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Special Meeting of ~ou~l 15 February 1968 continued:
22. City of North Bay re Annual Fur Carnival to mark the
occasion of the amalg~ation of ' North Bay and the
adjoining Townships of Widdifield and West Ferris
, thereby creating the~largest City (areawise) in
23. Lake Ontario Regional Developroent 'Co~ncil re I~ard
of Directors' Meetings.-Clerk to request copies of
the minutes of Directors' MeetiBgs for all members
of Council.
24. The Sa~tion Army, Public Relations fiepartment request
for grant.-Referred to Resolution.
Mr. W. R. Carveth, Chairman of the Road and Bridge
Committee presented a tentative budget for Public Works
for.the year 196$ for 'consideration of Council. .
The following resolutions were passed:
ResolutiDn(No_~~~:Moved by H.E.Walkey~seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk
fo sign an agre~ment dated the 15th day of February 1968
between Mr. !om Martin and The Corporation of the Township
of Clarke.-Carried. '
Reso]utjon No. ~2~MOved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone:
Resolve that The SalVation Army be aqd ~~ ~ereby
given a grant in ,the amourlt of $50.00 for the year 1968.
Resplutjon No. ~1:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank~Gray:
- This Council hereby authorize the Road Su~erintendent
to invite tenders for the proposed purchase of a sander.
-Carried. . -~
Resolution No: ~h:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby ah~hprize the Reeve and Clerk to
sign aoeed in duplicate dated the 7th day of February
between The Corporation of the Township of Clarke and
Catherine Marion Fitzgibbon with regard to Road Closing under
By-Law No. l563.-,9arried. , ,"
The following By-law was given first, second and third
reading and finally passed:
By-La~ No. 1~7g ~
A by-law to constitute and appoint A committee of
adjustmen t .
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitut~ and
appoint a committee of adjustment as provided by The
Planning Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296, Section 32(a)
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Cqrpora~ion of the _
Township of Clarke enacts as follows~
1. That the following persons who, not being members
of the Councilor emp*oyees of the municipality or
of a local boar~ thereof, .shall ,constitute a<nd are
hereby appointed as members of the Committee of
(1) K.-Schoenmaker, Orono, to hold office until January 1,
1969'.' ,
(2) E. F. R. Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcastle, to hold office
until January ~~ 1970.
(3) E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, to hofd office,until,January 1)
. 2. That B!-l~w No. 1576 be an~ is hereby repealed.
... .. I' \
Council adjo~~ned at-~ a.m.
, .
R~e~~ ~,
t -
\ }
Tuesday, March 5, 196$, at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk H. E. Millson
The minutes of the regular meet~ngof F~Qru~ry.6 and a
special meeting on February 15, 196$, were adopted as.read on
motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Walkey. Carr1~d.
Mr. Carl'Todd appeared at Council me~ting request1ng .
to purchase approximately 1 acre c;>f land 11?- Lot.3, ConceSS10n
.5 of this municipality~As the -t1tle of the~~d la~ ~as
in question the Council suggested that he se~ h1s so11c1tor.
Mr. Horst Hoensch met with Council to consider an
application for a building permit on behalf of CurvPly Wood
Products Ltd. for the proposed construction of an=addition
to their plant on Cobbledick Street, Orono, This business
is recorded under correspondence herein.
Messrs. C. H. Foster and W. H. Grealis, Labour Standards
Officers representing the 'Ontario Department of Lab~ur, met
with Council in accordance with Item 21 under correspondence
of Council meeting of February ~5, last. A lengthy discussion
was held in Council to consider the regulations under The
Hours of Work and Vacations With Pay Act. This business was
referred to the Property and Finance Committee.
It. WAS moved by H..E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth
that Council recess at 12:30 p.m. for lunch. Carried.
Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, met with Council
from 2 to 5 p.m. to consider business on hand pertaining to
the municipal roads.
Mr. Roy C. Forrester, Chairman ~f the Clarke Public Library,
presented the 1968.Library budget to Council and gave a brief
progress report. The successful operations of the Library
during the year 1967 he attributed to the CO-operation of the
Board and the staff.
Mr. Forrester thanked the Council for the granting of the
use of the Township Hall on behalf of the Senior and Junior
Orono Bands. '
The follOwing correspondence ~nd repo~t~ were read out
by Reeve Foster: (
1. Horace R. Best, Building Inspector, re application for
building permit by CurvPly Wood Products Ltd.~Re~erred
to the Planning ,Board. .
