HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-24 MinutesTOWN OF NEWCASTLE Ad Hoc Committee October 24, 1983 Minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee with respect to the Renovations to the Bowmanville Library Heating System, held on October 24, 1983, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Library. In attendance: Councillor Marie Hubbard, Chairperson Acting Mayor Councillor R. B. Taylor Library Board: Don Hargest, Vice -Chairman Louise Aasen Town Staff: Clerk, David W. Oakes Chief Administrative Officer, David Johnston Consultants: Mr. D. Bryan, Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates Moved by Louise Aasen, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 11th 1983, be approved as read. "CARRIED" Mr. Bryan reviewed the tenders received with respect to the heating Tenders renovations for the Library Building and recommended that if the project is to be carried out, that Whitehall Plumbing and Heating Limited be awarded the contract for the heating project and further that the double glazing proposal at $15,500.00 was a reasonable cost for this project. Suggested Option.2, at $77,850.00 is the minimum cost and best value. Total revised contract price including double glazing $91,850.00. Engineering costs expended $7,700.00 to date. Upset cost total will be $10,500.00. If the tender is accepted, Mr. Bryan stated that the Contractor would start immediately and the job would be completed by Christmas. Moved by D. Hargest, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Option 2, plus temporary Heat Allowance plus double glazing at an upset cost of $91,850.00 plus consulting fees at an upset limit of $10,500.00 as detailed in the Consultant's Report dated October 24, 1983, be recommended to Council as the optimum package to renovate the Library Heating System; AND FURTHER THAT the funding for the project be provided in accordance with the Treasurer's Report TR -83-65 and submitted to Council on September 12th 1983, and adopted by Council Resolution #C-649-83. "CARRIED" Ad Hoc Minutes - 2 - October 24, 1983 Adjournment Moved by D. Hargest, seconded by Louise Aasen THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:00 p.m. "CARRIED"