HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/06/1968
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Special Meeting of Council 24 J~nuary 196$ continued:
The fo llowing resolut ions were passed: .
Resolution No. 18:Moved by Frank Gray,secoQded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby request Solicitor E. R. Lovekin tq
represent this Council at the Ontario Municipal Board H~aring
to be held Monday the 26th day of February 1968 at the hour
of ten o'clock in the for~noon at ~he Town Hall, Oro~o.
The Clerk be authorized to refer the required inform- .
ation to Solicitor Lovekin.-Carried.
Resoluti~n No. 1Q:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone:
Resolve that the Clerk and Road Superintendent be and
they are hereby authorized to print a supply of serialized
Entrance Culvert Appli~ation ~nd Work Order forms in
quadruplicate in order to comply with the stipulations of
By-Law No. 146~, Sect~on 220 of The (Municipal Act, and the
orders-in-Council. The said forms tq be used by,the Road
Department of this Co~poration upon printing and delivery
of them. - .
This Council h~reby authorize Mr. M. ,L. Ross, Road .
Superintendent, and Mr. H. DeWith, Road Clerk, to sign the
form of temporary receipt qn th~ Entrance Culvert .Application
and Work Order.~Carried.
Meeti~g adjo,,-,"rned at 12 midnight.
. -;/ ~~~.
/~ Reeve. c:;::7
Tuesday, February 6, 1968, at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber , Orono ..
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Ca~veth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Cle~k H. E. Millso.n
In the absence of Reeve Roy A. Foster it was moved by
F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth that Deputy Reeve H.
E. Walkey preside. Carried..
The minutes of meetings held January 2 and 24, 1968, were
adopted as read on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R.
Carveth. Carried.
Mr. James .Stutt, appointee for this Municipality on the
Board of the Memorial Hospital at Bowmanville, met with Council
to discuss and answer questions concerning the general .
interests and operations Qf our Hospital. Whenever Council
should require information or reports, Mr. Stutt stateJ, he
would be available at any time. Finally, he said, the function
of the Hospital Board was to provide the best medical attention
to the population within the Hospital Area.
Mr. Joseph Francek of Lots 3 and 4,. Concession 4 appeared
in person to reque~t Council to correct the .drainage .on the
4th Concession Roa4 Allowance. This matter was referred to the
Road and Bridge Committee for.cons~deratiQnQf his re~uest in
the 1968 budget.
Mr. R. E. ,Sims, Consulting Engineer., and Mr. M. L. Ross,
Road Superintendent, met with Council at 11 a.m. to consider
the proposed construction of the Newtonv~lle Grade Separation -
C.P.R. Copies.of a report prepared by Mr.. Sims,outlining
the preliminary timing, sequence schedule, approximate .
apportionment of cost, and estimated expenditures were given
to the members of Council.
The following correspondence and reports were read out
by Deputy Reeve Walkey:
1. The Ontario Education.Capital Aid Corporation re
Debenture By-Law No. l573-Kirby Centennial School.~Filed.
2. Association of ,Ontario Mayors and Reeves re membership
fee for 1968.-Referred to Resolution.
3. The' Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re Reporter for
January 1968.-Filed.
4. Ontario School Tr.ustees' and Municipal Councilors'
Association, Inc. re last annual convention of the
Ontario School Trustees' & Municipal Councillors'
.,. 'f
, .
,.'. '. -',.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 6 February 196$ continuedl~
5. Department of Municipal Affairs re annual Councillors'
Seminar.-Filed. '
6. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A.,'LL~B., re Lot 29,' Concession
2, Temporary Building re Thomas Martin Draft Agree-
ment.-The draft agreement was considered and referred
to Mr. Martin for his approval and signature prior to
further consideration by Council."
7. Township of Hamilton re opposition to County School
Area System as proposed by the Ontario Government.-Filed.
$. Mr. K. Symons, Counties' Clerk, United Counties of
NorthUmberland and Durham, re Counties' By-Law Number
2164 confirming the Township of Clarke's By-Law
Number 1563.-Piled.
- - 1
9. ' Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada re
Community Development Seminar.- A copy to b~ referred
to the Plan~ng Board.
10. St. John Council, Ontario, St. John Ambulance Association
request for grant.-Filed.