2. Excerpt from minutes of Council meeting held December
15, 1967 re Mr. A. M. 00hnston's separation pay with
regard to The Hours of Work and Vacation with Pay Act
as business brought forward from 15 February 1968.-
Referred to the Property and Finance Committee. .
3. E. R. WOOdyard, Secretary, Trustees of the Pollee Village
of Orono re bUdgeting for Public Works for the year' 1968
Normal Construction and Maintenance.-Referred to Budget.
4. Totten, Sims, Hubicki, '& Ass0ciates Limited re Level
crossings on boundary road between the Township of Clarke
~nd Township of Hope, at Mileage' 278.54, Kingston
Subdivision, C.N.R. and Mileage 149.83, Belleville
Subdivision, Canadian Paeific.-Tabled.
5. Copy of letter from Canadian Pacific to C.W. Rump, Esq.,
Secretary, Railway Transport Committee, Canadian Transport
Commission, Ottawa 4, re File No. 26711.2523 - Boundary
Rd. level crossing, mileage 27$.54 Kingston Subd. CN
File No. 26727.1353 - Level crossing btwn. Lot 35, Con.
1, Twp. Hope and Lot 1, Con. B. Twp. Clarke, Ont.,
mileage 149.$3 Bellevirre Subd. CP.-Filed.
6. Railway Transport Committee re Order No. R-1345 in the
matter of improvements to the crossing of East Town Line
Road where it crosses at grade the track of the Canadian
Pacific Railway Company at mileage 160.65 BelleVille Sub-
division, between Lot j5, Concession 3, Township of Clarke
DProlvince of Ontario, and Lot l~ Concession 11 Township of
ar ington, County of Durham, ~rovince of On~ario, by:
(a) widening the road at the said crossing; and
(b) installing automatic protection at the said crossing.
File No. 26727.l0l6.-Referred to the Ruad and Bridge Committee.
22. .
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 1968 continued:
Copy of letter,from Totten,.Sims, Hubicki ~
Associates Limlted to Canadlan Transport
Commission re File No. 26727.703, pr~posed
diversion road to close Third Con. Road level
crossing, Twp. of Clarke, Ontario, mileage
160.46, Belleville Subdivision C.P.- Filed.
Railway ~ransport Committee re File Nos. 26727.1189
& 26727.l189-U re proposed overpass, Newtonville
Rd. btwn. Lots 8 & 9, Broken Front Con., Twp.
Clarke, Ont., m~le~ge 151.92 Belleville Subd. CP
as business brought forward from 15 February 1968.
-Referred to the Clerk to reply to the Railway
Transport Committee.
Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of
crossings, Twp. Clarke, Ont., File No. 3701.130 _
mileage 155.08 Belleville Subd., CP. and File No.
9437.568 - mileage 283.76 Kingston Subd., CN.
as busiRess brought forward from 15 February 1968.
-Filed. .
Mr. Roland Batten request for repairs to driveway.-"
Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.
Department of Highways Ontario re Purchase of
Sander.-Referred to resolution.
Pepartment of ijighway~ re 1968 Normal By-laws as
business brought forward from 24 January 1968.-Tabled.
Mrs. R. G. Chater re Clarke Cemetery Board bUdget
for the year 1968.-Referred to Budget.
Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasure.r, ,Committee of
Adjustment for the Township of Clarke re. 1968
BUdget.-Referred to Budget.
Mr. Roy C. Forrester, Chairman Clarke Public Library,
re Clarke Public Library Board budget for the year
1968.-Referred to Budget. ..
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, Ontario
re rate of interest on loan increased from 6~% to
7%..-Filed. .
Synnydene Estates Limited re proposed road construction
and maintenance of the unopened road allowance between
Lots 18 and 19, Concession 5 and proposed construction
and maintenance of the unopened road allowance between
Lots 4 and 5 in Concession 8 and the unopened road
allowance between Concession 8 and 9.-Referreti tb
resolut ions. ,
Banks Flooring re sanding and finishing of hardwood
floors on main floor and stage of Township Rall.-
Referred to Resolution. , "
Orono.Building Contrac~or.estimate for carpentry
'work ln the Township Hall and Office.-Referred to
Board of School Trustees of the Township School Area
of Clarke re Trustees' request for schOOl moneys for
the year 1968.-Filed. ' ,
The Public School Board 'of the Township School Area
of Clarke re the proposed construction of a General
Purpose room at the Orono Public School.-Referred to
resolution.' ,
,M. L. Ross re Budget fo:r- Public Works' for' the year
1968.-Clerk to refer tentative Public Works Taxation
to the Road Superintendent for his preparation of
the Road Department budget and D.H.O. by-law
prograrrune forms.
Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re Fire
Department budget for 1968.-Filed.
Mr. Arthur G. Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Cl~ke
Planning Board re the budgetaf the Planning Board
for 1968.-Filed. ,
Mr. H. DeWith, Welfare Administrator, Township of
Clarke re budget, for 1968.-Filed.
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re
minutes of Annual General Meeting on February 7,
Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for
Jan~ary 1968.-Filed.
Clerk's report respecting the payment of Fox Bounty
after 29 February 1968 as all grants were' elimirtated
as of that date. The Council were unanimous in their
decision to not entertain the payment of a Fox Bounty
in this municipality.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 196$ continued:
29. Mr. J. Lyall Lowery re application for Warble Fly
Inspector for the year 196$.-Referred to resolution-
upon the recommendation of the Property and Finance
The following resolutions were P~ssed:
Reso]~tjon No. ,S~~oy~d by Frank Gray,seconded by,J. W. Stone:
.Resolv~ that the application of Mr. J. Lyall Lowery.for
the position of W~rble Fly Inspector for~the year 1968 be and is
hereby accepted as per application upon the recommendation of
the Property and Finance Committee. Carried.'
Rp.solqtion No. S6:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by J.~W. Stone: .
1&: lq68 WRrble Fly CRrnpRi~n
1. The Inspector is hereby authorized to advertise all,the
facts of the 196$ campaign.'
2. The Inspector is hereby authorized to hire someone to
spray all ~attle so requested at .20~ per.head on small
herds not over 10 in number and 2 for .35~ on all herds over
10 in number.
3._ The Inspector is hereby empowered to be responsible for
the collections mentioned in Item 2 above.
4. All spraying is to be done under the direction and'super-,
vision of the Warble Fly Inspector. Carried.
Rp.so] uti on No. S7:Moved by J. W. ~tone, seconded by Frank Gray:
-~his Council hereby accept the quotation of Banks Flooring,
Oshawa, Ontario, for sanding and finishing of the 'hardwood floors
in the main auditorium and stage of "the Township Hall in ~he
amount of $365.00. Carried. '
Resolution No. S8:Moved by Frank Gray, secondeq by J. W. Stone:
Resolve that the request of the Board of Tr~stees Qf the
Township School Area of Clarke 'to construct '1 general purpose
room of 1975 sq. ft. of net functional floor are~ plus the
necessary ancillary area (corridor) as an addition to Oron~
Public School #12 at Orono 'in Lot 28, Concession 5 of the
Township of Clarke at an estimated cost of $'5,00~. to be
repaid in an amount of $15,000.00 from current funds raised
in the year 196$ and the remainder of $60,000.00, plus interest,
to be repaid upon debenture over a proposed 3 year term be
and is hereby approved by this Council subject to the approvals
of the Ontario Dapartment of Education and the Ontario Municipal
Board. Carriied.~.
Resolution No. Sq:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth:
Resolve that the estimate of Orono Building Contractor
for c~pentry work in the Township Hall and Office be and is
hereby accepted. Carried. .
Resolutiqa No. 60:Moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
With reference to a letter from Sunnydene Estates Limited
dated December llr, 1967, designated as File: 67102, this Council
hereby approve in principle of t~eir proposal as outlined in
their said letter subject to the Township of Clarke specifications
and the Township's supervision.' '
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to forward a
certified copy of this resolution to Sunnydene Estates Limited
and the Road S-U'perintendent. Carried.
Resolution No. 6l:Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded. b~ H.E.Walkey:
With reference to a letter from Sunnydene E~tates Limited
dated December 14, 1967, designated as File: 67093, this Council
hereby approve_in principle of their proposal as outlined in their
said letter subjact to'the Township of ~larke specifications
and the Township's supervision.
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to forward a certified
copy of this resolution to~Sunnydene Estates Limited, and the
Road Superintendent. Carried.
Rp.solutiQn No. 62:Moved by W. R. Carveth,seconded by J. W. Stone: .
