor, , Newcastle, Ontario, re.proposed Curvply Addition.-Tabled. Mrs. Alice Morris re drainage f~om Lake Shore Road.-Filed. The Salvation Army, Public Relations Department ~e acknowledgement of grant from Council.-Filed. Orono Community Nemorial Park re itemized estimate of ,expenditures to be undertaken in the year 196$ to complete the Centennial Project.-Referred to Resolution W. W. Lord, Clerk, Township of Hope, letter ~o Mr. C. W. Rump, Secretary, Railway Transport Committee, re Level crossings o~boundary road between the Township of Clark~ and Township of Hope, at Mileage 278.54, . Kingston Subdivision, C.N.R. and Mileage 149.$3, Belleville Subdivision, Canadian Pacific.-Referred to Clerk to reply. Horace R. Best, Building Inspector, re application for ~uilding permit b~ CurvPly Wood Products Ltd. as business bxught forward from Marc~ 5, 196$.- Tabled. Department o~Yublic Records and ~chives re Proposed Joseph Atkinson plaque as business brought forward from 24.January 196$.-Filed. ~, The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-law No. 1517 as busine~s brought forwaTd from 24 January 196$.-Tabled. ,G. R. Hartmann re proposed construction of a summer camp on Lot 12, Concession 4.-Referred to Planning Board. Corporation of The Town of Stoney Creek r,e their . reaolution No. 17-68 with ~eapect to Section 26 (1) of the ?lanning Act, R.S.O. 1960.-Filed. Ontario I Water Resources Commission re Local Advisory Committ$e Meating, ,Township of Clarke, Janu.ary 25, 196$.~Filed. , ~ Department of Agricultur,e & Food, Soils & Crops Branch, re appointment of Weed Inspecto.rs for 196$.-Filed. Mr. Ralr' h S. Joaes, Jones and Jones, re Township gravel pit in .ot 16, oncession 2.-Referred to the Clerk. Village,of Orono Police Trustees re Resolution No~ 68~12,r~questing monthly s~a~ements from th~ Clerk's Office ~d the Road Department.-Tabled. Petitio~ of Machine-operators, Truckdrivers and Labourers of the ~oad Department requesting hourly wage increase .and addttional working conditions as business brought forward: from 6 February 196$.-Referred to Resolution. Durham ~ounty District High School Board, CQ-ordtpatigg Educati~n Committee" re psychological serviEs. -Filed. Tavistock and East Zorra Union School Section re the ,propose~ reorganization of school jurisdictions.~Filed. Petitio~ of Mrs. A. E. Morton and 27 other signed petitione~s opposing the proposed building of tWQ triplexi apartments on the .comer of Church and Pr.incess Streets i,in the Police Village of Orono as business broughtiforward from l5.Februar.y.196$.-Tabled. E. R. L~vekin re Presbyterian Church, Newtonville Cemetery.-Referred ~o the Clerk to answer the SolicitorJ E. R. Lbvekin. The Ontkrio ,Municipal Board re Township of Manvers re Ontario! Municipal Board 'Hearing in the matter of The Municip~l Corporations Quieting Orders Act.-Filed. Departm~nt of Highways re 196$ NOrmal By-laws a~ busines~ .brought forward from S March 196$.-Filed. Department of Municipal Affairs re apportionment of f, ines u~! der the program to assume costs of admi~istrat~on of just'ce.-Filed. Mr. K. ,ymons, Counties' Clerk, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re application to the Counties for a l~cense to operate a salvage yard located on part of Lot gS, Concession III.-Filed. " Communi~y Telephone Company Limited re a proposed by-law to authprize Central. Community Telephone Company Limited to erect and maintain poles, cables, ducts, wires or other s~ructures or equipment upon the highways, lanes and squ~es in this Corporation.-Tabled. ' Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 19 March 196$ continued: Mrs. ,Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Tre.asurer, re minut-es or- Meeting of the Committee of A~justment for the Township of Clarke, Monday-,. February l!9, 196$. -Filed. E. R. Lovekin re Lot 29, .Concession 2, Temporary 'Buil-ding t"a Thomas Martin - Agreement. -Copies to be referred to the - .members of Council. E. R. Lovekin re Curvply Extension in particular and Te By-law 1517~estricte~~rea in general.-Copies to be referred to the mem~ers of Council. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re briefs. on Administration-of Justice and the Shelter Exemption.- F.iled. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re minutes of meeting of February 20, 196$.-Filed. Canadian Transport Commission Order No. R-162l re the application of the Canadi~n Pacific Railway Company hereinafter called the "Applicant Company", for authority, in respect of its Customer Service Plan in the Agincourt Area, ~n the Province of Ontario, to remove twenty-four agents a~d five~caretaker-agents from stations on its Trenton Division, File No. 4205.302l.