11. Survey of Municipal Insurance as business brought forward
from 24 January 1968.-Referred to Property ~nd Finance '
12. Ontario Good Roads Association re O.G.R.A. 196$ Convention,
February 26th, 27th, & 2$th as busihess brought forward
from 24 January 1968.-Filed.
13. Ontario Good Roads Association re O.G.R.A. Seminar for
Councillors as business brought forward from 24 January
14. Petition of Machine-operators, Truckdrivers and Labourers
of the Road Department requesting hourly wage increase
and additional working conditions.-Referred to the Road
and Bridge Comtnittee.' -.
15. Excerpt from minutes of Council meeting held December
15, 1967 re Mr. A. M. Johnston's separation pay with
regard to The Hours of Work and Vacation with '"Pay Act
as business brought forward from January 2~, 196$.-Tabled.
16. Ontario School Trustees' and Municipal Councillors'
Association, Inc. re School construction and Debentures.
17. Canadian Transport Commission re Pile No. 26711.2523 re
Boundary Rd. level crossing, mileage 27$.54 Kingston
~ubd. CN and File no. 26727.1353 ~e- Level crossing btwn.
Lot 35, Cort. 1, Twp. Hope & Lot 1 Con. B Twp. Clarke,
Ont:.,' mileage 149.83 BelleV'il"le Subd. CP. -FrIed.
18. Department~ of Municipal Affairs re Clarke Planning Board.
19. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re Northumberland-
Durham Board of Health.-Filed.
20. Railway Transport Commi~tee in the matter of the'
application of Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates
Limited on behalf of the Township of Clarke, hereinafter
called the "Applicant", for authority to construct an
overhead bridge to car-ry Newtonville Road across and over
the track of the ,Canadian ,Pacific Railway Company between
Lots $ and 9, Broken Front Concession, Township of
Clarke, Province of Ontario, mileage 151.92 Belleville
Subdivision, as shown on Plan PI dated May, 1967, on
file with the Commission under File No. 26727.ll89.-Filed.
21. Clarke Planning Board re proposed application of Bird of
Paradise Estates Ltd., for building permits to erect 10
cottages on pa~t of Lot 13, Broken Front.-Endorsed by
Council and a copy of this letter to be forwarded to the
Building Inspector.
Mr. J. W. Stone appeared at Council meeting at 5:30 p.m.
The propOsed closings of road allowances at railway
crossings as requested by the Railway Transport Committee were
referred to the next meeting of Council.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council 6 February 1968 continued:
The following resolutions were passed:
RespJution ~o. hO:Moved by W. R. Carveth,seconded'by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby authorize'the Road Superintendent ana
Treasurer to write off the following outstanding road accounts:-
August 31, 1962 Mosport Limited $180.00 .
June 30, 1963 Mr. Archie Glenney $ 5.50'
This resolution to be b,r,outt to the attention of the Ontario
Department of Highways Auditor t such time as the 196$ Audit
should be undertaken.-Carried. .
R.solution No. hl:Moved by(Frank Gray,seconded py W.R.Carveth:
That Councillor J. W. Stone'be and is hereby empowered to
order the necessary supply of Warbicide Pow~r for the year
196$ from the Durham,Farmers' County Co-opera~ive.-Carried.
Reso14tion No. h2~Moved by'W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and is herehy
authorized to advertise for tenders' for loading and delivering
of pit run gravel priced by' the ton for maintenance ana '
construction in the year 1968.-Carried.'
Resp]ution No. h1:Moved by Frank Gr~y,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby becomes a member of the AS$ociation of
Ontario Mayors and Reeves for the year 196$ and'the membership
( fee of $'ZO. 00 be pa'id'. '
The Reeve be and is hereby authQrlzed to attend the meetings
of the said Association with reasonable expenses allowed or to
delegate someone to' a'ttend'in his stead. -Carried. "
Resolution No. hh:Moved by John Stone,seconded by W..R.Carveth:
Resolve that the Road Superinten~nt be and is hereby
authorized to advertise for'tenders for the Crushing and
delivering of crushed ~ravel priced by the ton for maintenance
and construction in the" year 1968.-Carried.
Resolution No. hS:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Jphn Stone:
The Orono Horticultural' Society be granted $25.00 for the
year,1968.-Carried. . " .