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for pa~ent,by th~,Signing Officers of this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #2 for February in the amount of
General'Voucher #3 for March in the amount ~f $294~.57
General Welfare Voucher #3 for March in €he amount of $1653;4$
Road Voucher #2 for February in the.amoun€'of $$722.56
Police Village of Orono Voucher 12 for February i~ the amount
of $954.$6. Carried.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 196$ continued:
, ~
&. j
Resolution No. 6~:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by F.A.,Gray:
This Council hereby accept th1 quotation of King- .
Seagrave Ltd., Woodstock~ Ontario~_for the purchase of a
sander in the amount of '2,548.55!subject to the approval
of the Department of Highways of Ontario. Carried.
The following by-law was given first, second and third
reading and finally passed:
By-1.rw No.... 1 ,$0
Being a by-law to provide for the licensing of dogs
and for regulating the running,at large of dogs.
WHEREAS Council de~ms it desirable to protect the
inhabitants and animals in the Township of Clarke against
the infection of rabies and to provide for the licensing
of dogs and for imposing a licence fee on the owners thereof
and generally for regulating the running at large of dogs:
NOW THER~FORE the Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke, pursuant to the authority provided by
Section 379 (1) of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter
249 and Sections 5 and 6 of the Dog Tax and Cattle, Sheep
and Poultry P~otection Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter III,
renamed the Dog Tax and. Live Stock and Poultry Protection
Act and amended by 1965 Chapter 33, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. In this By-iaw
(a) "dogU means any dog, male or female whether a
desexed male or spayed bitch
(b) "owneru of a dog includes any person who possesses
or harbours a dog and "ownslt and "owned" have a '
corresponding meaning f
(c) ur.unning at large" - an animal shall be deemed to
be running at large when found off his owner's
premi~es and not under the control of any person.'
Any dog on a leash shall be deemed to be under
control \
(~), ,!'.I3Hiyed female" means a female dog which has been
...-p~r~~~~,9P by a licensed veterinarian to prevent
. . . , ~9Jlception
C~J. , !Ip.pg, J<.!3Jlpel II shall mean a kennel of pure-bred dogs
registered in the reg~ster of The Canadian Kennel
Club, Incorporated, or shall mean a dog kennel
which has been properly constructed in the opinion
of an Officer of The Ontario Humane Society and
duly kept by an owner operating a business dealing
in dogs '
(f) "assessor" shall mean the assessor of the
Municipality of the Township of Clarke duly: appointed
\ ,
by the Council of the United Counties of Northumber-
land and Dur ham
(g) "Clerk" means the Clerk of the Township
(h) "dogcatcher" means the person appointed
resolution under the provisions of this
(i) I1Licence Fee" shall mean and includte "dog taxtl
as referred to in the Dog Tax and Live Stock and
Poultry Protection Act as amended by 1965 Chapter
33 and amendments thereto '
(j) "Poundkeeper" shall mean the person appointed by
resolution under the provisions of this By-Law as
"Tax Collector" means the Tax Collector of the
Township of Clarke .
"Animal" shall mean any dog
of Clarke
By"'Law as
Every owne.r of a dog shall regis ter, on o,r before the
1st day of May annually each dog owned by him in the
Township of Clarke with the Clerk's Department and
at that time pay to such Clerk's Department the licence
fee prescribed in S~ctio~ Eight (1) of this By-Law and
the Clerk's Department shall issue to such owner a
receipt ,acknowledging registration of the dog and
payment of the fee.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 1968 continued:
3. '
Every person who becomes" the owner of-a dog on or after
the 1st day of May in each year shall register the same
and pay the licence fee therefore as provided in Section
2 within fifteen days after becoming the owner' of the
said" dog.
The setting down by the Assessor in the assessment roll
then in the course of preparation by the Assessor of
the information as to the number of dogs ownecl by ~person
who is assessed as owner or tenant of any land and who
is in occupation thereof, in respect to every dog which
he owns within the Township of Clarke, as' provided by
Section 20 (2) Column 29 of the Assessment Act shall be
deemed to'be a registration of such dogs or dog by the
owner for the year following the year in which such
assessment roll is being prepared as required by Sections
2 and 3 of this By-Law. Provided however, that the
failure of the Assessor to set down such particulars as
regards any dog shall not relieve the owner thereof
from'registering such dog in accordance with the
provisions of Sections e and 3 of this By-Law.
