HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1968 (Special Meeting) Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 6 February 196$ continued: Resoluti~n No. ~?:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray: Th1s Counc1l hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday March 5, 1968, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono ' or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve -Carried. c,. ~., ~ ' ~ 1'.11 ___ / Clerk. /~ t9 ~ Re~ve' . SPECIAL MEETING OF THE, COUNCIL . OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Thursday, February 15, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber; Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F: A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. M1llson ~ Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roy A. F9ster ~9 consider and resolve on the business recorded herein. Cou:t:lcilconsidered the follOwing proposed road closings a~ railway crossings: .' 1. R.T.C. File No. 26711.2528 Samis Road and C~N.R. mileage 2$1.13, KingstDn Subdivision 2. R.T.C. File No. 3701.131 Samis Road and C.P.R. mileage 152.45, Belleville Subdivision 3. R.T.C. File No. 26711.2526 Elliott Side Road' and C.N.R. mileage 279.58, Kingston Subdivision 4. R.T.C. File Nq. 9437.568 Township Road and C.N.R. mileage ~$3.76, Kingston Subdivision 5. R.T.C. File No. 3701.130 Township Road and C.P.~. ~~leage 155.0$, Belleville Subdivision 6. R.T.C. File No. 3701.132 Township Road and C.P.R. mileage 151.43, Belleville Subdivision 7. R.T.C. File No. 26727.703 Township Road and C.P.R. Proposed diversion road to close Third Concession Road level crossing, mileage 160~46, BelleviLle Subdivision $. R. T . C. File No'. 26711.2511 Clarke-Newcastle Road and 'C.N.R. mileages 286.75 & 285.05, Kingston Subdivision 9. R.T.C. File Nos. 26727.1189 and ~6727.Il$9-U Proposed overpass, Newtonville Road, Between Lots $ & 9, B.F: mileage l5~:92,Belleville J)ubdivision . . The proposed closings were referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for further consideration and report to Council. " , It was moved by F. A. Gray; secorided by H. E. Walkey, that delegations be heard. Carried. Mrs. H. Barlow, Chairman of the Township School Area of Clarke, .accompa~ied by Messrs. Jas. Lowery and Wm. Turansky, Member&.o~ the Board, and Mr. H. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, met with Council to verbally discuss mat~ers pertaining to Capital Expenditure in the year 1968. The Clerk~was instructed to request our Solicitor to prepare ,an agreement wherein this municipality will accept the offer of the Presbyterian Church in Canada to deed the ~ewtonvil'le Cemetery to The Corpo'rcition of th~ Township of Clap~e providing the right-of-way to the property is clearly marked, properly fenced, 'and 'passable. This prop~~d . agreement is to be pre$ented to~ouncil on March 5th, next. Page 2 Special. Meeting of Council 15 February 196$ continued: The following corresponQence and reports,were read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of crossings, Twp. Clarke, Ont., File No. 3701.130 - mileage 155.08 Belleville Subd., CPo and File No. 9437.56$ - Mileage 283.76 Kingston Subd.; CN.- Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 2. Railway Transport Committee re File Nos. 26727.1189 & 26727.ll$9-U re proposed overpass, NewtonvilleRd. btwn. Lots $ & 9, Broken Front Con., Twp. Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.92 Belleville Subd. CP.-Referred to Totten, Sims, Hubick,i and Associates. 3. Railway Transport Committee re File No. 26727.703 re proposed'diversion road to close~Third Con. Rd. level crossing, Twp. Clar~ Ont., mileage 160.46 Belleville SubdiVision CP.-Referred to Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates. 4. Mr. M. A. MacLeod, Administrator'and Secraary-Treas- urer, Durham County District High School Board re Budget for the year 196$.-Filed~ 5. Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville re Ambulance Service Budget for 1968.-Filed." 6. Mr. Laverne Boyd, Secretary, Clarke Recreation Committee, re Budget for 196$.-Filed. 7.' Mrs. J. F. C. Ham, Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, re 196$ Budget.-Filed. $. Building Maintenance Company re estimate to sand and re-finish the stage and auditorium in the Orono ~own Hall.-Referred to the Property and Finance Committee. 9. Orono Building Contractor re estimate for'proposed work in the Township Hall.-Referred to the Property and Fihance Committee. .'. . 10. Mrs. J. M. Browning, Secretary-Treasurer, Central ~ ~ ~~ Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, re Budget ~or the year 196$.-Filed. 