-Filed. The' following resolutions were passed: Resolution ~o~":Jfpl):Moved by Frank Gr..ay, sErconded by H.E. Walkey: Resolve that the Auditors' Report for the year 1967 a~ presented by Mr. Graeme Goebelle, of Po~e & Goebelle, Chartered Accountants, be and i~ hererry. accepted and the Clerk-Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to adhere to the Auditors' r€commendations in the prep~ation of the 196$ General Budget by-law. Carried. Res9]utJon No. 66:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by H.E.Walkey: Resolve that the '"hourly ,wage. earners of the Road Depart- ment of this municipality receive an hourly wage increase in the amount of .50i effective January 1, ~96$. Carried. Resolution ~P. 67:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by J.~. Stone: Resolve that Resolution No. 173 dated November 22, 1967, be and ~s here1Jy rescinded. The Clerk be and is hereby instructed ~o prepare a dr..aft rental ~y-law for considerat~n of CounciT on April 2nd next. Carried .. RASO]ut!iQ;p. No. 6$:Movedby J.W.Stone, seconded by W.R.e-arveth: This Counci~ hereby ,accept and approve of the itemized estimate of expenditures of :the Orono Community Memorial Pank Board to be undertaken in the year 196$ to complete the Centennial Project, namely, the development of Park Lands. Carr~ed. Resolut;~n N~.,6q:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by J. W. S~one: . This .Council hereby authorize the Road Superintendent to advertise for tenders for the following: 1. One 32000 G.V.W. Truck complete with Dump body, snow plow and wing. ' 2. Weed and Brush control chemicals. 3. 1000 feet Snow Fence. 4. Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Furnace Fuel. S. Supply of, D.H.O. prime. 6. Salt 'and calcium chloride. Carried. Rf\~plution No. 70:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded b-y H.E.Walkey: Resolve that the Treasurer of this municipality issue the necessary cheques to pay the salary of Mr. DeWith on ~. bas,is of 50% of the said employee's salary from the Road Department ana.the balance from the General Department effective January 1, 196$.~ Carried. ~he fo~lowing By-laws were read a first, second and third time and finallyJpassed: By-Law NQ,. ] sa] A By-law to provide for the 196$.expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the ~ounty of ~urham WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires total expenditure on roads be provided for annually and that the by-law be s~bmitted to the Minister of for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. ~ . . that the by by-law Highways Page 4 Special Meeting of Counci~ 19 March 1968 continued: (1) The s~m of $125,900.0'0 is hereby est'imated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads andb~idges under its jurisdiction during the year 1968 as foll:ows: ~ Roads Bridges & Culverts New Machinery Superintende~ce & Overhead $ S,OOO.OO $]~.000.6d' $ 2o.600.oQ Totalis $44,000.00 $81,900.00 $125.1900.0~ (2) The sa!id monies shall, be e:xi.pended under the supervision of ,the duJ:y !appointed -township road superintendent .and on work performled in accordance tWith The Hi:-ghway Improvement Act. (3) The cl~rk shal,l transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to th~ district offic~ of ~he Department of Highways, Ontario,' not ,later than March 31st of the said year. (4) ~ The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained befbre any expenditure is authopized -or work commenced whach will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies ra~sed.in a subsequen) year. SU9ple~~ntArv By-LAW No. lS82 V A By-law to provide for the 1968 expenditures on roads in the, To-wnship of Clarke 'in ~the County of Durham WHEREAp THE Highway ]mprovement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law an~ that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways ~or approval. 4HEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township 'ena~ts as follows}' '~ (1) The sum of $115,500.00 is hereby estimated as the expendibure upon'the constructionzand maintenance of the roads and br~dges under its jurisdfction during the year 196$ as fo Ilpws : ' Construction $ 2,400.00 $1$,600.00 $1$,000.00 M;::t i ntena"nce $63,400.00 $~3;50d.00 $ ~ n;il Tot A] $ 65,$00.00 $ 22,100.00 $ 18,-000.00 Roads Bridges & Culverts New Machinerty Superintendepce & Overhead! $ 1. hpO. 00 $ 1, OOp. 00 $ ~. hOO. QO totals $67,000.00 $4$,500.00 $115,500.00 (2) Th~ sa!id monies shall be expended ' under the supervision of the duly !appointed township road supe:r:intend~nt and on work .perform~d in accqrda~ce with The Highway Improvement Act. ' (3) The cllerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to thb district office of the Department_of Highways, Ontario, not! later than March,31st of the said y~a:r:. . (4) The a~proval of the~O~~ario Municipal Board shall,be obtained be~ore any expen4it~reis authorized or wo~k , commenced which will be f~na~ced by the issue of debentures or monies r~ised in a subsequent year. Meeting adjourned at~Z a.m. Construct.ion $40,$00.00 $22,$00.00 $' nil MAintenance $45,500.00 $ nil $ 'nil ,Tot::!l ' $ $6,300.00 $ 22,$00.00 $ nil , . Reev(t(/~. ., ~'#t.,_J Clerk , ' '"