A tag shall be supplied by the Clerk's Department for
each dog which is registered hereunder, and the owner
shall keep the tag securely fixed on the dog at all times
during the year and until~he procures a tag for'the
following year.
The said tag shall bear a serial number and the\year for
which it was issued and a record shall be kept by the
Cler~'s Department for the purpose of showing thename
and address of the owner and the serial number of the tag.
No person shall put upon or fix to a dog a tag unless the
same was issued for use upon such a dog.
1) The amount of the licence fee here~fter referred
to shall be payable annually, and shall be as follows:-
For a male dog, if only one is kept........$ 5.00
For each additional male dog...............$ 5.00
For a female dog if only one is kept.......$lO.OO
For each additional female dog...........,..$lO.OO
For each kennel containing 5 or more dogs..$lO.OO
2) Where the certificate of a veterinary surgeon is
produced showing that a female dog has been spayed,
it shall be licensed at the same rate as a male dog.
3) The licence fee shall be paid at the office of the
Clerk-Treasurer and at such other places as shall
be determined by the Clerk.
1) No animal shall run at large within the Township of
Clarke and 'the owner of any animal running at large
within The Township of Clarke between the 1st day
of April and the 31st day of October in each year
shall be guilty of a breach of this by-law.
2f For the purposes of this By-law an animal shall be
deemed to be running at large when found off his
owner's premises and not under the control \or any
person. Any dog on a leash shall be deemed to be
under control.'
The Dogcatcher may seize and impound any animal running
a~ large contrary to the provisions of paragraph 9
hereof and may at any time during the year seize and
impound any animal running at large when deemed to be
creating a nuisance.
When the Dogcatcher seizes an animal as hereinbefore
provided it shall be his duty to deliver the same to the
Poundkeeper whose duty it shall be to provide suitable
quarters, as may be approved by Council, in which to .
keep in a human~ manner all the animals that may be
brought to him by the Dogcatcher under the provisions
of _this By-Law. The Poundkeeper shall, in a book to
be furnished him by the Clerk, keep an accurate account
of all animals placed in the pound, including the date
of receipt, times of feeding and watering, manner of
final disposal, the methods of'destruction of the same,
amounts received by way of redemption fees, and sales,
and the names and addresses of the purchasers of dog~
and any other particulars Council may deem advisable.
r. ":".."".,...,.._"
Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 196$ continued:
Every animal, caught by the Dogcatcher under the
provisions of this By-Law and delivered to the
Eoundkeeper shall be confined by the latter in the
Pound for seventy-two (72) hours and at the end of
such period may, if not redeemed ,as hereinafter
provided, be destroyed by the Poundkeeper, and the
carcass shall be disposed of to the sat~sfaction
of the Medical Office of Health for the United
Counties of Northumberland and Durham.
Where an animal bearing a tag issued as hereinbefore
provided in this By-Law, has been impounded, the
Poundkeeper shall, within Twelve (12) hours deliver
to the Clerk's Department, in writing, particulars
of the registration number on the said tag.
The Clerk's Department, upon receipt of the particulars
of registration number on the said tag, as hereinbefore
provided, shall, within Twelve (12) hours of receipt
of such notice, notify the owner of the animal as it
may appear from the records of that Department.
The Owner of any animal impounded under the provisions
of this By-Law may redeem the same within Seventy-two
(72) hours after its delive~y ~o the Pound~eeper by
paying to the Poundkeeper t~ ~um of not l~ss than
Two ($2.00) Dollars for each day or .part thereof that
the said animal has been impounded; provided further,
that if the said animal is a dog for which a licence
fee has not be~n paid as provided in this By-Law, the
Owner shall in addition to the payment hereinbe~ore
provided, pay to the Clerk's Department the amount
required for such licence and thereupon shall be
issued with a tag by the Clerk'~ Department.