,Resolution No. h6:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by John Stone:
This Council hereby become a member of The Ontario, Municipal
Apsociation for the year 196$ and the Treasurer be and is her~
authorized to pay the membership fee.' :
The Clerk and Reeve be delegated to attend the Annual
Convention with normal and reasonable expenses paid 'by the
~unicipality. The Reeve is hereby empowered 'to delegate
other mem'Qers of Council to attend t"he said Conventfon.-Carried.
ResoaLio~ NQ. ~~:Moved by W.R.Carvetn,seconded by ~.W.Stone:
. This Council hereby authorize Totten, Sims, Hubfc'ki and
Associates, Consulting Engineers, to proceed with the c~nstruction
of an overhead bridge to carry Newtonvill~ Road across ,and over
bhe track of the Canadian PacifiQ Railway Company between L6ts
8 and 9, Broken Front Concession, 'of this municipaiity, mileage
151.92 Belleville Subdivision, as shown on Plan PI dated May,
1967, in acco~danc~ with theOrder~of The Railway Transport
Committee of the Canadian Transport Commission under their
Order No. R-I046 dated at Ottawa the 9th day of January 196$.
Certified copies of this resolution to be forwarded to the
said Consulting Engineers and the Road Superintendent.-Carried.
ResolutiPll No. !r$:Moved by John Stone, seconded by Frank Gray:
The,Clerk.be and is hereby ,instructed to advettise in the
Oron9.Week~y Time~ and the Canadian Statesman for applications
for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 196$.
Applications to be received on or befQre February 23, 196$.
Applicants to 8~ate remuneration expected.
The Property and Finance CQmmittee be and are hereby empowered
to consider and act upon the applications and finally report their
recommendation to Council for the necessary action by resolution .
at the next regular meeting of Council.-Carried: . ,
Resolution No. h~: Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the f9l10wing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $269,517.05.
General Voucher #Z for February in the amount of $14,380.4$.
Add it ion to General Weltare Voucher #1 for January in 'che amount
of $480.25.
General Welfare Voucher #2 for February in the amount of $2,137.05.
Road Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $13,306.38.
Police Village of Orono Voucher #1 for January in the amount
of $1,04Z.$7.-Carried.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council 6 February 1968 continued:
Re~o]uti~n ~o, S?:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
ThlS Councll hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
March 5, 1968, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono '
or otfterwise in special meeting,at the call of the Reeve
-Car:ried. ,.
~' .....~I~_/
/~ (; ti
Re~ve ' .
Thursday, February 15, 1968 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chamber; Orono.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F: A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roy A.
F9ster ~9 consider and resolve on the business recorded
here in.
Courlcilconsidered the follOwing proposed road closings
a~ railway crossings: '
1. R.T.C. File No. 26711.2528 Samis Road and C~N.R.
mileage 281.13, Kingst~n Subdivision
2. R.T.C. File No. 3701.131 Samis Road and C.P.R.
mileage 152.45, Belleville Subdivision
3. R.T.C. File No. 26711.2526 Elliott Side Road' and C.N.R.
mileage 279.5e, Kingston Subdivision
4. R.T.C. File Nq. 9437.568 ToWnship Road and C.N.R.
mileage 283.76, Kingston Subdivision
5. R.T.C. File No. 3701.130 Township Road and C.p~R.
~~leage 155.08, Belleville Subdivision
6. R.T.C. File No. 3701.132 Township Road and C.P.R.
mileage 151.43, Belleville Subdivision
7. R.T.C. File No. 26727.703 Township Road and C.P.R.
Proposed diversion road to close Third Concession Road
level crossing, mileage 160~46, BelleviLle Subdivision
8. R. T. C. File No'. 26711.2511 Clarke-Newcastle Road and
C.N.R. mileages 286.75 & 285.05, Kingston Subdivision
9. R.T.C. File Nos. 26727.1189 and ~6727.I189-U Proposed
overpass, Newtonville Road, Between Lots 8 & 9, B.F:
mileage l51.:92,B:elleville j$ubdi vision .
The proposed closings were referred to the Road and
Bridge Committee for further conaideration and report to
Council. " ,
It was moved by F. A. Gray,' seconded by H. E. Wa1key,
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mrs. H. Barlow, Chairman of the Township School Area of
Clarke, .accompa~ied by Messrs. Jas. Lowery and Wm. Turansky,
Member~.o~ the Board, and Mr. H. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer,
met with Council to verbally discuss matters pertaining to
Capital Expenditure in the year i968.