11. . Lake Ontario Regional Development Council rB " acknowledgement of membership fee for' the year 196$. . -'Fi~ed. 12. The Ontario Municipal Association re News Notes.-Filed. 13. . Kssbciation of Ontario Mayo~s and Reeves reo acknowledge- ment of 196$ membership fee.-Filed. 14. "Durham County District High' School" Board reo B-ri-ef submitted by this Board at a Special Meeting called by the United Countie"s, February 7', 196$.-Filed. 15. The Muscular Dystrophy AssO"ciatiorr of Canada Te'quest. for grant.-Filed. ' " " 16. Copy of a Tetter from Ontario Wa~er Resouraes Commission to Mr. Ralph Snider, Craighurst, Ont., re Bowmanville, Soper & Wilmot Creeks-Project WR-4-67-Cont. #2 - Installation of Observation Wells - Contract Price: Not to exceed $7,000.-Filed. 17. Petition of Mrs. A. E. Morton and 27 other signed petitioners opposing the proposed building of two triplex apartments on the cOrner of Church and Princess Streets in the Police Village of Orono as "business b~otight forward from 15 'December 1967. -Tabled. ' 18. Mrs. Olive V.~ Henderson, :Secretar'Y of the W. I., Newtonville, Ontario, request concerning the condition of a property in"the hamlet of Newtonville as business brought forward from January 24, 196$.-Referred to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Solicitor. 19. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Presbyterian Church - Newtonville Cemetery.-Referred to the Clerk. 20. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A:, LL.B., reDog Licences.-Filed. ~l. Excerpt from minutes of Council meeting held December 15, 1967 re Mr. A. M. Johnston's separation pay with regard to The Hours of Work and Vacation with Pay Act as business brought forward from 6 February 1968.-Clerk to request a representative of the Department of Labour to meet with Council on March 5th, next, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at his convenience. . . '" Page 3 Special Meeting of ~ounil 15 February 196$ continued: 22. City of North Bay re Annual Fur Carnival to mark the occasion of the amalgarhation of 'North Bay and the adjoining Townships of Widdifield and West Ferris >> thereby creating the'largest City (areawise) in Ontario.-Filed. 23. Lake Ontario Regional Development 'Co~ncil re '~ard of Directors' Meetings.-Clerk to request copies of the minutes of Directors' MeetiRgs for all members of Council. 24. The Sa~tion Army, Public Relations Department request for grant.-Referred to Resolution. Mr. W. R. Carveth, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee presented a tentative budget for Public Works for-the year 196$ for'cortsideration of Councii. >> The following resolutions were passed: ~solution tNo.",}:;l :Moved by H.E.Walkey,.seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk fo sign an agre~ment dated the 15th day of February 1968 between Mr. !om Martin and The Corporation of the Township of Clarke. -Carried. ' Resolution No. S2~Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone: Resolve that The SalVation Army be aqd ~~ ~ereby given a grant in~he amount of $50.00 for the year 1968. -Carri\€d. Resolution No. S1:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank 'Gray: This Council hereby authorize the Road Superintendent to invite tenders for ~he proposed purchase of a sander. ~ -Carried. ~ Resolution No: Sh:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby ahthorize, the Reeve and Clerk to sign aaeed in duplicate dat~d' the 7th day of February between The Corporation of the Township of Clarke and Catherine Marion Fitzgibbon with regard tc Road Closing under By-Law No. l563.-,9arried. , ' The following By-law was given first, second and third reading and finally passed: Bv-La~ No. lS7g - A by-law to constitute and appoint a committee of adjustment. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitut~ and appoint a committee of adjustment as provided by The Planning Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296, Section 32{a) NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Cqrpora~ion of the ' Township of Clarke enacts as follows! 1. That the following persons who, not being members of the Councilor emp*oyees of the municipality or of a local boarq thereof, .shall .constitute and are hereby appointed as members of the Committee of Adjustment: (1) K.-Schoenmaker, Orono, to hold office until January 1, 1969'.' . (2) E. F. R. Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcastle, to hold office until January ~~ 1970. (3) E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, to hOfd office,until,January 1) 1971. '2. That By-law No. 1576 be an~ is hereby repealed. , >> .. .. ,,'" Council adjo~~ned at-~ a.m. , . 4IJ ~~. I~.' ) Clerk 11. ~ ti; R~:;;1 t - \ ) u