Any person may purchase any animal impounded under the
provisions of this By-Law by paying to the Poundkeeper
for the use of the ~unicipality, the su~ of no~ ~ess
than Two Dollars ($Z.OO) for= each day or part thereof
that the said animal has been. impounded prqvided furth.er,
that, if the. said animal is a dog for which a licence fee
ha~ npt peen paid as provided in this Bx-Law, the perspn
purchasing the said dog shall, in additio~ to the payment
hereinbefore provided pay to the Cl~rk's nep~rtment the
. amount: required for such licen.ce and thereupon shall be
issued a tag by the Clerk's Department provided, and ,
notwithstanding any other provisions pf thi~. paragraph
a s~le hereunder shalJ.-. not be fin,al and the ani}llal ,
shall not b~ delivered to the purchaser until after the
expiration of Seventy-two (7~-) hour.s from the date of
impoundment. " "
Council shall be resolution provide for the appo~ntmen~
of a Dogcatcher and a Poundkeeper (prov~ed however,
that such offices( may be he).d py pAne pers:on ,if .Council.
deems it advisable and shall provide for the terms of
such appointm'e~t). .
Council shall by res~~tion approve the locat~o~ and
construction of the Pound to be used for the detention
of animals as provided by this By-Law, and as to the,
means of disposal, of suc)1 animals, and, Witho.ut .limiting
in PPy ~ay the discretion of Council h~rein, the Poun?
and the method of disposal of the animals shall be such
as are approved by the Ontario Society for prevention
of Cruelty to. Animals.
From and a~er the effective date of this By-Law, By--
Law No. 1400 and all other By-La~s .at variance.s t.o th.is
By-Law are hereby repealed, but the provisions of this
By-taw: shall.b.e re.ad mutatis mutandis .with the terms
and co-ndit;ions of any By-Law, Resolution, or Agreemen.t
on the keeping of pounds and the appointment of a
Pound,keeper- .and a Dogcatcher. . .
Any person who contravenes the prtovis~ons of tpis. By-.Law
shall upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of not
more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, exclusive of co~ts,
and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the
provision of the S~ary Conyiction Act.
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster
to consider the business recorded herein.
Mr. Graeme Goebelle of Pope & Goebelle, Chartered
Accountants, Auditors for the' Township of Clarke, presented
the Auditors' Report for ~he year 196$. This matter was
concluded by resolution.
The following correspondence and reports were read out
by the Reeve:
1. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, re budget for Road
Program for year 196$.-Filed. .
Durham County Distri'ct High School Board re requisition
for funds for Secondary School purposes.-Filed.
Letter of 'Canadian National Railways to Mr. C. W. Rump,
Secretary, Railway T~ansport Committee, re File No.
26711.2523 r'e Crossing - Boundary Road, Twps. of Hope
and Clarke, Mile 27$.54 Kingston Subdivision.-Filed.
The, Ontario Municipal Boa~d re Addition to Orono Public
Mrs. Angela Dobos, Secretary-Treasurer, Roman Catholic
Separate School Board, re requisition for funds for
school purposes.-Filed.
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re196$ Levy.-Filed.
F. Hryniuka request to repair fences on the road
Mrs. B. L. Wilson, R. R. 2, Orono, re parking of garbage
disposal truck.-Referred to the Clerk.
Ontario Good Roads Association r~ Announcing the 196$
"C. S. Anderson" Road School.-Referred to the Road
10. Ontario Good Roads Association re Announcing the 196$
"T. J. Mahony" Road School.-Filed.
11. Mrs. Olive V. Henderson, Secretary of the W. I.,
Newtonvil'le, Ontario, request concerning the condition
of a property in the hamlet of Newtonvilleas business
brought forward from 15 Febru-ary 196$.-Referred to the
Clerk to reply to the Newtonville Women's Institute. .
12. W. K. Lycett, B.A., re vacant one acre parce~ of land
composed of part of Lot 3, Concession 5, Clarke ,- located
at the south-east corner of said Lot.-Tabled.
13. Police Vil~age of Orono reResolution No. 6$-11 dated
February 26, 1968, concerning the appointment of Fire
Protection Committee f~r the year 196$.-Filed.
14. W. W. Lord, Clerk, The Township of Hope, re Notice o~
Application to The Ontario Municipal Board by the
Corporation of th~ Township o~ Hope for approval of a
by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section
30 of The Planning Act.-Piled.
Page 7
Regular Meeting of Council 5 March 1968 continued:
21. This By-Law shall become effective as of the 1st day
of January 196$.
Resolution No. 6u:Moved by J. W. Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
April 2, 196$, at 10 a.m. in regular me~ting in the Council
Chamber at Orono or in special meeting at the call of the
Reeve. Carried.
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Tuesday, March 19, 196$, at $p.~.
CounciQ Chamber, Orono.
Present: -
Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk H. E. Millson