The Clerk_was instructed to request our Solicitor to
prepare ,an agreement wherein this municipality will accept
the offer of the Presbyterian Church in Canada to deed the
ijewtonville Cemetery to The C6rpor~tion of th~ Township of
Clap~e providing the right-of-way to the property is clearly
marked, properly fenced, 'and'passa~le. This prop~ed .
agreement is to be presented' to~ouncil on March 5th, next..
Page 2
Special,Meeting of Council 15 February 196$ continued:
The following corresponQence and reports, were read
out by Reeve Foster:
1. Railway Transport Committee re proposed closing of
crossings, Twp. Clarke, Ont., File No. 3701.130 -
mileage 155.0$ Belleville Subd., CPo and File No.
9437.56$ - Mileage 2$3.76 Kingston Subd.,'CN.-
Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.
2. Railway Transport Committee re File Nos. 26727.1189
& 26727.11$9-U re proposed overpass, NewtonvilleRd.
btwn. Lots $ & 9, Broken Front Con., Twp. Clarke,
Ont., mileage 151.92 Belleville Subd. CP.-Referred
to Totten, Sims', Hubick.i and Associates.
3. Railway Transport Committee re File No. 26727.703 re
proposed diversion road to close Third Con. Rd. level
crossing, Twp. Clar~ Ont., mileage 160.46 Belleville
SubdiVision CP.-Referred to Totten, Sims, Hubicki
and Associates.
4. Mr. M. A. MacLeod, Administrator' and Secr~ry-Treas-
urer, Durham County District High School Boardre
Budget for the year 196$.-Filed~
5. Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville re Ambulance
Service Budget for 196$.-Filed.'
6. Mr. Laverne Boyd, Secretary, Clarke Recreation
Committee, re Budget for 196$.-Filed.
7.' Mrs. J. F. C. Ham, Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska
Region Conservation Authority, re 1968 Budget.-Filed.
$. Building Maintenance Company re estimate to sand and
re-finish the stage and auditorium in the Orono Town
Hall.-Referred to the Property and Finance Committee.
9. Orbnb Building Contractor re estimate for proposed
work in the Township Hall.-Referred to the Property
anti Fihance Committee. .'. .
10. Mrs. J. M. Browning, Secretary-Treasurer, Central
~ - ~~ Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, re Budget for
the year 196$.-Filed.
11. . Lake Ontario Regional Develo~ment Council rB '
acknowledgement of membership fee for' the year 196$.
, -'Fi~ed.
12. The Ontario Municipal Association re News Notes.-Filed.
13. . Kssuciation of Ontario Mayo~s and Reeves re' ~cknowledge-
ment of 196$ membership fee.-Filed.
14. "Durham County District High' School' Board re' BTi-ef
submitted by this Board at a Special Meeting called
by the United _Countie's, February 7', 196$.-Filed.
15. The Muscular Dystrophy Asso'ciatiorr of Canaaa re'quest.
for grant.-Filed.
16. Copy of a Yetter from Ontario Wa~er Resources Commission
to Mr. Ralph Snider, Craighurst, Ont., re Bowmanville,
Soper & Wilmot Creeks-Project WR-4-67-Cont. #2 -
Installation of Observation Wells - Contract Price:
Not to exceed $7,000.-Filed.
17. Petition of Mrs. A. E. Morton and 27 other signed
petitioners opposing ~he proposed building of two
triplex apartments on the corner of Church and Princ€ss
Streets in the Police Village of Orono as 'business
brought forward from 15 'December 1967. -Tabled. '
18. Mrs. Olive V.' Henderson, 'Secretary of the W.!.,
Newtonville, Ontario, request concerning the condition
of a property in'the hamlet of Newtonville as business
brought forward from January 24, 196$.-Referred to the
Department of Municipal Affairs and Solicitor.
19. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Presbyterian
Church - Newtonville Cemetery.-Referred to the Clerk.
20. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A~, LL.B., reDog Licences.-Piled.
21. Excerpt from minutes of Council meeting held December
15, 1967 re Mr. A. M. Johnston's separation pay with
regard to The Hours of Work and Vacation with Pay Act
as business brought forward from 6 February 196$.-Clerk
to request a representative of the Department of
Labour to meet with Council on March 5th, next, between
10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at his convenience.